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If a Border Wall Is Wrong, Why Are Gated Communities and Front Doors Okay?

Americans must be the most timorous frightened people in the world. Everybody has to have a gun. You need walls on your borders because you're afraid of brown people. You keep your doors locked at all times. You live in gated communities. You call undocumented immigrants "illegal aliens", like they're some dangerous species of life, not simply, people. You speak of people who are, in some way, not like you, with suspicion and fear. Attaching false labels like "commies" to those you disagree with. Denying their rights to their own ideas and their own way of doing things. Everyone who isn't exactly like you is to be feared and avoided at all costs.

No wonder your country is losing its mind.
So you sleep with your doors unlocked?

If you don't you are fearful and prejudiced.

I lock my doors at night, because I don't wish to be disturbed when I'm sleeping, nor do I wish to be surprised. But there are nights when I've left either my front door or back door unlocked.

Most people lock things up when they aren't around because there are always people around who are dishonest or desperate.
Dragonlady the bonehead speaks/

Americans must be the most timorous frightened people in the world. Everybody has to have a gun.

So you have a gun as well? Or aren't you an American? Nothing is perfect but I'm still safer WITH a gun than without one.

You need walls on your borders because you're afraid of brown people.

If it were that simple, we'd already have a wall. No one's afraid of Mexicans, just don't want them and anyone else wandering in without being first checked out.

YYou call undocumented immigrants "illegal aliens", like they're some dangerous species of life, not simply, people.

Maybe because they've done something illegal and they are an alien (non-native)? Am I going too fast for you just let me know. Next time if someone enters your house uninvited and unwanted, be sure to tell them they are just an "undocumented visitor." Then offer them a cookie.

You speak of people who are, in some way, not like you, with suspicion and fear. Attaching false labels like "commies" to those you disagree with. Denying their rights to their own ideas and their own way of doing things. Everyone who isn't exactly like you is to be feared and avoided at all costs. No wonder your country is losing its mind.

You mean like the Germans during WWII? Maybe Patton and Churchill ought to have sat down with Adolf and just shared a beer! You need to light up, your joint has gone out. If our country has partly lost its mind, it is the part you are a part of, and because of idiots like you.

Your country lost its mind when it elected Putin as the head of your government. Only another criminal would unabashedly support such criminality.

You talk about Americans building a wall, but Russia has no walls, and countries who build walls have little success in keeping the people they want kept in, in their country, or conversely the people they want kept out, out. A Berlin Wall didn't work. Only people who were afraid of the consequences of trying to get out of East Germany would try it, but every year, people were killed trying. It stopped nothing and became a focus point for world anger when communism collapsed.

There is no comparison between having a door on your house and having a wall around your country. None. This is the first of numerous fallacies in your position. There are check points. These people are trying to cross legally and make a claim to come to the USA, but Trump has refused to even consider their admittance. Instead he is trying to create a crisis with thousands of migrants being housed in dangerous and unsanitary conditions while awaiting the opportunity for processing. Of course the Mexicans don't want a tent city in the border towns. Of course things will get out of hand as people become sick, hungry and start dying. It will happen and it will be because that's what Trump wants to happen.

Please note that Obama managed to process all of these people without imprisoning children for months on end, and without spending $200 billion dollars with for profit prison companies who just happen to contribute to his campaign.

Here's what you idiot Russians fail to understand, we're not following Trumps trail of golden breadcrumbs deflecting our attention on the next shiny object. Our attention has always been focuses on the money, the money laundering, and the Magnitsky Act. Paul Manifort, Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi, the architects of dirty tricks, and sleazy tactics, and no morals. Toss in General Flynn, on whom the Russians had kompromat, in the form of his illegal "speaking fees" in Moscow, and the culmination of Trump's nearly lifelong dream of a Trump Tower in Moscow. Opportunity, means and motive.

Cohen's guilty plea wasn't just dependent on his elocution. You can't just make shit up and plead guilty to it, especially crimes implicating the President of the United States and his family. Cohen's guilty plea was backed up by letters, emails, copies of payments made and letters of intent which were signed. Furthermore, your buddies in Russia, backed up Trump's lies that he had no business dealings in Russia. This shows collusion between the Trump Campaign, the Trump Family, the Russian government, and Wikileaks. All tied up with a nice red bow on it for the Special Prosecutor.

It's an early Christmas Present for your boss Putin.

Notice how Mueller always dumps these little surprises just as Trump is headed off to some big international conference or other. What a brilliant strategy. Trump was scared shitless to so much as smile at Putin in public, this past weekend.
All liberals who oppose a border wall should leave their front doors open, or at least unlocked, and should allow into their house anyone who wants to enter. Similarly, liberals who oppose a border wall and who live in gated communities should repudiate gated communities and move out of their gated community. After all, surely living behind the protection of a wall and security guards gives the impression that they're hateful, bigoted xenophobes.
Oh no, I’m sure the wetback invasion is the fault of highly productive, positive contributing Republicans and all...just ask those who love to use fun words such as “statist” and “sheep”.

It is the fault of everyone that continues to vote in the same old people. The illegal problem has been kicked down the road since the days of Reagan, both parties are equally responsible for not doing shit about it. I know that saying something bad about the Repubs i akin to treason in your world, but I will take my chances.

Cool, the good ole days....this isn’t 1986, let’s fast forward to today...Whatta ya say?

What I say is that the problem is still a multi party problem.
Only if you distinguish douchebag establishment Republicans from Democrats. In practical terms they belong to the same party.

And yet you sheep keep voting for them because they are the "lesser of two evils". :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Should we vote for the greater of two evils?
It is the fault of everyone that continues to vote in the same old people. The illegal problem has been kicked down the road since the days of Reagan, both parties are equally responsible for not doing shit about it. I know that saying something bad about the Repubs i akin to treason in your world, but I will take my chances.

Cool, the good ole days....this isn’t 1986, let’s fast forward to today...Whatta ya say?

What I say is that the problem is still a multi party problem.
Only if you distinguish douchebag establishment Republicans from Democrats. In practical terms they belong to the same party.

And yet you sheep keep voting for them because they are the "lesser of two evils". :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Should we vote for the greater of two evils?

How about we quit being content with two pieces of shit to choose from.
All liberals who oppose a border wall should leave their front doors open, or at least unlocked, and should allow into their house anyone who wants to enter. Similarly, liberals who oppose a border wall and who live in gated communities should repudiate gated communities and move out of their gated community. After all, surely living behind the protection of a wall and security guards gives the impression that they're hateful, bigoted xenophobes.

It is like a daily battle between the Trump sheep to see who can be the dumbest each day.

Congrats...you won.
Republicans are the ones keeping people dependent on government handouts with their refusal to raise the base minimum wage in the country. A nation which gives no meaningful raises to the vast majority of their workers for nearly 40 years

Liberal talking point bullshit.

The VAST MAJORITY of workers don't earn minimum wage. A total of FOUR FUCKING PERCENT of workers earn minimum wage or less. So STFU with your "vast majority of workers" bullshit.

What are the characteristics of minimum wage workers? - UC Davis Center for Poverty Research

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In 2014, about 1.3 million U.S. workers age 16 and over earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Another 1.7 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together these workers make up 4 percent of all hourly paid workers.
Many liberal politicians who scream that a border wall on the southern border would be immoral live in gated communities that are surrounded by high walls (some of them electrified) and that have security entry points manned by guards who will turn away anyone who is not on the entry list. Do the residents in these gated communities pay for the wall and the security checkpoints because they hate everyone outside their gated community? No, of course not.

I'm personally not thrilled with gated communities... make those rich folks live with the same threats the rest of us have to.

Do you have a front door? Why? Because you hate everyone outside? Or, because you want to control who comes into your home?

Here's the thing, when I'm home, I usually don't lock my front door until I go to bed at night. I lock it when I'm not there. So you use a metaphor that is kind of retarded...

Let's take it one further.. why aren't you guys arguing to build a wall along our border with Canada? It would seem that it would be a lot easier to get in from Canada than Mexico.
Cool, the good ole days....this isn’t 1986, let’s fast forward to today...Whatta ya say?

What I say is that the problem is still a multi party problem.
Only if you distinguish douchebag establishment Republicans from Democrats. In practical terms they belong to the same party.

And yet you sheep keep voting for them because they are the "lesser of two evils". :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Should we vote for the greater of two evils?

How about we quit being content with two pieces of shit to choose from.
When you produce a third viable candidate who isn't evil, perhaps I'll worry about it. I'm not holding my breath.
What I say is that the problem is still a multi party problem.
Only if you distinguish douchebag establishment Republicans from Democrats. In practical terms they belong to the same party.

And yet you sheep keep voting for them because they are the "lesser of two evils". :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Should we vote for the greater of two evils?

How about we quit being content with two pieces of shit to choose from.
When you produce a third viable candidate, perhaps I'll worry about it.

My candidate was better than the two for the major parties that you folks were stuck choosing between.
Only if you distinguish douchebag establishment Republicans from Democrats. In practical terms they belong to the same party.

And yet you sheep keep voting for them because they are the "lesser of two evils". :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Should we vote for the greater of two evils?

How about we quit being content with two pieces of shit to choose from.
When you produce a third viable candidate, perhaps I'll worry about it.

My candidate was better than the two for the major parties that you folks were stuck choosing between.
Note: I said "viable." Your candidate didn't have a chance of winning.
And yet you sheep keep voting for them because they are the "lesser of two evils". :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Should we vote for the greater of two evils?

How about we quit being content with two pieces of shit to choose from.
When you produce a third viable candidate, perhaps I'll worry about it.

My candidate was better than the two for the major parties that you folks were stuck choosing between.
Note: I said "viable." Your candidate didn't have a chance of winning.

That is because all of the sheep from both parties have been brainwashed with the circular logic that keeps anyone not of the chosen parties from being "viable".

It goes like this...

A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...
Should we vote for the greater of two evils?

How about we quit being content with two pieces of shit to choose from.
When you produce a third viable candidate, perhaps I'll worry about it.

My candidate was better than the two for the major parties that you folks were stuck choosing between.
Note: I said "viable." Your candidate didn't have a chance of winning.

That is because all of the sheep from both parties have been brainwashed with the circular logic that keeps anyone not of the chosen parties from being "viable".

It goes like this...

A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...A third party candidate cannot win because they do not get enough votes---I will not vote for a third party candidate because they cannot win...

Will you vote for nothing to your death?
Americans must be the most timorous frightened people in the world. Everybody has to have a gun. You need walls on your borders because you're afraid of brown people. You keep your doors locked at all times. You live in gated communities. You call undocumented immigrants "illegal aliens", like they're some dangerous species of life, not simply, people. You speak of people who are, in some way, not like you, with suspicion and fear. Attaching false labels like "commies" to those you disagree with. Denying their rights to their own ideas and their own way of doing things. Everyone who isn't exactly like you is to be feared and avoided at all costs.

No wonder your country is losing its mind.
So you sleep with your doors unlocked?

If you don't you are fearful and prejudiced.

I lock my doors at night, because I don't wish to be disturbed when I'm sleeping, nor do I wish to be surprised. But there are nights when I've left either my front door or back door unlocked.

Most people lock things up when they aren't around because there are always people around who are dishonest or desperate.
You mean like the people who want to enter the country illegally?
Many liberal politicians who scream that a border wall on the southern border would be immoral live in gated communities that are surrounded by high walls (some of them electrified) and that have security entry points manned by guards who will turn away anyone who is not on the entry list. Do the residents in these gated communities pay for the wall and the security checkpoints because they hate everyone outside their gated community? No, of course not.

I'm personally not thrilled with gated communities... make those rich folks live with the same threats the rest of us have to.

Do you have a front door? Why? Because you hate everyone outside? Or, because you want to control who comes into your home?

Here's the thing, when I'm home, I usually don't lock my front door until I go to bed at night. I lock it when I'm not there. So you use a metaphor that is kind of retarded...

Let's take it one further.. why aren't you guys arguing to build a wall along our border with Canada? It would seem that it would be a lot easier to get in from Canada than Mexico.

We don't have millions of illegals streaming in from Canada every year

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