If Cruz wins the GOP nomination.....

Say hello to Mrs President Clinton...Or Mr President Socialist Sanders.

Just sayin'.

They will lose the general with Cruz.

Lose with Cruz is the new GOP strategy. (their idea of saving the GOP brand for 2020)

Not that Cruz is any more of a serious candidate than the hairpiece.
Say hello to Mrs President Clinton...Or Mr President Socialist Sanders.

Just sayin'.
We've heard this over and over. A conservative cannot win a general election. Bullshit. That's how we've ended up with McCain and Romney.

McCain might have won w/o Palin.

Romney's "40%" video hurt him, that and appealing to the GOP fringe base by changing his stance on health care and abortion and marriage. Had he run as a moderate and a pragmatic, he would have won. Romney might have made a good Prez -

The majority of Americans are NOT evangelical Christian Conservatives and they do NOT want those "values" shoved down their throat.

Trump is making the same mistakes as Romney-- appealing to the far-right fringe.

Fuck 'em. They don't matter in the National sense. Let the bible bangers have their little backwards slice of the south. They will soon die off and be out numbered by the multiethnic AMERICAN community.
Say hello to Mrs President Clinton...Or Mr President Socialist Sanders.

Just sayin'.

They will lose the general with Cruz.

Lose with Cruz is the new GOP strategy. (their idea of saving the GOP brand for 2020)

Not that Cruz is any more of a serious candidate than the hairpiece.
The Dems have a septuagenarian Socialist who has been a Democrat for 9 months and a the most incompetent sec/state in history who will probably be indicted. And you think the GOP doesnt have a serious candidate??
Say hello to Mrs President Clinton...Or Mr President Socialist Sanders.

Just sayin'.
We've heard this over and over. A conservative cannot win a general election. Bullshit. That's how we've ended up with McCain and Romney.

McCain might have won w/o Palin.

Romney's "40%" video hurt him, that and appealing to the GOP fringe base by changing his stance on health care and abortion and marriage. Had he run as a moderate and a pragmatic, he would have won. Romney might have made a good Prez -

The majority of Americans are NOT evangelical Christian Conservatives and they do NOT want those "values" shoved down their throat.

Trump is making the same mistakes as Romney-- appealing to the far-right fringe.

Fuck 'em. They don't matter in the National sense. Let the bible bangers have their little backwards slice of the south. They will soon die off and be out numbered by the multiethnic AMERICAN community.
And Americans want a Socialist to redistribute their wealth for them? Or someone who will sell the WHite House by the ounce if she gets elected?

Anyone who is interested in actually responding to what is said. Clearly, you want to respond to things that haven't been said.

Why can't Cruz win the general election? Oh, yes, you say he is batshit crazy. But he won a State wide election, so I guess everyone who voted for him in Texas is Crazy too, right?
He can't win because he only appeals to the fringe right conservatives... He is reluctantly getting support from the Rep establishment, but it isn't strong support. With the GOP party being divided by Trump, if Trump is not the nominee he will also be dealing with the after effects and lack of support from the Trump people. To win the general you need very strong turn out from your base plus you have to win a substantial amount of the swing vote, which Cruz does not appeal to.

I personally think that it is in your face obvious that he lacks the character, persona, charisma, and leadership qualities that a president should have. I see him as a manipulative obstructionist who does not have the ability to bring parties together and get productive legislation passed. His ideas are weak and unrealistic. This is all my personal opinion, my first paragraph is more factual. All considered he is a horrible candidate who's chances of winning a general are slim to none
I'm sorry, I don't think I was communicating effectively before....

The context of this thread is the office of President of the United States.

I know, but you are stating he CANNOT WIN a general election, and I am stating that since he has already won a federal level election (in one State, a big State) that dismissing him automatically is without merit.
What swing states do you think Ted Cruz can win?
All of them.
LOL, Cruz would have as much success in swing states as Romney had.
Cruz wont be facing the Great Negro Uprising in those states as blacks really dont care much about Hillary and really have nothing for Bernie.
HRC has incredibly strong support from the black population... Stop pulling shit out of your ass and smearing it on this board... it stinks

Anyone who is interested in actually responding to what is said. Clearly, you want to respond to things that haven't been said.

Why can't Cruz win the general election? Oh, yes, you say he is batshit crazy. But he won a State wide election, so I guess everyone who voted for him in Texas is Crazy too, right?
He can't win because he only appeals to the fringe right conservatives... He is reluctantly getting support from the Rep establishment, but it isn't strong support. With the GOP party being divided by Trump, if Trump is not the nominee he will also be dealing with the after effects and lack of support from the Trump people. To win the general you need very strong turn out from your base plus you have to win a substantial amount of the swing vote, which Cruz does not appeal to.

I personally think that it is in your face obvious that he lacks the character, persona, charisma, and leadership qualities that a president should have. I see him as a manipulative obstructionist who does not have the ability to bring parties together and get productive legislation passed. His ideas are weak and unrealistic. This is all my personal opinion, my first paragraph is more factual. All considered he is a horrible candidate who's chances of winning a general are slim to none

His appeal will change as he switches from primary mode to general election mode (if he manages to win). Right now he has the best ground game out of all the remaining candidates, taking a page from Obama and the dems in the 2008/2012 cycle.

We also have to see how Hillary (or Bernie, in a long shot) comes out of the Dem convention, and after the GOP goes after either of them full tilt.
Say hello to Mrs President Clinton...Or Mr President Socialist Sanders.

Just sayin'.

Yo, sounds like a Bright piece? Not!

images (9).jpg
His appeal will change as he switches from primary mode to general election mode (if he manages to win).


Cruz will have the same appeal he's always had. Namely, extremist whackadoodles.

Keep thinking that.
Agree'd, If Cruz wins he will be the worst candidate put forth by the GOP, with the exception of Palin, in recent memory...

Well they have to keep up with dems putting out Grandpa Communist and Ms."It should have been Meeeeee in 2008, except for that damn meddling blackish guy".
His appeal will change as he switches from primary mode to general election mode (if he manages to win).


Cruz will have the same appeal he's always had. Namely, extremist whackadoodles.

Keep thinking that.
Agree'd, If Cruz wins he will be the worst candidate put forth by the GOP, with the exception of Palin, in recent memory...

And if Trump wins, ditto.

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