If "collusion" is such a crime, then why have Democrats cornered the market on it?

In a court of LAW, not the court of Liberal Opinion, in order to nullify a document or source all you need to do in prove that one claim or allegation in said document is false or unsubstantiated. Period. Funny thing is Obama and the Dems took this criminally obtained document and used it to SPY on the Trump campaign. And yet, it is the Trump campaign that is the focus of collusion!

Why is it not surprising that the Left is willing to stomp on our constitution, (like it regularly does the flag and the anthem), and engage in fascistic police state tactics?
Where is your proof that the Dems and Obama used this document to spy on the Trump cam paign? I thought the FBI used it to spy on the Russians and Page?
Hah?! You are an idiot, they presented it to to a secret court to obtain FISA warrants to listen in on the Trump campaign, that has been proven true beyond a doubt.
You seem to be conveniently leaving out the pertinent details. Page was apart of the Trump campaign who was connected to the Russians. Without Page and his ties to Russia, surveillance would not have been possible. The focus was not the Trump campaign. It was Page and the Russians. That is what is true beyond a doubt. So no, it was not about the Trump campaign idiot.
And Page is so dangerous and such a national security urgency EXCEPTION to violate our constitution, privacy, and foundation of our democracy that he's walking around, not even arrested or indicted, giving interviews, laughing, joking etc. Or perhaps, he was a deep state / Obama / Hillary criminally concocted conspiracy that provided them with a perfect bullshit excuse to engage in dictatorial style fascistic police state tactics to spy on an opposing candidate and his campaign. But the Left has no real ethics or morals or respect for our laws, constitution or democracy, they just pretend to, which is why they say nothing about it.
Don't you just love how you ignored the part where I proved you wrong about Obama and Dems spying on the Trump campaign, to suddenly switching the conversation about Page's personal characteristics? Lol! You just got had lying about who's spying on who, and had to retreat to Page's personal habits. Boss, you're as easy as the rest of the liars on here.
What characteristics moron?! They lied to a court about an individual being a "spy" for Russia (among other lies) in order to spy on the Trump campaign. And that individual is still walking around. Proof that it was all just a conspiracy and excuse to spy on the Trump campaign. Funny part is they colluded and conspired with Russia to spy on the Trump campaign, in order to make it look like the Trump campaign colluded! It doesn't get more surreal that that!
Can you prove the FBI and DOJ were lying?

The FISA warrants show they were lying. And we haven't even seen about 20 pages they redacted to protect their lies...
Ho......ly shit! I can't believe I just read that stupid of an answer. :laughing0301: Somebody tell me I didn't actually read that? So, genius, if the FISA warrants show they were lying, and you haven't seen about twenty pages of them, then that means you don't know what's in them. So how in the hell are they lying then? :laughing0301:
Yes, retard, the FISA warrants clearly show, even thought heavily redacted, that the fake dossier was indeed the main reason the FISA warrants were issued.
It takes a true retard to accuse someone else of being retarded, when they rely on a document that has twenty pages of redaction's, then call it fake, with zero evidence. Now boss, that takes a true retard right there.

Nunez saw the unredacted copies you shitstain.....and he says they are even worse than what we have already seen..... the FBI and Department of Justice used false information to get FISA warrants.... they broke the law.
Nunez? Lol! You mean Paul Revere Nunez who went to he WH with a made up story that was discovered, then had to recuse himself, only to un recuse himself to concoct a proven false memo? That Nunez? Damn son! You don't think much of yourself do you?

Think you idiots. If that had an ounce of truth to it, don't you think the obstructionist House Republicans and their butt boy Freedom Caucus hood rats would have had an investigation into that, right now, as we speak?
Hillary PAID to have a foreign agent smear Donald Trump right before the election and hid what she was doing by going through a "cut out" law firm!
Hillary didn't pay any foreign agents and the information from the dossier was not used during the campaign.

Did the junior Trump use anything from the meeting with the Russian against Hillary in the campaign?
Irrelevant argument. Any attempt to defraud the U.S.in a presidential election with a foreign adversary is a crime. Whether you've got something or not.
Getting true opposition research (dirt) from a foreign source is not necessarily illegal. Having a meeting about the possibility of obtaining opposition research is definitely legal if the meeting turns out to have nothing to do with opposition research once it is held.
This is so unbelievably stupid and wrong. 18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

You people have got to start educating yourselves. Stop being stupid.
Exactly what Hillary and the Dems are guilty of, many times over!
Where is your proof that the Dems and Obama used this document to spy on the Trump cam paign? I thought the FBI used it to spy on the Russians and Page?
Hah?! You are an idiot, they presented it to to a secret court to obtain FISA warrants to listen in on the Trump campaign, that has been proven true beyond a doubt.
You seem to be conveniently leaving out the pertinent details. Page was apart of the Trump campaign who was connected to the Russians. Without Page and his ties to Russia, surveillance would not have been possible. The focus was not the Trump campaign. It was Page and the Russians. That is what is true beyond a doubt. So no, it was not about the Trump campaign idiot.
And Page is so dangerous and such a national security urgency EXCEPTION to violate our constitution, privacy, and foundation of our democracy that he's walking around, not even arrested or indicted, giving interviews, laughing, joking etc. Or perhaps, he was a deep state / Obama / Hillary criminally concocted conspiracy that provided them with a perfect bullshit excuse to engage in dictatorial style fascistic police state tactics to spy on an opposing candidate and his campaign. But the Left has no real ethics or morals or respect for our laws, constitution or democracy, they just pretend to, which is why they say nothing about it.
Don't you just love how you ignored the part where I proved you wrong about Obama and Dems spying on the Trump campaign, to suddenly switching the conversation about Page's personal characteristics? Lol! You just got had lying about who's spying on who, and had to retreat to Page's personal habits. Boss, you're as easy as the rest of the liars on here.
What characteristics moron?!
You cowardly switched to talking about Page.
They lied to a court about an individual being a "spy" for Russia (among other lies) in order to spy on the Trump campaign.
How do you know that is a lie? You don't. You are giving yourself away. You are throwing accusations out there with no proof, and I caught you doing it. You have not proved the Dems and Obama were spying on the Trump campaign. You straight up lied about that.
And that individual is still walking around. Proof that it was all just a conspiracy and excuse to spy on the Trump campaign.
Boss, get your head out of the sand and start making sense. You are talking crazy talk.
Funny part is they colluded and conspired with Russia to spy on the Trump campaign, in order to make it look like the Trump campaign colluded!
More lies! Where is the proof hot shot? You keep tossing out these big juicy fat one's with no corroborating evidence. You've been throwing spaghetti up against the wall all night with one lie behind the other.
It doesn't get more surreal that that!
I agree. This lying of yours is about as screwed up as it can get.

Start backing up these claims of your with factual documentation from a source.
Did the junior Trump use anything from the meeting with the Russian against Hillary in the campaign?
Irrelevant argument. Any attempt to defraud the U.S.in a presidential election with a foreign adversary is a crime. Whether you've got something or not.
Getting true opposition research (dirt) from a foreign source is not necessarily illegal. Having a meeting about the possibility of obtaining opposition research is definitely legal if the meeting turns out to have nothing to do with opposition research once it is held.
This is so unbelievably stupid and wrong. 18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States

You people have got to start educating yourselves. Stop being stupid.
Exactly what Hillary and the Dems are guilty of, many times over!
They can't produce any. Once the lies dry up, they'll be gone. It happens every time.
Wow, look at that.

Republicans desperately try point to something they imagine happened 50 years ago.

As if that imagined whatever excuses a Republican traitor today.

Thank God that's not going on. That would be bad.
Can you prove the FBI and DOJ were lying?

The FISA warrants show they were lying. And we haven't even seen about 20 pages they redacted to protect their lies...
Ho......ly shit! I can't believe I just read that stupid of an answer. :laughing0301: Somebody tell me I didn't actually read that? So, genius, if the FISA warrants show they were lying, and you haven't seen about twenty pages of them, then that means you don't know what's in them. So how in the hell are they lying then? :laughing0301:
Yes, retard, the FISA warrants clearly show, even thought heavily redacted, that the fake dossier was indeed the main reason the FISA warrants were issued.
It takes a true retard to accuse someone else of being retarded, when they rely on a document that has twenty pages of redaction's, then call it fake, with zero evidence. Now boss, that takes a true retard right there.

Nunez saw the unredacted copies you shitstain.....and he says they are even worse than what we have already seen..... the FBI and Department of Justice used false information to get FISA warrants.... they broke the law.
And so, where is Nunez again? Have we heard from him about that any more?

Nunez got taken out to the woodshed because of his false, misleading, manufactured, half baked memo. That's why we haven't heard much about his "caught in the headlights memo".
If one reads the actual dossiers...it quickly becomes apparent that almost all of the allegations made in them supposedly come from anonymous contacts in the Russian government...which means none of it can be verified...which is EXACTLY what Steele and the Clinton campaign was looking for! They deliberately set up a smear on Donald Trump and wanted it to break right before the election.
If what is in the dossier matches up to our own intelligence, those are are verified pieces of evidence.

What is "our own intelligence" exactly? What the dossier consists of is one unsubstantiated claim after another made by anonymous "contacts" inside of the Kremlin! There is nothing that's verifiable in most of what Steele concocted. When he DOES name names and specific dates...like when he has Cohen meeting in Prague on a certain date...the whole narrative falls apart because Cohen wasn't in the Czech Republic on that date...or any other date for that matter! Or when he claims that Putin was trying to recruit Trump over 5 years prior to the election with huge pay offs. Five years ago, Donald Trump was doing reality TV and running his real estate empire with absolutely no plan of running for the Presidency. Why would Putin be trying to recruit someone that at that time was considered a "joke" whenever his name was brought up as a candidate? The whole narrative is laughable.
If one reads the actual dossiers...it quickly becomes apparent that almost all of the allegations made in them supposedly come from anonymous contacts in the Russian government...which means none of it can be verified...which is EXACTLY what Steele and the Clinton campaign was looking for! They deliberately set up a smear on Donald Trump and wanted it to break right before the election.
If what is in the dossier matches up to our own intelligence, those are are verified pieces of evidence.

What is "our own intelligence" exactly? What the dossier consists of is one unsubstantiated claim after another made by anonymous "contacts" inside of the Kremlin! There is nothing that's verifiable in most of what Steele concocted. When he DOES name names and specific dates...like when he has Cohen meeting in Prague on a certain date...the whole narrative falls apart because Cohen wasn't in the Czech Republic on that date...or any other date for that matter! Or when he claims that Putin was trying to recruit Trump over 5 years prior to the election with huge pay offs. Five years ago, Donald Trump was doing reality TV and running his real estate empire with absolutely no plan of running for the Presidency. Why would Putin be trying to recruit someone that at that time was considered a "joke" whenever his name was brought up as a candidate? The whole narrative is laughable.
The only thing laughable is how much of an idiot you are making of yourself. You start your first sentence off asking "what is our own intelligence exactly". And the rest of your paragraph speaks for what you are asking, by answering your own question anyway. But you have no idea what our intelligence knows. Lol! So how dumb is that?
If one reads the actual dossiers...it quickly becomes apparent that almost all of the allegations made in them supposedly come from anonymous contacts in the Russian government...which means none of it can be verified...which is EXACTLY what Steele and the Clinton campaign was looking for! They deliberately set up a smear on Donald Trump and wanted it to break right before the election.
If what is in the dossier matches up to our own intelligence, those are are verified pieces of evidence.

What is "our own intelligence" exactly? What the dossier consists of is one unsubstantiated claim after another made by anonymous "contacts" inside of the Kremlin! There is nothing that's verifiable in most of what Steele concocted. When he DOES name names and specific dates...like when he has Cohen meeting in Prague on a certain date...the whole narrative falls apart because Cohen wasn't in the Czech Republic on that date...or any other date for that matter! Or when he claims that Putin was trying to recruit Trump over 5 years prior to the election with huge pay offs. Five years ago, Donald Trump was doing reality TV and running his real estate empire with absolutely no plan of running for the Presidency. Why would Putin be trying to recruit someone that at that time was considered a "joke" whenever his name was brought up as a candidate? The whole narrative is laughable.
The only thing laughable is how much of an idiot you are making of yourself. You start your first sentence off asking "what is our own intelligence exactly". And the rest of your paragraph speaks for what you are asking, by answering your own question anyway. But you have no idea what our intelligence knows. Lol! So how dumb is that?

The reference to "our own intelligence" was made by you! I simply wanted to know what that rather vague claim referred to.

I'm curious...have you read the dossiers?

There was no voter fraud with ACORN you stupid fuck.

There were a couple found guilty of voter registration fraud. None of those in question led to ny illegal voting.

You deserve Trump You are both dumber rthan shit.,

NO voter fraud?! Ha ha ha! You Leftards are quite an entertaining, delusional, yet mentally ill bunch!
Report: Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise? - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud

Sounds like you watch too muck Fox/Breitbart.
And why not, even according to Leftard fake news WAPO, FOX is the most trusted national news network, and second most trusted in the world.

New survey shows Fox News more trusted than MSNBC, CNN

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Which is why it is continually rated the most watched:
Q1 2018 Ratings: Fox News Remains No. 1 on Cable Television

And now we go back to the regular programming found on most fake news outlefts: The Russians! The Russians!

Dang, they never get, do they?!
Because there are so many of you ignorant Trumpettes & who actually are sofa king stupid that you believeTrump & hisrantson Fake News.
Right, most of the country including some Democrats that trust FOX overwhelmingly over fake news CNN and MSNBC are ignorant and irredeemable. This must be Hillary as posing as RealShmuckDave!

Voter fraud is when actual illegal votes are made. This did not happen.

Voter registration fraud is when you falsify registration forms or illegally not submit them. This is what a couple ACORN members did. They were paid by the number of registrations they turned in & they went tothe phone book. None were used to actually vote.

In your Fox News article, they duped you by using the term election fraud. It worked & iou are wrong.

OK, so the Leftie run ACORN organization gets shut down, and 18 of its members get convicted of ELECTION FRAUD...but Leftards as usual don't see any linkage with voter fraud, and furthermore see nothing wrong with it ethically or morally, or as a reason to have one of their usual faux outrage hair on fire hissy fits. Ha ha ha!

There was no voter fraud with ACORN you stupid fuck.

There were a couple found guilty of voter registration fraud. None of those in question led to ny illegal voting.

You deserve Trump You are both dumber rthan shit.,

NO voter fraud?! Ha ha ha! You Leftards are quite an entertaining, delusional, yet mentally ill bunch!
Report: Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise? - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud

Sounds like you watch too muck Fox/Breitbart.
And why not, even according to Leftard fake news WAPO, FOX is the most trusted national news network, and second most trusted in the world.

New survey shows Fox News more trusted than MSNBC, CNN

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Which is why it is continually rated the most watched:
Q1 2018 Ratings: Fox News Remains No. 1 on Cable Television

And now we go back to the regular programming found on most fake news outlefts: The Russians! The Russians!

Dang, they never get, do they?!
Because there are so many of you ignorant Trumpettes & who actually are sofa king stupid that you believeTrump & hisrantson Fake News.
Right, most of the country including some Democrats that trust FOX overwhelmingly over fake news CNN and MSNBC are ignorant and irredeemable. This must be Hillary as posing as RealShmuckDave!

Voter fraud is when actual illegal votes are made. This did not happen.

Voter registration fraud is when you falsify registration forms or illegally not submit them. This is what a couple ACORN members did. They were paid by the number of registrations they turned in & they went tothe phone book. None were used to actually vote.

In your Fox News article, they duped you by using the term election fraud. It worked & iou are wrong.

OK, so the Leftie run ACORN organization gets shut down, and 18 of its members get convicted of ELECTION FRAUD...but Leftards as usual don't see any linkage with voter fraud, and furthermore see nothing wrong with it ethically or morally, or as a reason to have one of their usual faux outrage hair on fire hissy fits. Ha ha ha!

The Republicans voted & passed a bill to end ACORN. This is another example of how pathetic the Republican party is. Ending an organization to help people get housing. Republicans only v=create poor peop[le & then take any funding to help them & give it to the wealthy.

You were duped by Fox and even afyter being told the triuth, you cling to Fox.

ACORN or any of its members were never convicted of voter fraud. Never. Ever.
If one reads the actual dossiers...it quickly becomes apparent that almost all of the allegations made in them supposedly come from anonymous contacts in the Russian government...which means none of it can be verified...which is EXACTLY what Steele and the Clinton campaign was looking for! They deliberately set up a smear on Donald Trump and wanted it to break right before the election.

No... it wasn't to smear Trump, it was to have information they could use to get FISA warrants from friendly Federal Judges who they knew wouldn't look closely at the sources of the information.... which is what we know to be true since they in fact, did not look at the sources of the info.
How do you know that?
This is Watergate X a million where you have the FBI and the Department of Justice lying to Federal Judges to get government warrants to spy on Trump ....
The Plumbers worked for the Nixon Campaign, they were not the government itself.
Can you prove the FBI and DOJ were lying?

The FISA warrants show they were lying. And we haven't even seen about 20 pages they redacted to protect their lies...
No they don't. Jesus fuck you people are sofa king stupid.
Well excuuuuse me! Did you forget about ACORN and all the PROVEN massive voter fraud and suppression that the corrupt, crooked Democratic party and their puppets in the media engage in, every single fuckin' election?

There was no voter fraud with ACORN you stupid fuck.

There were a couple found guilty of voter registration fraud. None of those in question led to ny illegal voting.

You deserve Trump You are both dumber rthan shit.,
NO voter fraud?! Ha ha ha! You Leftards are quite an entertaining, delusional, yet mentally ill bunch!
Report: Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise? - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud
And why not, even according to Leftard fake news WAPO, FOX is the most trusted national news network, and second most trusted in the world.

New survey shows Fox News more trusted than MSNBC, CNN

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Which is why it is continually rated the most watched:
Q1 2018 Ratings: Fox News Remains No. 1 on Cable Television

And now we go back to the regular programming found on most fake news outlefts: The Russians! The Russians!

Dang, they never get, do they?!
Because there are so many of you ignorant Trumpettes & who actually are sofa king stupid that you believeTrump & hisrantson Fake News.
Right, most of the country including some Democrats that trust FOX overwhelmingly over fake news CNN and MSNBC are ignorant and irredeemable. This must be Hillary as posing as RealShmuckDave!

Voter fraud is when actual illegal votes are made. This did not happen.

Voter registration fraud is when you falsify registration forms or illegally not submit them. This is what a couple ACORN members did. They were paid by the number of registrations they turned in & they went tothe phone book. None were used to actually vote.

In your Fox News article, they duped you by using the term election fraud. It worked & iou are wrong.
OK, so the Leftie run ACORN organization gets shut down, and 18 of its members get convicted of ELECTION FRAUD...but Leftards as usual don't see any linkage with voter fraud, and furthermore see nothing wrong with it ethically or morally, or as a reason to have one of their usual faux outrage hair on fire hissy fits. Ha ha ha!
Well excuuuuse me! Did you forget about ACORN and all the PROVEN massive voter fraud and suppression that the corrupt, crooked Democratic party and their puppets in the media engage in, every single fuckin' election?

There was no voter fraud with ACORN you stupid fuck.

There were a couple found guilty of voter registration fraud. None of those in question led to ny illegal voting.

You deserve Trump You are both dumber rthan shit.,
NO voter fraud?! Ha ha ha! You Leftards are quite an entertaining, delusional, yet mentally ill bunch!
Report: Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise? - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud
And why not, even according to Leftard fake news WAPO, FOX is the most trusted national news network, and second most trusted in the world.

New survey shows Fox News more trusted than MSNBC, CNN

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Which is why it is continually rated the most watched:
Q1 2018 Ratings: Fox News Remains No. 1 on Cable Television

And now we go back to the regular programming found on most fake news outlefts: The Russians! The Russians!

Dang, they never get, do they?!
Because there are so many of you ignorant Trumpettes & who actually are sofa king stupid that you believeTrump & hisrantson Fake News.
Right, most of the country including some Democrats that trust FOX overwhelmingly over fake news CNN and MSNBC are ignorant and irredeemable. This must be Hillary as posing as RealShmuckDave!

Voter fraud is when actual illegal votes are made. This did not happen.

Voter registration fraud is when you falsify registration forms or illegally not submit them. This is what a couple ACORN members did. They were paid by the number of registrations they turned in & they went tothe phone book. None were used to actually vote.

In your Fox News article, they duped you by using the term election fraud. It worked & iou are wrong.
OK, so the Leftie run ACORN organization gets shut down, and 18 of its members get convicted of ELECTION FRAUD...but Leftards as usual don't see any linkage with voter fraud, and furthermore see nothing wrong with it ethically or morally, or as a reason to have one of their usual faux outrage hair on fire hissy fits. Ha ha ha!

The Republicans voted & passed a bill to end ACORN. This is another example of how pathetic the Republican party is. Ending an organization to help people get housing. Republicans only v=create poor peop[le & then take any funding to help them & give it to the wealthy.

You were duped by Fox and even afyter being told the triuth, you cling to Fox.

ACORN or any of its members were never convicted of voter fraud. Never. Ever.
Once again, 18 of its members were convicted of election fraud, and the organization was shut down. Democrats didn't have the balls to investigate Obama's election which, as evidence points, both his nomination and the general election were fraudulently won. Which is why Hillary did what she did. She cheated Sander's out of the nomination, and tried to also cheat in the general election, but Trump had her number.

Democrats just can't participate in an election without some type of fraud. They don't believe in democracy.
If one reads the actual dossiers...it quickly becomes apparent that almost all of the allegations made in them supposedly come from anonymous contacts in the Russian government...which means none of it can be verified...which is EXACTLY what Steele and the Clinton campaign was looking for! They deliberately set up a smear on Donald Trump and wanted it to break right before the election.

No... it wasn't to smear Trump, it was to have information they could use to get FISA warrants from friendly Federal Judges who they knew wouldn't look closely at the sources of the information.... which is what we know to be true since they in fact, did not look at the sources of the info.
How do you know that?
This is Watergate X a million where you have the FBI and the Department of Justice lying to Federal Judges to get government warrants to spy on Trump ....
The Plumbers worked for the Nixon Campaign, they were not the government itself.
Can you prove the FBI and DOJ were lying?

The FISA warrants show they were lying. And we haven't even seen about 20 pages they redacted to protect their lies...
No they don't. Jesus fuck you people are sofa king stupid.

You must be talking about yourself.

Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On "Garbage" Steele Dossier

And Carter Page, the so called "Russian asset" is walking around Scott free, two years after the Democrats used him as an excuse to get our intelligence agencies to spy on an opposing candidate and his supporters.

And, we have ex intelligence agency heads, such as Brennan, Comey and Clapper, that are now official partisans and hack darlings of the fake news media, that regularly bash the president and his administration. The govt and intelligence agencies can no longer be trusted.
Last edited:
Well excuuuuse me! Did you forget about ACORN and all the PROVEN massive voter fraud and suppression that the corrupt, crooked Democratic party and their puppets in the media engage in, every single fuckin' election?

There was no voter fraud with ACORN you stupid fuck.

There were a couple found guilty of voter registration fraud. None of those in question led to ny illegal voting.

You deserve Trump You are both dumber rthan shit.,
NO voter fraud?! Ha ha ha! You Leftards are quite an entertaining, delusional, yet mentally ill bunch!
Report: Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise? - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud
And why not, even according to Leftard fake news WAPO, FOX is the most trusted national news network, and second most trusted in the world.

New survey shows Fox News more trusted than MSNBC, CNN

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Which is why it is continually rated the most watched:
Q1 2018 Ratings: Fox News Remains No. 1 on Cable Television

And now we go back to the regular programming found on most fake news outlefts: The Russians! The Russians!

Dang, they never get, do they?!
Because there are so many of you ignorant Trumpettes & who actually are sofa king stupid that you believeTrump & hisrantson Fake News.
Right, most of the country including some Democrats that trust FOX overwhelmingly over fake news CNN and MSNBC are ignorant and irredeemable. This must be Hillary as posing as RealShmuckDave!

Voter fraud is when actual illegal votes are made. This did not happen.

Voter registration fraud is when you falsify registration forms or illegally not submit them. This is what a couple ACORN members did. They were paid by the number of registrations they turned in & they went tothe phone book. None were used to actually vote.

In your Fox News article, they duped you by using the term election fraud. It worked & iou are wrong.
OK, so the Leftie run ACORN organization gets shut down, and 18 of its members get convicted of ELECTION FRAUD...but Leftards as usual don't see any linkage with voter fraud, and furthermore see nothing wrong with it ethically or morally, or as a reason to have one of their usual faux outrage hair on fire hissy fits. Ha ha ha!
Well excuuuuse me! Did you forget about ACORN and all the PROVEN massive voter fraud and suppression that the corrupt, crooked Democratic party and their puppets in the media engage in, every single fuckin' election?

There was no voter fraud with ACORN you stupid fuck.

There were a couple found guilty of voter registration fraud. None of those in question led to ny illegal voting.

You deserve Trump You are both dumber rthan shit.,
NO voter fraud?! Ha ha ha! You Leftards are quite an entertaining, delusional, yet mentally ill bunch!
Report: Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise? - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud
And why not, even according to Leftard fake news WAPO, FOX is the most trusted national news network, and second most trusted in the world.

New survey shows Fox News more trusted than MSNBC, CNN

Fox News is the most trusted national news channel. And it’s not that close.

Which is why it is continually rated the most watched:
Q1 2018 Ratings: Fox News Remains No. 1 on Cable Television

And now we go back to the regular programming found on most fake news outlefts: The Russians! The Russians!

Dang, they never get, do they?!
Because there are so many of you ignorant Trumpettes & who actually are sofa king stupid that you believeTrump & hisrantson Fake News.
Right, most of the country including some Democrats that trust FOX overwhelmingly over fake news CNN and MSNBC are ignorant and irredeemable. This must be Hillary as posing as RealShmuckDave!

Voter fraud is when actual illegal votes are made. This did not happen.

Voter registration fraud is when you falsify registration forms or illegally not submit them. This is what a couple ACORN members did. They were paid by the number of registrations they turned in & they went tothe phone book. None were used to actually vote.

In your Fox News article, they duped you by using the term election fraud. It worked & iou are wrong.
OK, so the Leftie run ACORN organization gets shut down, and 18 of its members get convicted of ELECTION FRAUD...but Leftards as usual don't see any linkage with voter fraud, and furthermore see nothing wrong with it ethically or morally, or as a reason to have one of their usual faux outrage hair on fire hissy fits. Ha ha ha!

The Republicans voted & passed a bill to end ACORN. This is another example of how pathetic the Republican party is. Ending an organization to help people get housing. Republicans only v=create poor peop[le & then take any funding to help them & give it to the wealthy.

You were duped by Fox and even afyter being told the triuth, you cling to Fox.

ACORN or any of its members were never convicted of voter fraud. Never. Ever.
18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud
If one reads the actual dossiers...it quickly becomes apparent that almost all of the allegations made in them supposedly come from anonymous contacts in the Russian government...which means none of it can be verified...which is EXACTLY what Steele and the Clinton campaign was looking for! They deliberately set up a smear on Donald Trump and wanted it to break right before the election.

No... it wasn't to smear Trump, it was to have information they could use to get FISA warrants from friendly Federal Judges who they knew wouldn't look closely at the sources of the information.... which is what we know to be true since they in fact, did not look at the sources of the info.
How do you know that?
This is Watergate X a million where you have the FBI and the Department of Justice lying to Federal Judges to get government warrants to spy on Trump ....
The Plumbers worked for the Nixon Campaign, they were not the government itself.
Can you prove the FBI and DOJ were lying?

The FISA warrants show they were lying. And we haven't even seen about 20 pages they redacted to protect their lies...
No they don't. Jesus fuck you people are sofa king stupid.

You must be talking about yourself.

Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On "Garbage" Steele Dossier

And Carter Page, the so called "Russian asset" is walking around Scott free, two years after the Democrats used him as an excuse to get our intelligence agencies to spy on an opposing candidate and his supporters.

And, we have ex intelligence agency heads, such as Brennan, Comey and Clapper, that are now official partisans and hack darlings of the fake news media, that regularly bash the president and his administration. The govt and intelligence agencies can no longer be trusted.

It has been PROVEN that the FISA had nothing to do with the dossier you stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Lynsie Graham said it so it must be true. Yep, a Republican defending a Republican.
Just how gullible are you people?

I get it, Brennan & Comey are not believable because they are partisan as you drag out Republicans & rigfht wing garbage sites as proof.

Fuck you you Russia loving, America hating piece of shit. Trump has lied many times about Russioan connections & you believe him over our intelligence agencies & Press.
There was no voter fraud with ACORN you stupid fuck.

There were a couple found guilty of voter registration fraud. None of those in question led to ny illegal voting.

You deserve Trump You are both dumber rthan shit.,
NO voter fraud?! Ha ha ha! You Leftards are quite an entertaining, delusional, yet mentally ill bunch!
Report: Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise? - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud
Because there are so many of you ignorant Trumpettes & who actually are sofa king stupid that you believeTrump & hisrantson Fake News.
Right, most of the country including some Democrats that trust FOX overwhelmingly over fake news CNN and MSNBC are ignorant and irredeemable. This must be Hillary as posing as RealShmuckDave!

Voter fraud is when actual illegal votes are made. This did not happen.

Voter registration fraud is when you falsify registration forms or illegally not submit them. This is what a couple ACORN members did. They were paid by the number of registrations they turned in & they went tothe phone book. None were used to actually vote.

In your Fox News article, they duped you by using the term election fraud. It worked & iou are wrong.
OK, so the Leftie run ACORN organization gets shut down, and 18 of its members get convicted of ELECTION FRAUD...but Leftards as usual don't see any linkage with voter fraud, and furthermore see nothing wrong with it ethically or morally, or as a reason to have one of their usual faux outrage hair on fire hissy fits. Ha ha ha!
There was no voter fraud with ACORN you stupid fuck.

There were a couple found guilty of voter registration fraud. None of those in question led to ny illegal voting.

You deserve Trump You are both dumber rthan shit.,
NO voter fraud?! Ha ha ha! You Leftards are quite an entertaining, delusional, yet mentally ill bunch!
Report: Is ACORN Intentionally Structured As a Criminal Enterprise? - United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud
Because there are so many of you ignorant Trumpettes & who actually are sofa king stupid that you believeTrump & hisrantson Fake News.
Right, most of the country including some Democrats that trust FOX overwhelmingly over fake news CNN and MSNBC are ignorant and irredeemable. This must be Hillary as posing as RealShmuckDave!

Voter fraud is when actual illegal votes are made. This did not happen.

Voter registration fraud is when you falsify registration forms or illegally not submit them. This is what a couple ACORN members did. They were paid by the number of registrations they turned in & they went tothe phone book. None were used to actually vote.

In your Fox News article, they duped you by using the term election fraud. It worked & iou are wrong.
OK, so the Leftie run ACORN organization gets shut down, and 18 of its members get convicted of ELECTION FRAUD...but Leftards as usual don't see any linkage with voter fraud, and furthermore see nothing wrong with it ethically or morally, or as a reason to have one of their usual faux outrage hair on fire hissy fits. Ha ha ha!

The Republicans voted & passed a bill to end ACORN. This is another example of how pathetic the Republican party is. Ending an organization to help people get housing. Republicans only v=create poor peop[le & then take any funding to help them & give it to the wealthy.

You were duped by Fox and even afyter being told the triuth, you cling to Fox.

ACORN or any of its members were never convicted of voter fraud. Never. Ever.
18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud

Read the FUCKING article you God Damn idiot.

It says they were charged with voter registration fraud where they turned in falsified voter registration forms.. Why are you such asdsholes. Stupid assholes at that.

None of these falsified forms resulted in an illegal voy=te.

Trump supporters are the absolute dumbest people on the planet.
How do you know that? The Plumbers worked for the Nixon Campaign, they were not the government itself.
Can you prove the FBI and DOJ were lying?

The FISA warrants show they were lying. And we haven't even seen about 20 pages they redacted to protect their lies...
No they don't. Jesus fuck you people are sofa king stupid.

You must be talking about yourself.

Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On "Garbage" Steele Dossier

And Carter Page, the so called "Russian asset" is walking around Scott free, two years after the Democrats used him as an excuse to get our intelligence agencies to spy on an opposing candidate and his supporters.

And, we have ex intelligence agency heads, such as Brennan, Comey and Clapper, that are now official partisans and hack darlings of the fake news media, that regularly bash the president and his administration. The govt and intelligence agencies can no longer be trusted.

It has been PROVEN that the FISA had nothing to do with the dossier you stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Lynsie Graham said it so it must be true. Yep, a Republican defending a Republican.
Just how gullible are you people?

I get it, Brennan & Comey are not believable because they are partisan as you drag out Republicans & rigfht wing garbage sites as proof.

Fuck you you Russia loving, America hating piece of shit. Trump has lied many times about Russioan connections & you believe him over our intelligence agencies & Press.
I find it funny that a Leftard member of the Democratic Party, the historical and current home of US communist / socialist party and apologists and justifiers for the USSR, Islamism,, dictator appeasers, anti Americanism, anti capitalism, etc. call others "Russia lovers".

Brennan and Are not believable because 1- They are co-conspirators in the criminal plot to prevent Trump from becoming president and remove him from power. 2- They lied to congress about the extent of which Americans are being spied on, and 3- They are paid Leftwing shills that regularly engage in bashing Trump and members of his administration on various fake eas channels
Right, most of the country including some Democrats that trust FOX overwhelmingly over fake news CNN and MSNBC are ignorant and irredeemable. This must be Hillary as posing as RealShmuckDave!

Voter fraud is when actual illegal votes are made. This did not happen.

Voter registration fraud is when you falsify registration forms or illegally not submit them. This is what a couple ACORN members did. They were paid by the number of registrations they turned in & they went tothe phone book. None were used to actually vote.

In your Fox News article, they duped you by using the term election fraud. It worked & iou are wrong.
OK, so the Leftie run ACORN organization gets shut down, and 18 of its members get convicted of ELECTION FRAUD...but Leftards as usual don't see any linkage with voter fraud, and furthermore see nothing wrong with it ethically or morally, or as a reason to have one of their usual faux outrage hair on fire hissy fits. Ha ha ha!
Right, most of the country including some Democrats that trust FOX overwhelmingly over fake news CNN and MSNBC are ignorant and irredeemable. This must be Hillary as posing as RealShmuckDave!

Voter fraud is when actual illegal votes are made. This did not happen.

Voter registration fraud is when you falsify registration forms or illegally not submit them. This is what a couple ACORN members did. They were paid by the number of registrations they turned in & they went tothe phone book. None were used to actually vote.

In your Fox News article, they duped you by using the term election fraud. It worked & iou are wrong.
OK, so the Leftie run ACORN organization gets shut down, and 18 of its members get convicted of ELECTION FRAUD...but Leftards as usual don't see any linkage with voter fraud, and furthermore see nothing wrong with it ethically or morally, or as a reason to have one of their usual faux outrage hair on fire hissy fits. Ha ha ha!

The Republicans voted & passed a bill to end ACORN. This is another example of how pathetic the Republican party is. Ending an organization to help people get housing. Republicans only v=create poor peop[le & then take any funding to help them & give it to the wealthy.

You were duped by Fox and even afyter being told the triuth, you cling to Fox.

ACORN or any of its members were never convicted of voter fraud. Never. Ever.
18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud

Read the FUCKING article you God Damn idiot.

It says they were charged with voter registration fraud where they turned in falsified voter registration forms.. Why are you such asdsholes. Stupid assholes at that.

None of these falsified forms resulted in an illegal voy=te.

Trump supporters are the absolute dumbest people on the planet.
Ah shadap, they engaged in election fraud, were convicted of it, and their criminal organization was shut down. Keep squirming though! Ha ha ha.

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