If cops are bias against blacks...its black peoples fault; Here is why

when you have off duty black cops being pulled over for no reason or being frisked for no reason or being thrown down on the ground for no other reason than being black, along with millions of other innocent blacks who have never even thought of committing a crime, then their inalienable right to life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of happiness is being taken from them, and unfairly so....

I know I certainly would not like being stopped and frisked by a cop based on the color of my skin or my gender, and would be extremely pissed off if it ever happened to me even once, let alone multiple times....

Great, now prove millions of innocent blacks are being frisked, thrown down on the ground or otherwise being abused simply for being black.
"If cops are bias against blacks...its black peoples fault; Here is why"


Each individual is responsible for his own actions, including law enforcement officers hostile to African-Americans.

who commits almost all the crimes? yeah thats right- blacks.

An excellent point, were it not an ignorant expression of lazy-minded bigotry. Most crimes are committed by white people, one of the remaining honors of being the majority.

Fortunately, St. Raygun rescued the rightarded from the cowardly aspects of their bigotry. Before the inventor of oceans of red ink, most of the impotent righties would never dare to do the kind of bigotry they now deny. Ronnie of the Depends, though, made clumsy manifestations of racial scapegoating cool, again. Now, every loser knows how not to call a spade a spade, when excusing their own inadequacies. Every squeaky simp who threw his panties at Hannity can explain how tolerant they've been during their 400 years of suffering under white privilege.
Race pimps like Sharpton and Jackson complain that significantly more Blacks are arrested for drug offenses than are Whites. But drive through any neighborhood where drugs are hawked on street corners -- exclusively by Blacks.

Because the DEA rewards police agencies with generous subsidies for showing substantial drug arrests. Patrol officers who are pressured to produce drug arrests refer to statistics which show Blacks to be more likely to be carrying drugs, thus they focus car-stop attention on Blacks.

So the disparity is the result of federal drug-law enforcement machinations -- not racism.
when you have off duty black cops being pulled over for no reason or being frisked for no reason or being thrown down on the ground for no other reason than being black, along with millions of other innocent blacks who have never even thought of committing a crime, then their inalienable right to life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of happiness is being taken from them, and unfairly so....

I know I certainly would not like being stopped and frisked by a cop based on the color of my skin or my gender, and would be extremely pissed off if it ever happened to me even once, let alone multiple times....

Great, now prove millions of innocent blacks are being frisked, thrown down on the ground or otherwise being abused simply for being black.
Oh, yeah, they were. The rest of them were thrown overboard on the slave ships that brought them over here in the 1980's.
All white people need to commit suicide for reparations and then the millions of blacks can go back to inventing all of the technology the world has ever known.
Blacks commit 50% of all murders...Around the same of other crimes too. So the cops should just stop doing their jobs? Not a good way to improve your lot.

Impressive statistic were it true instead of the latest way bigots can find validation.

Poor people commit most crimes. Pampered, white brats of privilege commit fewer crimes. Mathematically, that is expressed by the formula ... Privilege + Faux Gnus x the need to blame scapegoats for an inability to much maintain status into which brat was born = rightard path to political success - ain't your fault you're a crybaby rightard!
Blacks commit 50% of all murders...Around the same of other crimes too. So the cops should just stop doing their jobs? Not a good way to improve your lot.

Impressive statistic were it true instead of the latest way bigots can find validation.

Poor people commit most crimes. Pampered, white brats of privilege commit fewer crimes. Mathematically, that is expressed by the formula ... Privilege + Faux Gnus x the need to blame scapegoats for an inability to much maintain status into which brat was born = rightard path to political success - ain't your fault you're a crybaby rightard!

I get mine from the fbi. Where do you get yours? your ass? Unless you have real data you have nothing.
And, of course, the entire point is that there has never been anyone so unfairly persecuted as as been the white majority, with the possible exception of the majority religion.

Nothing has so excited Rightardia as has the media promoted notion that white people are the only real victims of racism. look at them. See the tumescence.
I get mine from the fbi. Where do you get yours? your ass? Unless you have real data you have nothing.

Lessee. First,, we have to get beyond the rightard affection for the scatological and male, anal oriifices. Interesting how I am now responsible for providing the data to back up your gutless bigotry. Okay, not so much interesting as typical. The history of American crime is the history of those in poverty. It is only recently that cowardly bigots have reprised the notion that the victims of racism and of the resulting poverty are deserved of their ... racial deficiencies. Okay, in defense of cowardly bigots, they still mostly rely on dog whistles and claims that their suburban tribulations were every bit as difficult as ... phuque you, cowardly bigot.

If cops are biased against blacks.......

Now....if cops are biased against black citizens, said cops should undergo extensive training to remove that bias.

If cops are biased against blacks.......

Now....if cops are biased against black citizens, said cops should undergo extensive training to remove that bias.
Perhaps blacks should stop killing. Just a thought.

Hmmm. Everyone should stop killing........right?
Of course. But when young black males make up for about 50% of murders in the US, what the hell do you expect?

Equal treatment for all citizens. Crazy.....huh!
who commits almost all the crimes? yeah thats right- blacks.

An excellent point, were it not an ignorant expression of lazy-minded bigotry. Most crimes are committed by white people, one of the remaining honors of being the majority.

Fortunately, St. Raygun rescued the rightarded from the cowardly aspects of their bigotry. Before the inventor of oceans of red ink, most of the impotent righties would never dare to do the kind of bigotry they now deny. Ronnie of the Depends, though, made clumsy manifestations of racial scapegoating cool, again. Now, every loser knows how not to call a spade a spade, when excusing their own inadequacies. Every squeaky simp who threw his panties at Hannity can explain how tolerant they've been during their 400 years of suffering under white privilege.
You do know that the phrase "call a spade a spade" originally had absolutely nothing to do with racism, don't you? Although "spade" has sometimes been used to refer to a black person, the idiomatic "to call a spade a spade" has an entirely different origin and meaning.

If cops are biased against blacks.......

Now....if cops are biased against black citizens, said cops should undergo extensive training to remove that bias.
Perhaps blacks should stop killing. Just a thought.

Hmmm. Everyone should stop killing........right?
Of course. But when young black males make up for about 50% of murders in the US, what the hell do you expect?

Equal treatment for all citizens. Crazy.....huh!
Don't be such an ass.

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