Ideas For Breaking the Cycle


Oct 16, 2009
There is an undeniable pattern in politics but it is not impervious to correction. I'm referencing career politicians and the incestuous relationships created by having the same groups in the highest offices with no divergence. For example, everyone in the US who was born in 1981 has lived their entire lives with two families being in the White House. (GHW Bush VP 1981). It was only with Obushama's election that for the first time in 28 straight years we did not have a Bush or Clinton in the WH.

Here are a couple of laws that could help remedy the pattern.

1. No Citizen is allowed to hold more than 8 years of public office on the State level.

2. No Citizen is allowed to hold more than 6 years of public office on the Federal level.

3. No elected Official can run for office while in Office. That means no re-election campaigns. More importantly, it means elected officials cannot run for a higher office while in office.

4. Lobby reform. Big. Time. Wipe it out. Completely. Citizens cannot have equal representation when corporations are buying the muzzles.

5. What are your ideas?
There is an undeniable pattern in politics but it is not impervious to correction. I'm referencing career politicians and the incestuous relationships created by having the same groups in the highest offices with no divergence. For example, everyone in the US who was born in 1981 has lived their entire lives with two families being in the White House. (GHW Bush VP 1981). It was only with Obushama's election that for the first time in 28 straight years we did not have a Bush or Clinton in the WH.

Here are a couple of laws that could help remedy the pattern.

1. No Citizen is allowed to hold more than 8 years of public office on the State level.

2. No Citizen is allowed to hold more than 6 years of public office on the Federal level.

3. No elected Official can run for office while in Office. That means no re-election campaigns. More importantly, it means elected officials cannot run for a higher office while in office.

4. Lobby reform. Big. Time. Wipe it out. Completely. Citizens cannot have equal representation when corporations are buying the muzzles.

5. What are your ideas?

If there was someone I liked I would want the right to vote for them as often as the constitutuion says I can.
We have term limits. Don't vote for incumbents.
Most us voters are too short-sighted to see how career politicians are bad for the country.
Public office in the USA was never meant to be a full time job, and it especially was never meant to be a career.
There is an undeniable pattern in politics but it is not impervious to correction. I'm referencing career politicians and the incestuous relationships created by having the same groups in the highest offices with no divergence. For example, everyone in the US who was born in 1981 has lived their entire lives with two families being in the White House. (GHW Bush VP 1981). It was only with Obushama's election that for the first time in 28 straight years we did not have a Bush or Clinton in the WH.

Here are a couple of laws that could help remedy the pattern.

1. No Citizen is allowed to hold more than 8 years of public office on the State level.

2. No Citizen is allowed to hold more than 6 years of public office on the Federal level.

3. No elected Official can run for office while in Office. That means no re-election campaigns. More importantly, it means elected officials cannot run for a higher office while in office.

4. Lobby reform. Big. Time. Wipe it out. Completely. Citizens cannot have equal representation when corporations are buying the muzzles.

5. What are your ideas?

If there was someone I liked I would want the right to vote for them as often as the constitutuion says I can.

The country is slightly larger than one person. Do you know what term limits already exist?
We have term limits. Don't vote for incumbents.
Most us voters are too short-sighted to see how career politicians are bad for the country.
Public office in the USA was never meant to be a full time job, and it especially was never meant to be a career.

I think most don't realize the detrimental effects of career politicians because they don't know enough about politics. As a culture we train each other to be silent. That whole "don't discuss politics and religion" mantra is a morose irony in the face of the 1st Amendment. The two institutions that control our lives the most are supposed to be discussed the least.
We have term limits. Don't vote for incumbents.
Most us voters are too short-sighted to see how career politicians are bad for the country.
Public office in the USA was never meant to be a full time job, and it especially was never meant to be a career.

I think most don't realize the detrimental effects of career politicians because they don't know enough about politics. As a culture we train each other to be silent. That whole "don't discuss politics and religion" mantra is a morose irony in the face of the 1st Amendment. The two institutions that control our lives the most are supposed to be discussed the least.

I can't argue with that statement curvelight.
Did you happen to see my thread called "do-nothing congress"?
There are many that expect as much from government as their parents gave them. i got a few incredulous responses along the lines of "OH my god if the government doesn't do >insert cause here< we are all doomed.
I got even more private messages, one accusing me of posting "seditious propaganda".
I think that one came from Nancy Pelosi herself........
limmiting the voters right to chosse who they want is a batshitcrazy idea.

How about we reform the election process instead.

No one but a voter can give money to a campaign.

the individual limit on donations is it.

Then free airtime for any candidate who can muster a certain amount of votes on a petition to run.

No lobby money, no corporate money.

Then when in office no one can even buy a politician lunch. NO money or favor from ANYONE.

Lobbiest can try to get an appointment to talk to them but can give them NOTHING in return for time. Not even a sandwhich from the deli.
limmiting the voters right to chosse who they want is a batshitcrazy idea.

How about we reform the election process instead.

No one but a voter can give money to a campaign.

the individual limit on donations is it.

Then free airtime for any candidate who can muster a certain amount of votes on a petition to run.

No lobby money, no corporate money.

Then when in office no one can even buy a politician lunch. NO money or favor from ANYONE.

Lobbiest can try to get an appointment to talk to them but can give them NOTHING in return for time. Not even a sandwhich from the deli.

The emboldened part, the batshit crazy part......I would agree with you EXCEPT we let all the batshitcrazy people vote.......
limmiting the voters right to chosse who they want is a batshitcrazy idea.

How about we reform the election process instead.

No one but a voter can give money to a campaign.

the individual limit on donations is it.

Then free airtime for any candidate who can muster a certain amount of votes on a petition to run.

No lobby money, no corporate money.

Then when in office no one can even buy a politician lunch. NO money or favor from ANYONE.

Lobbiest can try to get an appointment to talk to them but can give them NOTHING in return for time. Not even a sandwhich from the deli.

There are already several limits in place on who voters can vote for. This would not be discriminatory just like anyone under 18 cannot vote isn't discriminatory. Why did the Lame Duck for POTUS come into existence? Not having term limits creates oligarchies and frankly, in terms of politics I was glad when Kennedy passed away. We didn't have elections. We had "File the paperwork on Teddy's new term."
We have term limits. Don't vote for incumbents.
Most us voters are too short-sighted to see how career politicians are bad for the country.
Public office in the USA was never meant to be a full time job, and it especially was never meant to be a career.

I think most don't realize the detrimental effects of career politicians because they don't know enough about politics. As a culture we train each other to be silent. That whole "don't discuss politics and religion" mantra is a morose irony in the face of the 1st Amendment. The two institutions that control our lives the most are supposed to be discussed the least.

I can't argue with that statement curvelight.
Did you happen to see my thread called "do-nothing congress"?
There are many that expect as much from government as their parents gave them. i got a few incredulous responses along the lines of "OH my god if the government doesn't do >insert cause here< we are all doomed.
I got even more private messages, one accusing me of posting "seditious propaganda".
I think that one came from Nancy Pelosi herself........

No I didn't see that thread, but I believe you about the responses. We are an immature Republic and as a nation, comprised of extremely immature voters. When I look around in the world of politics, everything from talk radio, to rags, mags, tv, message boards, etc, the dominate theme in every arena is centered around one axiom: blame everyone else. Generally we don't hunt for solutions but only the easiest target to paint the problems.
limmiting the voters right to chosse who they want is a batshitcrazy idea.
Something tells Me you would not be saying this if Bush managed to get elected to a third term.
How about we reform the election process instead.

No one but a voter can give money to a campaign.

the individual limit on donations is it.

Then free airtime for any candidate who can muster a certain amount of votes on a petition to run.

No lobby money, no corporate money.

Then when in office no one can even buy a politician lunch. NO money or favor from ANYONE.

Lobbiest can try to get an appointment to talk to them but can give them NOTHING in return for time. Not even a sandwhich from the deli.
The rest of your points violate the Bill of Rights with the exception of giving sandwiches to politicians. That should be outlawed.

Personally, I think that anyone elected to office should do so pro bono. You do it in your spare time and for free.
I think most don't realize the detrimental effects of career politicians because they don't know enough about politics. As a culture we train each other to be silent. That whole "don't discuss politics and religion" mantra is a morose irony in the face of the 1st Amendment. The two institutions that control our lives the most are supposed to be discussed the least.

I can't argue with that statement curvelight.
Did you happen to see my thread called "do-nothing congress"?
There are many that expect as much from government as their parents gave them. i got a few incredulous responses along the lines of "OH my god if the government doesn't do >insert cause here< we are all doomed.
I got even more private messages, one accusing me of posting "seditious propaganda".
I think that one came from Nancy Pelosi herself........

No I didn't see that thread, but I believe you about the responses. We are an immature Republic and as a nation, comprised of extremely immature voters. When I look around in the world of politics, everything from talk radio, to rags, mags, tv, message boards, etc, the dominate theme in every arena is centered around one axiom: blame everyone else. Generally we don't hunt for solutions but only the easiest target to paint the problems.
This I can agree with. We are a nation of whiners. Whiners with their hands out saying, "Gimmie".
I can't argue with that statement curvelight.
Did you happen to see my thread called "do-nothing congress"?
There are many that expect as much from government as their parents gave them. i got a few incredulous responses along the lines of "OH my god if the government doesn't do >insert cause here< we are all doomed.
I got even more private messages, one accusing me of posting "seditious propaganda".
I think that one came from Nancy Pelosi herself........

No I didn't see that thread, but I believe you about the responses. We are an immature Republic and as a nation, comprised of extremely immature voters. When I look around in the world of politics, everything from talk radio, to rags, mags, tv, message boards, etc, the dominate theme in every arena is centered around one axiom: blame everyone else. Generally we don't hunt for solutions but only the easiest target to paint the problems.
This I can agree with. We are a nation of whiners. Whiners with their hands out saying, "Gimmie".

One overlooked problem is geography. We have outgrown DC many times over and instead of all Fed reps being in that one city they should be zoned out across the country for equitable access to elected officials. I would also restructure the office of the president to be replaced with a body. There is way way galactically gargantuan too much power consolidated into that one person. If everything was spread out more then participation could easily be increased and once dilettantes see their activism can make a difference it would reduce apathy by attrition.
limmiting the voters right to chosse who they want is a batshitcrazy idea.

How about we reform the election process instead.

No one but a voter can give money to a campaign.

the individual limit on donations is it.

Then free airtime for any candidate who can muster a certain amount of votes on a petition to run.

No lobby money, no corporate money.

Then when in office no one can even buy a politician lunch. NO money or favor from ANYONE.

Lobbiest can try to get an appointment to talk to them but can give them NOTHING in return for time. Not even a sandwhich from the deli.

Add to that some kind of moratorium on any politician working as a lobbyist for about 10 years after receiving their final federal paycheck.

There's my 2 cents.
There is an undeniable pattern in politics but it is not impervious to correction. I'm referencing career politicians and the incestuous relationships .....

5. What are your ideas?

I suppose we could have them all neutered?
No I didn't see that thread, but I believe you about the responses. We are an immature Republic and as a nation, comprised of extremely immature voters. When I look around in the world of politics, everything from talk radio, to rags, mags, tv, message boards, etc, the dominate theme in every arena is centered around one axiom: blame everyone else. Generally we don't hunt for solutions but only the easiest target to paint the problems.
This I can agree with. We are a nation of whiners. Whiners with their hands out saying, "Gimmie".

One overlooked problem is geography. We have outgrown DC many times over and instead of all Fed reps being in that one city they should be zoned out across the country for equitable access to elected officials. I would also restructure the office of the president to be replaced with a body. There is way way galactically gargantuan too much power consolidated into that one person. If everything was spread out more then participation could easily be increased and once dilettantes see their activism can make a difference it would reduce apathy by attrition.
Well, no. I have a complete abhorrence to the dismantling of our Constitution. If anything, we should return to the Consitution as it was intended. That means that Senators are not elected by the people, but by the the state legislatures. That the power of governing the people be returned to the States and that we have a federal government for the sole purpose of defending this nation and to settle disputes between the states. That would in fact, go a long way to decentralizing the power of the President as well as the power of the Congress and put it back into the hands of the people.

I would also like to see our education process include the information that the people cannot vote money to themselves from the treasury.
limmiting the voters right to chosse who they want is a batshitcrazy idea.

How about we reform the election process instead.

No one but a voter can give money to a campaign.

the individual limit on donations is it.

Then free airtime for any candidate who can muster a certain amount of votes on a petition to run.

No lobby money, no corporate money.

Then when in office no one can even buy a politician lunch. NO money or favor from ANYONE.

Lobbiest can try to get an appointment to talk to them but can give them NOTHING in return for time. Not even a sandwhich from the deli.

Add to that some kind of moratorium on any politician working as a lobbyist for about 10 years after receiving their final federal paycheck.

There's my 2 cents.

Most excellent point!

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