If for one moment...

He's a spoiled brat that is used to getting his way, and he has to brag because of his lacking..

That he may be. But in hindsight that's not why I voted for him.

Eh, why I voted period in that election is beyond me. One of these days I'll get sick and tired of it all and stay home. Maybe binge some anime on election night instead.
I voted for him because Hillary was running..
For the first time in about 12 years I considered voting. . . .

For that very same reason.

I agree. The list of candidates since Reagan has sucked tremendously..
He's a spoiled brat that is used to getting his way, and he has to brag because of his lacking..

That he may be. But in hindsight that's not why I voted for him.

Eh, why I voted period in that election is beyond me. One of these days I'll get sick and tired of it all and stay home. Maybe binge some anime on election night instead.

You may as well ---- considering that Georgia was going to be red regardless whether you voted for Rump, voted for Clinton, voted 3rd party or stayed home and binged on (fill in blank), you didn't have a vote anyway.
He's a spoiled brat that is used to getting his way, and he has to brag because of his lacking..

That he may be. But in hindsight that's not why I voted for him.

Eh, why I voted period in that election is beyond me. One of these days I'll get sick and tired of it all and stay home. Maybe binge some anime on election night instead.
Sound like my eldest son..He's 34 and has been an anime freak since the 1980's and still is. He goes to COMICON conventions and runs a booth..
There was still 'other' in the last election. Between voting for an egoistic prevaricator and a war criminal, some of us chose 'other'.
The two party dictatorship has to be stopped some way.

I didn't get an "other" in my state. Nor a NOTA.

Wouldn't have mattered anyway with the corrupt EC/WTA system. My state eventually went to Congress and said, "wow it's amazing, literally everybody in North Carolina voted for Rump" which is absolute bullshit.
The week that Clinton left office as gov. and went to DC, the acting gov. pardoned his brother that was in prison for cocaine trafficking, it seems all the big wigs were having coke parties to include my employer Don Tyson of Tyson's Foods.

Hardcore corruption.
Yeah, try to tell any rabid partisan about the corruption, and the link between the Clintons and the Bush family, and how it goes back the the whole Iran-Contra, selling arms for drugs and trafficking in that shit, they just don't want to hear it.

And nothing has changed.

Both parties are just as corrupt. Funneling and laundering foreign cash to campaign with, and now they want us to believe that only this candidate or that candidate or party is in collusion with this or that foreign entity or person or power, when they all are doing it.

It's all B.S. and crap.

Trump works with the Russian Oligarchs and the Russian Mafia and German Banks, while the Clinton Machine is using foundation rules to launder cash in giant pay for play scheme with any foreign entity on Earth that will donate to push forward that cause.

No substantial difference.
Trump is just a really weird dude. I don't think he lives in the same reality as most people. Most of his lies and exaggerations don't even help or hurt him in any way. They're just random things that come out of this weirdo's mouth.

"My inauguration had the biggest crowd ever."

"Mr. Trump. Nobody was asking..."

"My dick isn't as small as my hands."

"We never..."

"This hair is real. Somebody come up on stage, and pull on it."

Trump is just a really weird dude. I don't think he lives in the same reality as most people. Most of his lies and exaggerations don't even help or hurt him in any way. They're just random things that come out of this weirdo's mouth.

"My inauguration had the biggest crowd ever."

"Mr. Trump. Nobody was asking..."

"My dick isn't as small as my hands."

"We never..."

"This hair is real. Somebody come up on stage, and pull on it."

Well, I don't think that is completely off the wall.

It is just sort of eccentric, trying to connect with an entire popular mainstream, in a way that is awkward.

I think folks from his generation can understand where he is coming from. You have to remember, he is in his seventies. His whole life he has been used to trying to stay relevant. At that age, it probably gets to be a bit of a chore and a bit difficult.

My parents seem out of touch sometimes, and I know there are quite a few boomers on this forum that are in that age bracket.

SO, when you make light of his eccentricities, you are really making fun of that entire generation.
Trump is just a really weird dude. I don't think he lives in the same reality as most people. Most of his lies and exaggerations don't even help or hurt him in any way. They're just random things that come out of this weirdo's mouth.

"My inauguration had the biggest crowd ever."

"Mr. Trump. Nobody was asking..."

"My dick isn't as small as my hands."

"We never..."

"This hair is real. Somebody come up on stage, and pull on it."

Well, I don't think that is completely off the wall.

It is just sort of eccentric, trying to connect with an entire popular mainstream, in a way that is awkward.

I think folks from his generation can understand where he is coming from. You have to remember, he is in his seventies. His whole life he has been used to trying to stay relevant. At that age, it probably gets to be a bit of a chore and a bit difficult.

My parents seem out of touch sometimes, and I know there are quite a few boomers on this forum that are in that age bracket.

SO, when you make light of his eccentricities, you are really making fun of that entire generation.

It's not at all off the wall to have your doctor tell people that you're the healthiest President ever? It's not at all off the wall to call somebody under an assumed name, and talk about how awesome you are? The dude is batshit insane.
The two party "system" has been dead for years, IF it ever really existed. The only Prez in modern history that went against the powers that be was shot, that's also why his brother was shot.
If for one moment you think I'm a blind Trump supporter, then you don't know me. I don't play the two party team game anymore. I stopped doing that when I started noticing what it was doing to me. But I did vote for the President, and I promised myself I would call him out when necessary. So, what is it with him and telling the truth? Why does he exaggerate so much? The man can be his own worst enemy sometimes. I'm not saying he's the only one who exaggerates or doesn't tell the truth, but I cannot stand habitual liars and blatant narcissism. Not in my life, and not within my government. Stop undoing all the good you're doing, Mr. President! Silence can say a lot more sometimes than running off at the mouth!
I let it all go in one ear and out the other. It's all mostly meaningless bullshit anyways.
People knew he was a bloviating playboy and elected him anyway.
If and when his lies have an adverse effect on my life I will sit up and pay attention. Otherwise it is just cannon fodder for trolls and hacks.
Trump is just a really weird dude. I don't think he lives in the same reality as most people. Most of his lies and exaggerations don't even help or hurt him in any way. They're just random things that come out of this weirdo's mouth.

"My inauguration had the biggest crowd ever."

"Mr. Trump. Nobody was asking..."

"My dick isn't as small as my hands."

"We never..."

"This hair is real. Somebody come up on stage, and pull on it."

Well, I don't think that is completely off the wall.

It is just sort of eccentric, trying to connect with an entire popular mainstream, in a way that is awkward.

I think folks from his generation can understand where he is coming from. You have to remember, he is in his seventies. His whole life he has been used to trying to stay relevant. At that age, it probably gets to be a bit of a chore and a bit difficult.

My parents seem out of touch sometimes, and I know there are quite a few boomers on this forum that are in that age bracket.

SO, when you make light of his eccentricities, you are really making fun of that entire generation.

It's not at all off the wall to have your doctor tell people that you're the healthiest President ever? It's not at all off the wall to call somebody under an assumed name, and talk about how awesome you are? The dude is batshit insane.
I won't argue with you there.

What it amounts to, is he and those around him come by it honestly.

If you don't believe that D.C. has, like Trump and his cronies, also been batshit insane this entire time, then you have been sold a bill of goods.
If for one moment you think I'm a blind Trump supporter, then you don't know me. I don't play the two party team game anymore. I stopped doing that when I started noticing what it was doing to me. But I did vote for the President, and I promised myself I would call him out when necessary. So, what is it with him and telling the truth? Why does he exaggerate so much? The man can be his own worst enemy sometimes. I'm not saying he's the only one who exaggerates or doesn't tell the truth, but I cannot stand habitual liars and blatant narcissism. Not in my life, and not within my government. Stop undoing all the good you're doing, Mr. President! Silence can say a lot more sometimes than running off at the mouth!
I let it all go in one ear and out the other. It's all mostly meaningless bullshit anyways.
People knew he was a bloviating playboy and elected him anyway.
If and when his lies have an adverse effect on my life I will sit up and pay attention. Otherwise it is just cannon fodder for trolls and hacks.

Except if he lies about such inconsequential bullshit what else is he lying about?

"Yeah, Trump lies all the time, but he's probably not lying about all that stuff I don't want to believe he's lying about."
Trump is just a really weird dude. I don't think he lives in the same reality as most people. Most of his lies and exaggerations don't even help or hurt him in any way. They're just random things that come out of this weirdo's mouth.

"My inauguration had the biggest crowd ever."

"Mr. Trump. Nobody was asking..."

"My dick isn't as small as my hands."

"We never..."

"This hair is real. Somebody come up on stage, and pull on it."

Well, I don't think that is completely off the wall.

It is just sort of eccentric, trying to connect with an entire popular mainstream, in a way that is awkward.

I think folks from his generation can understand where he is coming from. You have to remember, he is in his seventies. His whole life he has been used to trying to stay relevant. At that age, it probably gets to be a bit of a chore and a bit difficult.

My parents seem out of touch sometimes, and I know there are quite a few boomers on this forum that are in that age bracket.

SO, when you make light of his eccentricities, you are really making fun of that entire generation.

It's not at all off the wall to have your doctor tell people that you're the healthiest President ever? It's not at all off the wall to call somebody under an assumed name, and talk about how awesome you are? The dude is batshit insane.
I won't argue with you there.

What it amounts to, is he and those around him come by it honestly.

If you don't believe that D.C. has, like Trump and his cronies, also been batshit insane this entire time, then you have been sold a bill of goods.

When politicians in D.C. lie there's an endgame. There's a purpose. Trump doesn't lie to get some policy passed, or some bill signed. He lies to hear himself speak. He's a fucking weird dude.
Trump is just a really weird dude. I don't think he lives in the same reality as most people. Most of his lies and exaggerations don't even help or hurt him in any way. They're just random things that come out of this weirdo's mouth.

"My inauguration had the biggest crowd ever."

"Mr. Trump. Nobody was asking..."

"My dick isn't as small as my hands."

"We never..."

"This hair is real. Somebody come up on stage, and pull on it."

Well, I don't think that is completely off the wall.

It is just sort of eccentric, trying to connect with an entire popular mainstream, in a way that is awkward.

I think folks from his generation can understand where he is coming from. You have to remember, he is in his seventies. His whole life he has been used to trying to stay relevant. At that age, it probably gets to be a bit of a chore and a bit difficult.

My parents seem out of touch sometimes, and I know there are quite a few boomers on this forum that are in that age bracket.

SO, when you make light of his eccentricities, you are really making fun of that entire generation.

Oh please. :rolleyes:

Really? Trying to diffuse abject and obvious personality disorders by diluting them to "an entire generation"? An "entire generation" of utterly self-absorbed narcissists who live in a world of self-delusion who've been handed everything all their lives and have never taken an iota of responsibility for anything, actually exists somewhere?


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