Idiots wearing bandanas and scarfs as masks !!

^ one of those to blame for us not getting thru this pandemic.

The blame for us not getting through this “pandemic” is entirely on the willful collaborators and the ignorant useful idiots who keep voting for and supporting politicians who are been exploiting this “pandemic” for their own gain, for their own accumulation of power, to the detriment of the rest of us who are affected by these political abuses.
^ one of those to blame for us not getting thru this pandemic.

The blame for us not getting through this “pandemic” is entirely on the willful collaborators and the ignorant useful idiots who keep voting for and supporting politicians who are been exploiting this “pandemic” for their own gain, for their own accumulation of power, to the detriment of the rest of us who are affected by these political abuses.

Nope----disgusting as are the politicians, they actually do not control viral epidemics
I wear a KN95 mask

You expect 300 million people to get a KN95 mask? And where, pray tell, are they to get them?
They can at least get basic surgical masks and that should be the minimum for entry

In my VAUNTED OPINION IMVO ----a bandana on the face is, actually, almost
as helpful as a "surgical mask" The issue is the blocking of respiratory aerosol.
Do not be impressed by the term "surgical mask"
It's funny that a worthless, ignorant cretin who lives almost as far away from California as it is possible to be, thinks that he has any clue what is actually happening in California, based on a lies-and-propaganda site that is so sleazy and disreputable that it hides its content behind a “disable your adblocker” wall.
Funnier that a rightard fuckwit who lives right there can't even find another source. Besides, I've got just about every filtering/blocking device known to man on my browser and the link opened right up for me.
Anyway, because you can't open a link proves it hasn't happened and isn't happening, right?

Absolutely. The Californian hospitals declaring internal disaster and turning away all ambulances as their systems are overwhelmed under the weight of COVID patients are distorting their numbers. Right.

Again, one can see exactly how the US with 4% odd of the world's population has around 20% of COVID fatalities.

It's not the first time we've experienced this.

And now you're over capacity. How many years since you've seen that?

“We are pretty much at capacity, and the volume is certainly different from previous flu seasons,” says Dr. Alfred Tallia, professor and chair of family medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center in New Brunswick, New Jersey. “I’ve been in practice for 30 years, and it’s been a good 15 or 20 years since I’ve seen a flu-related illness scenario like we’ve had this year.”
The blame for us not getting through this “pandemic” is entirely on the willful collaborators and the ignorant useful idiots who keep voting for and supporting politicians who are been exploiting this “pandemic” for their own gain, for their own accumulation of power, to the detriment of the rest of us who are affected by these political abuses.

Nope----disgusting as are the politicians, they actually do not control viral epidemics

They do, however, control how they exploit the fake “pandemic” to gain and abuse powers over us to which they have no legitimate claim, for their benefit, and to our detriment.

This “pandemic” will last exactly as long as too many of us stupidly allow it to be exploited against us in this manner.
Funnier that a rightard fuckwit who lives right there can't even find another source. Besides, I've got just about every filtering/blocking device known to man on my browser and the link opened right up for me.
Anyway, because you can't open a link proves it hasn't happened and isn't happening, right?

I's not my responsibility to figure out which hoops to jump through, to read an article.

Any source which blocks content like this is to be regarded as “fake news”, and not credible in any way. Likewise, anyone who cites any such source.

That you would cite such a sleazy source, and then try to cast it as being my fault that I cannot easily read it, only goes to show what everyone knows about you anyway.

You expect 300 million people to get a KN95 mask? And where, pray tell, are they to get them?
And again, where do you expect 300 million people to get surgical masks from?

And keep in mind, this doesn't mean that 300,000,000 masks are needed. It means many, many, many times that much.

These are not durable, long-term-use products; these are disposable products, meant to be used for a relatively short time, then thrown away. I don't know how long it is reasonable to use one, before discarding it, but I would have to say that to wear one for an eight-hour work shift would be excessive. I find that they get yucky/gross within about an hour or so, and after wearing one for that long, I have to discard it, and put on a fresh one. Anyone who is wearing one of these any longer than that is almost certainly creating far greater sanitation hazards* than it can be anywhere near to plausibly be claimed is being avoided by the use of these masks.

So, if I were to wear these type of masks when I am out in public, around other people, I would need a minimum of six to eight every day, probably more like ten or twelve. Now, multiply THAT by your 300,000,000.

* And, of course, I do not think it has yet been addressed in this thread, the sanitary hazard created by improper disposal of all these masks.
Why stop there?

Next, lets ban people with green hair and bad taste in music.
Don't pick on Billie. She's a million miles more successful than you will ever be.

FO Drip. Your membership here is measured in WEEKS. You're in no position to be telling others about THEIR success.
Wanna cut heads guitarist extraordinaire? I'll show you WEEKS.

Try to spell right. The word for you is REEKS.

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