If Democrats really cared about blacks and their future wouldn’t they close the border and begin mass deportations?

As for the significance of blacks taking it on the chin for all of this illegal immigration, -- tensions were VERY high in Cali when I left about 15 years ago. Lots of conflict in areas for housing, jobs, public services. East Palo Alto is haven of POC on a VERY VERY white/asian/indian San Fran peninsula. And although the Hispanic community revitalized sections of San Carlos, Colma, Redwood City, Mountain View and other SF peninsula cities, the majority of blacks lived mostly in Colma and East Palo Alto.

The data, which the U.S. Census Bureau released Tuesday (March 8), showed the number of people of one race who identify themselves as black or African-American falling by 30 percent between 2000 and 2010. The city had 6,796 black residents in 2000, but the number dropped to 4,704 in the new census.

Black residents, who made up 23 percent of East Palo Alto's population in 2000, now make up only 16.7 percent of the city, according to the census.

The dramatic drop in the number of black residents drove the city's overall population down despite modest growth within other racial groups and ethnicities. Hispanic and Latino residents saw their number rise from 17,356 to 18,147 over the past decade (a 4.6 percent increase) and they now make up nearly two thirds of the city's population -- 64.5 percent in the new census compared to 58.8 percent 10 years ago.
The data, which the U.S. Census Bureau released Tuesday (March 8), showed the number of people of one race who identify themselves as black or African-American falling by 30 percent between 2000 and 2010. The city had 6,796 black residents in 2000, but the number dropped to 4,704 in the new census.

Black residents, who made up 23 percent of East Palo Alto's population in 2000, now make up only 16.7 percent of the city, according to the census.

The dramatic drop in the number of black residents drove the city's overall population down despite modest growth within other racial groups and ethnicities. Hispanic and Latino residents saw their number rise from 17,356 to 18,147 over the past decade (a 4.6 percent increase) and they now make up nearly two thirds of the city's population -- 64.5 percent in the new census compared to 58.8 percent 10 years ago.


I SUPPOSE, that number has CRATERED since this article from 2011. So -- the Bay Area being as developed as it is and CRIMINALLY OVERPRICED -- just isnt kind to small number of blacks living on the peninsula. MOST -- probably relocated to Oakland, Hayward, and Newark ACROSS the bay.

The "big tent" party needs some repairs. And common sense that doesn't seem to exist.
Hmmmm. Apparently, numbers not so hard to come up with, if one knows where to look.
Hmmmm. Apparently, numbers not so hard to come up with, if one knows where to look.
I'm certain that sharing the numbers with gentrifying Democrats will change their position...they'll probably stop smothering blacks with Mexicans now that they have the numbers.
I'm certain that sharing the numbers with gentrifying Democrats will change their position...they'll probably stop smothering blacks with Mexicans now that they have the numbers.
While not a Dem, much less gentrified, I found the numbers Flac came up with (I suspect with ease) showing the change interesting. I am not one to believe in the "great replacement" stuff you read on here. Nobody replaced me, or anybody I know, but I am in Tennessee, slow to change for the better or worse, a pretty conservative state, no matter which party is in the state house. Still, it sounds like a version or glimpse to the great replacement in Southern California.
While not a Dem, much less gentrified, I found the numbers Flac came up with (I suspect with ease) showing the change interesting. I am not one to believe in the "great replacement" stuff you read on here. Nobody replaced me, or anybody I know, but I am in Tennessee, slow to change for the better or worse, a pretty conservative state, no matter which party is in the state house. Still, it sounds like a version or glimpse to the great replacement in Southern California.
I do believe in the "Great Replacement" stuff. Why else have open borders?
Obama was known as the "deporter-in-chief" because he deported so many to protect low income workers and keep wages high. When jobs get scarce in the coming recession, and money gets tight, the democrats can thank Biden for letting in so much cheap labor.

"What we heard from the president, this is about the future of the liberal world order.

The Liberal World Order. The Left’s New Term for “America Last”
I do believe in the "Great Replacement" stuff. Why else have open borders?
Obama was known as the "deporter-in-chief" because he deported so many to protect low income workers and keep wages high. When jobs get scarce in the coming recession, and money gets tight, the democrats can thank Biden for letting in so much cheap labor.

"What we heard from the president, this is about the future of the liberal world order.

The Liberal World Order. The Left’s New Term for “America Last”
I think we need to jail the employers that use illegal alien labor. Nothing says hire American, like 3-5 for hiring illegals.
While not a Dem, much less gentrified, I found the numbers Flac came up with (I suspect with ease) showing the change interesting. I am not one to believe in the "great replacement" stuff you read on here. Nobody replaced me, or anybody I know, but I am in Tennessee, slow to change for the better or worse, a pretty conservative state, no matter which party is in the state house. Still, it sounds like a version or glimpse to the great replacement in Southern California.
The “great replacement” is real and intentional.
Nobody sane and paying attention can deny it.
A new-age ‘progressive’ American Government can thrive with a citizenry that can’t give two shits about the constitution and the american way….Democrats absolutely despise those core Americans that are always throwing that pesky constitution in their face. Think about it.
I think we need to jail the employers that use illegal alien labor. Nothing says hire American, like 3-5 for hiring illegals.
I’m good with hanging those who hire illegals in public….but our border policy and defending our sovereignty is not and should be the responsibility of “employers”.
The “great replacement” is real and intentional.
Nobody sane and paying attention can deny it.
A new-age ‘progressive’ American Government can thrive with a citizenry that can’t give two shits about the constitution and the american way….Democrats absolutely despise those core Americans that are always throwing that pesky constitution in their face. Think about it.
The regime that got voted out did not give two shits about the constitution and the American was either, so could be fked either way. As far as replacement in Mexifornia, you really ought to consider moving.
I’m good with hanging those who hire illegals in public….but our border policy and defending our sovereignty is not and should be the responsibility of “employers”.
True, but they will have to stop hiring illegals to dry up the market, and I see no reason illegal aliens should get any welfare benefits. They need to go the fk home to their own shithole country.
There are only Americans. Americans are Americans.
Hahaha…silly globalist…..“American” is a behavioral thing and all good legit real Americans know it….”American” has nothing to do with the soil one is standing on.
The regime that got voted out did not give two shits about the constitution and the American was either, so could be fked either way. As far as replacement in Mexifornia, you really ought to consider moving.
It’s just a matter of time….we bought our dream on the pacific ocean not long ago….we are still pretty isolated from the filth and enjoying life…FOR NOW.
We have places in MT, OR and AZ…..we’ll probably bounce between them in retirement.
Here in much of southern Mexifornia encountering a black person is becoming quite rare, not nearly as rare as encountering a Caucasian with blond hair and blue eyes (a unicorn) but rare indeed.
So where did all those gentrified blacks go? What happened to all those blacks that used to work all those city jobs with lucrative retirement plans / pensions? Weren’t they all ran off by Democrat policy? Were they ran off by a replacement from our south?
Why does it look like the Democrat party has completely given up on black folks?

If you cuck whites stopped cosplaying and left your fantasy worlds long enough to read things, you'd know the answer to this.

According to the last census Black Americans numbers declined in cities like Chicago, D.C. and L.A., but they increased in cities like Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio and Houston. The Black population in the U.S. has increased, like every other racial group except for white people. In the last decade the white population has declined by 8%.
It’s just a matter of time….we bought our dream on the pacific ocean not long ago….we are still pretty isolated from the filth and enjoying life…FOR NOW.
We have places in MT, OR and AZ…..we’ll probably bounce between them in retirement.
Sounds like a good plan, with places ready if things go sideways. Does not sound as if you need to worry about being replaced. That was your original goal.

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