If Dems Win in 2020: Hillary for Attorney General

If trump loses in 2020 you democrats better just hide.. we won’t be going socialist
Where do you imagine America will be going if Trump wins?

The Last Act of the Human Comedy

"As the Grand Inquisitor pointed out in 'The Brothers Karamazov,' those who possess the emotional and intellectual fortitude to face what lies before them will always be in the minority. There is a numbing comfort that comes with surrendering moral autonomy for abject servility and obedience, and this comfort is especially attractive in a crisis."

Does Trump make you feel safe, Twinkie?
Come out and play
Come out and play
Play what?
Open your mouth like you do Online it’s a fun game
Ask Roman Polanski if the Liberals approve of pedocreeps.
He will tell you that they applaud and adore them.
Ask Roman Polanski if the Liberals approve of pedocreeps.
He will tell you that they applaud and adore them.
Ask Polansky for his opinions of Nazis like Trump

"Roman Polanski is singing an old German show tune in the middle of a horrific, detailed anecdote about the distilled darkness of concentration camps. He recalls a night after the war when he walked into a hotel room and found his father weeping as 'O mein Papa' played on the radio.

"It brought back a nightmare of the day on which prisoners had been forced to stand in the camp’s public square, helpless, as Nazi guards shoved their children onto trucks for liquidation.

"As the 82-year-old filmmaker recounts, mothers and fathers were 'swaying and waving and moaning and screaming and crying and falling on the ground and tearing the mud on the ground' as their kids were forever taken from them while the Germans played music over a public-address system. 'It was apocalyptic,' Polanski says simply."

Exclusive: The Roman Polanski Interview (Podcast)
maybe you don't know that President Trump's son-in-law is Jewish
maybe you don't know that President Trump's son-in-law is Jewish
So's the anti-Christ

When Bibi Slept In Jared Kushner’s Bed
Would a real Nazi move the US embassy to Jerusalem?
Hillary isn't qualified to be attorney general.
Why not?
She has more qualifications for AG than Trump has for POTUS.

Hillary Clinton - Wikipedia

"Rodham then entered Yale Law School, where she served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action....[46]"

"She also took on cases of child abuse at Yale–New Haven Hospital,[48]and volunteered at New Haven Legal Services to provide free legal advice for the poor.[47]

"In the summer of 1970, she was awarded a grant to work at Marian Wright Edelman's Washington Research Project, where she was assigned to Senator Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.

"There she researched various migrant workers' issues including education, health and housing...":19:

"She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1973,[37]having stayed on an extra year to be with Clinton.[59] He first proposed marriage to her following graduation, but she declined, uncertain if she wanted to tie her future to his.[59"

The only thing she is qualified for currently, is being a judge in a barbecue contest. Her giant ass is proof.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The only thing she is qualified for currently, is being a judge in a barbecue contest. Her giant ass is proof.
Which fat ass is more likely to die in prison?

Cher on Twitter
Ask Roman Polanski if the Liberals approve of pedocreeps.
He will tell you that they applaud and adore them.
Ask Roman Polanski if the Liberals approve of pedocreeps.
He will tell you that they applaud and adore them.
Ask Polansky for his opinions of Nazis like Trump

"Roman Polanski is singing an old German show tune in the middle of a horrific, detailed anecdote about the distilled darkness of concentration camps. He recalls a night after the war when he walked into a hotel room and found his father weeping as 'O mein Papa' played on the radio.

"It brought back a nightmare of the day on which prisoners had been forced to stand in the camp’s public square, helpless, as Nazi guards shoved their children onto trucks for liquidation.

"As the 82-year-old filmmaker recounts, mothers and fathers were 'swaying and waving and moaning and screaming and crying and falling on the ground and tearing the mud on the ground' as their kids were forever taken from them while the Germans played music over a public-address system. 'It was apocalyptic,' Polanski says simply."

Exclusive: The Roman Polanski Interview (Podcast)
maybe you don't know that President Trump's son-in-law is Jewish
maybe you don't know that President Trump's son-in-law is Jewish
So's the anti-Christ

When Bibi Slept In Jared Kushner’s Bed
Would a real Nazi move the US embassy to Jerusalem?
Would a real Nazi move the US embassy to Jerusalem?
Would a real Jew collaborate with Nazis?

Lehi (militant group) - Wikipedia

"Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II.

"Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2]

"Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.[2] During World War II, it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon 'nationalist and totalitarian principles'".
Don't be a sap-nobody goes to jail unless there is a tax problem-like manafort
Don't be a sap-nobody goes to jail unless there is a tax problem-like manafort
How many times has Trump been convicted of income tax fraud?

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"Donald was tried two times for income tax fraud, and he lost both cases. They were civil cases. But you will have seen no mention of them in mainstream media, even though they’re in my biography, The Making of Donald Trump, with the court citations. And the judges in those cases were very harsh on him."
As I said nobody's going to jail
As I said nobody's going to jail

I'll bet Michael's relieved.

Case in point. All the old man has is cut and paste. How many drug addicted homeless parasites are living outside your home in LA, Georgie?
How many drug addicted homeless parasites are living outside your home in LA, Georgie?
Not as many as live in my apartment building.
You wouldn't last five minutes.

I am from Boston. I could survive anywhere, old man.
If trump loses in 2020 you democrats better just hide.. we won’t be going socialist
Where do you imagine America will be going if Trump wins?

The Last Act of the Human Comedy

"As the Grand Inquisitor pointed out in 'The Brothers Karamazov,' those who possess the emotional and intellectual fortitude to face what lies before them will always be in the minority. There is a numbing comfort that comes with surrendering moral autonomy for abject servility and obedience, and this comfort is especially attractive in a crisis."

Does Trump make you feel safe, Twinkie?
Come out and play
Come out and play
Play what?
Open your mouth like you do Online it’s a fun game
Open your mouth like you do Online it’s a fun game
Do your butt-cheeks move like lips when you talk out your ass?
If trump loses in 2020 you democrats better just hide.. we won’t be going socialist
Where do you imagine America will be going if Trump wins?

The Last Act of the Human Comedy

"As the Grand Inquisitor pointed out in 'The Brothers Karamazov,' those who possess the emotional and intellectual fortitude to face what lies before them will always be in the minority. There is a numbing comfort that comes with surrendering moral autonomy for abject servility and obedience, and this comfort is especially attractive in a crisis."

Does Trump make you feel safe, Twinkie?
Come out and play
Come out and play
Play what?
Open your mouth like you do Online it’s a fun game
Open your mouth like you do Online it’s a fun game
Do your butt-cheeks move like lips when you talk out your ass?
Little liberals
Ask Roman Polanski if the Liberals approve of pedocreeps.
He will tell you that they applaud and adore them.
Ask Roman Polanski if the Liberals approve of pedocreeps.
He will tell you that they applaud and adore them.
Ask Polansky for his opinions of Nazis like Trump

"Roman Polanski is singing an old German show tune in the middle of a horrific, detailed anecdote about the distilled darkness of concentration camps. He recalls a night after the war when he walked into a hotel room and found his father weeping as 'O mein Papa' played on the radio.

"It brought back a nightmare of the day on which prisoners had been forced to stand in the camp’s public square, helpless, as Nazi guards shoved their children onto trucks for liquidation.

"As the 82-year-old filmmaker recounts, mothers and fathers were 'swaying and waving and moaning and screaming and crying and falling on the ground and tearing the mud on the ground' as their kids were forever taken from them while the Germans played music over a public-address system. 'It was apocalyptic,' Polanski says simply."

Exclusive: The Roman Polanski Interview (Podcast)
maybe you don't know that President Trump's son-in-law is Jewish
maybe you don't know that President Trump's son-in-law is Jewish
So's the anti-Christ

When Bibi Slept In Jared Kushner’s Bed
Would a real Nazi move the US embassy to Jerusalem?
Would a real Nazi move the US embassy to Jerusalem?
Would a real Jew collaborate with Nazis?

Lehi (militant group) - Wikipedia

"Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II.

"Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2]

"Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.[2] During World War II, it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon 'nationalist and totalitarian principles'".

If Trump fails to win a second term, he will face prosecution on state and federal charges. Can you hear it yet..."Lock him up, Lock him up."
And at least on of the useless eaters will die in prison.

Statute of Limitations, DOJ May Prevent Trump Ever Being Charged
Don't be a sap-nobody goes to jail unless there is a tax problem-like manafort
Don't be a sap-nobody goes to jail unless there is a tax problem-like manafort
How many times has Trump been convicted of income tax fraud?

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"Donald was tried two times for income tax fraud, and he lost both cases. They were civil cases. But you will have seen no mention of them in mainstream media, even though they’re in my biography, The Making of Donald Trump, with the court citations. And the judges in those cases were very harsh on him."
As I said nobody's going to jail
As I said nobody's going to jail

I'll bet Michael's relieved.
He's going to Club Fed
Hillary isn't qualified to be attorney general.
Why not?
She has more qualifications for AG than Trump has for POTUS.

Hillary Clinton - Wikipedia

"Rodham then entered Yale Law School, where she served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action....[46]"

"She also took on cases of child abuse at Yale–New Haven Hospital,[48]and volunteered at New Haven Legal Services to provide free legal advice for the poor.[47]

"In the summer of 1970, she was awarded a grant to work at Marian Wright Edelman's Washington Research Project, where she was assigned to Senator Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.

"There she researched various migrant workers' issues including education, health and housing...":19:

"She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1973,[37]having stayed on an extra year to be with Clinton.[59] He first proposed marriage to her following graduation, but she declined, uncertain if she wanted to tie her future to his.[59"
She's too fat now.
She's too fat now.
Hillary has 16 months to hit the treadmill

After 2020 she or trump is done-maybe both
After 2020 she or trump is done-maybe both
If Trump doesn't win reelection he will be subject to criminal prosecution on a variety of charges regardless of whether or not Hillary becomes Attorney General. If he survives reelection, the statute of limitations will protect his corrupt ass from current charges, but it's not hard to imagine future charges during his second term from consigning him to prison for the rest of his useless life.
Somebody put that crap out to fool people like you. Trump may lose the election and if he does, he will just golf more. And be a contributor on CNN.
Where do you imagine America will be going if Trump wins?

The Last Act of the Human Comedy

"As the Grand Inquisitor pointed out in 'The Brothers Karamazov,' those who possess the emotional and intellectual fortitude to face what lies before them will always be in the minority. There is a numbing comfort that comes with surrendering moral autonomy for abject servility and obedience, and this comfort is especially attractive in a crisis."

Does Trump make you feel safe, Twinkie?
Come out and play
Come out and play
Play what?
Open your mouth like you do Online it’s a fun game
Open your mouth like you do Online it’s a fun game
Do your butt-cheeks move like lips when you talk out your ass?
Little liberals
Little liberals
US "liberals" are nothing if not little.

American History for Truthdiggers: The Obama Disappointment

"Rather than nationalize banks, 'bust' monopolies and pass a true New Deal-style public works and massive stimulus program, Obama—partly due to partisan opposition, it must be admitted—settled on a modest stimulus, weak financial regulations, counterintuitive tax cuts and a taxpayer-financed bailout of the criminals atop the nation’s largest corporations.

"None of the company executives were punished, most received 'golden parachute' bonuses and America’s flawed, radically rightist economy remained in place."
Hillary isn't qualified to be attorney general.
Why not?
She has more qualifications for AG than Trump has for POTUS.

Hillary Clinton - Wikipedia

"Rodham then entered Yale Law School, where she served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action....[46]"

"She also took on cases of child abuse at Yale–New Haven Hospital,[48]and volunteered at New Haven Legal Services to provide free legal advice for the poor.[47]

"In the summer of 1970, she was awarded a grant to work at Marian Wright Edelman's Washington Research Project, where she was assigned to Senator Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.

"There she researched various migrant workers' issues including education, health and housing...":19:

"She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1973,[37]having stayed on an extra year to be with Clinton.[59] He first proposed marriage to her following graduation, but she declined, uncertain if she wanted to tie her future to his.[59"

The only thing she is qualified for currently, is being a judge in a barbecue contest. Her giant ass is proof.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The only thing she is qualified for currently, is being a judge in a barbecue contest. Her giant ass is proof.
Which fat ass is more likely to die in prison?

Cher on Twitter

Her ass is like twice the size of his, on each cheek. Not to mention the tree trunk ankles. But you obviously have been checking Donnie out. No judgment.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If trump loses in 2020 you democrats better just hide.. we won’t be going socialist
Where do you imagine America will be going if Trump wins?

The Last Act of the Human Comedy

"As the Grand Inquisitor pointed out in 'The Brothers Karamazov,' those who possess the emotional and intellectual fortitude to face what lies before them will always be in the minority. There is a numbing comfort that comes with surrendering moral autonomy for abject servility and obedience, and this comfort is especially attractive in a crisis."

Does Trump make you feel safe, Twinkie?
Come out and play
Come out and play
Play what?
Open your mouth like you do Online it’s a fun game
Open your mouth like you do Online it’s a fun game
Do your butt-cheeks move like lips when you talk out your ass?

You're a very strange little person when it comes to Trump...

And I don't mean that in a good way...
Ask Polansky for his opinions of Nazis like Trump

"Roman Polanski is singing an old German show tune in the middle of a horrific, detailed anecdote about the distilled darkness of concentration camps. He recalls a night after the war when he walked into a hotel room and found his father weeping as 'O mein Papa' played on the radio.

"It brought back a nightmare of the day on which prisoners had been forced to stand in the camp’s public square, helpless, as Nazi guards shoved their children onto trucks for liquidation.

"As the 82-year-old filmmaker recounts, mothers and fathers were 'swaying and waving and moaning and screaming and crying and falling on the ground and tearing the mud on the ground' as their kids were forever taken from them while the Germans played music over a public-address system. 'It was apocalyptic,' Polanski says simply."

Exclusive: The Roman Polanski Interview (Podcast)
maybe you don't know that President Trump's son-in-law is Jewish
maybe you don't know that President Trump's son-in-law is Jewish
So's the anti-Christ

When Bibi Slept In Jared Kushner’s Bed
Would a real Nazi move the US embassy to Jerusalem?
Would a real Nazi move the US embassy to Jerusalem?
Would a real Jew collaborate with Nazis?

Lehi (militant group) - Wikipedia

"Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II.

"Lehi initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2]

"Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.[2] During World War II, it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon 'nationalist and totalitarian principles'".
"Was George Soros an SS Officer or Nazi Collaborator During World War II?
Despite politically-motivated rumors to the contrary, billionaire leftist George Soros was neither in the SS nor a Nazi collaborator in the Second World War."

FACT CHECK: Was George Soros an SS Officer or Nazi Collaborator During World War II?
Hillary isn't qualified to be attorney general.
Why not?
She has more qualifications for AG than Trump has for POTUS.

Hillary Clinton - Wikipedia

"Rodham then entered Yale Law School, where she served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action....[46]"

"She also took on cases of child abuse at Yale–New Haven Hospital,[48]and volunteered at New Haven Legal Services to provide free legal advice for the poor.[47]

"In the summer of 1970, she was awarded a grant to work at Marian Wright Edelman's Washington Research Project, where she was assigned to Senator Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.

"There she researched various migrant workers' issues including education, health and housing...":19:

"She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1973,[37]having stayed on an extra year to be with Clinton.[59] He first proposed marriage to her following graduation, but she declined, uncertain if she wanted to tie her future to his.[59"
She's too fat now.
She's too fat now.
Hillary has 16 months to hit the treadmill


Sounds like you want the corrupt hillary in the office.
Sounds like you want the corrupt hillary in the office.
I think she might be good for a few laughs as head of Bernie's Justice Department

The Trump Foundation is shutting down, but the president and his family still could face liability

Her and Bernie are exponentially more corrupt than the three
Hillary isn't qualified to be attorney general.
Why not?
She has more qualifications for AG than Trump has for POTUS.

Hillary Clinton - Wikipedia

"Rodham then entered Yale Law School, where she served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action....[46]"

"She also took on cases of child abuse at Yale–New Haven Hospital,[48]and volunteered at New Haven Legal Services to provide free legal advice for the poor.[47]

"In the summer of 1970, she was awarded a grant to work at Marian Wright Edelman's Washington Research Project, where she was assigned to Senator Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.

"There she researched various migrant workers' issues including education, health and housing...":19:

"She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1973,[37]having stayed on an extra year to be with Clinton.[59] He first proposed marriage to her following graduation, but she declined, uncertain if she wanted to tie her future to his.[59"
She's too fat now.
She's too fat now.
Hillary has 16 months to hit the treadmill


Sounds like you want the corrupt hillary in the office.
Sounds like you want the corrupt hillary in the office.
I think she might be good for a few laughs as head of Bernie's Justice Department

The Trump Foundation is shutting down, but the president and his family still could face liability

The hillary is exponentially more corrupt than orange man. She makes him, w, and o look like saints.

If Trump fails to win a second term, he will face prosecution on state and federal charges. Can you hear it yet..."Lock him up, Lock him up."
And at least on of the useless eaters will die in prison.

Statute of Limitations, DOJ May Prevent Trump Ever Being Charged
Don't be a sap-nobody goes to jail unless there is a tax problem-like manafort
Don't be a sap-nobody goes to jail unless there is a tax problem-like manafort
How many times has Trump been convicted of income tax fraud?

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"Donald was tried two times for income tax fraud, and he lost both cases. They were civil cases. But you will have seen no mention of them in mainstream media, even though they’re in my biography, The Making of Donald Trump, with the court citations. And the judges in those cases were very harsh on him."
As I said nobody's going to jail
As I said nobody's going to jail

I'll bet Michael's relieved.
He's going to Club Fed
He's going to Club Fed
Why not?
She has more qualifications for AG than Trump has for POTUS.

Hillary Clinton - Wikipedia

"Rodham then entered Yale Law School, where she served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action....[46]"

"She also took on cases of child abuse at Yale–New Haven Hospital,[48]and volunteered at New Haven Legal Services to provide free legal advice for the poor.[47]

"In the summer of 1970, she was awarded a grant to work at Marian Wright Edelman's Washington Research Project, where she was assigned to Senator Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.

"There she researched various migrant workers' issues including education, health and housing...":19:

"She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1973,[37]having stayed on an extra year to be with Clinton.[59] He first proposed marriage to her following graduation, but she declined, uncertain if she wanted to tie her future to his.[59"
She's too fat now.
She's too fat now.
Hillary has 16 months to hit the treadmill


Sounds like you want the corrupt hillary in the office.
Sounds like you want the corrupt hillary in the office.
I think she might be good for a few laughs as head of Bernie's Justice Department

The Trump Foundation is shutting down, but the president and his family still could face liability

Her and Bernie are exponentially more corrupt than the three
Why not?
She has more qualifications for AG than Trump has for POTUS.

Hillary Clinton - Wikipedia

"Rodham then entered Yale Law School, where she served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action....[46]"

"She also took on cases of child abuse at Yale–New Haven Hospital,[48]and volunteered at New Haven Legal Services to provide free legal advice for the poor.[47]

"In the summer of 1970, she was awarded a grant to work at Marian Wright Edelman's Washington Research Project, where she was assigned to Senator Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.

"There she researched various migrant workers' issues including education, health and housing...":19:

"She received a Juris Doctor degree from Yale in 1973,[37]having stayed on an extra year to be with Clinton.[59] He first proposed marriage to her following graduation, but she declined, uncertain if she wanted to tie her future to his.[59"
She's too fat now.
She's too fat now.
Hillary has 16 months to hit the treadmill


Sounds like you want the corrupt hillary in the office.
Sounds like you want the corrupt hillary in the office.
I think she might be good for a few laughs as head of Bernie's Justice Department

The Trump Foundation is shutting down, but the president and his family still could face liability

The hillary is exponentially more corrupt than orange man. She makes him, w, and o look like saints.
Her and Bernie are exponentially more corrupt than the three
How many lawsuits have Hillary and Bernie participated in?

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"In analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, United States president Donald Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate.[1"
Don't be a sap-nobody goes to jail unless there is a tax problem-like manafort
Don't be a sap-nobody goes to jail unless there is a tax problem-like manafort
How many times has Trump been convicted of income tax fraud?

David Cay Johnston: We Will See Trump's Tax Returns And Find Out How Much Money He Got From Russian Oligarchs

"Donald was tried two times for income tax fraud, and he lost both cases. They were civil cases. But you will have seen no mention of them in mainstream media, even though they’re in my biography, The Making of Donald Trump, with the court citations. And the judges in those cases were very harsh on him."
As I said nobody's going to jail
As I said nobody's going to jail

I'll bet Michael's relieved.
He's going to Club Fed
He's going to Club Fed
Wasted effort

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