If all blacks suddenly left America

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Keep in mind they only make up 13% of the population...


I'm a liberal and I can and have defended blacks for why these things happen but honestly they need to take a long hard look at these numbers and do something about it.

Why don't blacks start their own business'? I would love to see some rich blacks start a car company and have their factories all in the city of Detroit or other cities so we give those people jobs. If they have jobs they will be able to take care of their kids and we all know the more you have the more you have to lose. So people with homes and jobs don't commit crime. And even if the baby daddy is not raising the child at least he can pay child support. And men who pay child support tend to take care of their kids because otherwise it's like you are paying for nothing. If you are going to pay, may as well spend time with them. And then those factory workers will pay property taxes and then those taxes will help improve their schools.

Blacks do start their own businesses. I know I have. Blacks have learned from history that white people tend to try and tear down anything too big so you have a lot of small Black business owners instead of many gigantic corps. The way the US is set up there will always be poor people. It is the nature of capitalism. Also studies have shown that Black fathers are among the best if not the best fathers.

I do notice that black men who are fathers to their kids are really good fathers yes.

And like I said before, I am a liberal so I do see the black side of this argument. I know they/you have had a lot of obstacles put in your way the last 300 years so I get it and I get it that the only reason black society like Detroit is so fucked up is because there are no jobs. Take the jobs away from any major city and you are going to see welfare, drug use and crime rise.

But I do wish P Diddy and Magic Johnson or Oprah would start up more major corporations. But yes, I agree that small business' have no chance in America. How can they ever compete with dollar stores and walmart? They can't. But it'd be nice to see a black owned store and black people should only shop at those stores and those stores should only hire people who live in the community.

I'm hoping Tesla comes out with a new affordable all battery car. Oprah should invest in that company or Beyonce or Tyler Perry. P.S. You just know as soon as blacks have a car every white kid is going to want one. :D
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