IDF Turn Torture Into Entertainment


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2023
I didn't think these bastards could be anymore depraved but here we are.
I didn't think these bastards could be anymore depraved but here we are.

LOL....Where did you come up with that oddball site from.

No matter, if they had it on PPV it would be fine with me.

That would be more fun to watch than watching the Gorilla Channel in the White House with Trump. :laughing0301:

LOL....Where did you come up with that oddball site from.

No matter, if they had it on PPV it would be fine with me.
That is because you should be in a institute for the insane if you think that, i hope the local police have you on a register, i expect Abu Ghraib was fine with you.
That is because you should be in a institute for the insane if you think that, i hope the local police have you on a register, i expect Abu Ghraib was fine with you.

For what? Name the crime or fuck off, asshole.
I didn't think these bastards could be anymore depraved but here we are.
What kind of refreshments did they serve?
Yet some wonder how these things could happen in Nazi Germany, we have our answer with some of these depraved posts.
You’re correct but with one BIG difference. In Nazi Germany at least they had the decency to wait till they were dead 💀 before putting them in ovens
You’re correct but with one BIG difference. In Nazi Germany at least they had the decency to wait till they were dead 💀 before putting them in ovens
Not always, some British women SOE agents were put in ovens alive.
You Brits shouldn't be living in glass houses. You fuckers murdered more people than Hitler with your long history of colonialism. Hitler only murdered 6 million or so. You eel-eating bastards committed genocide against 150 million people when you tried to colonize the world. So shut the fuck up.

Genocide of Indigenous peoples - Wikipedia

How British colonialism killed 100 million Indians in 40 years
If you had read many of my posts you would know i am not a fan of Colonialism British or any other, and Hitler killed six million jews and many millions more of other groups, now you STFU you ignorant clown.
If you had read many of my posts you would know i am not a fan of Colonialism British or any other, and Hitler killed six million jews and many millions more of other groups, now you STFU you ignorant clown.

So? You're still British and have murder in your genes. There's no way you can wash the blood off your hands.
So? You're still British and have murder in your genes. There's no way you can wash the blood off your hands.
I told you arsehole i am against Colonialism, meanwhile your Zionist child killing friends are looting in Gaza, they are like those Ukrainian war criminals they post their own crimes on social media, we are talking grade A filth. the US did the same in Iraq stealing from museums.


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