If "collusion" is such a crime, then why have Democrats cornered the market on it?

Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.
There is far more irrefutable evidence that Hillary and the democrats did exactly that. Yet Leftards stay mum.
If there were in fact real evidence, don't you think Nunez and his band of Qonan freedom caucus turd heads would have found it by now?
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.
There is far more irrefutable evidence that Hillary and the democrats did exactly that. Yet Leftards stay mum.

No there isn’t. There is ZERO evidence that Hillary colluded with the Russians. If any such evidence existed, Republicans would have arrested her and locked her up the moment it was found.
No, because collusion isn't a crime, dumbass.
Yeah, it is. Do you understand what it means? Secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others. Akin to fraud. Bunco, a confidence game. Let's don't excuse foreign interference, be it Mexicans or Russians. Please.
I have to mention here in modern-day sense how liberals condone if not out and out collaborate with illegal alien "immigrants" , and even give them "sanctuary" outside of the voting booth. I am worried about foreign collusion all right. I think Russians got this idea about tinkering with American politics because we have been so incredulous with invading Mexicans. And where did THAT come from?
Our holier than thou US of A has interfered / meddled in the elections of foreign countries, including covert CIA operations to oust leaders of various countries over 80 times since 1948.

Treat others as you expect them to treat you? The Golden Rule.
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Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.
There is far more irrefutable evidence that Hillary and the democrats did exactly that. Yet Leftards stay mum.
If there were in fact real evidence, don't you think Nunez and his band of Qonan freedom caucus turd heads would have found it by now?
You don't think team Hillary smashed over 12 devices like cellphones and laptops, because they had nothing to hide, do you? Clear evidence of obstruction, yet that asshole Comey refused to arrest the bitch.
I have to mention here in modern-day sense how liberals condone if not out and out collaborate with illegal alien "immigrants" , and even give them "sanctuary" outside of the voting booth. I am worried about foreign collusion all right. I think Russians got this idea about tinkering with American politics because we have been so incredulous with invading Mexicans. And where did THAT come from?
Our holier than thou US of A has interfered in the elections of foreign countries, and covert CIA operations to oust leaders of various countries over 80 times since 1948.

Treat others as you expect the to treat you? The Golden Rule.
Pease, curb your pedantic dog here, please. Yeah lets get suckered because humans are suckers. Fool me once, shame on me, yadda yadda.
I have to mention here in modern-day sense how liberals condone if not out and out collaborate with illegal alien "immigrants" , and even give them "sanctuary" outside of the voting booth. I am worried about foreign collusion all right. I think Russians got this idea about tinkering with American politics because we have been so incredulous with invading Mexicans. And where did THAT come from?
Our holier than thou US of A has interfered in the elections of foreign countries, and covert CIA operations to oust leaders of various countries over 80 times since 1948.

Treat others as you expect the to treat you? The Golden Rule.
Pease, curb your pedantic dog here, please. Yeah lets get suckered because humans are suckers. Fool me once, shame on me, yadda yadda.
point is, we can't be sticking our noses into foreign elections, as we have for decades, and not expect blowback. It's our fault that we did not protect ourselves.
You must be talking about yourself.

Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On "Garbage" Steele Dossier

And Carter Page, the so called "Russian asset" is walking around Scott free, two years after the Democrats used him as an excuse to get our intelligence agencies to spy on an opposing candidate and his supporters.

And, we have ex intelligence agency heads, such as Brennan, Comey and Clapper, that are now official partisans and hack darlings of the fake news media, that regularly bash the president and his administration. The govt and intelligence agencies can no longer be trusted.

It has been PROVEN that the FISA had nothing to do with the dossier you stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Lynsie Graham said it so it must be true. Yep, a Republican defending a Republican.
Just how gullible are you people?

I get it, Brennan & Comey are not believable because they are partisan as you drag out Republicans & rigfht wing garbage sites as proof.

Fuck you you Russia loving, America hating piece of shit. Trump has lied many times about Russioan connections & you believe him over our intelligence agencies & Press.

So the dossiers weren't used to obtain multiple FISA warrants? Do you really not know that they were? Either you're incredibly ignorant or you've chosen to lie. Which is it?


Trump says it & you ignorant fools believe. How the fuck can you believe a man that lies all the time?docs-show.html

Who's telling you that the dossiers WEREN'T a major reason why a FISA court judge issued multiple wire tap warrants on people associated with the Trump campaign? Those faked dossiers were the driving force of the investigations into Carter Page and were what had Harry Reid and John McCain browbeating the FBI into investigating Trump's campaign for "collusion" when the only collusion that took place during the lead up to that election was between Hillary Clinton, Fusion GPS, Richard Steele and the Obama Justice Department!

Papadopolous started the Russia investigation.

Anyone that thinks the FBI started the investigation into "collusion" because of a comment someone made in the bathroom about Russia having "dirt" on Clinton...and that it wasn't the dossiers that Steele was pushing to the FBI...to Harry Reid...to John McCain...to the New York Times...to CNN...to the Washington Post and to Mother Jones...is truly naive! The "Russian investigation" was started because Hillary Clinton paid Richard Steele to compile those phony dossiers and then "leak" them to the media, the FBI and prominent politicians while hiding who was behind them! The FISA court judges that issued 3 warrants to spy on people connected to the Trump campaign would NEVER have done so if they hadn't been duped into believing that the Steele dossiers were plausible and if they'd known that it was the Clinton campaign who paid for them they would have laughed the Obama Justice Department lawyers who were asking for those warrants right out of the court room.
It has been PROVEN that the FISA had nothing to do with the dossier you stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Lynsie Graham said it so it must be true. Yep, a Republican defending a Republican.
Just how gullible are you people?

I get it, Brennan & Comey are not believable because they are partisan as you drag out Republicans & rigfht wing garbage sites as proof.

Fuck you you Russia loving, America hating piece of shit. Trump has lied many times about Russioan connections & you believe him over our intelligence agencies & Press.

So the dossiers weren't used to obtain multiple FISA warrants? Do you really not know that they were? Either you're incredibly ignorant or you've chosen to lie. Which is it?


Trump says it & you ignorant fools believe. How the fuck can you believe a man that lies all the time?docs-show.html

Who's telling you that the dossiers WEREN'T a major reason why a FISA court judge issued multiple wire tap warrants on people associated with the Trump campaign? Those faked dossiers were the driving force of the investigations into Carter Page and were what had Harry Reid and John McCain browbeating the FBI into investigating Trump's campaign for "collusion" when the only collusion that took place during the lead up to that election was between Hillary Clinton, Fusion GPS, Richard Steele and the Obama Justice Department!

Papadopolous started the Russia investigation.

Anyone that thinks the FBI started the investigation into "collusion" because of a comment someone made in the bathroom about Russia having "dirt" on Clinton...and that it wasn't the dossiers that Steele was pushing to the FBI...to Harry Reid...to John McCain...to the New York Times...to CNN...to the Washington Post and to Mother Jones...is truly naive!
It's not a matter of being naive. It's a matter of being willfully stupid if you believe otherwise. The same guy you are talking about pleaded guilty to having the "Russian dirt". That beats your willful stupidity any day.
The "Russian investigation" was started because Hillary Clinton paid Richard Steele to compile those phony dossiers and then "leak" them to the media, the FBI and prominent politicians while hiding who was behind them!
And until you prove the dossier is phony, you will always be a liar.
The FISA court judges that issued 3 warrants to spy on people connected to the Trump campaign would NEVER have done so if they hadn't been duped into believing that the Steele dossiers were plausible and if they'd known that it was the Clinton campaign who paid for them they would have laughed the Obama Justice Department lawyers who were asking for those warrants right out of the court room.
Again, without proof, you are lying. It wasn't the campaign. It was originally about Carter Page and the Russians. Investigation into the campaign began with Papadopolous, which had nothing to do with the dossier.
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.
There is far more irrefutable evidence that Hillary and the democrats did exactly that. Yet Leftards stay mum.
If there were in fact real evidence, don't you think Nunez and his band of Qonan freedom caucus turd heads would have found it by now?
You don't think team Hillary smashed over 12 devices like cellphones and laptops, because they had nothing to hide, do you? Clear evidence of obstruction, yet that asshole Comey refused to arrest the bitch.
"You don't think"? Lol! Damn you're a mess. Then it's "clear evidence of obstruction". You ask the question, then answer it for yourself, with no evidence. Folks, we are witnessing classic right-wing logic. "None at all".
What is your evidence that the dossier is fake?

Ah, Steele's testimony in British court when he got sued for defamation? Until then he was claiming that the dossiers were based on insider information coming out of Russia and were factual. When his ass got dragged into court he changed his tune and stated that the dossiers were really just "scenarios" that MIGHT have happened and that he never intended them to be made public! (Which is pretty amusing since it was Steele who leaked the dossiers to five different media outlets!)
Parts to the dossier that have been investigated have checked out. Why would someone have a problem with the truth?

Parts of the dossier ARE factual. The problem however is that Steele interwove those true facts with shit that he flat out made up. It's what a con man does when he's trying to sell something. It's why when he was finally forced to testify under oath his story completely changed. He no longer stood behind his "dossiers". Now that he was facing lawsuits Steele claimed that they were never presented as fact but as scenarios that might have happened and that they were never supposed to be released to the public.

As I said before...that last claim doesn't pass the smell test because it's obvious to anyone with even a dollop of common sense that Steele didn't sell the dossiers to The New York Times, The Washington Post or to CNN as "scenarios"...he sold them as facts gleaned from his many confidential sources inside of the Kremlin! It's also obvious that if you're giving them to media outlets...THEN YOU WANT IT TO GO PUBLIC!!!
It is also abundantly clear, that whatever our intelligence gleamed relevant enough to go over, only to decide that the targeted information turned out accurate, and then bellyache about whatever else he produced that wasn't used or even investigated, will be viewed as worthless fodder for a lawsuit.

Did that post make sense when you were writing it, WTP? Might be time to bone up on your Freshman English again...just saying...
It did. It's an argument about confirmed, relevant information by Steele. Something you don't have and Steele does. "Freshman English" notwithstanding.
Ah, Steele's testimony in British court when he got sued for defamation? Until then he was claiming that the dossiers were based on insider information coming out of Russia and were factual. When his ass got dragged into court he changed his tune and stated that the dossiers were really just "scenarios" that MIGHT have happened and that he never intended them to be made public! (Which is pretty amusing since it was Steele who leaked the dossiers to five different media outlets!)
Parts to the dossier that have been investigated have checked out. Why would someone have a problem with the truth?

Parts of the dossier ARE factual. The problem however is that Steele interwove those true facts with shit that he flat out made up. It's what a con man does when he's trying to sell something. It's why when he was finally forced to testify under oath his story completely changed. He no longer stood behind his "dossiers". Now that he was facing lawsuits Steele claimed that they were never presented as fact but as scenarios that might have happened and that they were never supposed to be released to the public.

As I said before...that last claim doesn't pass the smell test because it's obvious to anyone with even a dollop of common sense that Steele didn't sell the dossiers to The New York Times, The Washington Post or to CNN as "scenarios"...he sold them as facts gleaned from his many confidential sources inside of the Kremlin! It's also obvious that if you're giving them to media outlets...THEN YOU WANT IT TO GO PUBLIC!!!
It is also abundantly clear, that whatever our intelligence gleamed relevant enough to go over, only to decide that the targeted information turned out accurate, and then bellyache about whatever else he produced that wasn't used or even investigated, will be viewed as worthless fodder for a lawsuit.

Did that post make sense when you were writing it, WTP? Might be time to bone up on your Freshman English again...just saying...
It did. It's an argument about confirmed, relevant information by Steele. Something you don't have and Steele does. "Freshman English" notwithstanding.

You're really coming here to claim that the information Steele provided was "confirmed"? When did that happen? When he was sued for defamation in a British court and had to testify under oath what did he say about his "confirmed" information? Oh, that's right...he said the dossiers were not factual and were never intended to be put out to the public but were things that could have happened!

That's NOT confirmation that the dossiers were based on facts...it's confirmation that they were based on shit that Steele made up!
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.

What makes it different? One was your candidate and one wasn’t?

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So let's this straight, Hillary can collude and pay "legally" for a fake dossier created by the KJB in order to use it against her opponent, both before and after the election, but Don Jr. Can't meet with a Russian lawyer who says she has dirt in the Hillary campaign? Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the Leftard logic!
Hillary PAID to have a foreign agent smear Donald Trump right before the election and hid what she was doing by going through a "cut out" law firm!
Hillary didn't pay any foreign agents and the information from the dossier was not used during the campaign.

You seriously aren’t that stupid are you?!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.
There is far more irrefutable evidence that Hillary and the democrats did exactly that. Yet Leftards stay mum.
If there were in fact real evidence, don't you think Nunez and his band of Qonan freedom caucus turd heads would have found it by now?
You don't think team Hillary smashed over 12 devices like cellphones and laptops, because they had nothing to hide, do you? Clear evidence of obstruction, yet that asshole Comey refused to arrest the bitch.
"You don't think"? Lol! Damn you're a mess. Then it's "clear evidence of obstruction". You ask the question, then answer it for yourself, with no evidence. Folks, we are witnessing classic right-wing logic. "None at all".
So smashing cell phones and destroying emails in the middle of an investigation, does not add up to obstruction. Got it.

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