If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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This is all about gays taking advantage of legalized gay marriage to harass and persecute Christians..

Funny how for decades Christians actually did persecute gays in America- not by simply asking for gays to follow the same laws as Christians but trying to get them fired from jobs and thrown in prison.
Muslim bakers don't do gay wedding cakes either, but somehow they are immune from lawsuits. Why is that?

Why do you believe that bullhookey? Because you are gullible.

A right wing whacko posted a video making that claim- but anyone watching it cans see that it was butchered all to hell to make it look like the bakeries were saying no.

Turns out one of the bakeries bakes pita. Another of the persons spoke almost no English. The bakeries that bake wedding cakes said they had no problem baking cakes for anyone.

Maybe Muslim bakers in the United States are just more open minded and accepting that Christian bakers.

I doubt it. Do you have a video of Muslims baking gay wedding cakes?
HIDDEN CAMERA: Will Muslim Bakeries Make a Gay Wedding Cake?

Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Mu...tone/rush-limbaugh-dearborn-an_b_7002854.html
Muslim bakers don't do gay wedding cakes either, but somehow they are immune from lawsuits. Why is that?

Why do you believe that bullhookey? Because you are gullible.

A right wing whacko posted a video making that claim- but anyone watching it cans see that it was butchered all to hell to make it look like the bakeries were saying no.

Turns out one of the bakeries bakes pita. Another of the persons spoke almost no English. The bakeries that bake wedding cakes said they had no problem baking cakes for anyone.

Maybe Muslim bakers in the United States are just more open minded and accepting that Christian bakers.

I doubt it. Do you have a video of Muslims baking gay wedding cakes?
HIDDEN CAMERA: Will Muslim Bakeries Make a Gay Wedding Cake?
Muslims featured in YouTube video say it falsely portrays them
Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth https://www.huffingtonpost.com/brian-stone/rush-limbaugh-dearborn-an_b_7002854.html

My favorite part is how Crowder lies and says a bakery refused to bake the wedding cake- when they told them they don't bake wedding cakes- at all.

Muslims featured in YouTube video say it falsely portrays them
Please list all of the cases of Muslim business owners refusing services to gays

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why would there be "cases" of it, since gays aren't making a point of targeting Muslims? Just Christians.

Mind you, I don't blame them. I wouldn't pick a fight with someone who might decide to blow up my house, either.
Or maybe Muslims value and understand the true meaning of religious freedom

You've never lived in a Muslim country, have you?
No I have not. But I am talking about Muslims in this country, many of whom came here to enjoy religious freedom in an open society, and like our founders, understand the insidiousness of allowing religion to infect sectarian society.
I think gays are afraid to sue Muslims. It's not politically correct and could be dangerous.
And why the fuck do you think that and what evidence -besides the voices in your head- do you have of that?
This is all about gays taking advantage of legalized gay marriage to ...

Actually the thread is a challenge to our approach to civil rights - particularly, "public accommodations" and "protected classes". But of course it has devolved into a pissing match between the homophobes and the rainbow warriors.
This is all about gays taking advantage of legalized gay marriage to ...

Actually the thread is a challenge to our approach to civil rights - particularly, "public accommodations" and "protected classes". But of course it has devolved into a pissing match between the homophobes and the rainbow warriors.
Hey, I've been into discussing the protected classes dissection until the rainbow warriors showed up. Their job is to turn every thread of dissection into an ad hominem shouting-match distraction. The purpose is to STOP the dissection so nobody actually gets to the bottom of things. That's something they fear more than anything.

I've said that the dissection includes the USSC having to acknowledge (which they just did) that LGBT is behavioral, not innate and so others cannot be forced to condone, participate in or promote a repugnant ideology/behavior. Gay pride parades in front of kids (or including them) anyone?
LOL- I am aware that you keep lying and saying that- even though it is nonsensical.

Since you are still dodging as Pop23 correctly diagnosed, I'll ask again: Do you believe that two women having a contract that banishes children ( from a father for life under their roof is deprivation ).

I still believe that you keep saying that nonsensical lie in order to harm gays and their children.

I added the part in paretheses because you keep leaving parts of my quotes off so you can pretend their is no context for your evasion of answering the question as it was put to you. The () is paraphrased as the remainder of the question, lest you go off on another tangent to avoid answering.
This is all about gays taking advantage of legalized gay marriage to harass and persecute Christians. In 99.9% of cases, gay couples have plenty of readily available alternative options for the services they want. When you have gays driving many miles from where they live to ask Christian businesses to provide services for a gay wedding, they are not the least bit concerned about their "rights." They are targeting Christian vendors because they hate Christian beliefs.

Yep, I think the Court figured that one out. Took them long enough to see a subversive cult for what it is.
This is all about gays taking advantage of legalized gay marriage to ...

Actually the thread is a challenge to our approach to civil rights - particularly, "public accommodations" and "protected classes". But of course it has devolved into a pissing match between the homophobes and the rainbow warriors.
Hey, I've been into discussing the protected classes dissection until the rainbow warriors showed up. Their job is to turn every thread of dissection into an ad hominem shouting-match distraction. The purpose is to STOP the dissection so nobody actually gets to the bottom of things. That's something they fear more than anything.

I've said that the dissection includes the USSC having to acknowledge (which they just did) that LGBT is behavioral, not innate and so others cannot be forced to condone, participate in or promote a repugnant ideology/behavior. Gay pride parades in front of kids (or including them) anyone?

Yes, you support protected classes and public accommodations laws, but only for the things that you support. You prop it up with half-baked rationalizations that add up to nothing more than "it's different when we do it".

The way I see it, the PC/PA approach to civil rights is pure social engineering. It has nothing to do with protecting rights and everything to do with controlling public opinion. It's tempting to cheer for this sort of thing when the you don't agree with the opinions being suppressed. But this kind of power will, inevitably, be used against your interests. It's a double-edged sword that is incompatible with free society.
This is all about gays taking advantage of legalized gay marriage to ...

Actually the thread is a challenge to our approach to civil rights - particularly, "public accommodations" and "protected classes". But of course it has devolved into a pissing match between the homophobes and the rainbow warriors.
Hey, I've been into discussing the protected classes dissection until the rainbow warriors showed up. Their job is to turn every thread of dissection into an ad hominem shouting-match distraction. The purpose is to STOP the dissection so nobody actually gets to the bottom of things. That's something they fear more than anything.

I've said that the dissection includes the USSC having to acknowledge (which they just did) that LGBT is behavioral, not innate and so others cannot be forced to condone, participate in or promote a repugnant ideology/behavior. Gay pride parades in front of kids (or including them) anyone?

Yes, you support protected classes and public accommodations laws, but only for the things that you support. You prop it up with half-baked rationalizations that add up to nothing more than "it's different when we do it".

The way I see it, the PC/PA approach to civil rights is pure social engineering. It has nothing to do with protecting rights and everything to do with controlling public opinion. It's tempting to cheer for this sort of thing when the you don't agree with the opinions being suppressed. But this kind of power will, inevitably, be used against your interests. It's a double-edged sword that is incompatible with free society.
/----/ So you agree a gay baker should be forced to sell a cake inscribed: Chapter 18 verse 22. "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."
This is all about gays taking advantage of legalized gay marriage to ...

Actually the thread is a challenge to our approach to civil rights - particularly, "public accommodations" and "protected classes". But of course it has devolved into a pissing match between the homophobes and the rainbow warriors.
Hey, I've been into discussing the protected classes dissection until the rainbow warriors showed up. Their job is to turn every thread of dissection into an ad hominem shouting-match distraction. The purpose is to STOP the dissection so nobody actually gets to the bottom of things. That's something they fear more than anything.

I've said that the dissection includes the USSC having to acknowledge (which they just did) that LGBT is behavioral, not innate and so others cannot be forced to condone, participate in or promote a repugnant ideology/behavior. Gay pride parades in front of kids (or including them) anyone?

Yes, you support protected classes and public accommodations laws, but only for the things that you support. You prop it up with half-baked rationalizations that add up to nothing more than "it's different when we do it".

The way I see it, the PC/PA approach to civil rights is pure social engineering. It has nothing to do with protecting rights and everything to do with controlling public opinion. It's tempting to cheer for this sort of thing when the you don't agree with the opinions being suppressed. But this kind of power will, inevitably, be used against your interests. It's a double-edged sword that is incompatible with free society.

Actually lately I've been arguing that the LGBT lifestylists defend public graphic acts of sex where they invite and hope children are watching as "It's different when we do it". You know, as opposed to doing those same exact acts the next day next to a schoolyard during recess; where you would be instantly arrested and tried as a sex offender. Since when does an ideological group get to "legalize" lewd acts in front of kids done "in pride" in a parade down main street at high noon? Talk about wanting special privileges. What other groups get special immunization from criminal law? In other words according to the 14th Amendment, who can we arbitrarily shut out from this special red carpet treatment once we've given a pass to people identifying as a group that supports and takes pride in public acts of deviant sex in front of kids?
/----/ So you agree a gay baker should be forced to sell a cake inscribed: Chapter 18 verse 22. "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

Every time a response starts with "So you ...", you can pretty much bet it's a bullshit strawman.

Anyway, no, I don't think any baker should be forced to do anything.
This is all about gays taking advantage of legalized gay marriage to ...

Actually the thread is a challenge to our approach to civil rights - particularly, "public accommodations" and "protected classes". But of course it has devolved into a pissing match between the homophobes and the rainbow warriors.
Hey, I've been into discussing the protected classes dissection until the rainbow warriors showed up. Their job is to turn every thread of dissection into an ad hominem shouting-match distraction. The purpose is to STOP the dissection so nobody actually gets to the bottom of things. That's something they fear more than anything.

I've said that the dissection includes the USSC having to acknowledge (which they just did) that LGBT is behavioral, not innate and so others cannot be forced to condone, participate in or promote a repugnant ideology/behavior. Gay pride parades in front of kids (or including them) anyone?

Yes, you support protected classes and public accommodations laws, but only for the things that you support. You prop it up with half-baked rationalizations that add up to nothing more than "it's different when we do it".

The way I see it, the PC/PA approach to civil rights is pure social engineering. It has nothing to do with protecting rights and everything to do with controlling public opinion. It's tempting to cheer for this sort of thing when the you don't agree with the opinions being suppressed. But this kind of power will, inevitably, be used against your interests. It's a double-edged sword that is incompatible with free society.
/----/ So you agree a gay baker should be forced to sell a cake inscribed: Chapter 18 verse 22. "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

That is compelling speech, a different issue. There is no difference in a wedding cake bought by a straight couple than one bought by a gay couple other than the customers. The cake is just a cake.
There is no difference in a wedding cake bought by a straight couple than one bought by a gay couple other than the customers. The cake is just a cake.

Sure. And a gay pride parade is just a parade:



LOL- I am aware that you keep lying and saying that- even though it is nonsensical.

Since you are still dodging as Pop23 correctly diagnosed, I'll ask again: Do you believe that two women having a contract that banishes children ( from a father for life under their roof is deprivation ).

I still believe that you keep saying that nonsensical lie in order to harm gays and their children.

I added the part in paretheses because you keep leaving parts of my quotes off so you can pretend their is no context for your evasion of answering the question as it was put to you. The () is paraphrased as the remainder of the question, lest you go off on another tangent to avoid answering.
I still believe that you keep saying that nonsensical lie in order to harm gays and their children.

Why do you pursue policies that would harm children?
This is all about gays taking advantage of legalized gay marriage to ...

Actually the thread is a challenge to our approach to civil rights - particularly, "public accommodations" and "protected classes". But of course it has devolved into a pissing match between the homophobes and the rainbow warriors.
Hey, I've been into discussing the protected classes dissection until the rainbow warriors showed up. Their job is to turn every thread of dissection into an ad hominem shouting-match distraction. The purpose is to STOP the dissection so nobody actually gets to the bottom of things. That's something they fear more than anything.

I've said that the dissection includes the USSC having to acknowledge (which they just did) that LGBT is behavioral, not innate and so others cannot be forced to condone, participate in or promote a repugnant ideology/behavior. Gay pride parades in front of kids (or including them) anyone?

Yes, you support protected classes and public accommodations laws, but only for the things that you support. You prop it up with half-baked rationalizations that add up to nothing more than "it's different when we do it".

The way I see it, the PC/PA approach to civil rights is pure social engineering. It has nothing to do with protecting rights and everything to do with controlling public opinion. It's tempting to cheer for this sort of thing when the you don't agree with the opinions being suppressed. But this kind of power will, inevitably, be used against your interests. It's a double-edged sword that is incompatible with free society.

Actually lately I've been arguing that the LGBT lifestylists defend public graphic acts of sex where they invite and hope children are watching as "It's different when we do it".

Oh you have been making that lie for a long time Silhouette.

You will say anything to harm gays- and their children.

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