If both parties worked for real Americans wouldn't issues such as immigration be easy to solve?

You mean the wall didn’t actually solve the immigration issue?

Weird. If only someone would have said that.
What's really weird is democrats being against any measure to solve the border issue.

*biden sure loves those cages though.

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What’s actually weird is the people who are so adamant about this issue are promoting expensive ideas that don’t actually fix anything.

Your stupid wall didn’t work. What else you got?

Because in my opinion, you need to mandate e-verify and you need to start punishing the people who hire illegals. That is, if you’re actually interested in fixing this issue, which you clearly aren’t.
What’s actually weird is the people who are so adamant about this issue are promoting expensive ideas that don’t actually fix anything.

Your stupid wall didn’t work. What else you got?

Because in my opinion, you need to mandate e-verify and you need to start punishing the people who hire illegals. That is, if you’re actually interested in fixing this issue, which you clearly aren’t.


What else you got? More cages........ and buses to spread them around the country. You lefties are pathetic.

It's About Time – Employer Hit by $96 Million Penalty for ...
What’s actually weird is the people who are so adamant about this issue are promoting expensive ideas that don’t actually fix anything.

Your stupid wall didn’t work. What else you got?

Because in my opinion, you need to mandate e-verify and you need to start punishing the people who hire illegals. That is, if you’re actually interested in fixing this issue, which you clearly aren’t.


What else you got? More cages........ and buses to spread them around the country. You lefties are pathetic.

It's About Time – Employer Hit by $96 Million Penalty for ...

So...nothing then. Great. Thanks for proving my point.
The thread is based completely on an impossible pretending to be a hypothetical.

Explain.....Which part is "impossible"?

The left and the right working together and solving a problem. When they work together the only thing that happens is that the left lies and the Republicans (not the right) sell out and go along anyway so they don't piss off the left before the next election.

Name a single problem in modern history where the left and the right worked together and solved a problem.
Democrats in particular act as if the immigration issue is one very complex in nature....but is it really?
Don't the parties 'sell' the issues they have no interest in solving as difficult and complex?
Just another reason why we were never supposed to be a democracy, and why voting was never supposed to be a right. As a result, we are led by three sentence slogans and most (especially on the left) become walking tropes.

As a result of voting becoming a right, we are led by demagoguery.

Demagogue or demagoguery
a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people.
(in ancient times) a leader of the people.
verb (used with object), dem·a·gogued, dem·a·gogu·ing.
to treat or manipulate (a political issue) in the manner of a demagogue; obscure or distort with emotionalism, prejudice, etc.

Imagine that we have actual Americans, living in the land that millions of people try to escape to from the tyranny of marxism, trying to turn our freedom into enslavement of communism under totalitarian rule.

All due to these pathetic propaganda BS pushed along by these power hungry professional liars.

Yeah, Trump, a demagogue, his TV station and his cult were pushing for authoritarian rule, then on January 6, they tried.
Man, you leftists are such snowflakes and hypocrites.

Sure we are.

“We just stormed the Capital [sic]. It was one of the best days of my life.”
Jenna Ryan, a Texas real estate broker who took a private plane to Washington to join the attack on the US Capitol, has pleaded with Donald Trump to pardon her after she was arrested by federal authorities.
After surrendering to the FBI on Friday, Ryan said: “We all deserve a pardon.”
“I’m facing a prison sentence,” she told CBS11 at her home. “I think I do not deserve that.”
Turning to look into the camera, she said: “I would ask the president of the United States to give me a pardon.”

Lawyers for a US Capitol rioter accused of carrying a stun-gun as he stormed into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office during the Jan. 6 invasion implored a federal judge to give “peace” a chance by releasing the suspect from jail.
60-year-old Richard Barnett began yelling during a virtual hearing on his case that it was not "fair" that he remained in custody while some others accused of participating in the riot have been released ahead of their trials. The Arkansas resident's attorneys have reportedly attempted to secure his bonded release with no success thus far.
“They’re dragging this out!” he yelled at one point, according to the Times. “They’re letting everybody else out!"
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The reason immigration is still an issue is because both parties work for business/wall street and they do not want the issue addressed. They want the low wages and the money being spent here.
And to flip the country to a socialist country by creating government dependents.

These 20 million illegals will have 80 million children who ARE American citizens and WILL be dependent on the Democrat Party

Blame Wall Street and those who work exclusively for them.

You often offer this OPINION and never offer any proof of what you assert. Should we just go on "because you say so"?
I say they come for the free shit and to work at cousin Gustavo's tire shop.....because I say so.

I've addressed this many times. There is very little in free anything here for them. Yes they come here to work. I've said that all along. He isn't working for a legal wage at the tire shop.
You've "addressed" it with nothing more than an unreasonable opinion...no facts, no substantiation.

Fact is if you went after those employing them then you would slow the Illegal Immigration but never stop it.

You need to dry up all resources from funding to jobs they can obtain, and then you will see the lowering of those coming here illegally.

Now tell me that I am wrong and show how you disagree with drying up all resources because it seem you are against going after small businesses that hire illegals!
The reason immigration is still an issue is because both parties work for business/wall street and they do not want the issue addressed. They want the low wages and the money being spent here.
And to flip the country to a socialist country by creating government dependents.

These 20 million illegals will have 80 million children who ARE American citizens and WILL be dependent on the Democrat Party

Blame Wall Street and those who work exclusively for them.

You often offer this OPINION and never offer any proof of what you assert. Should we just go on "because you say so"?
I say they come for the free shit and to work at cousin Gustavo's tire shop.....because I say so.

I've addressed this many times. There is very little in free anything here for them. Yes they come here to work. I've said that all along. He isn't working for a legal wage at the tire shop.
You've "addressed" it with nothing more than an unreasonable opinion...no facts, no substantiation.

Fact is if you went after those employing them then you would slow the Illegal Immigration but never stop it.

You need to dry up all resources from funding to jobs they can obtain, and then you will see the lowering of those coming here illegally.

Now tell me that I am wrong and show how you disagree with drying up all resources because it seem you are against going after small businesses that hire illegals!

He knows it's never going to happen so you have to do and say whatever best pushes your politics because that's all it's really about.
Maybe we should drop the egos, work together, and approach our problems with some out-of-the-box thinking, instead of blindly clinging to a tribe.

Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

I'm just kidding. I know we can no longer do that. We've lost that skill.
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Unfortunately both parties are working for votes. Democrats want more dependent class voters and more representatives appointed in democrat controlled areas, so they love illegal aliens. I'm not really sure what voters Republicans think they are attractive to, but they know Republican voters are generally against illegal immigration, so they use anti-illegal immigration rhetoric a lot more often than Democrats. Clearly neither sees a big problem with it. At some level I think most of these Dems and Reps believe that they are better for the country than the other guy but have to get/stay elected to do that imaginary good. The problem is they never get to do anything good because they are too busy doing stupid shit that is bad for the country to get votes/power because the voters are short sighted idiots. Trump gave you a picture of what a properly motivated politician who works for real Americans looks like.
Did you read the article you referenced? Did you look at the date? It's from 2017. Who was president then? You won't see that during the Biden administration.
Yes. That was part of my point. Trump began punishing employers for illegally employing illegal immigrants. Can't blame Repubs. anymore, let's see them do the same. :popcorn:

Your link.

But new data suggests that the government has not prioritized the prosecution of employers, whose jobs represent the biggest lure for those crossing the southern border to reach the United States.

“Not only are few employers prosecuted, fewer who are convicted receive sentences that amount to more than token punishment,”

Both the Obama and Bush administrations unveiled efforts to target employers as they goaded Congress to fix the broken immigration system. Yet prosecutions have rarely exceeded 15 in a single year, according to TRAC. They reached their highest point, 25, in the first year of the Obama administration; they reached 20 in 2005 when President George W. Bush was in the White House.

25, 20 compared to 11.

This administration’s focus has been on conducting worksite operations with an eye toward arresting and deporting workers and not necessarily prosecuting the employers,”
There are 2 routes to ending "illegal" immigration- think Prohibition- same damn thing

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and have certain unalineable rights endowed by their Creator, among these are, the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness-

There are no caveats in that founding principle, which is also a life philosophy that very few "Americans" share, which proves the Public Education System is a sham-

First, end the restrictions (like was done for Prohibition), voila! no longer illegal!
Or, secondly,rely on FREE (unencumbered) Markets, not centrally controlled which restricts consumer and producer participation- FREE markets will solve ALL of our problems- of course then the political class would have to really think to find issues it could use as a tool to divide voters into 1 of 2 classes- tool or enemy-
Your link.

But new data suggests that the government has not prioritized the prosecution of employers, whose jobs represent the biggest lure for those crossing the southern border to reach the United States.

“Not only are few employers prosecuted, fewer who are convicted receive sentences that amount to more than token punishment,”

Both the Obama and Bush administrations unveiled efforts to target employers as they goaded Congress to fix the broken immigration system. Yet prosecutions have rarely exceeded 15 in a single year, according to TRAC. They reached their highest point, 25, in the first year of the Obama administration; they reached 20 in 2005 when President George W. Bush was in the White House.

25, 20 compared to 11.

This administration’s focus has been on conducting worksite operations with an eye toward arresting and deporting workers and not necessarily prosecuting the employers,”
And you said we were not punishing employers. :popcorn:

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