If Democrats really cared about blacks and their future wouldn’t they close the border and begin mass deportations?

Sounds like a good plan, with places ready if things go sideways. Does not sound as if you need to worry about being replaced. That was your original goal.
The premise of the thread has nothing to do with me really….it’s about blacks being flushed from their communities, their jobs, and being deprived of social benefits as Democrats smother them with Mexico’s people.
The premise of the thread has nothing to do with me really….it’s about blacks being flushed from their communities, their jobs, and being deprived of social benefits as Democrats smother them with Mexico’s people.
Not seeing it, way over here in the hinterland, so not that worried about it. If you can insulate yourself from it, perhaps it is a worry for somebody else. I tend to worry more about things that can affect me, than those that cannot. I think this is normal. I am not much of a crusader. Are you? If so, did you plan to be or do you fall into it, due to internet exposure?
Not seeing it, way over here in the hinterland, so not that worried about it. If you can insulate yourself from it, perhaps it is a worry for somebody else. I tend to worry more about things that can affect me, than those that cannot. I think this is normal. I am not much of a crusader. Are you? If so, did you plan to be or do you fall into it, due to internet exposure?
Yeah…I wouldn’t call myself a “crusader”, I’m just one of those old fashioned core Americans that believes we should look out for each-other....you know, that pesky UNITED states of america crap and all.
Yeah…I wouldn’t call myself a “crusader”, I’m just one of those old fashioned core Americans that believes we should look out for each-other....you know, that pesky UNITED states of america crap and all.
Sounds good to me. I take most things with a grain of salt, while savoring the spice of life. I look at what goes on in the cities and towns near me and shake my head, but know it is their local problem, most of the time. While many attach deep significant meanings to national politics, I know it is ultimately what the cities, towns and states populous is willing to put up with and still elect the same local people. In your state, you have whole counties and cities that do not go along with the Federal Government and advertise themselves as sanctuary to legal and illegal immigrant and apparently their way of life, and crime. It is close to you, so naturally you notice and feel the need to sound one more unheeded alarm in your region. Still not as big a deal for you, as some. You have a plan, and setup bug out homes in other states, if local get to be too much to stand.
Not seeing it, way over here in the hinterland, so not that worried about it.
I wonder if Mollie Tibbetts and family in Brooklyn Iowa said or thought that right before she was abducted, raped and murdered?
My understanding is that her parents are ignorant sovereignty hating libtards….doubt they’d be all that welcoming.
Probably not. Maybe you should forget the whole thing.
Mexicans have been crossing our border to work for generations
Biden brought in 4.9 million in the last 18 months, Mexicans used to come 5 or 6 at a time and work to send money back and that was good as they got a work visa. Now, you have entire families from Infants to Grand parents flooding in, they are being bussed in and given full support.......We have millions of americans that are homeless including teens and the ahole Democrats ignore them because THEY CANNOT VOTE.
Biden brought in 4.9 million in the last 18 months, Mexicans used to come 5 or 6 at a time and work to send money back and that was good as they got a work visa. Now, you have entire families from Infants to Grand parents flooding in, they are being bussed in and given full support.......We have millions of americans that are homeless including teens and the ahole Democrats ignore them because THEY CANNOT VOTE.
We need to expand temporary work visas that allow them to return to Mexico

Make it easier for those who return home to get another VISA
I have not understood this for years. Why are blacks ok with an open border? That is importing a new underclass.

We need lift up the black community, not hurt it by importing competitors for taxpayer money.
Many aren't, but not enough to break old voting habits
We need to expand temporary work visas that allow them to return to Mexico

Make it easier for those who return home to get another VISA
Why are you so eager to give away AMERICAN jobs to foreigners rather than force lazy Americans who think a government check is more noble than the only work they're qualified for?
Why are you so eager to give away AMERICAN jobs to foreigners rather than force lazy Americans who think a government check is more noble than the only work they're qualified for?

Because they have been working here for generations. Mexican labor is a vital part of our workforce

By the way…..unemployment is at 3.5 percent
Even with Mexicans working
Because they have been working here for generations. Mexican labor is a vital part of our workforce

By the way…..unemployment is at 3.5 percent
Even with Mexicans working
No, the tidal wave of Mexicans is a new thing.

You're wrong about the real unemployment rate too. Even left wing Politico says you're wrong

The data also suggest the “true rate of unemployment” is much higher in many places than national or local figures show.

That’s based on a broader labor market metric developed by researchers at the institute. The TRU (for True Rate of Unemployment) measures workers they consider “functionally unemployed” — people who are looking for work but don’t have a full-time job, working part-time but want full-time work, or who earn below the poverty line. That accounted for 23.1 percent of the U.S. labor force in April.

In some metropolitan areas, such as El Paso, Texas, Augusta, Ga. and Las Vegas, that “true rate of unemployment” was above 30 percent in 2021.

“We think it misleads the American people to say, ‘Oh, we’ve got 3.6 percent of America that is unemployed, ergo, a huge percent of the population is employed,’ when in fact they can’t make above a poverty wage,” Ludwig said.

Here in much of southern Mexifornia encountering a black person is becoming quite rare, not nearly as rare as encountering a Caucasian with blond hair and blue eyes (a unicorn) but rare indeed.
So where did all those gentrified blacks go? What happened to all those blacks that used to work all those city jobs with lucrative retirement plans / pensions? Weren’t they all ran off by Democrat policy? Were they ran off by a replacement from our south?
Why does it look like the Democrat party has completely given up on black folks?
Was you looking to adopt?

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