If Dems Take Back Control Of Congress, Should GOP Commit to 100% Opposition

If Dems Take Back Control Of Congress, Should GOP Commit to 100% Opposition

...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?

:rolleyes: Hmmmm...

Another stupid contard thread.

Not commit, RETURN

Did you sleep through the glorious Obama Era?
"if mitts wins, we will obstruct everything" - Harry Reid (paraphrased)
The fact that one side can get on her and claim only one side does it is completely ignorant, or strait up lies. ONE of the 2
doesn't seem to be working well for the country, to me anyway.

i'd just as soon both sides quit doing this TIT FOR TAT PAYBACK crap and break out of that cycle.

Hell ... I would pay to watch Congress dig trenches and start shooting each other.
I couldn't care less if they stayed home for the next 20 years to tell you the truth.

To more effectively address your point and the OP ... We don't have a problem with Congress not doing enough.
We have a problem with them doing everything except what they are supposed to ... And screwing up everything they touch.

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They may get the senate, but not the house.

But you need not worry I am sure they will put Chucky in charge and he will follow in the footsteps of Reid..
We will take both. The House is very easy. Senate is harder
So? During those 2 years, the GOP was already committed to 100% opposition.

Look, let's be honest - the GOP are pu$$ies, way too much to try to stand up to Democrats (for long) and 'obstruct'. They are so afraid of lowing their own positions / jobs / salaries / perks that they roll over when challenged like a puppy wanting their bell scratched. If they even think there might be any backlash for standing up for the right thing they cave in an instant. All a Democrat has to do is say, 'I am going to shut down the government and blame your ass', and the GOP will cave.

McConnell and the GOP LIED THEIR ASSESS OFF to their Constituents by telling them:
- "If you just give us the House we will get things done."
....... They got it - and NOTHING.

- "If you just give us the House and Senate we'll get things done."
....... They got it - and NOTHING.

- "If you just give us the House, the Senate, and the WH..."
....... They got it - and NOTHING.

They are such hard-core 'Pro-Status Quo' Washington Establishment, Self-Serving Elitists they have betrayed not only their own constituents but also the President they voted into office against the will of the Washington Establishment GOP.

Dude....they obstruct THEMSELVES. They have proven they can LEAD worth SHIT! They could have every House and Senate seat except for 2 AND the Presidency, and they would STILL never EVER get anything done.

So when you ask me if they 'obstruct', that is a rally complicated question that covers 'intentional', 'unintentional', 'incompetence', 'self-inflicted', etc...

Now compare that to Democrats:

- God bless them, they are extremely disciplined and stick together like Velcro. They don't even bother to read legislation (like with the ACA) - they are just told to vote a certain way and they do.

- And YES, they work together like a well-oiled machine to obstruct the shit out of the GOP (who again is already obstructing itself) out of pure ideology and partisan hatred.. (That is not 'hate' / 'contempt' - that is actually out of respect for the DNC that I say that. They are 'one unit' where MOST of the GOP is like a bunch of blind / deaf / dumb / retarded / mute lemmings all trying to find the cliff on their own to jump off of)

Between the two parties, I am amazed we have survived as a nation the last 15 or so years or if we will another 10 - 15 years.
doesn't seem to be working well for the country, to me anyway.

i'd just as soon both sides quit doing this TIT FOR TAT PAYBACK crap and break out of that cycle.

Hell ... I would pay to watch Congress dig trenches and start shooting each other.
I couldn't care less if they stayed home for the next 20 years to tell you the truth.

To more effectively address your point and the OP ... We don't have a problem with Congress not doing enough.
We have a problem with them doing everything except what they are supposed to ... And screwing up everything they touch.

yep. and every "change of power" we sink deeper into separation and blame the other side for causing it.
Is amazing how republicans in here....were saying that they will crush democrats and the libtards will lose more seats. And now all of a sudden they are planning on turning to snowflakes.
yep. and every "change of power" we sink deeper into separation and blame the other side for causing it.

You call it sinking into separation ... I call it drowning in debt.
I have no problem blaming every damn one of them for not doing their job in our best interest.

yep. and every "change of power" we sink deeper into separation and blame the other side for causing it.

You call it sinking into separation ... I call it drowning in debt.
I have no problem blaming every damn one of them for not doing their job in our best interest.


i blame them all also. the R has had a year to do what they've said they could do and they've not done a damn thing really.
If Dems Take Back Control Of Congress, Should GOP Commit to 100% Opposition

Why not? They did it for all of Obama's 8 years.
BS. The Democrats had a near super majority Control of Congress Barry's 1st 2 years, just as they had during Bush's last 2 years.

How is it that you believe so many things that simply are not true? Do you ever watch or read outside your bubble?

The Myth of the Filibuster-Proof Democratic Senate

Listen to NPR for a week, I implore you.
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?
Well, the GOP got some great practice with Obama.

Both parties have abandoned cooperation, a fundamental behavior of adulthood.
I disagree a bit. The dems did push through Obamacare, but Americans elected a supermajority in the Senate for a reason, and the result is we don't see any senate gopers aside from may Randian Paul saying the fed govt has no role in making sure Americans have access to healthcare or in the healthcare markets. the Pols may whisper it in secret, but nobody is trying to hunt with that dead dog anymore. And, the dems would have listened to any goper with a way to get everyone insured .. which in the end didn't happen anyway because J. Roberts re-wrote the law.

But that aside, I don't think it's the dems who have refused any offer of compromise.
If Dems Take Back Control Of Congress, Should GOP Commit to 100% Opposition

Why not? They did it for all of Obama's 8 years.
BS. The Democrats had a near super majority Control of Congress Barry's 1st 2 years, just as they had during Bush's last 2 years.

Between the time Senator Frankin took office and when Senator Kennedy died was the only time they really had a super majority. But the 60 vote rule is practically gone now so we'll see who gets the last laugh with the Great Pussy Grabber in the WH.
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?

:rolleyes: Hmmmm...

30% of the country will not be allowed to perpetually hold the other 70% hostage.

get over your hack selves.,... vlad.
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?
Well, the GOP got some great practice with Obama.

Both parties have abandoned cooperation, a fundamental behavior of adulthood.
I disagree a bit. The dems did push through Obamacare, but Americans elected a supermajority in the Senate for a reason, and the result is we don't see any senate gopers aside from may Randian Paul saying the fed govt has no role in making sure Americans have access to healthcare or in the healthcare markets. the Pols may whisper it in secret, but nobody is trying to hunt with that dead dog anymore. And, the dems would have listened to any goper with a way to get everyone insured .. which in the end didn't happen anyway because J. Roberts re-wrote the law.

But that aside, I don't think it's the dems who have refused any offer of compromise.
Remember Obamacare WAS the comprise with the republicans. Democrats wanted single payer
They’ll say elect us and we will repeal Obamacare.

And you dumbly did so without asking "what's the plan for after Obamacare?"

Conservatives never intended to repeal Obamacare because they lack the brain power to come up with a viable replacement.

They took you for a ride because you're a gullible, naive idiot.
They’ll say elect us and we will repeal Obamacare.

And you dumbly did so without asking "what's the plan for after Obamacare?"

Conservatives never intended to repeal Obamacare because they lack the brain power to come up with a viable replacement.

They took you for a ride because you're a gullible, naive idiot.
It’s all one big insider club, you just lack the intellect to recognize it.

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