" If Americans won’t vote for Democrats, then we’ll import people who will.”

James Woods says that's why dems want amnesty. The dem voter base is illegals and welfare trash which are now pretty much the same thing.
The problem is illegal Hispanic immigrants are not as loyal as back voters. They may not be happy living on the Democratic Plantation. Once they get the right to vote they may vote for Republicans. A high percentage are Catholic.

The problem is illegal Hispanic immigrants are not as loyal as back voters. They may not be happy living on the Democratic Plantation. Once they get the right to vote they may vote for Republicans. A high percentage are Catholic.

As far as the Democrats are concerned a minority is a minority, and they all pretty much think alike.

The problem with the black community is they don't take such a keen interest in politics. Hispanics are more interested in what's going on around them and how they are affected.

What other presidential candidate said more degrading and racist things about blacks than Joe Biden in our lifetime? Yet blacks still came out in droves to vote for him.

The one thing Democrats fear the most are politically educated voters.
As far as the Democrats are concerned a minority is a minority, and they all pretty much think alike.

The problem with the black community is they don't take such a keen interest in politics. Hispanics are more interested in what's going on around them and how they are affected.

What other presidential candidate said more degrading and racist things about blacks than Joe Biden in our lifetime? Yet blacks still came out in droves to vote for him.

The one thing Democrats fear the most are politically educated voters.
If 1/100 of the crap you accuse Democrats of believing were true, I couldn't be one. Black folk don't seem to believe you when you say they are just too dumb to see which party is better for them. You keep it up though. I'm sure that will work for you eventually.
If 1/100 of the crap you accuse Democrats of believing were true, I couldn't be one. Black folk don't seem to believe you when you say they are just too dumb to see which party is better for them. You keep it up though. I'm sure that will work for you eventually.

Nobody on the right accused them of being dumb. Ignorant does not mean stupid. Ignorant means being uneducated about something. We are all ignorant of things. I don't care for sports. I couldn't tell you the name of one football or baseball player on our teams in Cleveland. I'm ignorant of Hollywood. I could care less what a bunch of left-wing freaks are doing or saying. It doesn't interest me.

It's the Democrats who call blacks stupid. They can't make it in life without us. They don't have the intelligence that white people have to obtain a Voter-ID. Or to quote Joe Biden, the problem in the black community is the parents don't know how to read either. They insult their intelligence almost constantly, like calling that Rittenhouse kid a racist because he's a white kid that shot three other white people killing one of them. Or saying the black presidential candidate for California governor to replace Newsome is the black face of white supremacy.

The Communists keep the race issue alive whenever possible even in situations where race is not even remotely involved. The blacks eat it all up because most are ignorant of politics.
That's the basic story RWNJs seem to believe. Dumb of them, ain't it?
The more LWNJs deny what we all know, the lower their approval rates drop. Soon they will all be as bad as Biden/Harris, and still dropping.
They are trying to do to America what they did to California in the 80s.

In the 80s California was a die hard red state until democrats let a shitload of illegals in and gave them voting rights. It turned blue after that and has stayed that way ever since.
If 1/100 of the crap you accuse Democrats of believing were true, I couldn't be one. Black folk don't seem to believe you when you say they are just too dumb to see which party is better for them. You keep it up though. I'm sure that will work for you eventually.
Well, what would be the reason why a large % of them continue to vote against the party that just did more for them (2017-2020) than any time in US history (other than being released from slavery) ?

lowest unemployment for blacks in US history
highest median wage in US history
8,700 "Opportunity Zones" created in depressed communities
$250 Million/year program started for black colleges
Hundreds of black prison inmates released
+ dozens of accomplishments that helped ALL Americans (ex, Covid vaccine, $6 Billion to fight opioids,etc)

Nobody on the right accused them of being dumb. Ignorant does not mean stupid. Ignorant means being uneducated about something. We are all ignorant of things. I don't care for sports. I couldn't tell you the name of one football or baseball player on our teams in Cleveland. I'm ignorant of Hollywood. I could care less what a bunch of left-wing freaks are doing or saying. It doesn't interest me.

It's the Democrats who call blacks stupid. They can't make it in life without us. They don't have the intelligence that white people have to obtain a Voter-ID. Or to quote Joe Biden, the problem in the black community is the parents don't know how to read either. They insult their intelligence almost constantly, like calling that Rittenhouse kid a racist because he's a white kid that shot three other white people killing one of them. Or saying the black presidential candidate for California governor to replace Newsome is the black face of white supremacy.

The Communists keep the race issue alive whenever possible even in situations where race is not even remotely involved. The blacks eat it all up because most are ignorant of politics.
Yes. Isn't a shame those black folk just aren't smart enough to see all that. You keep telling them that though. I'm sure you will eventually convince them they just aren't as smart as you are.
Well, what would be the reason why a large % of them continue to vote against the party that just did more for them (2017-2020) than any time in US history (other than being released from slavery) ?

lowest unemployment for blacks in US history
highest median wage in US history
8,700 "Opportunity Zones" created in depressed communities
$250 Million/year program started for black colleges
Hundreds of black prison inmates released
+ dozens of accomplishments that helped ALL Americans (ex, Covid vaccine, $6 Billion to fight opioids,etc)

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Take away the free speech rights of conservatives, ban republicans from running for office, import foreign agents who vote for democrats and throw out all the voting laws. Maybe that will get Biden reelected but maybe not.
Take away the free speech rights of conservatives, ban republicans from running for office, import foreign agents who vote for democrats and throw out all the voting laws. Maybe that will get Biden reelected but maybe not.
I suppose all those things would have an effect, but there is really no need because all it took last time was to point out the pig that the right was supporting.
The problem is illegal Hispanic immigrants are not as loyal as back voters. They may not be happy living on the Democratic Plantation. Once they get the right to vote they may vote for Republicans. A high percentage are Catholic.

Yes and their Catholicism has no room for this kind of Leftist LUNACY >>

Here is Richard Levine, posing as a woman, and calling himself "Rachael Levine". Biden just appointed this nutjob to the second highest job in HHS, and made him a 4 star admiral in something.


Why any mother would let Levine near her kids is a mystery. But that question aside, Biden thinks the The Man in High Heels is just right for the job.
Said the leader of the party of science, which denies the biological reality of sex:

Dr. Rachel Levine will... meet the public health needs of our country
Really ? So we "need" to have a total lunatic teaching college students about psychiatry (Levine does) and giving medical treatment to children. WOW, is this country ever messed up right now.


And here are pictures of Sam Britton, the looney tune drag queen that Biden just appointed to a top job in his Dept. of Energy, handling nuclear waste disposal. Yes folks this a MAN (sort of)




Appointing a science-denier to a top government health job — for which accepting modern science would seem to be required — is bad enough. But in November, Biden picked a “transgender” to oversee the transition team’s defense end, as The New American reported.

Here is Shawn Skelly, Biden's Tranny Looney pick for the important DOD job, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness >>

Don't be deluded. This is a MAN folks >>


Joe Biden. :rolleyes: Will this country ever survive another year of this dude ?


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Well, what might we expect from a pervert himself (Joe Biden ), who takes showers with his daughter (reported in her diary), and is all HANDS with women & children, in front of cameras, and thinks nothing of it.

People are in prisons for what we see Joe Biden doing in photos and videos.


Yes and their Catholicism has no room for this kind of Leftist LUNACY >>

Here is Richard Levine, posing as a woman, and calling himself "Rachael Levine". Biden just appointed this nutjob to the second highest job in HHS, and made him a 4 star admiral in something.

View attachment 600582
Why any mother would let Levine near her kids is a mystery. But that question aside, Biden thinks the The Man in High Heels is just right for the job.
Said the leader of the party of science, which denies the biological reality of sex:

Really ? So we "need" to have a total lunatic teaching college students about psychiatry (Levine does) and giving medical treatment to children. WOW, is this country ever messed up right now.


And here are pictures of Sam Britton, the looney tune drag queen that Biden just appointed to a top job in his Dept. of Energy, handling nuclear waste disposal. Yes folks this a MAN (sort of)

View attachment 600561 View attachment 600563

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Appointing a science-denier to a top government health job — for which accepting modern science would seem to be required — is bad enough. But in November, Biden picked a “transgender” to oversee the transition team’s defense end, as The New American reported.

Here is Shawn Skelly, Biden's Tranny Looney pick for the important DOD job, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness >>

Don't be deluded. This is a MAN folks >>

View attachment 600579

Joe Biden. :rolleyes: Will this country ever survive another year of this dude ?
The left in this country won't be happy until this country looks like an episode from the classic show The Twilight Zone.
I suppose all those things would have an effect, but there is really no need because all it took last time was to point out the pig that the right was supporting.

All it took was to use covid as an excuse to have mail-in voting. The more mail-in voting you have, the more politically ignorant that vote. Politically ignorant people always vote Democrat. That's why their anti-American Voters Rights bill has mail-in only.
Yes. Isn't a shame those black folk just aren't smart enough to see all that. You keep telling them that though. I'm sure you will eventually convince them they just aren't as smart as you are.

You leftists always put words in our mouth we never spoke, or in this case words in our hands we never typed.

It's not about smart or stupid, it's about interest. If you are not interested in something, then you won't learn anything about it either.
All it took was to use covid as an excuse to have mail-in voting. The more mail-in voting you have, the more politically ignorant that vote. Politically ignorant people always vote Democrat. That's why their anti-American Voters Rights bill has mail-in only.
With mail in voting, an additional 20 million more Americans voted
A victory for Democracy

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