If "collusion" is such a crime, then why have Democrats cornered the market on it?

Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.
There is far more irrefutable evidence that Hillary and the democrats did exactly that. Yet Leftards stay mum.
Can you prove the FBI and DOJ were lying?

The FISA warrants show they were lying. And we haven't even seen about 20 pages they redacted to protect their lies...
No they don't. Jesus fuck you people are sofa king stupid.

You must be talking about yourself.

Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On "Garbage" Steele Dossier

And Carter Page, the so called "Russian asset" is walking around Scott free, two years after the Democrats used him as an excuse to get our intelligence agencies to spy on an opposing candidate and his supporters.

And, we have ex intelligence agency heads, such as Brennan, Comey and Clapper, that are now official partisans and hack darlings of the fake news media, that regularly bash the president and his administration. The govt and intelligence agencies can no longer be trusted.

It has been PROVEN that the FISA had nothing to do with the dossier you stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Lynsie Graham said it so it must be true. Yep, a Republican defending a Republican.
Just how gullible are you people?

I get it, Brennan & Comey are not believable because they are partisan as you drag out Republicans & rigfht wing garbage sites as proof.

Fuck you you Russia loving, America hating piece of shit. Trump has lied many times about Russioan connections & you believe him over our intelligence agencies & Press.
I find it funny that a Leftard member of the Democratic Party, the historical and current home of US communist / socialist party and apologists and justifiers for the USSR, Islamism,, dictator appeasers, anti Americanism, anti capitalism, etc. call others "Russia lovers".

Brennan and Are not believable because 1- They are co-conspirators in the criminal plot to prevent Trump from becoming president and remove him from power. 2- They lied to congress about the extent of which Americans are being spied on, and 3- They are paid Leftwing shills that regularly engage in bashing Trump and members of his administration on various fake eas channels
Are you still lying about that? Where is your proof "Brennan is a co-conspirator in a criminal plot to prevent from becoming president"? if you do not, you are as big a liar as you were yesterday. Who's paying the Left, and what is your proof?
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.
There is far more irrefutable evidence that Hillary and the democrats did exactly that. Yet Leftards stay mum.
Then show us documented evidence. So far, all you've been doing is lying. We need documented evidence yesterday.
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.

Hilary recieved 145 million dollars from putin controlled energy companies, her rapist husband got 500,000 dollars for a speech from putin cronies, and the fake information that the FBI and the Department of Justice came from Russian operatives, paid by hilary and the DNC.....

You were saying?
Right, most of the country including some Democrats that trust FOX overwhelmingly over fake news CNN and MSNBC are ignorant and irredeemable. This must be Hillary as posing as RealShmuckDave!

Voter fraud is when actual illegal votes are made. This did not happen.

Voter registration fraud is when you falsify registration forms or illegally not submit them. This is what a couple ACORN members did. They were paid by the number of registrations they turned in & they went tothe phone book. None were used to actually vote.

In your Fox News article, they duped you by using the term election fraud. It worked & iou are wrong.
OK, so the Leftie run ACORN organization gets shut down, and 18 of its members get convicted of ELECTION FRAUD...but Leftards as usual don't see any linkage with voter fraud, and furthermore see nothing wrong with it ethically or morally, or as a reason to have one of their usual faux outrage hair on fire hissy fits. Ha ha ha!
Right, most of the country including some Democrats that trust FOX overwhelmingly over fake news CNN and MSNBC are ignorant and irredeemable. This must be Hillary as posing as RealShmuckDave!

Voter fraud is when actual illegal votes are made. This did not happen.

Voter registration fraud is when you falsify registration forms or illegally not submit them. This is what a couple ACORN members did. They were paid by the number of registrations they turned in & they went tothe phone book. None were used to actually vote.

In your Fox News article, they duped you by using the term election fraud. It worked & iou are wrong.
OK, so the Leftie run ACORN organization gets shut down, and 18 of its members get convicted of ELECTION FRAUD...but Leftards as usual don't see any linkage with voter fraud, and furthermore see nothing wrong with it ethically or morally, or as a reason to have one of their usual faux outrage hair on fire hissy fits. Ha ha ha!

The Republicans voted & passed a bill to end ACORN. This is another example of how pathetic the Republican party is. Ending an organization to help people get housing. Republicans only v=create poor peop[le & then take any funding to help them & give it to the wealthy.

You were duped by Fox and even afyter being told the triuth, you cling to Fox.

ACORN or any of its members were never convicted of voter fraud. Never. Ever.
18 Former ACORN Workers Have Been Convicted or Admitted Guilt in Election Fraud

Read the FUCKING article you God Damn idiot.

It says they were charged with voter registration fraud where they turned in falsified voter registration forms.. Why are you such asdsholes. Stupid assholes at that.

None of these falsified forms resulted in an illegal voy=te.

Trump supporters are the absolute dumbest people on the planet.
You've got that right. And the worst liars.
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.

Hilary recieved 145 million dollars from putin controlled energy companies, her rapist husband got 500,000 dollars for a speech from putin cronies, and the fake information that the FBI and the Department of Justice came from Russian operatives, paid by hilary and the DNC.....

You were saying?
Saying all that without documentary evidence is the same thing as saying the cow jumped over the moon. They're all lies until you provide the documentary evidence.
How do you know that? The Plumbers worked for the Nixon Campaign, they were not the government itself.
Can you prove the FBI and DOJ were lying?

The FISA warrants show they were lying. And we haven't even seen about 20 pages they redacted to protect their lies...
No they don't. Jesus fuck you people are sofa king stupid.

You must be talking about yourself.

Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On "Garbage" Steele Dossier

And Carter Page, the so called "Russian asset" is walking around Scott free, two years after the Democrats used him as an excuse to get our intelligence agencies to spy on an opposing candidate and his supporters.

And, we have ex intelligence agency heads, such as Brennan, Comey and Clapper, that are now official partisans and hack darlings of the fake news media, that regularly bash the president and his administration. The govt and intelligence agencies can no longer be trusted.

It has been PROVEN that the FISA had nothing to do with the dossier you stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Lynsie Graham said it so it must be true. Yep, a Republican defending a Republican.
Just how gullible are you people?

I get it, Brennan & Comey are not believable because they are partisan as you drag out Republicans & rigfht wing garbage sites as proof.

Fuck you you Russia loving, America hating piece of shit. Trump has lied many times about Russioan connections & you believe him over our intelligence agencies & Press.

So the dossiers weren't used to obtain multiple FISA warrants? Do you really not know that they were? Either you're incredibly ignorant or you've chosen to lie. Which is it?
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.
There is far more irrefutable evidence that Hillary and the democrats did exactly that. Yet Leftards stay mum.

No there isn’t. There is ZERO evidence that Hillary colluded with the Russians. If any such evidence existed, Republicans would have arrested her and locked her up the moment it was found.
Can you prove the FBI and DOJ were lying?

The FISA warrants show they were lying. And we haven't even seen about 20 pages they redacted to protect their lies...
No they don't. Jesus fuck you people are sofa king stupid.

You must be talking about yourself.

Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On "Garbage" Steele Dossier

And Carter Page, the so called "Russian asset" is walking around Scott free, two years after the Democrats used him as an excuse to get our intelligence agencies to spy on an opposing candidate and his supporters.

And, we have ex intelligence agency heads, such as Brennan, Comey and Clapper, that are now official partisans and hack darlings of the fake news media, that regularly bash the president and his administration. The govt and intelligence agencies can no longer be trusted.

It has been PROVEN that the FISA had nothing to do with the dossier you stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Lynsie Graham said it so it must be true. Yep, a Republican defending a Republican.
Just how gullible are you people?

I get it, Brennan & Comey are not believable because they are partisan as you drag out Republicans & rigfht wing garbage sites as proof.

Fuck you you Russia loving, America hating piece of shit. Trump has lied many times about Russioan connections & you believe him over our intelligence agencies & Press.

So the dossiers weren't used to obtain multiple FISA warrants? Do you really not know that they were? Either you're incredibly ignorant or you've chosen to lie. Which is it?


Trump says it & you ignorant fools believe. How the fuck can you believe a man that lies all the time?docs-show.html
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.
There is far more irrefutable evidence that Hillary and the democrats did exactly that. Yet Leftards stay mum.
Then show us documented evidence. So far, all you've been doing is lying. We need documented evidence yesterday.
Why do Libtards act like they don't know the truth? Or maybe, they like to keep their heads in the sand.

Hillary Clinton used Christopher Steele’s Trump-Russia dossier that campaign paid for

The record:

The Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee financed the dossier as part of $1 million funneled to the DNC’s law firm Perkins Coie and then to Fusion GPS for opposition research on candidate Trump.

Mr. Steele’s share was about $160,000 paid by Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson. According to the FBI’s wiretap applications, Mr. Steele paid sub-sources who collected anti-Trump information from Kremlin operatives.

The majority Republicans on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence established the fact via witnesses that Mr. Steele’s claims were regularly briefed to the Clinton campaign starting in June 2016.

The House intelligence committee report’s Chapter 4, “Campaign Links to Russia,” details the dossier-to-Clinton flow.

Finding No. 39 states, “Christopher Steele’s information from Russian sources was provided directly to Fusion GPS and [name redacted] and indirectly to the Clinton campaign.”

Marc Elias of Perkins Coie, the DNC’s attorney, was personally briefed by Mr. Steele.

A person whose name was redacted “led regular briefings that contained Steele’s information for senior Clinton campaign staff, which included campaign manager [Robby Mook] and campaign chairman John Podesta,” the committee report said.
The FISA warrants show they were lying. And we haven't even seen about 20 pages they redacted to protect their lies...
No they don't. Jesus fuck you people are sofa king stupid.

You must be talking about yourself.

Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On "Garbage" Steele Dossier

And Carter Page, the so called "Russian asset" is walking around Scott free, two years after the Democrats used him as an excuse to get our intelligence agencies to spy on an opposing candidate and his supporters.

And, we have ex intelligence agency heads, such as Brennan, Comey and Clapper, that are now official partisans and hack darlings of the fake news media, that regularly bash the president and his administration. The govt and intelligence agencies can no longer be trusted.

It has been PROVEN that the FISA had nothing to do with the dossier you stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Lynsie Graham said it so it must be true. Yep, a Republican defending a Republican.
Just how gullible are you people?

I get it, Brennan & Comey are not believable because they are partisan as you drag out Republicans & rigfht wing garbage sites as proof.

Fuck you you Russia loving, America hating piece of shit. Trump has lied many times about Russioan connections & you believe him over our intelligence agencies & Press.
I find it funny that a Leftard member of the Democratic Party, the historical and current home of US communist / socialist party and apologists and justifiers for the USSR, Islamism,, dictator appeasers, anti Americanism, anti capitalism, etc. call others "Russia lovers".

Brennan and Are not believable because 1- They are co-conspirators in the criminal plot to prevent Trump from becoming president and remove him from power. 2- They lied to congress about the extent of which Americans are being spied on, and 3- They are paid Leftwing shills that regularly engage in bashing Trump and members of his administration on various fake eas channels
Are you still lying about that? Where is your proof "Brennan is a co-conspirator in a criminal plot to prevent from becoming president"? if you do not, you are as big a liar as you were yesterday. Who's paying the Left, and what is your proof?
Brennan, is as crooked and corrupt as it gets. This is a sad day for America and the world, that such a man was heading the CIA.

It was Mr. Isikoff who wrote the first dossier story. He met with Mr. Steele in a hotel room. He obscured Mr. Steele by calling him a Western intelligence source. His September 2016 story conveyed the former British’s spy’s serious charge: Trump volunteer Carter Page, while in Moscow to deliver a public speech, met with two Kremlin figures under economic sanctions by the Obama administration. Mr. Page has always denied this and has not been charged.

Once posted, the Yahoo story was immediately tweeted and repeated by the Clinton campaign.

Even before that story, the Clinton-bought information emerged in an Aug. 27, 2016, letter from then-Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, to then-FBI Director James B. Comey. Mr. Reid called for an investigation into the same charges leveled anonymously by Mr. Steele.

Mr. Reid, a Clinton supporter, received the information from then-CIA Director John O. Brennan. He contends that the senator released the Trump charges without his approval. But it shows that Clinton loyalists were able to circulate Mr. Steele’s charges inside the Obama administration and Mr. Reid was the public conduit.

A few days before the election, Mr. Steele briefed the liberal magazine Mother Jones via Skype. The subsequent story relayed most of Mr. Steele’s anti-Trumpagenda.

Mr. Simpson led Fusion as it oversaw Mr. Steele’s information flow to the FBI. Mr. Steele personally briefed agents. Fusion set up a line of communication from one of its anti-Trump researchers to a Justice Department official to the FBIagent leading the investigation, Peter Strzok.
I have to mention here in modern-day sense how liberals condone if not out and out collaborate with illegal alien "immigrants" , and even give them "sanctuary" outside of the voting booth. I am worried about foreign collusion all right. I think Russians got this idea about tinkering with American politics because we have been so incredulous with invading Mexicans. And where did THAT come from?
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.
There is far more irrefutable evidence that Hillary and the democrats did exactly that. Yet Leftards stay mum.

No there isn’t. There is ZERO evidence that Hillary colluded with the Russians. If any such evidence existed, Republicans would have arrested her and locked her up the moment it was found.
No, because collusion isn't a crime, dumbass.
The FISA warrants show they were lying. And we haven't even seen about 20 pages they redacted to protect their lies...
No they don't. Jesus fuck you people are sofa king stupid.

You must be talking about yourself.

Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On "Garbage" Steele Dossier

And Carter Page, the so called "Russian asset" is walking around Scott free, two years after the Democrats used him as an excuse to get our intelligence agencies to spy on an opposing candidate and his supporters.

And, we have ex intelligence agency heads, such as Brennan, Comey and Clapper, that are now official partisans and hack darlings of the fake news media, that regularly bash the president and his administration. The govt and intelligence agencies can no longer be trusted.

It has been PROVEN that the FISA had nothing to do with the dossier you stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Lynsie Graham said it so it must be true. Yep, a Republican defending a Republican.
Just how gullible are you people?

I get it, Brennan & Comey are not believable because they are partisan as you drag out Republicans & rigfht wing garbage sites as proof.

Fuck you you Russia loving, America hating piece of shit. Trump has lied many times about Russioan connections & you believe him over our intelligence agencies & Press.

So the dossiers weren't used to obtain multiple FISA warrants? Do you really not know that they were? Either you're incredibly ignorant or you've chosen to lie. Which is it?


Trump says it & you ignorant fools believe. How the fuck can you believe a man that lies all the time?docs-show.html

Who's telling you that the dossiers WEREN'T a major reason why a FISA court judge issued multiple wire tap warrants on people associated with the Trump campaign? Those faked dossiers were the driving force of the investigations into Carter Page and were what had Harry Reid and John McCain browbeating the FBI into investigating Trump's campaign for "collusion" when the only collusion that took place during the lead up to that election was between Hillary Clinton, Fusion GPS, Richard Steele and the Obama Justice Department!
No they don't. Jesus fuck you people are sofa king stupid.

You must be talking about yourself.

Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On "Garbage" Steele Dossier

And Carter Page, the so called "Russian asset" is walking around Scott free, two years after the Democrats used him as an excuse to get our intelligence agencies to spy on an opposing candidate and his supporters.

And, we have ex intelligence agency heads, such as Brennan, Comey and Clapper, that are now official partisans and hack darlings of the fake news media, that regularly bash the president and his administration. The govt and intelligence agencies can no longer be trusted.

It has been PROVEN that the FISA had nothing to do with the dossier you stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Lynsie Graham said it so it must be true. Yep, a Republican defending a Republican.
Just how gullible are you people?

I get it, Brennan & Comey are not believable because they are partisan as you drag out Republicans & rigfht wing garbage sites as proof.

Fuck you you Russia loving, America hating piece of shit. Trump has lied many times about Russioan connections & you believe him over our intelligence agencies & Press.
I find it funny that a Leftard member of the Democratic Party, the historical and current home of US communist / socialist party and apologists and justifiers for the USSR, Islamism,, dictator appeasers, anti Americanism, anti capitalism, etc. call others "Russia lovers".

Brennan and Are not believable because 1- They are co-conspirators in the criminal plot to prevent Trump from becoming president and remove him from power. 2- They lied to congress about the extent of which Americans are being spied on, and 3- They are paid Leftwing shills that regularly engage in bashing Trump and members of his administration on various fake eas channels
Are you still lying about that? Where is your proof "Brennan is a co-conspirator in a criminal plot to prevent from becoming president"? if you do not, you are as big a liar as you were yesterday. Who's paying the Left, and what is your proof?
Brennan, is as crooked and corrupt as it gets. This is a sad day for America and the world, that such a man was heading the CIA.

It was Mr. Isikoff who wrote the first dossier story. He met with Mr. Steele in a hotel room. He obscured Mr. Steele by calling him a Western intelligence source. His September 2016 story conveyed the former British’s spy’s serious charge: Trump volunteer Carter Page, while in Moscow to deliver a public speech, met with two Kremlin figures under economic sanctions by the Obama administration. Mr. Page has always denied this and has not been charged.

Once posted, the Yahoo story was immediately tweeted and repeated by the Clinton campaign.

Even before that story, the Clinton-bought information emerged in an Aug. 27, 2016, letter from then-Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, to then-FBI Director James B. Comey. Mr. Reid called for an investigation into the same charges leveled anonymously by Mr. Steele.

Mr. Reid, a Clinton supporter, received the information from then-CIA Director John O. Brennan. He contends that the senator released the Trump charges without his approval. But it shows that Clinton loyalists were able to circulate Mr. Steele’s charges inside the Obama administration and Mr. Reid was the public conduit.

A few days before the election, Mr. Steele briefed the liberal magazine Mother Jones via Skype. The subsequent story relayed most of Mr. Steele’s anti-Trumpagenda.

Mr. Simpson led Fusion as it oversaw Mr. Steele’s information flow to the FBI. Mr. Steele personally briefed agents. Fusion set up a line of communication from one of its anti-Trump researchers to a Justice Department official to the FBIagent leading the investigation, Peter Strzok.
The second sentence from the WT has not been proven; he dossier emerged again as a Washington hot topic in recent days with the release of four FBI applications to a judge to spy on a Donald Trump volunteer. The petition’s evidence to convince the judge was largely based on the dossier. This is a lie. They or you have not proved this.

The same with this lie; Fusion set up a line of communication from one of its anti-Trump researchers to a Justice Department official to the FBIagent leading the investigation, Peter Strzok.[/QUOTE]
You must be talking about yourself.

Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On "Garbage" Steele Dossier

And Carter Page, the so called "Russian asset" is walking around Scott free, two years after the Democrats used him as an excuse to get our intelligence agencies to spy on an opposing candidate and his supporters.

And, we have ex intelligence agency heads, such as Brennan, Comey and Clapper, that are now official partisans and hack darlings of the fake news media, that regularly bash the president and his administration. The govt and intelligence agencies can no longer be trusted.

It has been PROVEN that the FISA had nothing to do with the dossier you stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Lynsie Graham said it so it must be true. Yep, a Republican defending a Republican.
Just how gullible are you people?

I get it, Brennan & Comey are not believable because they are partisan as you drag out Republicans & rigfht wing garbage sites as proof.

Fuck you you Russia loving, America hating piece of shit. Trump has lied many times about Russioan connections & you believe him over our intelligence agencies & Press.
I find it funny that a Leftard member of the Democratic Party, the historical and current home of US communist / socialist party and apologists and justifiers for the USSR, Islamism,, dictator appeasers, anti Americanism, anti capitalism, etc. call others "Russia lovers".

Brennan and Are not believable because 1- They are co-conspirators in the criminal plot to prevent Trump from becoming president and remove him from power. 2- They lied to congress about the extent of which Americans are being spied on, and 3- They are paid Leftwing shills that regularly engage in bashing Trump and members of his administration on various fake eas channels
Are you still lying about that? Where is your proof "Brennan is a co-conspirator in a criminal plot to prevent from becoming president"? if you do not, you are as big a liar as you were yesterday. Who's paying the Left, and what is your proof?
Brennan, is as crooked and corrupt as it gets. This is a sad day for America and the world, that such a man was heading the CIA.

It was Mr. Isikoff who wrote the first dossier story. He met with Mr. Steele in a hotel room. He obscured Mr. Steele by calling him a Western intelligence source. His September 2016 story conveyed the former British’s spy’s serious charge: Trump volunteer Carter Page, while in Moscow to deliver a public speech, met with two Kremlin figures under economic sanctions by the Obama administration. Mr. Page has always denied this and has not been charged.

Once posted, the Yahoo story was immediately tweeted and repeated by the Clinton campaign.

Even before that story, the Clinton-bought information emerged in an Aug. 27, 2016, letter from then-Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, to then-FBI Director James B. Comey. Mr. Reid called for an investigation into the same charges leveled anonymously by Mr. Steele.

Mr. Reid, a Clinton supporter, received the information from then-CIA Director John O. Brennan. He contends that the senator released the Trump charges without his approval. But it shows that Clinton loyalists were able to circulate Mr. Steele’s charges inside the Obama administration and Mr. Reid was the public conduit.

A few days before the election, Mr. Steele briefed the liberal magazine Mother Jones via Skype. The subsequent story relayed most of Mr. Steele’s anti-Trumpagenda.

Mr. Simpson led Fusion as it oversaw Mr. Steele’s information flow to the FBI. Mr. Steele personally briefed agents. Fusion set up a line of communication from one of its anti-Trump researchers to a Justice Department official to the FBIagent leading the investigation, Peter Strzok.
The second sentence from the WT has not been proven; he dossier emerged again as a Washington hot topic in recent days with the release of four FBI applications to a judge to spy on a Donald Trump volunteer. The petition’s evidence to convince the judge was largely based on the dossier. This is a lie. They or you have not proved this.

The same with this lie; Fusion set up a line of communication from one of its anti-Trump researchers to a Justice Department official to the FBIagent leading the investigation, Peter Strzok.
[/QUOTE] This has not been proven. There are no anti-Trump researchers.
No they don't. Jesus fuck you people are sofa king stupid.

You must be talking about yourself.

Lindsey Graham: Now We Know Carter Page FISA Warrant Was Based On "Garbage" Steele Dossier

And Carter Page, the so called "Russian asset" is walking around Scott free, two years after the Democrats used him as an excuse to get our intelligence agencies to spy on an opposing candidate and his supporters.

And, we have ex intelligence agency heads, such as Brennan, Comey and Clapper, that are now official partisans and hack darlings of the fake news media, that regularly bash the president and his administration. The govt and intelligence agencies can no longer be trusted.

It has been PROVEN that the FISA had nothing to do with the dossier you stupid ignorant lying fuck.

Lynsie Graham said it so it must be true. Yep, a Republican defending a Republican.
Just how gullible are you people?

I get it, Brennan & Comey are not believable because they are partisan as you drag out Republicans & rigfht wing garbage sites as proof.

Fuck you you Russia loving, America hating piece of shit. Trump has lied many times about Russioan connections & you believe him over our intelligence agencies & Press.

So the dossiers weren't used to obtain multiple FISA warrants? Do you really not know that they were? Either you're incredibly ignorant or you've chosen to lie. Which is it?


Trump says it & you ignorant fools believe. How the fuck can you believe a man that lies all the time?docs-show.html

Who's telling you that the dossiers WEREN'T a major reason why a FISA court judge issued multiple wire tap warrants on people associated with the Trump campaign? Those faked dossiers were the driving force of the investigations into Carter Page and were what had Harry Reid and John McCain browbeating the FBI into investigating Trump's campaign for "collusion" when the only collusion that took place during the lead up to that election was between Hillary Clinton, Fusion GPS, Richard Steele and the Obama Justice Department!

Papadopolous started the Russia investigation.
Hillary paid the KJB to create a fake Dossier?
Fake News.
So why should I believe any the rest of these links?
Hillary's campaign LEGALLY paid for LEGAL opposition research on Trump's business dealings in Russia. That's compared to having a private meeting with the highest ranking members of the Trump campaign and a handful of Russians proposing to "help" Trump win the election.
Are either one of those instances illegal?

Yes. Conspiring with a foreign government to subvert and interfere with an election, as the Trump campaign did, is illegal.
There is far more irrefutable evidence that Hillary and the democrats did exactly that. Yet Leftards stay mum.

No there isn’t. There is ZERO evidence that Hillary colluded with the Russians. If any such evidence existed, Republicans would have arrested her and locked her up the moment it was found.
No, because collusion isn't a crime, dumbass.
Collusion isn't the focus dumb ass. Conspiracy to defraud the U.S. is.
I have to mention here in modern-day sense how liberals condone if not out and out collaborate with illegal alien "immigrants" , and even give them "sanctuary" outside of the voting booth. I am worried about foreign collusion all right. I think Russians got this idea about tinkering with American politics because we have been so incredulous with invading Mexicans. And where did THAT come from?
This is where invading Mexicans and the rest of Latin america came from; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

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