If China threatens Taiwan- will Trump cut and run again?

If China had invaded Taiwan would not Comrade Obama have rushed American troops to help?
Help the mainland Chinese, that is.
Before the election the democrats mantra was....oh Trump is dangerous he is a warmonger....now that he is proving to be a peace maker.....they call him a coward.

."Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. ... Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God."

Matt. 5-9

Where has Trump 'made peace'?


North Korea?
Saudi Arabia?
Proof that lefties have absolutely no historic perspective. FDR abandoned an entire Army at Bataan and Corrigador four months into WW2. Harry Truman cut and ran from Korea leaving the U.S. with about 35,000 dead in a botched three years and a open ended state of war. JFK abandoned a little army of Cuban invaders after he illegally authorized the CIA to raise, equip and train an invasion force. LBJ cut and ran from Vietnam just when we needed leadership. Barry Hussein ate pizza while the brave defenders at Benghazi ran out of ammo. Trump negotiates a treaty and the left hates him for it.

Wow. Odd isn't it how you just conveniently left out the Republican moments of abandonment- like how Reagan abandoned the Afghani's to the Taliban.

And Trump didn't negotiate any 'treaty'- not even sure why you felt the need to lie about that.

Trump pulled our troops out of Turkey's way- Turkey attacked our former allies- the Kurds who defeated ISIS in Syria- and after several days of killing- and criticism from both Republicans and Democrats- Trump sent his 'B team to Turkey to try to fix the problem Trump created.

And they got a 5 day 'pause' which hasn't stopped all the violence and is absolutely no guarantee of any protection for the Kurds.

Yes we have abandoned allies in the past. Doesn't mean its right when Trump does it now.
Our allies have got to be nervous- and our global challengers must take heart in how Trump so quickly had our troops cut and run when threatened with possible combat.

So if China threatens Trump over Taiwan- will Trump pull our fleet out of the way to keep them safe- and abandon Taiwan?

Are you advocating war with China?

Are you advocating we abandon our longstanding commitment to Taiwan?

Do you believe that if one of our geo-political rivals threatens an ally of the United States, and tells the U.S. to get out of the way- that the U.S. should cut and run?

Are you going to answer my question or keep deflecting? Do you advocate going to war with China over Taiwan? Yes or no.

You didn't answer my original question- so don't be quite so high and mighty:

So if China threatens Trump over Taiwan- will Trump pull our fleet out of the way to keep them safe- and abandon Taiwan?

Remember- Trump has announced he is quite ready to go to war with Iran to defend the Saudi royal family.

Trump just announced 3,000 more troops going to Saudi Arabia to protect against Iran. I think of all of our allies right now the only ones who feel like they can depend on Trump are Israel and Saudi Arabia.
When Trump just got elected. He portrayed himself a very tough commander in Chief. We have the mightiest and the best military in the world.
Wonder what happened to that?

Coward in Chief. No I don’t think he will get involved with Taiwan and China conflict.

Sad part is they figured out the weakness of this moron president.
Our allies have got to be nervous- and our global challengers must take heart in how Trump so quickly had our troops cut and run when threatened with possible combat.

So if China threatens Trump over Taiwan- will Trump pull our fleet out of the way to keep them safe- and abandon Taiwan?

If North Korea threatens tells Trump that they need a buffer zone from South Korea- will Trump tell our troops to cut and run to get out of North Korea's way- maybe bombing our former bases to (hopefully) destroy them before North Korea can collect our military secrets there?

Though I am pretty sure the next place will be Afghanistan. I think the Afghani's are already ordering their new Taliban flags in anticipation.
Its not our issue. PERIOD. We are NOT the world's policeman.


We should not be going around telling countries not to have nuclear weapons.

We should not be going around arming people.

We should not telling other countries how and where they can buy oil.

We should not be going around cutting people financial living.

We should not be going around cutting countries livelihood.

At the end.... We should let China and Russia take over the role of a super power. And US just sit and let Trump play golf.
Our allies have got to be nervous- and our global challengers must take heart in how Trump so quickly had our troops cut and run when threatened with possible combat.

So if China threatens Trump over Taiwan- will Trump pull our fleet out of the way to keep them safe- and abandon Taiwan?

If North Korea threatens tells Trump that they need a buffer zone from South Korea- will Trump tell our troops to cut and run to get out of North Korea's way- maybe bombing our former bases to (hopefully) destroy them before North Korea can collect our military secrets there?

Though I am pretty sure the next place will be Afghanistan. I think the Afghani's are already ordering their new Taliban flags in anticipation.


He got NoKo talking and sending back our soldiers remains, he's actively taking on China and will fucking hurt them -- who else did that? Not LukeSissyFag Obama, not either New World Order Bush

Trump foreign policy is by far the worst we’ve seen. Just about every foreign policy are messed up. That’s what you get from listening too much of Hannity.

1. NoKo still playing with his nuclear toys. No progress. Do you honestly think Kim will give up his toys? I doubt it.

2. Soldiers from Syria are not coming home. They are reassign in Iraq. He lied again.

3. China trade wars. There’s no end in sight. We are loosing TW.

Who else did ( screwed up) that? You are right Trump did it.
Our allies have got to be nervous- and our global challengers must take heart in how Trump so quickly had our troops cut and run when threatened with possible combat.

So if China threatens Trump over Taiwan- will Trump pull our fleet out of the way to keep them safe- and abandon Taiwan?

If North Korea threatens tells Trump that they need a buffer zone from South Korea- will Trump tell our troops to cut and run to get out of North Korea's way- maybe bombing our former bases to (hopefully) destroy them before North Korea can collect our military secrets there?

Though I am pretty sure the next place will be Afghanistan. I think the Afghani's are already ordering their new Taliban flags in anticipation.


He got NoKo talking and sending back our soldiers remains, he's actively taking on China and will fucking hurt them -- who else did that? Not LukeSissyFag Obama, not either New World Order Bush

Trump foreign policy is by far the worst we’ve seen. Just about every foreign policy are messed up. That’s what you get from listening too much of Hannity.

1. NoKo still playing with his nuclear toys. No progress. Do you honestly think Kim will give up his toys? I doubt it.

2. Soldiers from Syria are not coming home. They are reassign in Iraq. He lied again.

3. China trade wars. There’s no end in sight. We are loosing TW.

Who else did ( screwed up) that? You are right Trump did it.
I expected as much from a cheerleader for the Gay Muslin President

Nobody, absolutely fucking NOBODY prior to Trump had the fucking balls (well, maybe Big Mikey) to even speak up to China, much less to actively engage them in a actual trade war! And now they are genuinely concerned that if they don't joyfully accept what's offered now, Trump term 2 will be their worst nightmare.

That's a real America First foreign policy!
Our allies have got to be nervous- and our global challengers must take heart in how Trump so quickly had our troops cut and run when threatened with possible combat.

So if China threatens Trump over Taiwan- will Trump pull our fleet out of the way to keep them safe- and abandon Taiwan?

If North Korea threatens tells Trump that they need a buffer zone from South Korea- will Trump tell our troops to cut and run to get out of North Korea's way- maybe bombing our former bases to (hopefully) destroy them before North Korea can collect our military secrets there?

Though I am pretty sure the next place will be Afghanistan. I think the Afghani's are already ordering their new Taliban flags in anticipation.

Our allies have got to be nervous- and our global challengers must take heart in how Trump so quickly had our troops cut and run when threatened with possible combat.

So if China threatens Trump over Taiwan- will Trump pull our fleet out of the way to keep them safe- and abandon Taiwan?

Are you advocating war with China?

Are you advocating we abandon our longstanding commitment to Taiwan?

Do you believe that if one of our geo-political rivals threatens an ally of the United States, and tells the U.S. to get out of the way- that the U.S. should cut and run?
Taiwan is a Province of China. It would be wrong for us to interfere and it would be the beginning of a new world war if we even tried to interfere.
Our allies have got to be nervous- and our global challengers must take heart in how Trump so quickly had our troops cut and run when threatened with possible combat.

So if China threatens Trump over Taiwan- will Trump pull our fleet out of the way to keep them safe- and abandon Taiwan?

Are you advocating war with China?

Are you advocating we abandon our longstanding commitment to Taiwan?

Do you believe that if one of our geo-political rivals threatens an ally of the United States, and tells the U.S. to get out of the way- that the U.S. should cut and run?
Taiwan is a Province of China. It would be wrong for us to interfere and it would be the beginning of a new world war if we even tried to interfere.

"Taiwan is a Province of China."

the current government of china is the one created after the communists defeated the REAL government which moved to taiwan.

so china is really a province of taiwan.

"It would be wrong for us to interfere and it would be the beginning of a new world war if we even tried to interfere"

was it wrong to interfere in Korea?


should we just let COMMUNIST CHINA do whatever it wants and take whatever it wants? because it will....
Our allies have got to be nervous- and our global challengers must take heart in how Trump so quickly had our troops cut and run when threatened with possible combat.

So if China threatens Trump over Taiwan- will Trump pull our fleet out of the way to keep them safe- and abandon Taiwan?

Are you advocating war with China?

Are you advocating we abandon our longstanding commitment to Taiwan?

Do you believe that if one of our geo-political rivals threatens an ally of the United States, and tells the U.S. to get out of the way- that the U.S. should cut and run?
Taiwan is a Province of China. It would be wrong for us to interfere and it would be the beginning of a new world war if we even tried to interfere.

Words that bring true joy to Commie China's heart.
Our allies have got to be nervous- and our global challengers must take heart in how Trump so quickly had our troops cut and run when threatened with possible combat.

So if China threatens Trump over Taiwan- will Trump pull our fleet out of the way to keep them safe- and abandon Taiwan?

If North Korea threatens tells Trump that they need a buffer zone from South Korea- will Trump tell our troops to cut and run to get out of North Korea's way- maybe bombing our former bases to (hopefully) destroy them before North Korea can collect our military secrets there?

Though I am pretty sure the next place will be Afghanistan. I think the Afghani's are already ordering their new Taliban flags in anticipation.


He got NoKo talking and sending back our soldiers remains, he's actively taking on China and will fucking hurt them -- who else did that? Not LukeSissyFag Obama, not either New World Order Bush

Trump foreign policy is by far the worst we’ve seen. Just about every foreign policy are messed up. That’s what you get from listening too much of Hannity.

1. NoKo still playing with his nuclear toys. No progress. Do you honestly think Kim will give up his toys? I doubt it.

2. Soldiers from Syria are not coming home. They are reassign in Iraq. He lied again.

3. China trade wars. There’s no end in sight. We are loosing TW.

Who else did ( screwed up) that? You are right Trump did it.
I expected as much from a cheerleader for the Gay Muslin President!

LOL......I don't remember Lincoln wearing muslin but maybe he did!
Our allies have got to be nervous- and our global challengers must take heart in how Trump so quickly had our troops cut and run when threatened with possible combat.

So if China threatens Trump over Taiwan- will Trump pull our fleet out of the way to keep them safe- and abandon Taiwan?

Are you advocating war with China?

Are you advocating we abandon our longstanding commitment to Taiwan?

Do you believe that if one of our geo-political rivals threatens an ally of the United States, and tells the U.S. to get out of the way- that the U.S. should cut and run?
Taiwan is a Province of China. It would be wrong for us to interfere and it would be the beginning of a new world war if we even tried to interfere.

"Taiwan is a Province of China."

the current government of china is the one created after the communists defeated the REAL government which moved to taiwan.

so china is really a province of taiwan.

"It would be wrong for us to interfere and it would be the beginning of a new world war if we even tried to interfere"

was it wrong to interfere in Korea?


should we just let COMMUNIST CHINA do whatever it wants and take whatever it wants? because it will....
Until we are ready to fight a nuclear war, yes.
In the meantime we shouldn't include them in our trade.
Our allies have got to be nervous- and our global challengers must take heart in how Trump so quickly had our troops cut and run when threatened with possible combat.

So if China threatens Trump over Taiwan- will Trump pull our fleet out of the way to keep them safe- and abandon Taiwan?

Are you advocating war with China?

Are you advocating we abandon our longstanding commitment to Taiwan?

Do you believe that if one of our geo-political rivals threatens an ally of the United States, and tells the U.S. to get out of the way- that the U.S. should cut and run?
Taiwan is a Province of China. It would be wrong for us to interfere and it would be the beginning of a new world war if we even tried to interfere.

"Taiwan is a Province of China."

the current government of china is the one created after the communists defeated the REAL government which moved to taiwan.

so china is really a province of taiwan.

"It would be wrong for us to interfere and it would be the beginning of a new world war if we even tried to interfere"

was it wrong to interfere in Korea?


should we just let COMMUNIST CHINA do whatever it wants and take whatever it wants? because it will....
Until we are ready to fight a nuclear war, yes.
In the meantime we shouldn't include them in our trade.

So we back down from now on in any military confrontation with China and Russia....and I guess North Korea too.......
Proof that lefties have absolutely no historic perspective. FDR abandoned an entire Army at Bataan and Corrigador four months into WW2. Harry Truman cut and ran from Korea leaving the U.S. with about 35,000 dead in a botched three years and a open ended state of war. JFK abandoned a little army of Cuban invaders after he illegally authorized the CIA to raise, equip and train an invasion force. LBJ cut and ran from Vietnam just when we needed leadership. Barry Hussein ate pizza while the brave defenders at Benghazi ran out of ammo. Trump negotiates a treaty and the left hates him for it.

Wow. Odd isn't it how you just conveniently left out the Republican moments of abandonment- like how Reagan abandoned the Afghani's to the Taliban.

And Trump didn't negotiate any 'treaty'- not even sure why you felt the need to lie about that.

Trump pulled our troops out of Turkey's way- Turkey attacked our former allies- the Kurds who defeated ISIS in Syria- and after several days of killing- and criticism from both Republicans and Democrats- Trump sent his 'B team to Turkey to try to fix the problem Trump created.

And they got a 5 day 'pause' which hasn't stopped all the violence and is absolutely no guarantee of any protection for the Kurds.

Yes we have abandoned allies in the past. Doesn't mean its right when Trump does it now.[/QUOTE

How did Reagan abandon Afghanistan? Lefties whined for the better part of a century to "bring the boys home" and Trump is the only president that tried to make a deal in a thousand year old European tribal dispute. It calls to mind Bill Clinton bombing Europe when he was caught with his pants down and Barry Hussein taking out the Libyan dictator when he was no threat to the U.S. and leaving a power vacuum for ISIS. Did he really spend the night ordering pizza while the Bengazi defenders ran out of ammunition? It seems so.

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