If Bill de Blasio Becomes New York Mayor.Mass Exodus Of The Rich And Police?

Feb 1, 2013

You have to wonder how many small businesses will shut down and move elsewhere if De Blasio becomes mayor.
Same with policemen/firefighters.
Will De Blasio enforce that contraversal law regarding pat downs and never to use race when identifying a fleeing suspect?
Anyone here from New York? What do think will happen with the million or so residents of New York who will vote against Bill De Blasio?
I wouldn't be surprised if half the rates flee to Jersey if Del Bloosio wins. {being 1/2 the restaurants will shut down or lose 3/4th of their business}

You have to wonder how many small businesses will shut down and move elsewhere if De Blasio becomes mayor.
Same with policemen/firefighters.
Will De Blasio enforce that contraversal law regarding pat downs and never to use race when identifying a fleeing suspect?
Anyone here from New York? What do think will happen with the million or so residents of New York who will vote against Bill De Blasio?

Most of the police/firemen already live outside the city, so it will only affect them at work.

I can see some of the more well off people finally deciding they have had enough and move to the suburbs. I wonder what the "tip" number is for whatever tax increase DeBlasio has in mind, i.e. the point where revenue gained from the tax increase is lost from people taking thier entire tax revenue out of the city when they move.
His tax plan will never come to fruition. Cuomo has already made it clear that his model is not for NY.
The residency of NYC will vote in de Blahsio and then spend the next handful of years justifying electing the man with no experience and no real plan.

Sound familiar?
So if I visit NY during the Bel Blasio years, will I be allowed to carry Pop-Tarts on me for self-defense?

You have to wonder how many small businesses will shut down and move elsewhere if De Blasio becomes mayor.
Same with policemen/firefighters.
Will De Blasio enforce that contraversal law regarding pat downs and never to use race when identifying a fleeing suspect?
Anyone here from New York? What do think will happen with the million or so residents of New York who will vote against Bill De Blasio?

The people deserve the government they elect.

New Yorkers aren't known for their brilliance.
Lhota is actually qualified for the job, has a real plan and also leans quite liberally (gay marriage, dope smokers). But, he doesn't have an african american wife and therefore, the guy in make-up with a D next to his name is a sure thing.

Even if he's unqualified, slimy, has no plan and sounds like Obama.
don't we have enough "Hilter-Like" mayors in the country as of now. in 2015, will the 4 million New Yorkers who voted for him occasionally stand outside his 50th floor balcony and all praise him with hand gestures like they did in the Hitler years?
so will New Yorkers still be allowed to curse 150 times a day if he becomes Mayor? or will they get taxed per F-Word?
Fine, let him win, then what's he gonna do when all of the conservatives flee the state, and take their millions out of the state?

By Cliff Kincaid
November 3, 2013

New York City Democratic mayoral candidate Bill de Blasiosaid about Christopher Columbus: “There are some troubling things in his history.” Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative commented, “Funny. There are some troubling things” about de Blasio’s history. He’s had three different names, a “honeymoon” in Cuba, and still supports the communist Sandinistas. Plus, he has a belief in the power of “progressive” Islam.


Incredibly, De Blasio says he still supports the Sandinistas and remains influenced by liberation theology, which was manufactured by the old KGB to dupe Christians into supporting Marxism.


The story line, though, is still the same: destroy the imperialists. Or, as Weather Underground terrorist bomber Bill Ayers put it to The New Yorker—de Blasio stood up to the “imperial monster” of the United States. And this security risk is on the verge of becoming New York City mayor? How has this happened?


I have the original source documents in an 84-page dossier on de Blasio and his wife, who constitute the “Marxist power couple” looking to live in Gracie Mansion after November 5. His wife was a member of the Combahee River Collective, a Marxist outfit that railed against capitalism and freedom.


On 9/11 in 2012, at a freedom of speech conference sponsored by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer in New York City, I warned the audience about the media’s war on the NYPD. The New York Times had been relentlessly attacking the NYPD and Commissioner Ray Kelly.


Marxist National Lawyers Guild attorneys, plus people like the ACLU’s Aryeh Neier, who went to work for George Soros, dismantled those Red Squads, which were charged with monitoring subversive and communist groups. It was during a time when the Cuban-backed Weather Underground, the Puerto Rican FALN, and the Black Liberation Army were killing both cops and civilians. Today, the Soros-funded Brennan Center is helping to lead the charge against the NYPD over surveillance of Muslim terrorists, demanding oversight, auditors, and special monitors of the police department. All of this is designed to make it harder for the police to do their jobs.


The communists started using radical Muslims to carry out their terrorist activities decades ago. Carlos the Jackal, the Cuban- and KGB-trained Marxist terrorist, converted to Islam and was also a KGB agent. Arafat was KGB, and so is Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is now running al Qaeda. All of this was brought out in reports and speeches at a “Lenin and Sharia” conference that featured a former officer of the Soviet KGB.


De Blasio’s answer is to handcuff the police and dismantle the so-called “secret spying” apparatus.

Soros, who is backing de Blasio, gave $20,000 to the Lynne Stewart Defense Committee.

Even though de Blasio is supposed to be against the rich, you can’t get much richer than hedge fund operator George Soros. He’s a convicted inside trader to boot. Yet de Blasio advertises his endorsement from Soros on his own campaign website.


The people have a right to know. The media have to start doing their jobs. Time is running out on New York City. The election is November 5th.

Pamela Geller says that under de Blasio, the response to terror plots will be to cross your fingers and hope the bombs don’t go off.

Analyst Trevor Loudon says a “perfect storm is brewing” for New York City and that “People will die” if the wrong person is elected mayor.

Cliff Kincaid -- Media Whitewash Obama-backed Marxist Candidate

You have to wonder how many small businesses will shut down and move elsewhere if De Blasio becomes mayor.
Same with policemen/firefighters.
Will De Blasio enforce that contraversal law regarding pat downs and never to use race when identifying a fleeing suspect?
Anyone here from New York? What do think will happen with the million or so residents of New York who will vote against Bill De Blasio?

I'm sure most of those Jewish Deli's will relocate to Nebraska.
Yes, they will leave. Because as we all know, the only reason people live in NYC is for the low cost of living and tax advantages. :cuckoo:

You have to wonder how many small businesses will shut down and move elsewhere if De Blasio becomes mayor.
Same with policemen/firefighters.
Will De Blasio enforce that contraversal law regarding pat downs and never to use race when identifying a fleeing suspect?
Anyone here from New York? What do think will happen with the million or so residents of New York who will vote against Bill De Blasio?
New York ain't Wisconsin where Scott Walker used the recall petition a political enemies list.

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