Identified: CBS News Confirms White House Leakers Are 3 Holdovers From The Obama Administration


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
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I do hope they will be tried and jailed. As it effected international security I think treason is very much in order.
So now would come the question......have they been doing the leaking of their own accord? Or Obama plants on the take. If so, then treason and other crimes would be in order for more people...
You haven't linked to that CBS confirmation Stevo. Breitbart is only believed by fools and idiots with no fact checking skills.

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Treason for leaking info to the press? :lol: You cons get crazier with each day. Not that I believe the story. I'll wait on a credible source
When our glorious leader returns from overseas, it's all over for them. I suspect the Trumpenfuhrer will make an example out of them for undermining him, and the country. They've already been reported to the authorities so there's no escape, unless they take the suicide route.
If the Orange Menace is back, no pink golf ball (or sand trap) is safe.
Maybe try reading the link before making snap judgements.......Is CBS news credible enough for you???

CBS News has confirmed from two sources that three leakers of classified information at the White House have been identified and are expected to be fired,” CBS News reported this week, adding, “Officials within the Trump White House believe leaks of Mr. Trump’s conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are a ‘deliberate attempt’ by officials who are holdovers from President Obama’s administration and are trying to damage the Trump presidency.”
Maybe try reading the link before making snap judgements.......Is CBS news credible enough for you???

CBS News has confirmed from two sources that three leakers of classified information at the White House have been identified and are expected to be fired,” CBS News reported this week, adding, “Officials within the Trump White House believe leaks of Mr. Trump’s conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are a ‘deliberate attempt’ by officials who are holdovers from President Obama’s administration and are trying to damage the Trump presidency.”
Trump is Leak #1. Everyone else is small potatoes.
and here is straight from the horses mouth.......

White House officials say leaks "coordinated and timed" to hurt Trump - CBS News

White House officials are left picking up the pieces after reports about President Trump revealing classified information continue to rail the administration.

CBS News White House Correspondent Major Garrett reports that administration officials feel the leaks in recent days have been "coordinated and timed."

Officials within the Trump White House believe leaks of Mr. Trump's conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are a "deliberate attempt" by former Obama and current officials looking to damage the Trump presidency.

That sentiment was echoed Tuesday evening as the Trump campaign released an email to supporters entitled "SABOTAGE", in which the campaign wrote "there are people within our own unelected bureaucracy that want to sabotage President Trump and our entire America First movement."

White House officials acknowledge the timing of Mr. Trump's firing of former FBI Director James Comey amid new questions of obstruction of justice have been less than ideal, but the White House continues to stand their ground in defense of the president.

Gen. H.R. McMaster continued to defend the president, saying Mr. Trump's conversations about sensitive information with top Russian officials was "wholly appropriate." The president's national security adviser called into question Mr. Trump's knowledge of where exactly the source of classified information came from.

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McMaster says Trump shared info with Russians in "appropriate" manner
CBS News' Margaret Brennan reports on National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster's latest remarks about President Trump's talks with Russian officia...

CBS News confirmed later that day that Israel was the source of the information, putting a damper on preparations for Mr. Trump's visit to the region next week.

And while Mr. Trump ignored questions from reporters much of the day on Tuesday as he welcomed Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan, he did finally acknowledge questions about the meeting, calling it "very successful."

"Our fight is against ISIS. As General McMaster said - I thought he said and I know he feels that we had actually a great meeting with the foreign minister, so we're going to have a lot of great success over the next coming years

Hurting Trump is easy - just hand him a phone (or a microphone). He's never learned that what comes into his tiny mind he should just burst out loud.
Treason for leaking info to the press? :lol: You cons get crazier with each day. Not that I believe the story. I'll wait on a credible source
Treason for leaking to the press? Yes and you can find examples of that in ww2 where charges were filed and people were tried by Democrats under FDR.
Maybe try reading the link before making snap judgements.......Is CBS news credible enough for you???

CBS News has confirmed from two sources that three leakers of classified information at the White House have been identified and are expected to be fired,” CBS News reported this week, adding, “Officials within the Trump White House believe leaks of Mr. Trump’s conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are a ‘deliberate attempt’ by officials who are holdovers from President Obama’s administration and are trying to damage the Trump presidency.”
Trump is Leak #1. Everyone else is small potatoes.

Whatever happens behind closed doors is one thing...........those that blast it to the press who can't wait to be the first to report it to the public thereby putting the nations security at risk is a whole 'nother ball game.

Those 'small potatoes' will soon be French fried
Treason for leaking info to the press? :lol: You cons get crazier with each day. Not that I believe the story. I'll wait on a credible source
Treason for leaking to the press? Yes and you can find examples of that in ww2 where charges were filed and people were tried by Democrats under FDR.
Cool story bro
No story FDR had posters printed and placed in public places as well. Loose lips sink ships posters were printed and displayed at American shipyards for years. Guess you are just stupid to history huh?
Maybe try reading the link before making snap judgements.......Is CBS news credible enough for you???

CBS News has confirmed from two sources that three leakers of classified information at the White House have been identified and are expected to be fired,” CBS News reported this week, adding, “Officials within the Trump White House believe leaks of Mr. Trump’s conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are a ‘deliberate attempt’ by officials who are holdovers from President Obama’s administration and are trying to damage the Trump presidency.”
Trump is Leak #1. Everyone else is small potatoes.

Whatever happens behind closed doors is one thing...........those that blast it to the press who can't wait to be the first to report it to the public thereby putting the nations security at risk is a whole 'nother ball game.

Those 'small potatoes' will soon be French fried
Trump gives away secrets to the Russians and the Israelis shut off the pipe. The White House gives away secrets on a terrorist bombing and the British shut off the pipe. And you're worried about Americans leaking to other Americans trying to save the republic from the Trump administration's ship of fools? Fuck you.
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I do hope they will be tried and jailed. As it effected international security I think treason is very much in order.

I'd like to see them frog-marched out of the Whitehouse into waiting squad cars.
If these stories are true, I'm sure they'll be fired.

But no one is going to be charged with "treason", or sent to jail.

You guys really don't seem to understand how the world works.
So now would come the question......have they been doing the leaking of their own accord? Or Obama plants on the take. If so, then treason and other crimes would be in order for more people...
I'd say the latter!

Yeah, IF they are fully investigated, you know many higher ups would see prosecution/jail time.

I can't imagine they would keep their mouths shut for the last 8 years, then start blabbing every chance they got......just because they wanted to hurt Trump on their own.

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