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If Brennan knows Trump colluded, why doesn't Mueller haul him in?

Nope, Macaulay, that is your interpretation. It is false. And now we have Giulani is saying "the truth isn't the truth."

Play victim? Never.

The Trump Alt Right never do that.

They are so pathetic
Mueller is still trying to find his notes from the 1980's on Whitey Bulger.
Or where that Solyndra money went.
You mean that mess Bush started then Republicans blamed on Obama and then they stopped talking about it when the program turned a profit?

Funny you should bring that up. You act like we forgot.
The Turd Brennan just told Rachel Maddow that all he knows is what he's read in the newspapers---mentioned Trump Jr. meeting in Trump Tower.

He gave his own definition of what would amount to a conspiracy with the Russians to affect the elections which fits EXACTLY with what Hillary Clinton was doing with the ex-Brittish spy Steele and his Russians.

Here is the Sicko Whackjob John Brennan describing to Maddow exactly what the Clinton Campaign did with Steele and his Russians.

"Brennan: “I will leave it to the lawyers and to the courts to decide if something is criminal or not. In my mind, it requires someone to knowingly support the efforts of a foreign government to interfere in U.S. domestic politics and especially an election.” – “And so, any American who was working with the Russians, or working with an intermediaries who were working with Russians; and those Americans who knowingly tried to collude, conspire, and to work with them in order to advance their political objectives here in the states, I think that rises to the level of conspiracy.”

Mueller will finish the Trump investigation after finalizing his report on WMDs in Iraq.
“Disgraced and discredited Bob Mueller”. Notice that no matter what language Trump flings, Mueller never engages. He just stays silent and keeps working. Has Trump ever faced an opponent like this?'
Director Brennan has stated that, while he knows there was collusion, he does not know if it rises to the level of criminal conspiracy or to high crimes and misdemeanors. That will be up to Congress and the special counsel investigation.

Sit tight....we'll know soon enough.
Where did Brennan say that Trump colluded?

He said that Trumps statements in Helsinki were treasonous
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Better yet call in everyone in brennan's circle and pound and threaten them and then sit brennan's butt down and get him on a perjury trap.

Here we have a top government official who knows Trump colluded and Mueller doesn't call him in.
And we republicans know the reason why.

Wasn't it Brennan who said there was no collusion involving the POTUS??
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Better yet call in everyone in brennan's circle and pound and threaten them and then sit brennan's butt down and get him on a perjury trap.

Here we have a top government official who knows Trump colluded and Mueller doesn't call him in.
And we republicans know the reason why.

Wasn't it Brennan who said there was no collusion involving the POTUS??

Link? This is what he said in Congressional testimony...

"I don't know whether or not such collusion -- and that's your term, such collusion existed. I don't know. But I know that there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not U.S. persons were actively conspiring, colluding with Russian officials."
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Better yet call in everyone in brennan's circle and pound and threaten them and then sit brennan's butt down and get him on a perjury trap.

Here we have a top government official who knows Trump colluded and Mueller doesn't call him in.
And we republicans know the reason why.

Wasn't it Brennan who said there was no collusion involving the POTUS??

Link? This is what he said in Congressional testimony...

"I don't know whether or not such collusion -- and that's your term, such collusion existed. I don't know. But I know that there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not U.S. persons were actively conspiring, colluding with Russian officials."

LOL You should read what you wrote.

I don't know whether or not such collusion -- and that's your term, such collusion existed. I don't know.

Seems to me I heard him say there was no collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Looks like Brennan is trying to cover his own ass for some reason.
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Better yet call in everyone in brennan's circle and pound and threaten them and then sit brennan's butt down and get him on a perjury trap.

Here we have a top government official who knows Trump colluded and Mueller doesn't call him in.
And we republicans know the reason why.

Wasn't it Brennan who said there was no collusion involving the POTUS??

Link? This is what he said in Congressional testimony...

"I don't know whether or not such collusion -- and that's your term, such collusion existed. I don't know. But I know that there was a sufficient basis of information and intelligence that required further investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not U.S. persons were actively conspiring, colluding with Russian officials."

LOL You should read what you wrote.

I don't know whether or not such collusion -- and that's your term, such collusion existed. I don't know.

Seems to me I heard him say there was no collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Looks like Brennan is trying to cover his own ass for some reason.
That's not what you claimed though was it? That was also before the Trump Tower meeting became known.
Brennan is a proven multiple repeat felony offender who betrayed this nation, its citizens, and engaged in an attempt to un-do the democratic election of our current President.

what he has on Trump is exactly what Mueller has - ZERO!
That's not what you claimed though was it? That was also before the Trump Tower meeting became known.
Snowflakes really are stuck on 'stupid'.

Acquiring opposition research is NOT illegal. (If it was Hillary would be in an orange jumps suit by now.)

No opposition research was passed at that meeting.

The Russian Lawyer set up the meeting. No information was passed. Trump Jr left after 7 minutes and never came back.

- Russian Lawyer Who Met With Donald Trump Jr.: I Never Had Damaging Information on Hillary Clinton

Snowflakes continue to embarrass themselves by continuing to push the lie that anything illegal was perpetrated by the Trump team / Trump Jr, constantly refusing to acknowledge these facts while attempting to emotionally manipulate others with this skewed story.

They also leave out the fact that the only reason Putin's Lawyer was in the country is because Obama personally waived his own Department of Immigration's ban on the lawyer, preventing her form entering the U.S.

They make it sound like her soul reason for being in the US was to meet with Trump's team yet leave out that she met with several different Reps, politicians, and teams - to include Hillary's campaign team. It was reported Hillary was not there when she showed up but did spend time talking to Hillary's campaign rep.

They also leave out the fact that Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win the WH.

Trump Jr walked away from the meeting with the Russian Lawyers after 7 minutes, never to look / come back. Hillary paid a LOY of money for an unverified report written by the very same Russians she claimed Trump was colluding with.

CIA Analyst Rogers, a 19-year CIA veteran, stated he never thought the document and the Brennan's and Strzok's Intel Community assessment, in large part based on the Dossier - that was attached as an apendix to the ICA, was believable:

"National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers stated in a classified letter to Congress that the Clinton campaign-funded memos did factor into the ICA. And James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence under President Obama, conceded in a recent CNN interview that the assessment was based on “some of the substantive content of the dossier.” Without elaborating, he maintained that “we were able to corroborate” certain allegations."

- BRENNAN IN HOT WATER=> Two Top Officials Contradict Ex-CIA Director's SWORN Denial of Reliance on Dossier
Clapper: Brennan's rhetoric is becoming an issue

Better yet call in everyone in brennan's circle and pound and threaten them and then sit brennan's butt down and get him on a perjury trap.

Here we have a top government official who knows Trump colluded and Mueller doesn't call him in.
And we republicans know the reason why.

This shows beyonf any doubt that dimocraps in here aren't free-thinkers. I often wonder if they're even sentient beings.

Anybody with a room-temperature IQ or better knows the NUMBER ONE DUTY OF A SECURITY CLEARANCE HOLDER IS --


Ask ANY person who has ever had one. I did. And I can tell you, they will lock your ass up for talking too much

And Brennan and his whole gang of obama sycophants have done nothing but run off at the mouth since Trump took office.

dimocraps are just simply stupid sheep led by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM. They haven't got a clue other than what the LSM tells them.

Even then, they don't know why the LSM is telling them, they only go out and parrot it like the good little sheep they are.
I would suggest most of what's going on is a gigantic CYA.

Bruce Ohr was in contact with Steele 10 months before the election
and 7 months after the election.

Brennan was in charge of the CIA...Clapper was over all Intel. Comey
was in charge of the FBI...Zero was the POTUS when all of this was
going on. Why didn't they stop it...if it were true?

Zero...3 weeks before the election said on National TV that it was all
but impossible to rig an American election.

They invented a large Insurance policy and it has backfired on them.
Too much news has gotten out and those that haven't been fired are
running for cover, as quick as they can.

A Fed Judge in DC last Thurs or Fri ruled that the FBI MUST show
how they verified the Dossier, or attempted to verify, because of them
not cooperating with an FOIA request.

Once Kavanaugh is seated then the Prez can go after them in many
ways by declassifying all the documents and when the libs scramble
for a Fed Judge to stop that...The Prez can turn to SCOTUS for an
immediate ruling to overturn that Fed Judge.

That will spell doom in the midterms for the libs...especially in the
Senate. The Prez will fire both Sessions and Rosenstein, put in a new
AG and the next two years after that, we'll be watching one conspirator
after another head for the slammer.

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