IDLE Political Thought Time


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Jun 28, 2009
I still cannot warm up to Romney.

Santorum says SOME things I like, but I can't really warm up to him, either.

Ron Paul is an ass.

That leaves Gingrich.

I am wondering if he is gonna bust a move to reclaim the top spot again?

I just cannot shake the feeling that something is brewing.
I still cannot warm up to Romney.

Santorum says SOME things I like, but I can't really warm up to him, either.

Ron Paul is an ass.

That leaves Gingrich.

I am wondering if he is gonna bust a move to reclaim the top spot again?

I just cannot shake the feeling that something is brewing.

I hope so - whatever he does it'll be fun to watch.
I still cannot warm up to Romney.

Santorum says SOME things I like, but I can't really warm up to him, either.

Ron Paul is an ass.

That leaves Gingrich.

I am wondering if he is gonna bust a move to reclaim the top spot again?

I just cannot shake the feeling that something is brewing.

You may be on to something.

Now Gingrich is the only guy that knows enough about the system to kick it in the ass. But I dont feel he can be trusted.

Thus the only way the GOP can get many of our votes is if the GOP can hold the line on spending, So far Boehner has folded on every count.

The other way is if the democrats piss us off close to the actual election.
I still cannot warm up to Romney.

Santorum says SOME things I like, but I can't really warm up to him, either.

Ron Paul is an ass.

That leaves Gingrich.

I am wondering if he is gonna bust a move to reclaim the top spot again?

I just cannot shake the feeling that something is brewing.

You may be on to something.

Now Gingrich is the only guy that knows enough about the system to kick it in the ass. But I dont feel he can be trusted.

Thus the only way the GOP can get many of our votes is if the GOP can hold the line on spending, So far Boehner has folded on every count.

The other way is if the democrats piss us off close to the actual election.
The trust factor with Gingrich is a drag on his electability -- according to his prior wives.
I still cannot warm up to Romney.

Santorum says SOME things I like, but I can't really warm up to him, either.

Ron Paul is an ass.

That leaves Gingrich.

I am wondering if he is gonna bust a move to reclaim the top spot again?

I just cannot shake the feeling that something is brewing.
His serial adultery, ethics violations, and former, fellow, Republican members of Congress refusing to support him, and extreme contempt for those who dare oppose him is ok with you?
I admit, he is brilliant, likely to me somewhat moderate as President, and at least understands the system. Clinton's morals failures turned me off him by 1996 (I did not care for him the only time I met him in 1990 however.) Gingrich, likewise, he'd be fine if he was so......SLIMY.
i'd vote for nixon before i'd vote for gingrich.

coincidentally, nixon is more electable.
I do not get where people think Newt "Fundamentally" Gingrich is smart. Of the four GOP candidates still standing, he is by far the worst. He cannot open his mouth without making shit up. He is the classic "his lips are moving" lying politician.
i'd vote for nixon before i'd vote for gingrich.

coincidentally, nixon is more electable.

That says a lot considering he is dead and couldnt even get on a ballot if he was alive due to term limits.
The ones I liked bailed early.

I am still grumpy about that.

I hope it goes to the convention all tied up and they find someone else.
I still cannot warm up to Romney.

Santorum says SOME things I like, but I can't really warm up to him, either.

Ron Paul is an ass.

That leaves Gingrich.

I am wondering if he is gonna bust a move to reclaim the top spot again?

I just cannot shake the feeling that something is brewing.

He couldn't brew enough of anything to get people shitfaced enough to like him again.
I wish The Newt made a comeback.

He is the most entertaining of them all. Plus, he is not scripted like Romeny. Romeny will say a bunch of pre-fed lines against Obama.

The Newt will come out with his own stuff. You never know what he'll say.

Can anyone here seriously tell me they would not prefer to see a debate for Newt v. Obama over Romney v. Obama.

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