If COVID or freezing temperatures won’t get you at a Trump rally, the extreme heat in Florida will!

Trump supporters are excited to vote for President Trump unlike Democrats who merely tolerate Joe Biden because of their hatred for Trump.
First people nearly froze to death in Oklahoma and now people almost died of heat exhaustion in Florida!

The fire department ended up spraying the attendees with water to cool them down. To top off the embarrassment, Trump asks if they are “being sprayed by friend or foe. If it’s foe, let’s get those sons of bitches!” Apparently he was too stupid and senile to know what was going on. Imagine if his supporters attacked the firefighters lol.
Yer desperation is cute. :itsok:
First people nearly froze to death in Oklahoma and now people almost died of heat exhaustion in Florida!

The fire department ended up spraying the attendees with water to cool them down. To top off the embarrassment, Trump asks if they are “being sprayed by friend or foe. If it’s foe, let’s get those sons of bitches!” Apparently he was too stupid and senile to know what was going on. Imagine if his supporters attacked the firefighters lol.
My grandpappy Angus O'Reilly O'Patrick McGinley once told me, "Joe, you're the greatest person sitting in that chair"
I hope he wasn't on Santa's lap at the time. That would mean Joe is better than someone.
First people nearly froze to death in Oklahoma and now people almost died of heat exhaustion in Florida!

The fire department ended up spraying the attendees with water to cool them down. To top off the embarrassment, Trump asks if they are “being sprayed by friend or foe. If it’s foe, let’s get those sons of bitches!” Apparently he was too stupid and senile to know what was going on. Imagine if his supporters attacked the firefighters lol.
Yer desperation is cute. :itsok:
I think deep down a part of you knows Trump is a fucking moron but you just can’t bring yourself to admit it.
Trump at Arizona rally: America will be the first nation to send a woman to the moon

Billy- You ought to get some help for your panophobia. Just. wow. I don't know how you would have made it 200 years ago
First people nearly froze to death in Oklahoma and now people almost died of heat exhaustion in Florida!

The fire department ended up spraying the attendees with water to cool them down. To top off the embarrassment, Trump asks if they are “being sprayed by friend or foe. If it’s foe, let’s get those sons of bitches!” Apparently he was too stupid and senile to know what was going on. Imagine if his supporters attacked the firefighters lol.
Yer desperation is cute. :itsok:
I think deep down a part of you knows Trump is a fucking moron but you just can’t bring yourself to admit it.
I think...

I have identified where you went off the rails.
Trump supporters are already aware he does not give a damn about the common rabble. That's part of the reason they love him.

Unbelivable...you people really are detestable...
At least I am considerate enough not to lie to you.
^^ That right there is a lie.
Why should I lie when the truth hurts Trumpbots worst of all?
The truth is you're a dumbass worthless leftist traitor. And Tuesday you're gonna be crying on your mommy's pillow.
First people nearly froze to death in Oklahoma and now people almost died of heat exhaustion in Florida!

The fire department ended up spraying the attendees with water to cool them down. To top off the embarrassment, Trump asks if they are “being sprayed by friend or foe. If it’s foe, let’s get those sons of bitches!” Apparently he was too stupid and senile to know what was going on. Imagine if his supporters attacked the firefighters lol.

Cower down in fear.
First people nearly froze to death in Oklahoma and now people almost died of heat exhaustion in Florida!

The fire department ended up spraying the attendees with water to cool them down. To top off the embarrassment, Trump asks if they are “being sprayed by friend or foe. If it’s foe, let’s get those sons of bitches!” Apparently he was too stupid and senile to know what was going on. Imagine if his supporters attacked the firefighters lol.
You would rather shut it down, yea?!?

We must count the deaths from shutdowns as well as from ...

Deaths from shutdown could exceed those from virus

Head of CDC Admits Lockdown Killing Way More Americans ...

The COVID-19 shutdown will cost Americans millions of ...
First people nearly froze to death in Oklahoma and now people almost died of heat exhaustion in Florida!

The fire department ended up spraying the attendees with water to cool them down. To top off the embarrassment, Trump asks if they are “being sprayed by friend or foe. If it’s foe, let’s get those sons of bitches!” Apparently he was too stupid and senile to know what was going on. Imagine if his supporters attacked the firefighters lol.
Meanwhile Joe gets 18 cars in a drive in.
First people nearly froze to death in Oklahoma and now people almost died of heat exhaustion in Florida!

The fire department ended up spraying the attendees with water to cool them down. To top off the embarrassment, Trump asks if they are “being sprayed by friend or foe. If it’s foe, let’s get those sons of bitches!” Apparently he was too stupid and senile to know what was going on. Imagine if his supporters attacked the firefighters lol.
ANd what you forget is they are ADULTS who made the DECISON to go there... And some how you blame Trump? What a fucking idiot you are....
First people nearly froze to death in Oklahoma and now people almost died of heat exhaustion in Florida!

The fire department ended up spraying the attendees with water to cool them down. To top off the embarrassment, Trump asks if they are “being sprayed by friend or foe. If it’s foe, let’s get those sons of bitches!” Apparently he was too stupid and senile to know what was going on. Imagine if his supporters attacked the firefighters lol.
Yer desperation is cute. :itsok:
I think deep down a part of you knows Trump is a fucking moron but you just can’t bring yourself to admit it.

I don't think he is a "moron".... Trump doesn't speak as polished as other politicians out there, because he isn't a politician...He's just a dude that is a true outsider that wants to help his country, and that he isn't a typical Republican, which in the past meant caving to liberals in matters to get things done, that he won't do that, pisses you off....And exposes how arrogant liberals really are.

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