IDF Soldiers Shocked by Outpouring of Worldwide Support


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It's nice to see people worldwide give support to the IDF soldiers. What civilized people are being made aware of now is how much anti-Semitism there is in the Muslim world, especially with those violent riots throughout Europe. They don't see the Muslims rioting against other Muslims who kill members of their own sects. Even if they hate each other for belonging to a different sect, they keep quiet when it comes to rioting, but let a Jew do something against a Muslim, then you certainly hear about it in a violent way.

IDF Soldiers Shocked by Outpouring of Worldwide Support

By Raphael Poch July 29, 2014 , 10:23 am

The LIBI Fund, like many other branches of the military, has had one of the busiest months in recent history. Unlike other units, the extra activity emanates from the outpouring of help provided by supporters of the IDF both in Israel and abroad.

The 13 IDF personnel who run the unit, together with a volunteer organization, have been working around the clock to receive, scan, and ship gift packages donated from all over the world to the soldiers currently serving their country.

“Hundreds of gift packages have come in over the past few weeks, if not thousands,” says one spokesperson from the unit. “We are having a hard time keeping up with all of them.”

The unit’s main objective is to provide help and support for IDF soldiers in any capacity possible. The soldiers involved in the unit deal with the logistics of receiving the donations and attributing it wherever the IDF logistics branch instructs them to. The actual fundraising is done by non-profit organizations that are associated with the project under the name of the LIBI Fund.


IDF Soldiers Shocked by Outpouring of Worldwide Support (Photos) | Breaking Israel News
It's nice to see people worldwide give support to the IDF soldiers. What civilized people are being made aware of now is how much anti-Semitism there is in the Muslim world, especially with those violent riots throughout Europe. They don't see the Muslims rioting against other Muslims who kill members of their own sects. Even if they hate each other for belonging to a different sect, they keep quiet when it comes to rioting, but let a Jew do something against a Muslim, then you certainly hear about it in a violent way.

IDF Soldiers Shocked by Outpouring of Worldwide Support

By Raphael Poch July 29, 2014 , 10:23 am

The LIBI Fund, like many other branches of the military, has had one of the busiest months in recent history. Unlike other units, the extra activity emanates from the outpouring of help provided by supporters of the IDF both in Israel and abroad.

The 13 IDF personnel who run the unit, together with a volunteer organization, have been working around the clock to receive, scan, and ship gift packages donated from all over the world to the soldiers currently serving their country.

“Hundreds of gift packages have come in over the past few weeks, if not thousands,” says one spokesperson from the unit. “We are having a hard time keeping up with all of them.”

The unit’s main objective is to provide help and support for IDF soldiers in any capacity possible. The soldiers involved in the unit deal with the logistics of receiving the donations and attributing it wherever the IDF logistics branch instructs them to. The actual fundraising is done by non-profit organizations that are associated with the project under the name of the LIBI Fund.


IDF Soldiers Shocked by Outpouring of Worldwide Support (Photos) | Breaking Israel News
A bunch of stupid boxes that are probably empty.

If the IDF had worldwide support, you'd be showing thousands of people in major cities around the world at solidarity rally's, not a bunch of boxes.

This isn't worldwide support!

This is!

It's nice to see people worldwide give support to the IDF soldiers. What civilized people are being made aware of now is how much anti-Semitism there is in the Muslim world, especially with those violent riots throughout Europe. They don't see the Muslims rioting against other Muslims who kill members of their own sects. Even if they hate each other for belonging to a different sect, they keep quiet when it comes to rioting, but let a Jew do something against a Muslim, then you certainly hear about it in a violent way.

IDF Soldiers Shocked by Outpouring of Worldwide Support

By Raphael Poch July 29, 2014 , 10:23 am

The LIBI Fund, like many other branches of the military, has had one of the busiest months in recent history. Unlike other units, the extra activity emanates from the outpouring of help provided by supporters of the IDF both in Israel and abroad.

The 13 IDF personnel who run the unit, together with a volunteer organization, have been working around the clock to receive, scan, and ship gift packages donated from all over the world to the soldiers currently serving their country.

“Hundreds of gift packages have come in over the past few weeks, if not thousands,” says one spokesperson from the unit. “We are having a hard time keeping up with all of them.”

The unit’s main objective is to provide help and support for IDF soldiers in any capacity possible. The soldiers involved in the unit deal with the logistics of receiving the donations and attributing it wherever the IDF logistics branch instructs them to. The actual fundraising is done by non-profit organizations that are associated with the project under the name of the LIBI Fund.


IDF Soldiers Shocked by Outpouring of Worldwide Support (Photos) | Breaking Israel News
A bunch of stupid boxes that are probably empty.

If the IDF had worldwide support, you'd be showing thousands of people in major cities around the world at solidarity rally's, not a bunch of boxes.

This isn't worldwide support!

This is!

Sally's paid by the post.
Stop interfering with her marketing.
Jews are doing g-d's work in Gaza

"The Israeli army has confirmed it fired a mortar round into a Gaza UN shelter where 15 people died on Thursday, but denied killing anyone at the site.

Briefing journalists on the findings of an internal military inquiry into the incident at a UN school in Beit Hanun, spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner said militants "in the vicinity" of the school fired mortar rounds and anti-tank rockets at Israeli forces.

The army responded with mortar fire, sending a stray round into the compound, he said."

Israel confirms it fired into UN shelter in Gaza - RTÉ News
"During the week of July 21-27, millions of people turned out in protests around the world to demand that Israel 'Stop the war on Gaza.' As news that the mounting civilian death toll in Gaza surpassed 1,000, mass marches filled the streets of nearly every major world city, including in Israel itself.

"On July 26, over 5,000 anti-war Israelis rallied in Tel Aviv calling for an end to the occupation and the siege of Gaza. Two hours before the rally, police cancelled their permit, then reinstated it just before the event. By this time buses of protesters en route to the march had turned back.

"Earlier in the week more than 50 Israeli reservists, including many women, issued a joint statement refusing to serve in Israel’s invasion and occupation of Gaza."

Millions globally protest Israel?s war on Gaza » Anti-war » Around the world » Top » Workers World
LOL, nice propaganda effort.

Why, Mr. R.C., there are millions of Christians right here in this country who stick up for the Israelis. In fact, some of the organizations have sites where you can donate money such as building shelters for the Israeli people. Since you appear to be not too fond of Jews and make such asinine remarks quite often, I doubt anyone is asking for your help, are they? However, show that you are a good Catholic and donate something to help the Catholics being killed in Muslim countries.
"If the IDF had worldwide support, you'd be showing thousands of people in major cities around the world at solidarity rally's, not a bunch of boxes."

Highly unlikely as those who support Israel have careers and can't simply drag their unemployed, food stamp, welfare check, Muslim asses out to a rally every day.
"If the IDF had worldwide support, you'd be showing thousands of people in major cities around the world at solidarity rally's, not a bunch of boxes."

Highly unlikely as those who support Israel have careers and can't simply drag their unemployed, food stamp, welfare check, Muslim asses out to a rally every day.

So true since many of Muslims, especially in Europe, are on some kind of welfare. I think they even get some kind of housing, probably subsidized housing like Dhimmi George gets. Since Dhimmi George hates the Jews, I am surprised that he doesn't organize some rally in his own neighborhood, except all the Central Americans in his neighborhood (even all the illegales) are busy working hard and don't have time for such nonsense.
It's nice to see people worldwide give support to the IDF soldiers. What civilized people are being made aware of now is how much anti-Semitism there is in the Muslim world, especially with those violent riots throughout Europe. They don't see the Muslims rioting against other Muslims who kill members of their own sects. Even if they hate each other for belonging to a different sect, they keep quiet when it comes to rioting, but let a Jew do something against a Muslim, then you certainly hear about it in a violent way.

IDF Soldiers Shocked by Outpouring of Worldwide Support

By Raphael Poch July 29, 2014 , 10:23 am

The LIBI Fund, like many other branches of the military, has had one of the busiest months in recent history. Unlike other units, the extra activity emanates from the outpouring of help provided by supporters of the IDF both in Israel and abroad.

The 13 IDF personnel who run the unit, together with a volunteer organization, have been working around the clock to receive, scan, and ship gift packages donated from all over the world to the soldiers currently serving their country.

“Hundreds of gift packages have come in over the past few weeks, if not thousands,” says one spokesperson from the unit. “We are having a hard time keeping up with all of them.”

The unit’s main objective is to provide help and support for IDF soldiers in any capacity possible. The soldiers involved in the unit deal with the logistics of receiving the donations and attributing it wherever the IDF logistics branch instructs them to. The actual fundraising is done by non-profit organizations that are associated with the project under the name of the LIBI Fund.


IDF Soldiers Shocked by Outpouring of Worldwide Support (Photos) | Breaking Israel News
A bunch of stupid boxes that are probably empty.

If the IDF had worldwide support, you'd be showing thousands of people in major cities around the world at solidarity rally's, not a bunch of boxes.

This isn't worldwide support!

This is!

No, no, no - that never happened.
The OP says everyone supports IDF bastards, so reality has to be suspended in this thread.
It's nice to see people worldwide give support to the IDF soldiers. What civilized people are being made aware of now is how much anti-Semitism there is in the Muslim world, especially with those violent riots throughout Europe. They don't see the Muslims rioting against other Muslims who kill members of their own sects. Even if they hate each other for belonging to a different sect, they keep quiet when it comes to rioting, but let a Jew do something against a Muslim, then you certainly hear about it in a violent way.

IDF Soldiers Shocked by Outpouring of Worldwide Support

By Raphael Poch July 29, 2014 , 10:23 am

The LIBI Fund, like many other branches of the military, has had one of the busiest months in recent history. Unlike other units, the extra activity emanates from the outpouring of help provided by supporters of the IDF both in Israel and abroad.

The 13 IDF personnel who run the unit, together with a volunteer organization, have been working around the clock to receive, scan, and ship gift packages donated from all over the world to the soldiers currently serving their country.

“Hundreds of gift packages have come in over the past few weeks, if not thousands,” says one spokesperson from the unit. “We are having a hard time keeping up with all of them.”

The unit’s main objective is to provide help and support for IDF soldiers in any capacity possible. The soldiers involved in the unit deal with the logistics of receiving the donations and attributing it wherever the IDF logistics branch instructs them to. The actual fundraising is done by non-profit organizations that are associated with the project under the name of the LIBI Fund.


IDF Soldiers Shocked by Outpouring of Worldwide Support (Photos) | Breaking Israel News
A bunch of stupid boxes that are probably empty.

If the IDF had worldwide support, you'd be showing thousands of people in major cities around the world at solidarity rally's, not a bunch of boxes.

This isn't worldwide support!

This is!

No, no, no - that never happened.
The OP says everyone supports IDF bastards, so reality has to be suspended in this thread.

She didn't say that. Learn how to read Nazi Fred
A bunch of stupid boxes that are probably empty.

If the IDF had worldwide support, you'd be showing thousands of people in major cities around the world at solidarity rally's, not a bunch of boxes.

This isn't worldwide support!

This is!

No, no, no - that never happened.
The OP says everyone supports IDF bastards, so reality has to be suspended in this thread.

She didn't say that. Learn how to read Nazi Fred

It's nice to see people worldwide give support to the IDF soldiers

Yep, three old Zionist bastards and the occupants of a mental home in California sent boxes.
The rest of the world, including most reasonable Israelis, know the IDF are being bastards.
Here you go Sally, you don't even have Israel-wide support in Israel!

Last three protests I attended it was mostly pro Israelis and the pro Pali Muslims were being flipped off by Americans passing by in their cars. LOL
Where was that, Hasbara U?
No, no, no - that never happened.
The OP says everyone supports IDF bastards, so reality has to be suspended in this thread.

She didn't say that. Learn how to read Nazi Fred

It's nice to see people worldwide give support to the IDF soldiers

Yep, three old Zionist bastards and the occupants of a mental home in California sent boxes.
The rest of the world, including most reasonable Israelis, know the IDF are being bastards.

We can see how mentally unbalanced Freddy is? So tell us, Freddy, how many innocent people have your newly adopted bastards killed during Ramadan? My goodness, don't you even feel for those young Ahmadiyya girls who were murdered the other day by your fellow bastards just because someone else put something your bastards thought was blasphemous to Islam? As everyone can see, it appears that many converts to Islam can conveniently overlook what their fellow bastards are doing -- no matter how many thousands of people are killed. Maybe they get off on the videos of the beheadings their fellow bastards do.
She didn't say that. Learn how to read Nazi Fred

It's nice to see people worldwide give support to the IDF soldiers

Yep, three old Zionist bastards and the occupants of a mental home in California sent boxes.
The rest of the world, including most reasonable Israelis, know the IDF are being bastards.

We can see how mentally unbalanced Freddy is? So tell us, Freddy, how many innocent people have your newly adopted bastards killed during Ramadan? My goodness, don't you even feel for those young Ahmadiyya girls who were murdered the other day by your fellow bastards just because someone else put something your bastards thought was blasphemous to Islam? As everyone can see, it appears that many converts to Islam can conveniently overlook what their fellow bastards are doing -- no matter how many thousands of people are killed. Maybe they get off on the videos of the beheadings their fellow bastards do.

The world sees Jews as occupiers NOT victims.
When are you going to catch on?
Yep, three old Zionist bastards and the occupants of a mental home in California sent boxes.
The rest of the world, including most reasonable Israelis, know the IDF are being bastards.

We can see how mentally unbalanced Freddy is? So tell us, Freddy, how many innocent people have your newly adopted bastards killed during Ramadan? My goodness, don't you even feel for those young Ahmadiyya girls who were murdered the other day by your fellow bastards just because someone else put something your bastards thought was blasphemous to Islam? As everyone can see, it appears that many converts to Islam can conveniently overlook what their fellow bastards are doing -- no matter how many thousands of people are killed. Maybe they get off on the videos of the beheadings their fellow bastards do.

The world sees Jews as occupiers NOT victims.
When are you going to catch on?

When are you going to catch on that most Americans support Israel. Get out of your apartment where you are surrounded by Central Americans who are not intereted in what is going on in Gaza because, unlike you, they work hard to earn a living, and go to other neighborhoods and question other American citizens. Moreover, we certainly are catching on that you are mentally unhinged. I hope that the manager of your subsidized building checks on you once in a while to see whether he should call someone to take you to a psych ward.
We can see how mentally unbalanced Freddy is? So tell us, Freddy, how many innocent people have your newly adopted bastards killed during Ramadan? My goodness, don't you even feel for those young Ahmadiyya girls who were murdered the other day by your fellow bastards just because someone else put something your bastards thought was blasphemous to Islam? As everyone can see, it appears that many converts to Islam can conveniently overlook what their fellow bastards are doing -- no matter how many thousands of people are killed. Maybe they get off on the videos of the beheadings their fellow bastards do.

The world sees Jews as occupiers NOT victims.
When are you going to catch on?

When are you going to catch on that most Americans support Israel. Get out of your apartment where you are surrounded by Central Americans who are not intereted in what is going on in Gaza because, unlike you, they work hard to earn a living, and go to other neighborhoods and question other American citizens. Moreover, we certainly are catching on that you are mentally unhinged. I hope that the manager of your subsidized building checks on you once in a while to see whether he should call someone to take you to a psych ward.

Jews are swirling the bowl.:lol:
Last edited:
Yep, three old Zionist bastards and the occupants of a mental home in California sent boxes.
The rest of the world, including most reasonable Israelis, know the IDF are being bastards.

We can see how mentally unbalanced Freddy is? So tell us, Freddy, how many innocent people have your newly adopted bastards killed during Ramadan? My goodness, don't you even feel for those young Ahmadiyya girls who were murdered the other day by your fellow bastards just because someone else put something your bastards thought was blasphemous to Islam? As everyone can see, it appears that many converts to Islam can conveniently overlook what their fellow bastards are doing -- no matter how many thousands of people are killed. Maybe they get off on the videos of the beheadings their fellow bastards do.

The world sees Jews as occupiers NOT victims.
When are you going to catch on?

Americans are on the side of Israel

The vast majority of the world is neutral
International Poll: Most Publics--including Americans--Oppose Taking Sides in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - World Public Opinion
We can see how mentally unbalanced Freddy is? So tell us, Freddy, how many innocent people have your newly adopted bastards killed during Ramadan? My goodness, don't you even feel for those young Ahmadiyya girls who were murdered the other day by your fellow bastards just because someone else put something your bastards thought was blasphemous to Islam? As everyone can see, it appears that many converts to Islam can conveniently overlook what their fellow bastards are doing -- no matter how many thousands of people are killed. Maybe they get off on the videos of the beheadings their fellow bastards do.

Peach sweetie-----try not to "emulate" ----the very vulgar Freddie in written expression-----bastard
that he is-------you have always been obviously refined. Have some sympathy for Freddie----
his creed demands that HE emulate -----filth........poor guy

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