If Dems Take Back Control Of Congress, Should GOP Commit to 100% Opposition

...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?
Well, the GOP got some great practice with Obama.

Both parties have abandoned cooperation, a fundamental behavior of adulthood.
I disagree a bit. The dems did push through Obamacare, but Americans elected a supermajority in the Senate for a reason, and the result is we don't see any senate gopers aside from may Randian Paul saying the fed govt has no role in making sure Americans have access to healthcare or in the healthcare markets. the Pols may whisper it in secret, but nobody is trying to hunt with that dead dog anymore. And, the dems would have listened to any goper with a way to get everyone insured .. which in the end didn't happen anyway because J. Roberts re-wrote the law.

But that aside, I don't think it's the dems who have refused any offer of compromise.

i'll also point out that dems tried to work with gop.... gop submitted over 100 amendments....

then said f**k you... because....

Obama. you know, the black dude... just like they said they would on the day he was inaugurated regardless of what was proposed.

and that is what the scum did for 8 years.
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?
Well, the GOP got some great practice with Obama.

Both parties have abandoned cooperation, a fundamental behavior of adulthood.
I disagree a bit. The dems did push through Obamacare, but Americans elected a supermajority in the Senate for a reason, and the result is we don't see any senate gopers aside from may Randian Paul saying the fed govt has no role in making sure Americans have access to healthcare or in the healthcare markets. the Pols may whisper it in secret, but nobody is trying to hunt with that dead dog anymore. And, the dems would have listened to any goper with a way to get everyone insured .. which in the end didn't happen anyway because J. Roberts re-wrote the law.

But that aside, I don't think it's the dems who have refused any offer of compromise.

i'll also point out that dems tried to work with gop.... gop submitted over 100 amendments....

then said f**k you... because....

Obama. you know, the black dude... just like they said they would on the day he was inaugurated regardless of what was proposed.

and that is what the scum did for 8 years.
Obama is a white dude.
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?
Well, the GOP got some great practice with Obama.

Both parties have abandoned cooperation, a fundamental behavior of adulthood.
I disagree a bit. The dems did push through Obamacare, but Americans elected a supermajority in the Senate for a reason, and the result is we don't see any senate gopers aside from may Randian Paul saying the fed govt has no role in making sure Americans have access to healthcare or in the healthcare markets. the Pols may whisper it in secret, but nobody is trying to hunt with that dead dog anymore. And, the dems would have listened to any goper with a way to get everyone insured .. which in the end didn't happen anyway because J. Roberts re-wrote the law.

But that aside, I don't think it's the dems who have refused any offer of compromise.

i'll also point out that dems tried to work with gop.... gop submitted over 100 amendments....

then said f**k you... because....

Obama. you know, the black dude... just like they said they would on the day he was inaugurated regardless of what was proposed.

and that is what the scum did for 8 years.
Well, the gop didn't want to create a new entitlement We got Medicare because the dems had 60 votes. If a party gets 60 votes, largely on an issue, and Obama and McCain contrasted sharply on that issue, the winner SHOULDN'T COMPROMISE. They won a frigging mandate.

But it happens very very rarely And as Boo said, the gop has effectively killed it. McConnell just had that ass whoopin stuck in is peach pit craw

It's too bad I don't think the Turtle is a racist, but he truly hated Obama. And if he thinks Obama is an insult to institutions, he's fully "embraced" Trump.
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?
Well, the GOP got some great practice with Obama.

Both parties have abandoned cooperation, a fundamental behavior of adulthood.
I disagree a bit. The dems did push through Obamacare, but Americans elected a supermajority in the Senate for a reason, and the result is we don't see any senate gopers aside from may Randian Paul saying the fed govt has no role in making sure Americans have access to healthcare or in the healthcare markets. the Pols may whisper it in secret, but nobody is trying to hunt with that dead dog anymore. And, the dems would have listened to any goper with a way to get everyone insured .. which in the end didn't happen anyway because J. Roberts re-wrote the law.

But that aside, I don't think it's the dems who have refused any offer of compromise.

i'll also point out that dems tried to work with gop.... gop submitted over 100 amendments....

then said f**k you... because....

Obama. you know, the black dude... just like they said they would on the day he was inaugurated regardless of what was proposed.

and that is what the scum did for 8 years.
Obama is a white dude.
Too stupid to breathe
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?
Well, the GOP got some great practice with Obama.

Both parties have abandoned cooperation, a fundamental behavior of adulthood.
I disagree a bit. The dems did push through Obamacare, but Americans elected a supermajority in the Senate for a reason, and the result is we don't see any senate gopers aside from may Randian Paul saying the fed govt has no role in making sure Americans have access to healthcare or in the healthcare markets. the Pols may whisper it in secret, but nobody is trying to hunt with that dead dog anymore. And, the dems would have listened to any goper with a way to get everyone insured .. which in the end didn't happen anyway because J. Roberts re-wrote the law.

But that aside, I don't think it's the dems who have refused any offer of compromise.

i'll also point out that dems tried to work with gop.... gop submitted over 100 amendments....

then said f**k you... because....

Obama. you know, the black dude... just like they said they would on the day he was inaugurated regardless of what was proposed.

and that is what the scum did for 8 years.
Obama is a white dude.
Too stupid to breathe
Ah, so racist America elects black Presidents. Twice.

Thanks for playing.
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?

:rolleyes: Hmmmm...
What would be new? The repukes do not work well with people who think. They were that way all the way through 2008 to 2016.
If they get control that means real control and the GOP could shove it up their ass and we would have a new Golden Age.

You mean...

...more criminals / self-appointed-Despots in the WH

...more Constitutional / Rule of Law Violations

...more record-setting illegal noncompliance w/the FOIA and the Federal Records Act

...more dragging the US into Un-Constitutional Un-authorized wars to help terrorists

...more arming of Mexican Drug Cartels

...more record-setting scandals..

... like under Barry?!


No that is not what I mean, brainwashed functional moron. That is all crap, distraction from the fact that the Pander to the rich GOP is screwing the middle class and the country every day. See signature.

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