If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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The thousands (millions?) of graphic photos and videos of gay pride parades since at least the 1970s to present day depict what I have said. So, there you go.

I've just noticed an odd trend.

I've started posting how we should not allow Children into this Country who's adult they came in with cannot prove parenthood. The reason is the prevalence of Child Sex Trafficking. I'm not getting support from those that don't want linked to pedophiles. Now, honestly, it is probably because they flock together like birds of a feather (progressives), but you would think.........

Again, it's likely they just want votes and checked their consciences at the door.

I dunno

Seems odd

I am not sure what the odd trend you are observing is- Conservative supporting pedophilia? Or child trafficking?

So you think we should not allow children into this country's whose adult that they come with cannot prove parenthood?

So we arrest the adult- and kick the kid out back across the border by himself?

Why would you abandon children at the border like that?

What about the kids that arrive with no adults at all? Kick them back across the border also?

I am all for preventing child trafficking- but your plan seems to just make it easier for traffickers to snatch up the kids left at the border.

His third point. If this was a Child Trafficking case, does he really think we shouldn't arrest the adult and send the child back to it's real family?.

Okay- so you would arrest the adult- which is what the Trump administration is doing to all adults with or without kids right now.

And then 'send the child back to its real family'? Why does Pop's think we should put a 3 year old on a bus to 'send' him back to his real family by himself?

The Country from which he came should be ultimately responsible for the retreival.

Oh okay- so you would prevent the 3 year old from entering the United States and notify Guatemala that there was a 3 year old at the border that was their obligation to pick up.

The child traffickers will certainly appreciate you providing children to them at the border.
See Sil, this is what I mean. His first point makes light of a very serious concern? Why would anyone make light of Child Trafficking?.

How did I make light of anything? Please feel free to point that out.

I have always been consistent in opposing child trafficking and child sex abuse- by anyone or any reason.

Unlike our homophobes here.

Good, then you support separating children from Adults that cannot prove they are the childs Parent until proof can be established.

Good to know.

I am absolutely good with separating children from any suspected child traffickers.

I just want to know why you want to abandon those kids at the border.

Abandon them at the border? If the adult is not the childs Parent, or Legal Guardian, then he is likely the victim of a Kidnapping and it is our obligation to return them to the country of origin.

Then why would you just abandon the child at the border.

Or would you put that 3 year old on a bus to Guatamala?

No dimwit, protocal is to take control of the child until the country in which the offense took place make arrangements for retrieval.
I've just noticed an odd trend.

I've started posting how we should not allow Children into this Country who's adult they came in with cannot prove parenthood. The reason is the prevalence of Child Sex Trafficking. I'm not getting support from those that don't want linked to pedophiles. Now, honestly, it is probably because they flock together like birds of a feather (progressives), but you would think.........

Again, it's likely they just want votes and checked their consciences at the door.

I dunno

Seems odd

I am not sure what the odd trend you are observing is- Conservative supporting pedophilia? Or child trafficking?

So you think we should not allow children into this country's whose adult that they come with cannot prove parenthood?

So we arrest the adult- and kick the kid out back across the border by himself?

Why would you abandon children at the border like that?

What about the kids that arrive with no adults at all? Kick them back across the border also?

I am all for preventing child trafficking- but your plan seems to just make it easier for traffickers to snatch up the kids left at the border.

His third point. If this was a Child Trafficking case, does he really think we shouldn't arrest the adult and send the child back to it's real family?.

Okay- so you would arrest the adult- which is what the Trump administration is doing to all adults with or without kids right now.

And then 'send the child back to its real family'? Why does Pop's think we should put a 3 year old on a bus to 'send' him back to his real family by himself?

The Country from which he came should be ultimately responsible for the retreival.

Oh okay- so you would prevent the 3 year old from entering the United States and notify Guatemala that there was a 3 year old at the border that was their obligation to pick up.

The child traffickers will certainly appreciate you providing children to them at the border.

see post 1862 dimwit. International Protocols are in place to handle these situations.
I am not sure what the odd trend you are observing is- Conservative supporting pedophilia? Or child trafficking?

So you think we should not allow children into this country's whose adult that they come with cannot prove parenthood?

So we arrest the adult- and kick the kid out back across the border by himself?

Why would you abandon children at the border like that?

What about the kids that arrive with no adults at all? Kick them back across the border also?

I am all for preventing child trafficking- but your plan seems to just make it easier for traffickers to snatch up the kids left at the border.

His second point : Child Traffickers will often bring a child in as their own. Is he really this Naive? and does he not know that a Passport, or lacking that, Government documents establishing parenthood are available. Then lastly, is he unaware of DNA testing?.
This was my second point- why are you lying about what I said?
Here is what you said:
we should not allow Children into this Country who's adult they came in with cannot prove parenthood.

My Reply
Syriusly: So you think we should not allow children into this country's whose adult that they come with cannot prove parenthood?

So we arrest the adult- and kick the kid out back across the border by himself?

Why are you so unwilling to address my actual point?

I think I have addressed it.

If an Adult cannot, or will not prove parenthood, we must assume they are not and either arrest the Adult, and return the Child to his Family or to the Countries Government that the Kidnapping occurred

No you are slowly addressing it- after first just saying that you would not allow the child into the United States- but arrest the adult.

The U.S. is already arresting the adults- regardless of whether they are parents or not- how are you going to return the child to his parents under arrest?

And you still haven't established there was a kidnapping. But okay- why would you put a 3 year old on a bus back to Guatamala by himself?

Now you are moving the goal posts, there are threads just for that, my question was in regards to child trafficking for which you seem determined to deflect.

Well we have all agreed we are against child trafficking.

You have stated that the way to prevent some child trafficking is to prevent those kids from entering the United States.

As if that somehow stops the child trafficking by itself.

The adult could be bringing the kid to his parents in the United States. And the child traffickers could be waiting to just pick up those kids your policy would leave stranded at the border.
How did I make light of anything? Please feel free to point that out.

I have always been consistent in opposing child trafficking and child sex abuse- by anyone or any reason.

Unlike our homophobes here.

Good, then you support separating children from Adults that cannot prove they are the childs Parent until proof can be established.

Good to know.

I am absolutely good with separating children from any suspected child traffickers.

I just want to know why you want to abandon those kids at the border.

Abandon them at the border? If the adult is not the childs Parent, or Legal Guardian, then he is likely the victim of a Kidnapping and it is our obligation to return them to the country of origin.

Then why would you just abandon the child at the border.

Or would you put that 3 year old on a bus to Guatamala?

No dimwit, protocal is to take control of the child until the country in which the offense took place make arrangements for retrieval.

Hey- I am just going by your actual words:
I've started posting how we should not allow Children into this Country who's adult they came in with cannot prove parenthood

I am all in favor of preventing child trafficking- and if any adult is suspected of being a child trafficker the child should be taken away from that adult.

But instead the actual policy is that for all adults who enter the country illegally- with children- the current policy of the Trump Administration is to arrest all of the adults- and separate all of the children from the adults- regardless of whether they are with their parents or not.

The children are then sent to separate facilities- and the parents usually don't know where their kids are- or whether they are safe- and the kids don't know where their parents are- or what is happening with their parents.

Taking kids away from suspected child traffickers and keeping the kids safe here in the United States until a safe situation is found for them? All for it.

Taking kids away from their parents? I am against it.

What about you?
His second point : Child Traffickers will often bring a child in as their own. Is he really this Naive? and does he not know that a Passport, or lacking that, Government documents establishing parenthood are available. Then lastly, is he unaware of DNA testing?.
This was my second point- why are you lying about what I said?
Here is what you said:
we should not allow Children into this Country who's adult they came in with cannot prove parenthood.

My Reply
Syriusly: So you think we should not allow children into this country's whose adult that they come with cannot prove parenthood?

So we arrest the adult- and kick the kid out back across the border by himself?

Why are you so unwilling to address my actual point?

I think I have addressed it.

If an Adult cannot, or will not prove parenthood, we must assume they are not and either arrest the Adult, and return the Child to his Family or to the Countries Government that the Kidnapping occurred

No you are slowly addressing it- after first just saying that you would not allow the child into the United States- but arrest the adult.

The U.S. is already arresting the adults- regardless of whether they are parents or not- how are you going to return the child to his parents under arrest?

And you still haven't established there was a kidnapping. But okay- why would you put a 3 year old on a bus back to Guatamala by himself?

Now you are moving the goal posts, there are threads just for that, my question was in regards to child trafficking for which you seem determined to deflect.

Well we have all agreed we are against child trafficking.

You have stated that the way to prevent some child trafficking is to prevent those kids from entering the United States.

As if that somehow stops the child trafficking by itself.

The adult could be bringing the kid to his parents in the United States. And the child traffickers could be waiting to just pick up those kids your policy would leave stranded at the border.

Then the parents would simply pick up the child with proof of parenthood, wouldn't they.

And you deflect back to ME leaving those kids at the boarder.

2 points:

I never stated we would leave them at the boarder


They are in the hands of Mexico to deal with if not admitted, and if Mexico does not step up, then we (and you) have a problem that can easily be solved with a wall that forces the potential immigrant at a regulated crossing.
Good, then you support separating children from Adults that cannot prove they are the childs Parent until proof can be established.

Good to know.

I am absolutely good with separating children from any suspected child traffickers.

I just want to know why you want to abandon those kids at the border.

Abandon them at the border? If the adult is not the childs Parent, or Legal Guardian, then he is likely the victim of a Kidnapping and it is our obligation to return them to the country of origin.

Then why would you just abandon the child at the border.

Or would you put that 3 year old on a bus to Guatamala?

No dimwit, protocal is to take control of the child until the country in which the offense took place make arrangements for retrieval.

Hey- I am just going by your actual words:
I've started posting how we should not allow Children into this Country who's adult they came in with cannot prove parenthood

I am all in favor of preventing child trafficking- and if any adult is suspected of being a child trafficker the child should be taken away from that adult.

But instead the actual policy is that for all adults who enter the country illegally- with children- the current policy of the Trump Administration is to arrest all of the adults- and separate all of the children from the adults- regardless of whether they are with their parents or not.

The children are then sent to separate facilities- and the parents usually don't know where their kids are- or whether they are safe- and the kids don't know where their parents are- or what is happening with their parents.

Taking kids away from suspected child traffickers and keeping the kids safe here in the United States until a safe situation is found for them? All for it.

Taking kids away from their parents? I am against it.

What about you?

Another deflection on your part
People can google "gay pride parade" using "images". Or weren't you aware of that mdk? :popcorn:

Ever supported one? Ever marched in one? Ever brought your kids to one? Then with foreknowledge of what they graphically-depict hoping kids will be watching, you too (reader) are a confirmed child sex offender.

Try those acts on any other day just outside the schoolyard fence at recess and set a stopwatch to see how fast the cops will arrest you.

Unlike you- and your searches for pornographia on the internet- I have been to gay pride parades- so unlike yourself- who has never- ever- seen one- I know what most are like. I cannot speak for every gay pride parade but then again- you are the one saying that all of them are full of sex acts.

I wasn't searching for pornography when I googled "gay pride parade" on "images. But that's what I found (with kids watching in the background). So your point actually supports my argument.

So your position is that I am the only one who knows that gay pride parades 1. Invite children to participate and watch and 2. Have participants dressed sexually-provocative and mocking graphic sex acts where they know children will be in public. Did I get that right?

You realize that since these parades began around the 1960s that there are more photographs and video cells out there than there are stars in the sky showing that graphic deviant sex costumes, displays and acts made with the anticipation that children will be watching in public, right? All it would take is to paste a montage of them up on a power point program and display them for any jury to see.
This was my second point- why are you lying about what I said?
Here is what you said:
we should not allow Children into this Country who's adult they came in with cannot prove parenthood.

My Reply
Syriusly: So you think we should not allow children into this country's whose adult that they come with cannot prove parenthood?

So we arrest the adult- and kick the kid out back across the border by himself?

Why are you so unwilling to address my actual point?

I think I have addressed it.

If an Adult cannot, or will not prove parenthood, we must assume they are not and either arrest the Adult, and return the Child to his Family or to the Countries Government that the Kidnapping occurred

No you are slowly addressing it- after first just saying that you would not allow the child into the United States- but arrest the adult.

The U.S. is already arresting the adults- regardless of whether they are parents or not- how are you going to return the child to his parents under arrest?

And you still haven't established there was a kidnapping. But okay- why would you put a 3 year old on a bus back to Guatamala by himself?

Now you are moving the goal posts, there are threads just for that, my question was in regards to child trafficking for which you seem determined to deflect.

Well we have all agreed we are against child trafficking.

You have stated that the way to prevent some child trafficking is to prevent those kids from entering the United States.

As if that somehow stops the child trafficking by itself.

The adult could be bringing the kid to his parents in the United States. And the child traffickers could be waiting to just pick up those kids your policy would leave stranded at the border.

Then the parents would simply pick up the child with proof of parenthood, wouldn't they.

And you deflect back to ME leaving those kids at the boarder.

2 points:

I never stated we would leave them at the boarder


They are in the hands of Mexico to deal with if not admitted, and if Mexico does not step up, then we (and you) have a problem that can easily be solved with a wall that forces the potential immigrant at a regulated crossing.

So you agree the child could be allowed into the United States- if his parents are here- good- that is moving in the right direction from leaving the child at the border.

And a wall 'easily' solves the problem? How? Not easy- not cheap- Doesn't solve the problem of adults crossing the Northern border with kids. Doesn't solve the problem of adults arriving at airports with kids. Doesn't even solve the problem of adults arriving at legal entry points at the border with kids..
I am absolutely good with separating children from any suspected child traffickers.

I just want to know why you want to abandon those kids at the border.

Abandon them at the border? If the adult is not the childs Parent, or Legal Guardian, then he is likely the victim of a Kidnapping and it is our obligation to return them to the country of origin.

Then why would you just abandon the child at the border.

Or would you put that 3 year old on a bus to Guatamala?

No dimwit, protocal is to take control of the child until the country in which the offense took place make arrangements for retrieval.

Hey- I am just going by your actual words:
I've started posting how we should not allow Children into this Country who's adult they came in with cannot prove parenthood

I am all in favor of preventing child trafficking- and if any adult is suspected of being a child trafficker the child should be taken away from that adult.

But instead the actual policy is that for all adults who enter the country illegally- with children- the current policy of the Trump Administration is to arrest all of the adults- and separate all of the children from the adults- regardless of whether they are with their parents or not.

The children are then sent to separate facilities- and the parents usually don't know where their kids are- or whether they are safe- and the kids don't know where their parents are- or what is happening with their parents.

Taking kids away from suspected child traffickers and keeping the kids safe here in the United States until a safe situation is found for them? All for it.

Taking kids away from their parents? I am against it.

What about you?

Another deflection on your part
Hey- I am just going by your actual words:
I've started posting how we should not allow Children into this Country who's adult they came in with cannot prove parenthood

I am all in favor of preventing child trafficking- and if any adult is suspected of being a child trafficker the child should be taken away from that adult.

But instead the actual policy is that for all adults who enter the country illegally- with children- the current policy of the Trump Administration is to arrest all of the adults- and separate all of the children from the adults- regardless of whether they are with their parents or not.

The children are then sent to separate facilities- and the parents usually don't know where their kids are- or whether they are safe- and the kids don't know where their parents are- or what is happening with their parents.

Taking kids away from suspected child traffickers and keeping the kids safe here in the United States until a safe situation is found for them? All for it.

Taking kids away from their parents? I am against it.

What about you?
People can google "gay pride parade" using "images". Or weren't you aware of that mdk? :popcorn:

Ever supported one? Ever marched in one? Ever brought your kids to one? Then with foreknowledge of what they graphically-depict hoping kids will be watching, you too (reader) are a confirmed child sex offender.

Try those acts on any other day just outside the schoolyard fence at recess and set a stopwatch to see how fast the cops will arrest you.

Unlike you- and your searches for pornographia on the internet- I have been to gay pride parades- so unlike yourself- who has never- ever- seen one- I know what most are like. I cannot speak for every gay pride parade but then again- you are the one saying that all of them are full of sex acts.

I wasn't searching for pornography when I googled "gay pride parade" on "images. But that's what I found (with kids watching in the background). So your point actually supports my argument.

So your position is that I am the only one who knows that gay pride parades .

My position is that you have never been to a pride parade and that the only thing you "know" about them is from your surfing of gay pornography.
People can google "gay pride parade" using "images". Or weren't you aware of that mdk? :popcorn:

Ever supported one? Ever marched in one? Ever brought your kids to one? Then with foreknowledge of what they graphically-depict hoping kids will be watching, you too (reader) are a confirmed child sex offender.

Try those acts on any other day just outside the schoolyard fence at recess and set a stopwatch to see how fast the cops will arrest you.

Unlike you- and your searches for pornographia on the internet- I have been to gay pride parades- so unlike yourself- who has never- ever- seen one- I know what most are like. I cannot speak for every gay pride parade but then again- you are the one saying that all of them are full of sex acts.

I wasn't searching for pornography when I googled "gay pride parade" on "images. But that's what I found (with kids watching in the background). So your point actually supports my argument.

So your position is that I am the only one who knows that gay pride parades .

My position is that you have never been to a pride parade and that the only thing you "know" about them is from your surfing of gay pornography.
That isn't a position, it's an observation.
People can google "gay pride parade" using "images". Or weren't you aware of that mdk? :popcorn:

Ever supported one? Ever marched in one? Ever brought your kids to one? Then with foreknowledge of what they graphically-depict hoping kids will be watching, you too (reader) are a confirmed child sex offender.

Try those acts on any other day just outside the schoolyard fence at recess and set a stopwatch to see how fast the cops will arrest you.

You don’t have to explain your madness to me, Sil. You think every member of the LGBT community embraces pedophilia. Besides being a mentally ill fanatic, now you’re trying to allude that I am a child sex offender. :lol:
well sure they do, why else do they wish to go to the bathroom where little girls go? can't separate that out pal. and the gay pride thing is fascinating I never thought about. but now I do. hly fk. it is a show to the kids. ain't that great?
People can google "gay pride parade" using "images". Or weren't you aware of that mdk? :popcorn:

Ever supported one? Ever marched in one? Ever brought your kids to one? Then with foreknowledge of what they graphically-depict hoping kids will be watching, you too (reader) are a confirmed child sex offender.

Try those acts on any other day just outside the schoolyard fence at recess and set a stopwatch to see how fast the cops will arrest you.

You don’t have to explain your madness to me, Sil. You think every member of the LGBT community embraces pedophilia. Besides being a mentally ill fanatic, now you’re trying to allude that I am a child sex offender. :lol:

The thousands (millions?) of graphic photos and videos of gay pride parades since at least the 1970s to present day depict what I have said. So, there you go.

Thousands of graphic photos prove that every memeber of LGBT rank embraces pedophilia? Okay, girl. lol. I have no doubt that’s what you believe in your addled mind, but you’re a known liar with an obsessive axe to grind.
if one doesn't find fault with the parade, then they are embracing it. no other way to cut the line.
Last edited:
My position is that you have never been to a pride parade and that the only thing you "know" about them is from your surfing of gay pornography.

Nope. I googled "gay pride parade" on "images" and Yep, I came up with plenty of pornography, with kids watching in the background. Unless you're equating a google search for "gay pride" as synonymous with a search for "gay pornography". In which case I'd have to agree with you there.
People can google "gay pride parade" using "images". Or weren't you aware of that mdk? :popcorn:

Ever supported one? Ever marched in one? Ever brought your kids to one? Then with foreknowledge of what they graphically-depict hoping kids will be watching, you too (reader) are a confirmed child sex offender.

Try those acts on any other day just outside the schoolyard fence at recess and set a stopwatch to see how fast the cops will arrest you.

Unlike you- and your searches for pornographia on the internet- I have been to gay pride parades- so unlike yourself- who has never- ever- seen one- I know what most are like. I cannot speak for every gay pride parade but then again- you are the one saying that all of them are full of sex acts.

I wasn't searching for pornography when I googled "gay pride parade" on "images. But that's what I found (with kids watching in the background). So your point actually supports my argument.

So your position is that I am the only one who knows that gay pride parades .

My position is that you have never been to a pride parade and that the only thing you "know" about them is from your surfing of gay pornography.
That isn't a position, it's an observation.

My observation is that Silhouette has never been to a pride parade and my opinion based upon my observation is that all she claims about pride parades she gets from her obsession with surfing for gay porn.
My position is that you have never been to a pride parade and that the only thing you "know" about them is from your surfing of gay pornography.

Nope. I googled "gay pride parade" on "images" and Yep, I came up with plenty of pornography, with kids watching in the background. Unless you're equating a google search for "gay pride" as synonymous with a search for "gay pornography". In which case I'd have to agree with you there.
My observation is that Silhouette has never been to a pride parade and my opinion based upon my observation is that all she claims about pride parades she gets from her obsession with surfing for gay porn.
People can google "gay pride parade" using "images". Or weren't you aware of that mdk? :popcorn:

Ever supported one? Ever marched in one? Ever brought your kids to one? Then with foreknowledge of what they graphically-depict hoping kids will be watching, you too (reader) are a confirmed child sex offender.

Try those acts on any other day just outside the schoolyard fence at recess and set a stopwatch to see how fast the cops will arrest you.

You don’t have to explain your madness to me, Sil. You think every member of the LGBT community embraces pedophilia. Besides being a mentally ill fanatic, now you’re trying to allude that I am a child sex offender. :lol:

The thousands (millions?) of graphic photos and videos of gay pride parades since at least the 1970s to present day depict what I have said. So, there you go.

Thousands of graphic photos prove that every memeber of LGBT rank embraces pedophilia? Okay, girl. lol. I have no doubt that’s what you believe in your addled mind, but you’re a known liar with an obsessive axe to grind.
if one doesn't find fault with the parade, then they are embracing it. no other way to cut the line.

I certainly have no problems supporting actual gay pride parades- I am not supporting Silhouette gay puppet parade though.
People can google "gay pride parade" using "images". Or weren't you aware of that mdk? :popcorn:

Ever supported one? Ever marched in one? Ever brought your kids to one? Then with foreknowledge of what they graphically-depict hoping kids will be watching, you too (reader) are a confirmed child sex offender.

Try those acts on any other day just outside the schoolyard fence at recess and set a stopwatch to see how fast the cops will arrest you.

You don’t have to explain your madness to me, Sil. You think every member of the LGBT community embraces pedophilia. Besides being a mentally ill fanatic, now you’re trying to allude that I am a child sex offender. :lol:

The thousands (millions?) of graphic photos and videos of gay pride parades since at least the 1970s to present day depict what I have said. So, there you go.

Thousands of graphic photos prove that every memeber of LGBT rank embraces pedophilia? Okay, girl. lol. I have no doubt that’s what you believe in your addled mind, but you’re a known liar with an obsessive axe to grind.
if one doesn't find fault with the parade, then they are embracing it. no other way to cut the line.

I certainly have no problems supporting actual gay pride parades- I am not supporting Silhouette gay puppet parade though.
unfortunately the LBGT takes them over. the intent was once well thought out. now it is just a march for LBGT to act out their sexual behaviors. Walking with nothing on their asses with their junk exposed in a sock. But yeah, they don't do to get off.
I am absolutely good with separating children from any suspected child traffickers.

I just want to know why you want to abandon those kids at the border.

Abandon them at the border? If the adult is not the childs Parent, or Legal Guardian, then he is likely the victim of a Kidnapping and it is our obligation to return them to the country of origin.

Then why would you just abandon the child at the border.

Or would you put that 3 year old on a bus to Guatamala?

No dimwit, protocal is to take control of the child until the country in which the offense took place make arrangements for retrieval.

Hey- I am just going by your actual words:
I've started posting how we should not allow Children into this Country who's adult they came in with cannot prove parenthood

I am all in favor of preventing child trafficking- and if any adult is suspected of being a child trafficker the child should be taken away from that adult.

But instead the actual policy is that for all adults who enter the country illegally- with children- the current policy of the Trump Administration is to arrest all of the adults- and separate all of the children from the adults- regardless of whether they are with their parents or not.

The children are then sent to separate facilities- and the parents usually don't know where their kids are- or whether they are safe- and the kids don't know where their parents are- or what is happening with their parents.

Taking kids away from suspected child traffickers and keeping the kids safe here in the United States until a safe situation is found for them? All for it.

Taking kids away from their parents? I am against it.

What about you?

Another deflection on your part

According to Ann Coulter- that is not child trafficking- those are all mini actors at the border



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