If Democrats really cared about blacks and their future wouldn’t they close the border and begin mass deportations?

No, the tidal wave of Mexicans is a new thing.

You're wrong about the real unemployment rate too. Even left wing Politico says you're wrong

The data also suggest the “true rate of unemployment” is much higher in many places than national or local figures show.

That’s based on a broader labor market metric developed by researchers at the institute. The TRU (for True Rate of Unemployment) measures workers they consider “functionally unemployed” — people who are looking for work but don’t have a full-time job, working part-time but want full-time work, or who earn below the poverty line. That accounted for 23.1 percent of the U.S. labor force in April.

In some metropolitan areas, such as El Paso, Texas, Augusta, Ga. and Las Vegas, that “true rate of unemployment” was above 30 percent in 2021.

“We think it misleads the American people to say, ‘Oh, we’ve got 3.6 percent of America that is unemployed, ergo, a huge percent of the population is employed,’ when in fact they can’t make above a poverty wage,” Ludwig said.

There are now hiring signs all over two counties in NW Arkansas.
We need to expand temporary work visas that allow them to return to Mexico

Make it easier for those who return home to get another VISA
Globalist designs are doing this on purpose. The whole western world is about the no-good white guys as the enemy to globalist utopia. Of course, the globalists are mostly white guys themselves.
Neither party cares about the working class. They push minor items like trans rights to cause a ruckus while the elites continue to take supranormal profits.
On closer analysis, TRump's border wall was a lie he created for his cause of promoting racism. Non-white people were and are his Jews.
The fact is, neither political party did anything of substance to stop illlegal or legal immigrants on account of them being the necessary labour needed in America to keep the country viable.
One thing I never see these dishonest xenophobes talk about is......throwing the people who hire illegals in prison......

You like to fantasize about locking up "illegals" in cages -- keep that same energy for the people who hire them.....because illegals don't come over here and hire themselves...

Until you talk about about -- then the whole thing is just pandering to racists and xenophobes for votes
You won't see any meaningful effort to stop illegals, on account of it being a non-issue for the politicians of both parties.

The cause has never been anything more than Trump's method of promoting racism and hate.

Trump's immigrants ar Hitler's Jews.

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