Idols of Courage: WarDonald [Archangel Comics]


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Sep 22, 2013
Does the Trump Administration warrant serious patriotic rhetoric?

You decide...

This 'propaganda-spin' yarn was inspired by
Wag the Dog.




As U.S. President Donald Trump prepared to wage a nuclear war with North Korea and China in the summer of 2019, media-celebrity Tom Cruise was marketing a series of patriotic stories with his new comic book company co-owned by Kevin Smith named Archangel Comics. Cruise wanted to hype this upcoming war with a series of tales about an American patriot-vigilante named Ajay Satan who was tackling a super-terrorist from Algeria named Aziz Pointe as nuclear war with North Korea approached. Cruise wanted these Archangel Comics stories to boost public support for the U.S. government in this challenging time.


Cruise had already made multiple 'Americana-symbolic' Hollywood (USA) films including Born on the 4th of July and American Made and wanted Archangel Comics to accomplish something great for pedestrian pride, since the Trump Administration desperately needed public support to finance this rather dangerous nuclear campaign with the new hostile nations of North Korea and China. Cruise deeply believed in the idealism surrounding media-marketing of modern American politics.


American media was filled with images/stories of incredible daredevils and crusaders trying to uphold American values, and Cruise wanted Archangel Comics to reflect this interest in society. Cruise intended this new crusader-themed Archangel Comics storyboards about Ajay Satan and Aziz Pointe to capture all the tension and patriotic drama of the upcoming nuclear campaign endorsed by the Trump Administration.


So, the co-owner of Archangel Comics, Kevin Smith, recruited an up-and-coming amateur comic book writer named Stanley Wein, a Jewish-Asian living in New York, to generate the crusader/vigilantism stories about the patriot Ajay Satan and the terrorist Aziz Pointe. Wein wanted the stories and the artwork in the comics to be oriented towards a strip-down gothic rendition of Spawn or The Maxx or Aeon Flux or even Mad Max, so the artwork felt simultaneously like a Christian omen and a wasteland 'doodle.' Kevin Smith was very excited about the project.


Wein made a child-like stick-figure doodle-pairing of DC Comics' Batman and Leatherface, the fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from the iconic Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film franchise. The doodle-pairing would complement the storyline about Ajay Satan and Aziz Pointe playing a cat-and-mouse game in the streets/labyrinths of America. Ajay was a vigilante in other words and a crusader, while Aziz was a psychotic terrorist taking on the 'visage' of a horror-film 'deity.'


Wein wanted to give Ajay Satan an extra 'dimension.' Wein decided to make Ajay a costumed vigilante who sometimes wore bizarre outfits (when he debated about censorship and democracy) and sometimes mercenary outfits (when he was literally chasing around Aziz/Leatherface). Ajay was definitely therefore like Batman. Wein would then use this 'chase' to create a 'patriotism spirit' building up to a nuclear war debate with Aziz. Ajay Satan would be like a dual 'knight.'


Wein then added the extra-feature of Ajay being a knight (like Batman, aka 'The Dark Knight') by having him quest after the mythical Lady of the Lake, the fabled mystical woman who wielded the magical sword Excalibur. Ajay Satan would believe that Excalibur and his love of the Lady of the Lake would aid him on his patriotic mission to take down Aziz Pointe. The Lady of the Lake would be Ajay Satan's personal 'vindication muse.' Kevin Smith advised Wein to be sure not to make any of this seem 'Satanic' of Occult, so Tom Cruise would have an easier time marketing it to the American people who felt currently very sensitive about religious-tolerance issues.


Wein therefore presented the Lady of the Lake as a muse of patriotic vigilance and mystical general optimism. He gave her the 'alias' Mara. Mara was a real-world Argentine nurse and doubled as an underwater other-world 'siren' of the crusade against terrorism. The Lady of the Lake, aka 'Mara,' was therefore some kind of courage-inspiration. Ajay Satan would consider her an object of worship, while Aziz Pointe would reference her as a 'rage-doll.' Cruise commended Kevin Smith and Stanley Wein for keeping the storyboard concepts completely democratic and non-controversial. Cruise intended to hype these Archangel Comics storyboards with Scientology slogans, so American readers would know there was no real 'Occult controversy.' President Trump tweeted, "Mara is our Aunt Jemima!"


After Archangel Comics released these stories about Ajay Satan and Aziz Pointe, the reaction was very favorable, and they became very popular. There were countless Internet comments about them and positive reviews from critics and fans. President Trump told the American people that Archangel Comics was a terrific media-trophy for the upcoming nuclear campaign against North Korea and China, so he chose to politically 'market' the iconic Battleship war board-game for Tom Cruise to use as a 'podium' to hype Archangel Comics. Was this merely capitalism propaganda?


Wein wrote in one storyline that Ajay Satan and Aziz Pointe were running around the border of Canada dressed in guerrilla-outfits and wielding pistols. Ajay wanted to show the people that Aziz was not merely a psychopath but also a terrorist. Aziz wanted to expose Ajay's weaknesses and suggest he was merely a 'puppet' of American labyrinths. Ajay was still 'Batman' and Aziz was still 'Leatherface,' so Wein wrote in another storyline that the two were involved in a First Lady (Melania Trump) hostage-crisis as North Korea threatened to fire nuclear missiles at Washington. Aziz/Leatherface was trying to hold Melania Trump with a knife at the neck, threatening to kill her unless President Trump surrendered to North Korea. In a continuing storyline, Ajay and Aziz would debate about Melania, Mara, and martial law.


AJAY: You threaten Melania, since you do not revere Mara!
AZIZ: Mara is my rage-doll, and I intend to harass the White House.
AJAY: You pose as 'Leatherface' because you're an advocate of panic.
AZIZ: Well, you're merely a puppet of circumstance and domestic slave.
AJAY: Mara is the Lady of the Lake, and I intend to worship her.
AZIZ: Perhaps Mara is your 'Athena,' but to me, she is the Harlot of Babylon!
AJAY: You've entangled the First Lady to confuse the people...
AZIZ: I suppose you intend to daydream a life of worshiping-love with Mara!
AJAY: Why not? It's better than stalking Melania Trump...
AZIZ: American democracy is simply not inspiring enough to endorse a crusade.
AJAY: Yet, you find sufficient 'intrigue' to espouse terror!
AZIZ: You're a Christian at heart, Ajay; I'm a radical and an atheist.
AJAY: Get real; you're an evil Satanist, and you know it; Mara is not a 'rage-doll.'
AZIZ: Well, if you win this 'contest,' I'll let you read about Mara in a library.
AJAY: Sounds like a good deal --- America will prevail in the end, which is great.
AZIZ: America would lose in a nuclear war with North Korea.
AJAY: I disagree; the Trump Administration believes in overall majesty.
AZIZ: Boy, you should be some kind of 'anarchy-psychologist.'
AJAY: I'm a philosophy; I sincerely love Mara.



Archangel Comics generated incredible revenues and hype for Tom Cruise and Kevin Smith, and Stanley Wein was being hailed as the new Bob Kane. Ajay Satan and Aziz Pointe became the new Batman-and-Joker, and Archangel Comics was now likened to respected comic book companies such as Harvey Comics, Kingfeatures Syndicate, and even Action Comics. President Trump tweeted, "There's no way we'll lose in this necessary nuclear campaign; we simply have too much impressive 'citizenry faith' and Tom Cruise is certainly a real-life James Bond!"




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