If Anybody Should Be Complaining, It's White People


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
What a farce these Ferguson riots (and even peaceful protests) are. Just WHAT are these people complaining about ? That an unarmed kid got murdered by a cop ? (so they say)

1. "Unarmed" has absolutely no significance whatsoever. Even private citizens with gun licenses are entitled to shoot people who are attacking them, armed or not. Incidentally, Michael Brown DID have a weapon. His large size.

2. "Murdered" ? As of now, there is not a shred of evidence that Brown was murdered. Dorian Johnson has emerged to be a joke. So-called other witnesses (we don't even know if they were there at the time) have said Brown was shot in the back. Autopsy proved otherwise. They also claimed that Brown did not go after the cop's gun. The cops are now claiming there is forensic evidence that Brown DID touch the cop's gun (DNA and/or fingerprints probably)

3. "Police Brutality" ? Seeing the riots on TV, it appears that the police were quite restrained. After enduring rocks, molatov cocktails, and bottles of water an urine thrown at them, and even guns fired, the cops just went about their business in a professional way. I remember anti-Vietnam War demonstrations in the 60s, when cops were cracking heads with billy clubs and breaking legs.

Seems like much ado about nothing. And it seems like the people who really DO have something to complain about in America, are Whites. After 50 years of affirmative action racism/discrimination against Whites (Blacks being beneficiaries), you'd think it would be Whites who would be protesting. Whites have unfairly been denied college admissions, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc, and have had their whole lives held back as a result. Yet it is Blacks, who have been getting preferential treatment, that are complaining. Why are they complaining ? I'd say it is mass stupidity + the racist and opportunistic yammerings of race hustlers like Al Sharpton and bewilderingly irresponsible words of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon adding fuel to the fire.
Seems like much ado about nothing. And it seems like the people who really DO have something to complain about in America, are Whites.

Young Brown like so many of his peers are touted to be such wonderful, talented, gifted and loving people. But so what. A mother cobra watches out for and will defend its offspring while it incubates the eggs too. I am tired of hearing of how the young turd, like so many of the other young turds are portrayed as anything but what they actually were. But then I guess people have to try to paint that picture in regards to blacks, because the truth only serves to promote the stereotypes and thoughts that so many already hold. Believe this to be mean, racist or whatever you wish. I could not care any less. To say that a skunk smells bad is not being mean or bigoted about skunks. It is merely being honest. At least you have to have a bit of compassion for the skunk, for it has no choice in the matter of how it smells. People have the ability to decide what they will do and how they will do it. Young blow away Brown made his choices and they brought about reactions that any moron should be able to anticipate. Give sympathy and pity to those who deserve it. Do not waste it on the Browns of the world. For that is all it will be, a waste.
Some things never change...
"According to the US Department of Justice, blacks [ who make up 14% of the total population ] accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and Native Americans and Asians 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most murders were intraracial, with 84% of white homicide victims murdered by whites, and 93% of black victims murdered by blacks."

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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