If cops are bias against blacks...its black peoples fault; Here is why

As the year draws to a close, I'd like to nominate this post as:

who commits almost all the crimes? yeah thats right- blacks.
An excellent point, were it not an ignorant expression of lazy-minded bigotry. Most crimes are committed by white people, one of the remaining honors of being the majority.

Fortunately, St. Raygun rescued the rightarded from the cowardly aspects of their bigotry. Before the inventor of oceans of red ink, most of the impotent righties would never dare to do the kind of bigotry they now deny. Ronnie of the Depends, though, made clumsy manifestations of racial scapegoating cool, again. Now, every loser knows how not to call a spade a spade, when excusing their own inadequacies. Every squeaky simp who threw his panties at Hannity can explain how tolerant they've been during their 400 years of suffering under white privilege.
Blacks commit 50% of all murders...Around the same of other crimes too. So the cops should just stop doing their jobs? Not a good way to improve your lot.

Impressive statistic were it true instead of the latest way bigots can find validation.

Poor people commit most crimes. Pampered, white brats of privilege commit fewer crimes. Mathematically, that is expressed by the formula ... Privilege + Faux Gnus x the need to blame scapegoats for an inability to much maintain status into which brat was born = rightard path to political success - ain't your fault you're a crybaby rightard!
So, if whites on average commit less crime than blacks that proves that racism was the cause?

Here's your sign, Moran.
As the year draws to a close, I'd like to nominate this post as:

who commits almost all the crimes? yeah thats right- blacks.
An excellent point, were it not an ignorant expression of lazy-minded bigotry. Most crimes are committed by white people, one of the remaining honors of being the majority.

Fortunately, St. Raygun rescued the rightarded from the cowardly aspects of their bigotry. Before the inventor of oceans of red ink, most of the impotent righties would never dare to do the kind of bigotry they now deny. Ronnie of the Depends, though, made clumsy manifestations of racial scapegoating cool, again. Now, every loser knows how not to call a spade a spade, when excusing their own inadequacies. Every squeaky simp who threw his panties at Hannity can explain how tolerant they've been during their 400 years of suffering under white privilege.
What if blacks really pissed cops off...by followimg the law. So when cops stop a black...they DONT find drugs or guns or a guy with outstanding warrants.

Eventually. ...well like my OP says...the single guys stops chasing the red heads once they stop being sluts.
who commits almost all the crimes? yeah thats right- blacks.

An excellent point, were it not an ignorant expression of lazy-minded bigotry. Most crimes are committed by white people, one of the remaining honors of being the majority.

Fortunately, St. Raygun rescued the rightarded from the cowardly aspects of their bigotry. Before the inventor of oceans of red ink, most of the impotent righties would never dare to do the kind of bigotry they now deny. Ronnie of the Depends, though, made clumsy manifestations of racial scapegoating cool, again. Now, every loser knows how not to call a spade a spade, when excusing their own inadequacies. Every squeaky simp who threw his panties at Hannity can explain how tolerant they've been during their 400 years of suffering under white privilege.
You're stupid.
Permanent Ignore.
White privilege = not having any problem with racial profiling because you'll never be racially profiled.

Yet we find there are those who are denied opportunities through a fear imposed on the private sector by our government, which views "skin color" as the only justifiable means to which someone can be awarded advancement through affirmative action.
Anyone else see the fucking irony in AA visa vi racial profiling?
Go into any US post office and claim that 'racial profiling' wasn't a factor in the PO's hiring practice.
There are thousands of Gov. programs which use racial profiling when determining who gets what.
Try the join 'The National Black Caucus' if you're not Black.
Where's the 'National White Conference'?
There isn't a single college/University who doesn't give preferential admission to Blacks. We won't even get into how these institutions lower/tweak their academic requirements for Blacks.
What if blacks really pissed cops off...by followimg the law. So when cops stop a black...they DONT find drugs or guns or a guy with outstanding warrants.

Eventually. ...well like my OP says...the single guys stops chasing the red heads once they stop being sluts.
They didn`t find drugs, guns or warrants and still beat the kid senseless. Some cops really suck and apparently became police officers for all the wrong reasons.

A Beating in Pittsburgh - Reason.com

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Those who comi

Stop and frisk has saved a lot of black lives, ya know.


This is where you're denying reality. Look at violent crime rates subsequent to the implementation of stop and frisk. It's a well know fact stop and frisk has been an overwhelming success. Yeah I know all these liberally rags with thier agendas are claiming stop and frisk didn't work, so dont bother posting a link to one. I live in NY, I know it worked.
when you have off duty black cops being pulled over for no reason or being frisked for no reason or being thrown down on the ground for no other reason than being black, along with millions of other innocent blacks who have never even thought of committing a crime, then their inalienable right to life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of happiness is being taken from them, and unfairly so....

I know I certainly would not like being stopped and frisked by a cop based on the color of my skin or my gender, and would be extremely pissed off if it ever happened to me even once, let alone multiple times....

Blacks just love playing the victim. Nobody gets harassed just because they're black, it's all a big load of crap.
when you have off duty black cops being pulled over for no reason or being frisked for no reason or being thrown down on the ground for no other reason than being black, along with millions of other innocent blacks who have never even thought of committing a crime, then their inalienable right to life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of happiness is being taken from them, and unfairly so....

I know I certainly would not like being stopped and frisked by a cop based on the color of my skin or my gender, and would be extremely pissed off if it ever happened to me even once, let alone multiple times....

Blacks just love playing the victim. Nobody gets harassed just because they're black, it's all a big load of crap.
So you think the Black cops in NYC that said this has happened to them are lying?
So have we come up with a number for my question earlier about how many rights minorities should be asked to surrender?
Those who comi

Stop and frisk has saved a lot of black lives, ya know.


This is where you're denying reality. Look at violent crime rates subsequent to the implementation of stop and frisk. It's a well know fact stop and frisk has been an overwhelming success. Yeah I know all these liberally rags with thier agendas are claiming stop and frisk didn't work, so dont bother posting a link to one. I live in NY, I know it worked.
I think it may have worked, but regardless, is against our constitutional rights, those that are law abiding citizens, to be stopped and frisked just because you may be walking down the street in a not so nice neighborhood, or just because of the color of your skin or gender.
Those who comi

Stop and frisk has saved a lot of black lives, ya know.


This is where you're denying reality. Look at violent crime rates subsequent to the implementation of stop and frisk. It's a well know fact stop and frisk has been an overwhelming success. Yeah I know all these liberally rags with thier agendas are claiming stop and frisk didn't work, so dont bother posting a link to one. I live in NY, I know it worked.
I think it may have worked, but regardless, is against our constitutional rights, those that are law abiding citizens, to be stopped and frisked just because you may be walking down the street in a not so nice neighborhood, or just because of the color of your skin or gender.
If anyone is walking down the street in a violent drug infested gangbanger war zone they are only there for one of two reasons: They are mentally ill or they are there the 'score'. There is no other reason. Fucking period!
Those who comi

Stop and frisk has saved a lot of black lives, ya know.


This is where you're denying reality. Look at violent crime rates subsequent to the implementation of stop and frisk. It's a well know fact stop and frisk has been an overwhelming success. Yeah I know all these liberally rags with thier agendas are claiming stop and frisk didn't work, so dont bother posting a link to one. I live in NY, I know it worked.
I think it may have worked, but regardless, is against our constitutional rights, those that are law abiding citizens, to be stopped and frisked just because you may be walking down the street in a not so nice neighborhood, or just because of the color of your skin or gender.
If anyone is walking down the street in a violent drug infested gangbanger war zone they are only there for one of two reasons: They are mentally ill or they are there the 'score'. There is no other reason. Fucking period!
Sorry, we don't live in NAZI Germany, and in this great Nation of ours, one is INNOCENT until proven guilty via trial.
Those who comi

Stop and frisk has saved a lot of black lives, ya know.


This is where you're denying reality. Look at violent crime rates subsequent to the implementation of stop and frisk. It's a well know fact stop and frisk has been an overwhelming success. Yeah I know all these liberally rags with thier agendas are claiming stop and frisk didn't work, so dont bother posting a link to one. I live in NY, I know it worked.
I think it may have worked, but regardless, is against our constitutional rights, those that are law abiding citizens, to be stopped and frisked just because you may be walking down the street in a not so nice neighborhood, or just because of the color of your skin or gender.
If anyone is walking down the street in a violent drug infested gangbanger war zone they are only there for one of two reasons: They are mentally ill or they are there the 'score'. There is no other reason. Fucking period!

Other than living there....or having to pass through there to get to school or work or home or shopping or to a park or get a meal or go bowling or catch a movie or pick up mail or deposit a check or visit a sick relative or buy a lotto ticket or volunteer at a soup kitchen...............
Sensible folks avoid ghettos if they can. It's the reasonable thing to do. Any honest person will admit it.
Those who comi
Stop and frisk has saved a lot of black lives, ya know.


This is where you're denying reality. Look at violent crime rates subsequent to the implementation of stop and frisk. It's a well know fact stop and frisk has been an overwhelming success. Yeah I know all these liberally rags with thier agendas are claiming stop and frisk didn't work, so dont bother posting a link to one. I live in NY, I know it worked.
I think it may have worked, but regardless, is against our constitutional rights, those that are law abiding citizens, to be stopped and frisked just because you may be walking down the street in a not so nice neighborhood, or just because of the color of your skin or gender.
If anyone is walking down the street in a violent drug infested gangbanger war zone they are only there for one of two reasons: They are mentally ill or they are there the 'score'. There is no other reason. Fucking period!
Sorry, we don't live in NAZI Germany, and in this great Nation of ours, one is INNOCENT until proven guilty via trial.
and in this great Nation of ours, one is INNOCENT until proven guilty via trial
That has not been the case for a very long time now. Innocent people are not forced to submit to a body search prior to boarding a plane, nor does and innocent person have their bags searched when entering a stadium or race track prior to an event. There are a number of other examples if you think about it. In the US it is not you ae guilty until proven innocent.
Sensible folks avoid ghettos if they can. It's the reasonable thing to do. Any honest person will admit it.
I know I would if I could, but what if you live in this poor neighborhood? Not ALL people that are poor and live in the ghetto are criminals....they are just poor....

And Merry belated Christmas Dillo!
when you have off duty black cops being pulled over for no reason or being frisked for no reason or being thrown down on the ground for no other reason than being black, along with millions of other innocent blacks who have never even thought of committing a crime, then their inalienable right to life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of happiness is being taken from them, and unfairly so....

I know I certainly would not like being stopped and frisked by a cop based on the color of my skin or my gender, and would be extremely pissed off if it ever happened to me even once, let alone multiple times....

Blacks just love playing the victim. Nobody gets harassed just because they're black, it's all a big load of crap.
So you think the Black cops in NYC that said this has happened to them are lying?


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