if a gay baker refused to bake a cake for a Muslim, whose side would liberals take?

That is all you do- spin, spin, spin.

Back to the OP- doesn't matter who the baker is- its illegal to refuse to bake a cake for a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim- based upon their religion.

Some think they should be able to refuse to bake a cake for a Jew.

Or a Muslim.
Yet Muslims do refuse and not a peep from the left.

Refuse what? to bake a cake for a Jew?

Please- don't trot out the usual right wing lies- I have seen the video purportedly showing Muslim bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding- and god what a mess of lies that thing is- heavily edited- bouncing from one person to the next- and not one of them actually refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Here is an idea- since the law prohibits anyone from refusing to sell to a Christian- why don't you go- with your camera on- to your local Muslim baker- and ask him to bake you a cake- be sure to tell him you are a Christian.

And provide the video of him refusing to bake you that cake because you are a Christian.
What if I refuse to put something on my head? I’ll be asked to leave and can’t photograph.


Refuse what? to bake a cake for a Jew?

Please- don't trot out the usual right wing lies- I have seen the video purportedly showing Muslim bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding- and god what a mess of lies that thing is- heavily edited- bouncing from one person to the next- and not one of them actually refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Here is an idea- since the law prohibits anyone from refusing to sell to a Christian- why don't you go- with your camera on- to your local Muslim baker- and ask him to bake you a cake- be sure to tell him you are a Christian.

And provide the video of him refusing to bake you that cake because you are a Christian
It appeared to me, all of them kept sending the host to other bakeries.

I'll agree with you, it was heavily edited, but why don't you go down to Dearborn yourself and try to get the job done. Most folks know they won't do it, and you would be very brave to try to have it done. In that community, it just isn't culturally appropriate. How rude.

It would be like going to an Amish community and asking their blacksmith to custom create a part for your car. Wise up.

They were willing to bake a wedding cake, and some were even willing to put the name of two men on there. But at the point where they were asked to put decoration on there making the celebration of marriage between men explicit? That is where they all balked.
That is all you do- spin, spin, spin.

Back to the OP- doesn't matter who the baker is- its illegal to refuse to bake a cake for a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim- based upon their religion.

Some think they should be able to refuse to bake a cake for a Jew.

Or a Muslim.
Yet Muslims do refuse and not a peep from the left.

Refuse what? to bake a cake for a Jew?

Please- don't trot out the usual right wing lies- I have seen the video purportedly showing Muslim bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding- and god what a mess of lies that thing is- heavily edited- bouncing from one person to the next- and not one of them actually refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Here is an idea- since the law prohibits anyone from refusing to sell to a Christian- why don't you go- with your camera on- to your local Muslim baker- and ask him to bake you a cake- be sure to tell him you are a Christian.

And provide the video of him refusing to bake you that cake because you are a Christian.
What if I refuse to put something on my head? I’ll be asked to leave and can’t photograph.


Refuse what? to bake a cake for a Jew?

Please- don't trot out the usual right wing lies- I have seen the video purportedly showing Muslim bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding- and god what a mess of lies that thing is- heavily edited- bouncing from one person to the next- and not one of them actually refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Here is an idea- since the law prohibits anyone from refusing to sell to a Christian- why don't you go- with your camera on- to your local Muslim baker- and ask him to bake you a cake- be sure to tell him you are a Christian.

And provide the video of him refusing to bake you that cake because you are a Christian
It appeared to me, all of them kept sending the host to other bakeries.

I'll agree with you, it was heavily edited, but why don't you go down to Dearborn yourself and try to get the job done. Most folks know they won't do it, and you would be very brave to try to have it done. In that community, it just isn't culturally appropriate. How rude..

One of the bakeries doesn't even bake cakes. The OP is a lie- Fake News- by a Conservative who was appealing to his gullible audience.

Dearborn is somewhat out of my way- so I will tell you what? Why don't you go to Dearborn and find out? I live in San Francisco- the Muslim community here has no problem serving gays.

Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth | HuffPost
In another scene, the guy goes to a bread bakery where they’re churning out fresh pita in a brick oven. It’s obvious there are no cakes or sweets in the bakery. The place just makes bread. Despite not being able to take an order for a wedding cake, the men behind the counter still refer him to a place where he can get wedding photographs across the street, inshallah.

From the assholes own blog:
HIDDEN CAMERA: Will Muslim Bakeries Make a Gay Wedding Cake?
Colin – Thanks for the stats.

Whatever their religious affiliations or lack thereof… the simple inescapable fact here is that Crowder is a liar. Every one of these bakeries say they didn’t refuse him service and they’ve been grossly misrepresented with deceptively edited video and flat-out lies. One of the bakeries doesn’t even make cakes, they were simply referring him to the business across the street. Another one says the employee doesn’t speak English and was confused. The third (the one with the women wearing hijab) did not refuse him at all, and say that they’ve made cakes for gay weddings and have no problems with it at all.

Crowder deliberately lied about these people. He continues posting links to this bullshit video on his facebook page, just to get people riled up over nothing.

Community rallies to support Dearborn bakery, blast radio host for bigotry

Mariam Khansa, Sam’s daughter, was also upset, but mainly with Crowder and the way the video was cut. Khansa was shocked to find out he was using a hidden camera and that his intent had other motives.

“We helped him like anybody else,” said Mariam Khansa. “I can’t believe he lied on his behalf.” She also spoke on the defense of the other two bakeries targeted, Hallab Bakery and Golden Bakery, both in Dearborn.

On mentioning Halab Bakery, Khansa said the employee that served Crowder was not fluent in English, and Crowder took advantage of the language barrier to misrepresent them as refusing service. On mentioning Golden Bakery Khansa said they actually do not make wedding cakes and them referring a customer somewhere else is only logical. She also said the employee there tried explaining this numerous times to Crowder, but that part of the video was cut.
That is all you do- spin, spin, spin.

Back to the OP- doesn't matter who the baker is- its illegal to refuse to bake a cake for a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim- based upon their religion.

Some think they should be able to refuse to bake a cake for a Jew.

Or a Muslim.
Yet Muslims do refuse and not a peep from the left.

Refuse what? to bake a cake for a Jew?

Please- don't trot out the usual right wing lies- I have seen the video purportedly showing Muslim bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding- and god what a mess of lies that thing is- heavily edited- bouncing from one person to the next- and not one of them actually refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Here is an idea- since the law prohibits anyone from refusing to sell to a Christian- why don't you go- with your camera on- to your local Muslim baker- and ask him to bake you a cake- be sure to tell him you are a Christian.

And provide the video of him refusing to bake you that cake because you are a Christian.
What if I refuse to put something on my head? I’ll be asked to leave and can’t photograph.


Refuse what? to bake a cake for a Jew?

Please- don't trot out the usual right wing lies- I have seen the video purportedly showing Muslim bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding- and god what a mess of lies that thing is- heavily edited- bouncing from one person to the next- and not one of them actually refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Here is an idea- since the law prohibits anyone from refusing to sell to a Christian- why don't you go- with your camera on- to your local Muslim baker- and ask him to bake you a cake- be sure to tell him you are a Christian.

And provide the video of him refusing to bake you that cake because you are a Christian

They were willing to bake a wedding cake, and some were even willing to put the name of two men on there. But at the point where they were asked to put decoration on there making the celebration of marriage between men explicit? That is where they all balked.

The only bakery that ever said 'no' was where the one guy whose English was clearly poor said 'no'- but the Conservative author- who lied about the pita bakery- edited it out so we could not see what the full question was- or what happened after the guy said the one word 'no'.

The author knew his audience. He knew that it would appeal to the gullible who would not question what he claimed was happening.
Yet Muslims do refuse and not a peep from the left.

Refuse what? to bake a cake for a Jew?

Please- don't trot out the usual right wing lies- I have seen the video purportedly showing Muslim bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding- and god what a mess of lies that thing is- heavily edited- bouncing from one person to the next- and not one of them actually refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Here is an idea- since the law prohibits anyone from refusing to sell to a Christian- why don't you go- with your camera on- to your local Muslim baker- and ask him to bake you a cake- be sure to tell him you are a Christian.

And provide the video of him refusing to bake you that cake because you are a Christian.
What if I refuse to put something on my head? I’ll be asked to leave and can’t photograph.


Refuse what? to bake a cake for a Jew?

Please- don't trot out the usual right wing lies- I have seen the video purportedly showing Muslim bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding- and god what a mess of lies that thing is- heavily edited- bouncing from one person to the next- and not one of them actually refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Here is an idea- since the law prohibits anyone from refusing to sell to a Christian- why don't you go- with your camera on- to your local Muslim baker- and ask him to bake you a cake- be sure to tell him you are a Christian.

And provide the video of him refusing to bake you that cake because you are a Christian
It appeared to me, all of them kept sending the host to other bakeries.

I'll agree with you, it was heavily edited, but why don't you go down to Dearborn yourself and try to get the job done. Most folks know they won't do it, and you would be very brave to try to have it done. In that community, it just isn't culturally appropriate. How rude.

It would be like going to an Amish community and asking their blacksmith to custom create a part for your car. Wise up.

They were willing to bake a wedding cake, and some were even willing to put the name of two men on there. But at the point where they were asked to put decoration on there making the celebration of marriage between men explicit? That is where they all balked.
Yet Muslims do refuse and not a peep from the left.

Refuse what? to bake a cake for a Jew?

Please- don't trot out the usual right wing lies- I have seen the video purportedly showing Muslim bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding- and god what a mess of lies that thing is- heavily edited- bouncing from one person to the next- and not one of them actually refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Here is an idea- since the law prohibits anyone from refusing to sell to a Christian- why don't you go- with your camera on- to your local Muslim baker- and ask him to bake you a cake- be sure to tell him you are a Christian.

And provide the video of him refusing to bake you that cake because you are a Christian.
What if I refuse to put something on my head? I’ll be asked to leave and can’t photograph.


Refuse what? to bake a cake for a Jew?

Please- don't trot out the usual right wing lies- I have seen the video purportedly showing Muslim bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding- and god what a mess of lies that thing is- heavily edited- bouncing from one person to the next- and not one of them actually refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Here is an idea- since the law prohibits anyone from refusing to sell to a Christian- why don't you go- with your camera on- to your local Muslim baker- and ask him to bake you a cake- be sure to tell him you are a Christian.

And provide the video of him refusing to bake you that cake because you are a Christian
It appeared to me, all of them kept sending the host to other bakeries.

I'll agree with you, it was heavily edited, but why don't you go down to Dearborn yourself and try to get the job done. Most folks know they won't do it, and you would be very brave to try to have it done. In that community, it just isn't culturally appropriate. How rude..

One of the bakeries doesn't even bake cakes. The OP is a lie- Fake News- by a Conservative who was appealing to his gullible audience.

Dearborn is somewhat out of my way- so I will tell you what? Why don't you go to Dearborn and find out? I live in San Francisco- the Muslim community here has no problem serving gays.

Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth | HuffPost
In another scene, the guy goes to a bread bakery where they’re churning out fresh pita in a brick oven. It’s obvious there are no cakes or sweets in the bakery. The place just makes bread. Despite not being able to take an order for a wedding cake, the men behind the counter still refer him to a place where he can get wedding photographs across the street, inshallah.

From the assholes own blog:
HIDDEN CAMERA: Will Muslim Bakeries Make a Gay Wedding Cake?
Colin – Thanks for the stats.

Whatever their religious affiliations or lack thereof… the simple inescapable fact here is that Crowder is a liar. Every one of these bakeries say they didn’t refuse him service and they’ve been grossly misrepresented with deceptively edited video and flat-out lies. One of the bakeries doesn’t even make cakes, they were simply referring him to the business across the street. Another one says the employee doesn’t speak English and was confused. The third (the one with the women wearing hijab) did not refuse him at all, and say that they’ve made cakes for gay weddings and have no problems with it at all.

Crowder deliberately lied about these people. He continues posting links to this bullshit video on his facebook page, just to get people riled up over nothing.

Community rallies to support Dearborn bakery, blast radio host for bigotry

Mariam Khansa, Sam’s daughter, was also upset, but mainly with Crowder and the way the video was cut. Khansa was shocked to find out he was using a hidden camera and that his intent had other motives.

“We helped him like anybody else,” said Mariam Khansa. “I can’t believe he lied on his behalf.” She also spoke on the defense of the other two bakeries targeted, Hallab Bakery and Golden Bakery, both in Dearborn.

On mentioning Halab Bakery, Khansa said the employee that served Crowder was not fluent in English, and Crowder took advantage of the language barrier to misrepresent them as refusing service. On mentioning Golden Bakery Khansa said they actually do not make wedding cakes and them referring a customer somewhere else is only logical. She also said the employee there tried explaining this numerous times to Crowder, but that part of the video was cut.
Thank you.

I had not researched it as thoroughly as you.

I apologize.
Yet Muslims do refuse and not a peep from the left.

Refuse what? to bake a cake for a Jew?

Please- don't trot out the usual right wing lies- I have seen the video purportedly showing Muslim bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding- and god what a mess of lies that thing is- heavily edited- bouncing from one person to the next- and not one of them actually refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Here is an idea- since the law prohibits anyone from refusing to sell to a Christian- why don't you go- with your camera on- to your local Muslim baker- and ask him to bake you a cake- be sure to tell him you are a Christian.

And provide the video of him refusing to bake you that cake because you are a Christian.
What if I refuse to put something on my head? I’ll be asked to leave and can’t photograph.


Refuse what? to bake a cake for a Jew?

Please- don't trot out the usual right wing lies- I have seen the video purportedly showing Muslim bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay wedding- and god what a mess of lies that thing is- heavily edited- bouncing from one person to the next- and not one of them actually refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Here is an idea- since the law prohibits anyone from refusing to sell to a Christian- why don't you go- with your camera on- to your local Muslim baker- and ask him to bake you a cake- be sure to tell him you are a Christian.

And provide the video of him refusing to bake you that cake because you are a Christian

They were willing to bake a wedding cake, and some were even willing to put the name of two men on there. But at the point where they were asked to put decoration on there making the celebration of marriage between men explicit? That is where they all balked.

The only bakery that ever said 'no' was where the one guy whose English was clearly poor said 'no'- but the Conservative author- who lied about the pita bakery- edited it out so we could not see what the full question was- or what happened after the guy said the one word 'no'.

The author knew his audience. He knew that it would appeal to the gullible who would not question what he claimed was happening.

I have seen this guys show before, I shall remain far more skeptical of him than I was.

Then again, I have always been a bit skeptical of YouTube supported and sponsored posters.

It just goes to show, Google sponsored YouTube posters are just as bad as the corporate press. :badgrin:

The game is still the same, divide and conquer.

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