If Democrats really cared about blacks and their future wouldn’t they close the border and begin mass deportations?

The Democrats have been using the Negroes for power. They promise the Negroes more welfare, don't them accountable for their crimes, foster them being victims of the Evil White People and the Negroes vote for them. They are the Democrat's main voting block. That is why the Democrats usually carry all those big city shithole ghetto areas.

When the Democrats figure out all those filthy Illegals are a larger voting block then the Negroes are going to be sucking hind tit.
No they wouldn't but you're right that they don't care about black people for anything more than their votes. Racism in America sees no party lines. It's endemic, thorough, and here to stay.

No legitimate solution is possible due to the scale of the problem. Murder by police is only making it worse.
The number of illegals coming into the nation will and has affected African Americans. Stubborn to the end as many have this vile hatred and refuse to assimilate to the degree that poverty is reduced.
The number of illegals coming into the nation will and has affected African Americans. Stubborn to the end as many have this vile hatred and refuse to assimilate to the degree that poverty is reduced.
I don't reject the element of truth that is sometimes inserted into a discussion by those like you.
I've always consistently recognized and understood the racism in America that isn't denied as a rule.

Yes, the black people will have the vile hatred and they will be stubborn to the end. The problem created by white America is the leg up for fascism being so widely popular.
Yes there is.

Yes, illegal aliens have constitutional rights

We have covered this many times but yet you persist in what you know is wrong.
You link us to an editorial written by a Contreras, someone here on a stolen citizenship? Really?
Look, the 14th has been grossly misinterpreted for decades upon decades… Our great framers wrote every works in the constitution for the sole purpose of protecting THE CITIZENS of the United States of America, they did not write the constitution to protect Mexico’s people and or to afford them opportunity to fuck over the people of the United States of America…to believe otherwise is just plain retarded.

But anyway…staying on topic….why don’t Democrats impose and support policies that protect blacks from invading thirdworlders?
Why do they always seem to impose and support policy that very directly fucks blacks over?
You link us to an editorial written by a Contreras, someone here on a stolen citizenship? Really?
Look, the 14th has been grossly misinterpreted for decades upon decades… Our great framers wrote every works in the constitution for the sole purpose of protecting THE CITIZENS of the United States of America, they did not write the constitution to protect Mexico’s people and or to afford them opportunity to fuck over the people of the United States of America…to believe otherwise is just plain retarded.

But anyway…staying on topic….why don’t Democrats impose and support policies that protect blacks from invading thirdworlders?
Why do they always seem to impose and support policy that very directly fucks blacks over?

I'm not going to address what I've already addressed.
I have not understood this for years. Why are blacks ok with an open border? That is importing a new underclass.

We need lift up the black community, not hurt it by importing competitors for taxpayer money.

Because the majority of blacks are shameless, selfish, and self centered savages that don't give a shit about anyone except themselves. They don't care about anything except getting theirs. Most care so little they don't even have decent manners or common consideration, everyone else is just in their way.

Most blacks just don't give a shit what happens to their community, society, the country or anything really.
Because the majority of blacks are shameless, selfish, and self centered savages that don't give a shit about anyone except themselves. They don't care about anything except getting theirs. Most care so little they don't even have decent manners or common consideration, everyone else is just in their way.

Most blacks just don't give a shit what happens to their community, society, the country or anything really.
But the influx from Mexico is bad for blacks.
I'm not going to address what I've already addressed.
Hahaha…I wouldn’t either if I were you.
You haven’t addressed the premise of the thread at all….
Why do Democrats pretend to care about blacks but then smother them with illegal Mexicans?

Try that one.
Hahaha…I wouldn’t either if I were you.
You haven’t addressed the premise of the thread at all….
Why do Democrats pretend to care about blacks but then smother them with illegal Mexicans?

Try that one.

They both are the same party. I've answered that 1000's of times. The party of corporations.
I don't reject the element of truth that is sometimes inserted into a discussion by those like you.
I've always consistently recognized and understood the racism in America that isn't denied as a rule.

Yes, the black people will have the vile hatred and they will be stubborn to the end. The problem created by white America is the leg up for fascism being so widely popular.
I believe there is another way. Disagreeing with the current one is verboten. Real stats will tell you the truth.
Here in much of southern Mexifornia encountering a black person is becoming quite rare, not nearly as rare as encountering a Caucasian with blond hair and blue eyes (a unicorn) but rare indeed.
So where did all those gentrified blacks go? What happened to all those blacks that used to work all those city jobs with lucrative retirement plans / pensions? Weren’t they all ran off by Democrat policy? Were they ran off by a replacement from our south?
Why does it look like the Democrat party has completely given up on black folks?

Most of those lucrative jobs with pensions disappeared thanks to conservative, supply-side, "trickle down" economics, not Mexicans. More, if you want those Mexicans and other Latin Americans to stop coming to America, stop screwing up their countries. Lift the economic sanctions, stop forcing those countries to stay poor to provide cheap labor to American corporations. Manuel Zelaya the president of Honduras was ousted by the US State Dept, in 2009 and replaced with an American puppet that hates Venezuela and won't develop the country's infrastructure. Any head of state in central or south America that is invested in developing his or her country's infrastructure and handing the nation's resources to its own citizens rather than American corporations is labeled a Marxist by American politicians and enters the "queue" for assassination, and being ousted in a CIA led coup.

You don't want more Hispanics running across your southern border? Stop exploiting, bullying, and abusing Latin America. Let them develop and stop interfering. Lift the economic sanctions on nations like Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Cuba. Stop threatening nations like Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, and Colombia with economic sanctions, and stop bribing politicians to do your bidding at the expense of their citizens and you will have less illegal immigration from Latin America. Refuse to do that and get tens of millions more illegal immigrants from Latin America. Maybe you should learn Spanish?
Thread unlocked post PM with OP.
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Thread locked, due to OP error. The thread OP Post should have posted a Link showing the decline blacks and Caucasians in Southern California to set up his series of questions, if it his position that they are being replaced.
The OP may feel free to repost with proper substantiation of basis of his posting.
That’s awfully stand-up of you White 6
Much appreciated
Everyone in this country, illegal or not is afforded due process. To deport someone they have to go to court and have it proven they are here illegally. Since the courts are backlogged no one is going to be mass deporting anyone.

People are deported by the thousands yearly.

Currently with the open border Brandon policy they are given a summons to report for their ILLEGAL violation of the border and released. That SUMMONS is the PROOF they entered illegally and went out of their way to SURRENDER to the Border Patrol. The irony is that that document is LEGAL for transport and benefits while they are here. But, it's an ACKNOWLEGEMENT that they ENTERED ILLEGALLY.,

You've got this wrong. What they have to do is APPEAR for a court date to be set. Then 3 or 4 years into the future about 20% of them AT MOST will do that. In the meantime, they have ITIN number for temporary work, a Biden Phone, mucho benefits just showing that SUMMONS.

What they HAVE TO PROVE - if they DO GO to court is that they are here for AMNESTY. That's a hard case to prove -- even if -- they came from a NARCO DICTATORSHIP in the Central triangle run by tyrannical dictators in bed with the local cartels.

Less than 10% of THOSE cases are approved. So 20% show rate X times 10% successful AMNESTY case = 2% of those NOW 2 million illegals a year gaining a Green Card. That's so low and in the noise to be laughable and can take up to 6 years.

Now that DOES NOT apply to the other 340,000 or so "got-aways" that NEVER see Border Patrol. Probably for very good reasons. Because lately - up to 30% of the shows at the border are FORMER DEPORTEES. It's a rotating circular FARCE goin on down there.
As for the significance of blacks taking it on the chin for all of this illegal immigration, -- tensions were VERY high in Cali when I left about 15 years ago. Lots of conflict in areas for housing, jobs, public services. East Palo Alto is haven of POC on a VERY VERY white/asian/indian San Fran peninsula. And although the Hispanic community revitalized sections of San Carlos, Colma, Redwood City, Mountain View and other SF peninsula cities, the majority of blacks lived mostly in Colma and East Palo Alto.

The data, which the U.S. Census Bureau released Tuesday (March 8), showed the number of people of one race who identify themselves as black or African-American falling by 30 percent between 2000 and 2010. The city had 6,796 black residents in 2000, but the number dropped to 4,704 in the new census.

Black residents, who made up 23 percent of East Palo Alto's population in 2000, now make up only 16.7 percent of the city, according to the census.

The dramatic drop in the number of black residents drove the city's overall population down despite modest growth within other racial groups and ethnicities. Hispanic and Latino residents saw their number rise from 17,356 to 18,147 over the past decade (a 4.6 percent increase) and they now make up nearly two thirds of the city's population -- 64.5 percent in the new census compared to 58.8 percent 10 years ago.
The data, which the U.S. Census Bureau released Tuesday (March 8), showed the number of people of one race who identify themselves as black or African-American falling by 30 percent between 2000 and 2010. The city had 6,796 black residents in 2000, but the number dropped to 4,704 in the new census.

Black residents, who made up 23 percent of East Palo Alto's population in 2000, now make up only 16.7 percent of the city, according to the census.

The dramatic drop in the number of black residents drove the city's overall population down despite modest growth within other racial groups and ethnicities. Hispanic and Latino residents saw their number rise from 17,356 to 18,147 over the past decade (a 4.6 percent increase) and they now make up nearly two thirds of the city's population -- 64.5 percent in the new census compared to 58.8 percent 10 years ago.


I SUPPOSE, that number has CRATERED since this article from 2011. So -- the Bay Area being as developed as it is and CRIMINALLY OVERPRICED -- just isnt kind to small number of blacks living on the peninsula. MOST -- probably relocated to Oakland, Hayward, and Newark ACROSS the bay.

The "big tent" party needs some repairs. And common sense that doesn't seem to exist.
Currently with the open border Brandon policy they are given a summons to report for their ILLEGAL violation of the border and released. That SUMMONS is the PROOF they entered illegally and went out of their way to SURRENDER to the Border Patrol. The irony is that that document is LEGAL for transport and benefits while they are here. But, it's an ACKNOWLEGEMENT that they ENTERED ILLEGALLY.,

You've got this wrong. What they have to do is APPEAR for a court date to be set. Then 3 or 4 years into the future about 20% of them AT MOST will do that. In the meantime, they have ITIN number for temporary work, a Biden Phone, mucho benefits just showing that SUMMONS.

What they HAVE TO PROVE - if they DO GO to court is that they are here for AMNESTY. That's a hard case to prove -- even if -- they came from a NARCO DICTATORSHIP in the Central triangle run by tyrannical dictators in bed with the local cartels.

Less than 10% of THOSE cases are approved. So 20% show rate X times 10% successful AMNESTY case = 2% of those NOW 2 million illegals a year gaining a Green Card. That's so low and in the noise to be laughable and can take up to 6 years.

Now that DOES NOT apply to the other 340,000 or so "got-aways" that NEVER see Border Patrol. Probably for very good reasons. Because lately - up to 30% of the shows at the border are FORMER DEPORTEES. It's a rotating circular FARCE goin on down there.

As for the significance of blacks taking it on the chin for all of this illegal immigration, -- tensions were VERY high in Cali when I left about 15 years ago. Lots of conflict in areas for housing, jobs, public services. East Palo Alto is haven of POC on a VERY VERY white/asian/indian San Fran peninsula. And although the Hispanic community revitalized sections of San Carlos, Colma, Redwood City, Mountain View and other SF peninsula cities, the majority of blacks lived mostly in Colma and East Palo Alto.

The data, which the U.S. Census Bureau released Tuesday (March 8), showed the number of people of one race who identify themselves as black or African-American falling by 30 percent between 2000 and 2010. The city had 6,796 black residents in 2000, but the number dropped to 4,704 in the new census.

Black residents, who made up 23 percent of East Palo Alto's population in 2000, now make up only 16.7 percent of the city, according to the census.

The dramatic drop in the number of black residents drove the city's overall population down despite modest growth within other racial groups and ethnicities. Hispanic and Latino residents saw their number rise from 17,356 to 18,147 over the past decade (a 4.6 percent increase) and they now make up nearly two thirds of the city's population -- 64.5 percent in the new census compared to 58.8 percent 10 years ago.
The data, which the U.S. Census Bureau released Tuesday (March 8), showed the number of people of one race who identify themselves as black or African-American falling by 30 percent between 2000 and 2010. The city had 6,796 black residents in 2000, but the number dropped to 4,704 in the new census.

Black residents, who made up 23 percent of East Palo Alto's population in 2000, now make up only 16.7 percent of the city, according to the census.

The dramatic drop in the number of black residents drove the city's overall population down despite modest growth within other racial groups and ethnicities. Hispanic and Latino residents saw their number rise from 17,356 to 18,147 over the past decade (a 4.6 percent increase) and they now make up nearly two thirds of the city's population -- 64.5 percent in the new census compared to 58.8 percent 10 years ago.


I SUPPOSE, that number has CRATERED since this article from 2011. So -- the Bay Area being as developed as it is and CRIMINALLY OVERPRICED -- just isnt kind to small number of blacks living on the peninsula. MOST -- probably relocated to Oakland, Hayward, and Newark ACROSS the bay.

The "big tent" party needs some repairs. And common sense that doesn't seem to exist.
I wish I had the ‘posting patience’ you have….thanks for taking the time to make such polished points.

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