If Felons Decide the Presidency, Should the Election Be Accepted?

All states vote at once…it won’t “come down” to any state. When she gets upwards of 300 EVs, any number of states could be the one that puts Ms. Clinton over the top.

Is this your first election junior?
Just like Al Gore's Presidency didn't 'come down to' Florida in 2000, princess?

It's not my 1st, but you make it seem like it's yours.

I will promise you it will not come down to one state... If the polls are correct ( I know you will rant about how they are not ) then Clinton will win enough states that you can't claim it came down to one state...
I apologize to people when I have made a mistake, as I did the other day with another poster.
I would say I am still waiting for that apology you owe me...but I don't give a crap anymore. You're just gutless and SAY you admit to your mistakes. Your refusal to do so with me proves you are a liar. I've wasted enough time on you - 'Ignore'.
Show me what you are talking about. Bump the topic and quote me in it so I get an alert.
I will promise you it will not come down to one state... If the polls are correct ( I know you will rant about how they are not ) then Clinton will win enough states that you can't claim it came down to one state...
1. I agree with you. I don't think it will come down to one state.

2. No rants about polls from me - I ignore them.

3. I hope you are right, that the win for whoever is so big that the US can avoid any massive thrash about 'stolen elections' afterwards. America doesn't need that.
easyt, if you had READ YOUR OWN LINK, you would have seen several states allow felons to vote..
No shit....that's what I said when I posted that link....it even lists the states that allows Felons to vote once they meet certain conditions. Wow, you're quick.

UNLIKE YOU, I owned up to my mistake. :p
I apologize to people when I have made a mistake, as I did the other day with another poster.

You, on the other hand, don't LEARN from your mistakes. You get right back in line for more refills of your piss cup.

I don't think three days will go by and you will do it again. You can't stop yourself.

I am the poster that you apologized to and can verify you do apologize when caught making a mistake...
I will admit, after doing MORE research, that I am PARTIALLY wrong about Felons being allowed to vote being illegal / legal.

Felons can NOT vote in elections in this country....unless, in many cases, certain conditions are met, such as:


***Notice Virginia is not in any of those. McAuliffe on his own granted the ability of 200,000 felons to be able to vote immediately.

Before you spout off about Virginia maybe you should read the VIrginia Constitution, which says...

Article II. Franchise and Officers
Section 1. Qualifications of voters
In elections by the people, the qualifications of voters shall be as follows: Each voter shall be a citizen of the United States, shall be eighteen years of age, shall fulfill the residence requirements set forth in this section, and shall be registered to vote pursuant to this article. No person who has been convicted of a felony shall be qualified to vote unless his civil rights have been restored by the Governor or other appropriate authority. As prescribed by law, no person adjudicated to be mentally incompetent shall be qualified to vote until his competency has been reestablished.​

The Governor of Virginia is empowered to restore a felons franchise.

Constitution of Virginia - Article II. Franchise and Officers

WW, thank you for that great info!

McAuliffe's actions as governor would not have come under any scrutiny whatsoever, you have to admit, if he had not been embroiled in the illegal bundling of money to Hillary Clinton. If it was any other person - no scrutiny.

I am not saying what he did was wrong or it is right to scrutinize him for doing so, as you (WW) showed it was in his right to do so.

(SIDENOTE: THIS (WW's post and others contributing great information to the discussion, is what debate and discussion is all about - the sharing of information to help enlighten others. As this that demonstrates, I have been forced to do more research, and I have been given some great info to make me knowledgeable. Thanks to everyone - nice job.)
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WW, thank you for that great info!

McAuliffe's actions as governor would not have come under any scrutiny whatsoever, you have to admit, if he had not been embroiled in the illegal bundling of money to Hillary Clinton. If it was any other person - no scrutiny.

I am not saying what he did was wrong or it is right to scrutinize him for doing so, as you (WW) showed it was in his right to do so.

Actually McAuliffe's re-enfranchisement ran into legal issues. His en masse restoration was challenged and the VA Supreme Court ruling was that while he had the power to restore voting rights, he couldn't issue a blank restoration, he had to do it on a case-by-case basis.


UNLIKE YOU, I owned up to my mistake.
Only after I nailed you on your deflection from your lie in your OP that I called you on.
When first caught lying you tried to dodge first, only when that failed did you try to save face.
UNLIKE YOU, I owned up to my mistake.
Only after I nailed you on your deflection from your lie in your OP that I called you on.
When first caught lying you tried to dodge first, only when that failed did you try to save face.
Ed, I wasn't talking to you when I said, 'Unlike YOU'. I was talking to G5000.

Again, I did not lie. I based my post on information I had at the time. As I stated, I erred in the fact that I did not have all the details. YES, Felons CAN now vote, but ONLY after they have met certain conditions or after they have been pardoned, as is the case in Virginia.

I apologize for the confusion if you thought I was talking to you. I wasn't.
UNLIKE YOU, I owned up to my mistake.
Only after I nailed you on your deflection from your lie in your OP that I called you on.
When first caught lying you tried to dodge first, only when that failed did you try to save face.
Ed, I wasn't talking to you when I said, 'Unlike YOU'. I was talking to G5000.

Again, I did not lie. I based my post on information I had at the time. As I stated, I erred in the fact that I did not have all the details. YES, Felons CAN now vote, but ONLY after they have met certain conditions or after they have been pardoned, as is the case in Virginia.

I apologize for the confusion if you thought I was talking to you. I wasn't.
That doesn't change the fact that when I showed you that it was not illegal for felons to vote in the US and gave you a link to all the state laws, when you replied, you edited all that out and tried to divert away from your "mistake."
Virginia Governor Restores Voting Rights to Felons
-- http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/23/u...-virginia-voting-rights-convicted-felons.html

"Gov. Terry McAuliffe of Virginia used his executive power on Friday to restore voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons, circumventing the Republican-run legislature."

In the United States it is ILLEGAL for Felons to vote; however, this did not stop Terry McAuliffe from circumventing the law by restoring the voter rights of 200,000 Felons.

IF the decision of who becomes President comes down to Virginia and Virginia goes to Hillary by 200,000 or less votes, should Americans / Trump cede the Presidency to Hillary or challenge it?


McAuliffe, by the way, came under FBI investigation himself in May for allegedly making illegal campaign donations during his time as a board member at, you guessed it, the Clinton Global Initiative. The allegations, again you guessed it, involved a high-profile Chinese businessman, Wang Wenliang, who donated as much as $120,000 to McAuliffe. Just another one of those darn coincidences by a close Clinton confidant.
-- Clinton Criminals: Bill and Hillary’s Friends Keep Being Investigated, Convicted, Jailed

So you have a corrupt Liberal Governor and ex-Hillary Bundler connected to Hillary and a convicted Hillary donor who circumvents the law by restoring voting rights to Felons in Va, benefitting Hillary.

From Presidents to Kings to Governors to the media to criminals / felons, Hillary is getting help form all kinds of people to win this election. If, with the help of all these people, she can't win (or steal) this election she has to be the world's greatest F*-Up!)
Only in a banana republic can felons vote.... lol
Easyt is owned by his own biases.

You have a good mind, but you clog it with confirmation bias instead of looking at all the evidence and the sifting through it.
In the United States it is ILLEGAL for Felons to vote;!)

No it isn't.

Every state decides whether or not convicted felons can vote.

Just you lying again. Like the Good Trumpster you are.

Restoration of voting rights for people who are ex-offenders varies across the United States. Primary classification of voting rights include:

Maine[17] and Vermont[18] are the only states with unrestricted voting rights for people who are felons. Both states allow the person to vote during incarceration, via absentee ballot and after terms of conviction end.

Ends after release
In fourteen states and the District of Columbia, disenfranchisement ends after incarceration is complete: District of Columbia,[19] Hawaii,[20] Illinois,[21] Indiana,[22] Maryland,[23] Massachusetts,[24] Michigan,[25] Montana,[26] New Hampshire,[27] North Dakota,[28] Ohio,[29] Oregon,[30] Pennsylvania,[31] Rhode Island,[32] and Utah.[33]

In February 2016 the Maryland General Assembly restored the right to vote for more than 40,000 released felons, overriding a veto by Governor Larry Hogan. Maryland’s Senate approved the bill on a narrow 29-18 vote, while the state House of Delegates voted 85-56 in favor of it on January 20. Convicted felons under parole or probation had their right to vote restored. The law is to go into effect in late March, one month before the state's April 26 primaries.[23]

Ends after parole
In four states, disenfranchisement ends after incarceration and parole (if any) is complete: California,[34] Colorado,[35] Connecticut,[36] New York.[37]

Ends after probation
Nineteen states require not only that incarceration/parole if any be complete but also that any probation sentence (which is often an alternative to incarceration) is complete: Alaska,[38] Arkansas,[39] Georgia,[40] Idaho,[41] Kansas,[42] Louisiana,[43] Minnesota,[44] Missouri,[45] Nebraska (Completion of probation + 2 years; treason convicts permanently lose the right to vote),[46] New Jersey,[47] New Mexico,[48] North Carolina,[49] Oklahoma,[50] South Carolina,[51] South Dakota,[52] Texas,[53] Washington,[54] West Virginia (The prosecutor can request the court to revoke voting rights if financial obligations are unmet), Wisconsin.[55
I will admit, after doing MORE research, that I am PARTIALLY wrong about Felons being allowed to vote being illegal / legal.)

You were completely wrong.

You said it was illegal for felons to vote in the United States. You lied.

In some states it is legal- and in some states it is illegal.

What Virginia is doing is what many other states have done.

You just lied.
easyt, if you had READ YOUR OWN LINK, you would have seen several states allow felons to vote..
No shit....that's what I said when I posted that link....it even lists the states that allows Felons to vote once they meet certain conditions. Wow, you're quick.

UNLIKE YOU, I owned up to my mistake. :p

So you admit that your claim:

In the United States it is ILLEGAL for Felons to vote;

Was a recklessly ignorant claim- but you are saying you weren't lying. You just didn't know or spend the 5 seconds with Google before posting your meltdown here at USMB?
Virginia Governor Restores Voting Rights to Felons
-- http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/23/u...-virginia-voting-rights-convicted-felons.html

"Gov. Terry McAuliffe of Virginia used his executive power on Friday to restore voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons, circumventing the Republican-run legislature."

In the United States it is ILLEGAL for Felons to vote; however, this did not stop Terry McAuliffe from circumventing the law by restoring the voter rights of 200,000 Felons.

IF the decision of who becomes President comes down to Virginia and Virginia goes to Hillary by 200,000 or less votes, should Americans / Trump cede the Presidency to Hillary or challenge it?


McAuliffe, by the way, came under FBI investigation himself in May for allegedly making illegal campaign donations during his time as a board member at, you guessed it, the Clinton Global Initiative. The allegations, again you guessed it, involved a high-profile Chinese businessman, Wang Wenliang, who donated as much as $120,000 to McAuliffe. Just another one of those darn coincidences by a close Clinton confidant.
-- Clinton Criminals: Bill and Hillary’s Friends Keep Being Investigated, Convicted, Jailed

So you have a corrupt Liberal Governor and ex-Hillary Bundler connected to Hillary and a convicted Hillary donor who circumvents the law by restoring voting rights to Felons in Va, benefitting Hillary.

From Presidents to Kings to Governors to the media to criminals / felons, Hillary is getting help form all kinds of people to win this election. If, with the help of all these people, she can't win (or steal) this election she has to be the world's greatest F*-Up!)
Only in a banana republic can felons vote.... lol
Felons are American citizens and as such they should be allowed to vote, period.
UNLIKE YOU, I owned up to my mistake.
Only after I nailed you on your deflection from your lie in your OP that I called you on.
When first caught lying you tried to dodge first, only when that failed did you try to save face.
Ed, I wasn't talking to you when I said, 'Unlike YOU'. I was talking to G5000.

Again, I did not lie. I based my post on information I had at the time. As I stated, I erred in the fact that I did not have all the details. YES, Felons CAN now vote, but ONLY after they have met certain conditions or after they have been pardoned, as is the case in Virginia.

Still wrong- really its not that hard to master Google.

Maine[17] and Vermont[18] are the only states with unrestricted voting rights for people who are felons. Both states allow the person to vote during incarceration, via absentee ballot and after terms of conviction end.

Ends after release
In fourteen states and the District of Columbia, disenfranchisement ends after incarceration is complete: District of Columbia,[19] Hawaii,[20] Illinois,[21] Indiana,[22] Maryland,[23] Massachusetts,[24] Michigan,[25] Montana,[26] New Hampshire,[27] North Dakota,[28] Ohio,[29] Oregon,[30] Pennsylvania,[31] Rhode Island,[32] and Utah.[33]

States have the right to decide whether convicted criminals can vote or not- do you have a problem with that?

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