If Democrats Knew

The fucked up 2024 race, with Trump being subjected to politically motivated bullshit prosecutions, an incompetent, barely sentient old man as president, leftists running amok in our government, the GOP's Speaker clusterfuck, the political divide with towering levels of rage and vitriol, people turning communist, people turning authoritarianism, crime running rampant, weird sounding Rick and Morty, and my old balls now sagging so low they are getting wet when I sit down to shit ... All of this is a sign of how fucked up our society has become. The hate is now so entrenched I doubt that we will ever be able to get out of this soul crushing debacle.

I hate to say this, but maybe the ONLY way to rectify everything IS for us to have a good world war in order to bring about unity in this country and purge the cancer. I hate that, though, because unless you are a defense contractor it will bankrupt most everybody. Then there are the nuclear weapons that will blast us back to the stone age, making us - the survivors - all into a bunch of little glowing Flintstones characters growing dicks and tails out of our foreheads.
But who fights who? The haters are all intertwined with each other. It's not a case of the North fighting the South.
Take your pick
from Trump U fraud
to charity fraud
to real estate fraud
to bank fraud
to political donation fraud...

And that's just a single category of Trump criminality.
There was no Trump U fraud. Trump made a settlement in the case. In fact, all of your frauds are not really proven, nor was he found criminally liable for anything you mentioned, which means he is NOT a criminal.
There was no Trump U fraud. Trump made a settlement in the case. In fact, all of your frauds are not really proven, nor was he found criminally liable for anything you mentioned, which means he is NOT a criminal.
But Biden is?


hang on


Hyperventilated there.

all of those politically biased indictments and kangaroo investigations and other attacks on Trump would be the catalysts in re-electing Trump, would they stop all the nonsense? Or, is TDS so incurable that they would continue, even if all of this was actually responsible for re-electing Trump? Trump keeps on gaining in the polls, with many polls now showing Trump beating the margins of errors. Has the short term satisfaction of getting Trump worth him becoming president again?

Only desperate Bingos would think polls this far out and before any debates or trials mean anything. 😄
all of those politically biased indictments and kangaroo investigations and other attacks on Trump would be the catalysts in re-electing Trump, would they stop all the nonsense? Or, is TDS so incurable that they would continue, even if all of this was actually responsible for re-electing Trump? Trump keeps on gaining in the polls, with many polls now showing Trump beating the margins of errors. Has the short term satisfaction of getting Trump worth him becoming president again?

They know. There is no doubt about it -- They know.

Did you learn in school....... My bad, 'school' teaches nothing, they simply indoctrinate children for the deep state.

But, did you ever read about the people of Weimar Germany? The people of Germany, almost to a person, swore to Gott in Himmel, that they knew nothing about the extermination camps and what their leaders, the National Socialists, were doing.

So Eisenhower(?) marched the people of Weimar Germany through Buchenwald. Made them view what their National Socialist leaders were doing. Mostly to Joooos, but also to anybody that was in their way.

There's pictures of it. Just google it. Made them all sick.

It helped that they could steal all their belongings, seize their homes, take their money and their businesses, abscond with their prized belongings of art, precious metals, etc.

dimocrap voters know EXACTLY who and what they're voting for.

They excuse it by using the same, exact rationalizations terrorists like Hamas use -- It's their fault.

Maybe it's time dimocrap voters were marched through a Buchenwald.
They know. There is no doubt about it -- They know.

Did you learn in school....... My bad, 'school' teaches nothing, they simply indoctrinate children for the deep state.

But, did you ever read about the people of Weimar Germany? The people of Germany, almost to a person, swore to Gott in Himmel, that they knew nothing about the extermination camps and what their leaders, the National Socialists, were doing.

So Eisenhower(?) marched the people of Weimar Germany through Buchenwald. Made them view what their National Socialist leaders were doing. Mostly to Joooos, but also to anybody that was in their way.

There's pictures of it. Just google it. Made them all sick.

It helped that they could steal all their belongings, seize their homes, take their money and their businesses, abscond with their prized belongings of art, precious metals, etc.

dimocrap voters know EXACTLY who and what they're voting for.

They excuse it by using the same, exact rationalizations terrorists like Hamas use -- It's their fault.

Maybe it's time dimocrap voters were marched through a Buchenwald.

Are you going to be marching us, Internet Warrior?
LOL. This thread is about the more you attack Trump the better he does in the polls, just like in 2016.
We always knew politicians were liars and thieves, but with all these years of get Trump, it is sad to see our government is a pure criminal enterprise. Wait a minute somebody is knocking at my door.
Only desperate Bingos would think polls this far out and before any debates or trials mean anything. 😄
Polls this far out mean EVERYTHING. They assess the mood of the Country.

They also determine, a lot, who gets Political Contributions from the High Rollers.

Let's be blunt. Political contributions are usually because they want something from the person they're contributing to. That's why these Polls matter.

Do you think a Defense contractor is going to contribute to Nikki Haley instead of Trump? No way, she has about 0 (zero) chance of winning.

Do you think the Auto industry will contribute to someone who blindly supports the UAW?

Many political contributions are already set in stone.... Unions will contribute to dimocrap filth, petroleum industry to Republicans, Media to dims, etc, etc. But there's a lot of smaller contributors out there that want something for their money.

Polls matter right now. Money is why the Polls always favor dims. The people that run the polls are dims. The media is 94% dim so they manage to skew the polls towards their buddies so that people and companies will contribute to who they think will win -- dims.

Polls matter at this point
Polls this far out mean EVERYTHING. They assess the mood of the Country.

No one needs a poll to asses your mood. Calm down buddy, it'll be alright.
They also determine, a lot, who gets Political Contributions from the High Rollers.

Let's be blunt. Political contributions are usually because they want something from the person they're contributing to. That's why these Polls matter.

Do you think a Defense contractor is going to contribute to Nikki Haley instead of Trump? No way, she has about 0 (zero) chance of winning.

Do you think the Auto industry will contribute to someone who blindly supports the UAW?

Many political contributions are already set in stone.... Unions will contribute to dimocrap filth, petroleum industry to Republicans, Media to dims, etc, etc. But there's a lot of smaller contributors out there that want something for their money.

Polls matter right now. Money is why the Polls always favor dims. The people that run the polls are dims. The media is 94% dim so they manage to skew the polls towards their buddies so that people and companies will contribute to who they think will win -- dims.

Polls matter at this point
That's not even coherent with the thread which is about Biden losing in the polls. 😄
all of those politically biased indictments and kangaroo investigations and other attacks on Trump would be the catalysts in re-electing Trump, would they stop all the nonsense? Or, is TDS so incurable that they would continue, even if all of this was actually responsible for re-electing Trump? Trump keeps on gaining in the polls, with many polls now showing Trump beating the margins of errors. Has the short term satisfaction of getting Trump worth him becoming president again?

How many times do I have to say it . . . . .

The only people left in the dem party are people who have given themselves over to evil, and they feel justified committing any crime or fraud if it means advancing their agenda.

They simple dont care about any of this stuff
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How many times do I have to say it . . . . .

The only people left in the dem party are people who have given themselves over to evil, and they feel justified committing any crime of fraud if it means advancing their agenda.

They simple dont care about any of this stuff
Is that the kind of stuff that's bouncing around in your brainwashed little mind? No wonder you post such childishly dumb stuff.

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