If Germany has truly learned from its history, it will send tanks to defend Ukraine form the new Hitler-Sralin


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
I can´t say better :

"It’s worth noting that Germany has a formidable defence industry that has very profitably exported lethal equipment to some quite dubious regimes around the world. So why not send it to defend a European democracy against the new Hitler?"

Boris Romanchenko, for example, a survivor of four Nazi concentration camps, was killed by a Moscow missile in Kharkiv. No historical comparison is exact, but Putin’s attempt to destroy the independent existence of a neighbouring nation, with war crimes, genocidal actions and relentless targeting of the civilian population, is the closest we have come in Europe since 1945 to what Adolf Hitler did in the second world war.

All these countries benefiting from Germany being a cuck handing out endless sums of money to all corners of Europe, and then being mad that it's not a badass self-asserting nation who wants to crush Russia.
It's one or the other. You don't get to have both Germanys.
I can´t say better :

"It’s worth noting that Germany has a formidable defence industry that has very profitably exported lethal equipment to some quite dubious regimes around the world. So why not send it to defend a European democracy against the new Hitler?"

Boris Romanchenko, for example, a survivor of four Nazi concentration camps, was killed by a Moscow missile in Kharkiv. No historical comparison is exact, but Putin’s attempt to destroy the independent existence of a neighbouring nation, with war crimes, genocidal actions and relentless targeting of the civilian population, is the closest we have come in Europe since 1945 to what Adolf Hitler did in the second world war.


Why Germany must support SS Bandera Nazis?
Germany must support
G. is one of the largest Ukrainian sponsor , your fav fascist party is so marginal, how many votes did they get the last time ?


its Prigozhin show , PR stunt , still any comment on this ?

the Nazi Rusich unit of the GRU Wagner Group : "all Ukrainians must be killed so that they cannot make children who will avenge their parents."

Panther KF51 would be a kick ass thing to see, but I doubt it'll make it.

Gotta remember too, half of Germany was under Russian control until the 90's,

20%-25%. In the other regions of former Germany - where you perhaps think about too - nearly all Germans had been murdered and/or displaced - you can also say "genocided" - from the allies of world war 1+2.

so Half of Germany might not be so gung-ho about the whole ordeal as you'd think.

Asshole: It was "you" who fought for Stalin and Mao in world war 2. The slavery of the East-Germans (and other East- Europeans) under the Soviets was also your deed. It was also you who is responsible for many genocides on German nations like for example the Prussians, the Silesians or the Bohemians. And Ukrainains for example murdered once together with the Russians in masses German pows. And what do we do now? We support aggressive idiots like you, agressive idiots like the Polish, aggressive idiots like the Ukrainians against aggressive idiots like the Russians. Nice from us - isn't it?

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No tanks ......for what ?so you could sell em ?


Why Germany must support SS Bandera Nazis?

Brain amputated super idiot: What about to arrive in the third millenium? Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers! Go home Russian!! Russia is the biggest country of the world. It needs no new territory. It needs not to attack Europe for nothing and not on any real reason - what for sure Russia on her own will without any doubt not survive - but what perhaps also the whole world will not survive.
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The long awaited southern blitz has started. Below "b" from M of A summarises matters .

This will be awful for the Ukey Nazi remnants, bolstered by NATO sundry personnel plus mercenaries .

No wonder the Ukey Nazis are shouting so desperately for munitions .
By the time a few clapped out tanks arrive ( if they ever do ) the Russians could be on the Romanian border , if they plan to link with Moldavia .

The Ukrainian army, egged on by its U.S. controllers, had put most of its resource into the static defense of Bakhmut (Artyomovsk) - Soledar sector of the eastern front. An insane number of Ukrainian brigades, though many partially depleted, were concentrated on that 50 kilometer long front. This left other sectors nearly empty of Ukrainian troops.


Source: Military Land Deployment Map - bigger
I count the equivalent of some 27 brigade size formations in that area. The usual size of a brigade is some 3,000 to 4,000 men with hundreds of all kinds of vehicles. If all brigades had their full strength that force would count as 97,500 men. In a recent interview the Ukrainian military commander Zaluzhny said that his army has 200,000 men trained to fight with 500,000 more having other functions or currently being trained. The forces which are currently getting mauled in the Bakhmut area constitute 50% of Ukraine's battle ready forces.
On the southern and northern sectors of the battle-line the Ukrainian forces have been thinned out and are only able to defend against minor forces.

The Ukrainian forces in the north and south are in the same position Russian troops had been in when the Ukrainian army last year launched a blitz attack in the Kharkiv region. The Russian screening force of some 2,000 boarder guards and federal police retreated and used its artillery to destroy the oncoming Ukrainian forces. The attack ran out of power and came to a halt after progressing some 70 kilometers on a rather large front. But Ukraine no longer has, unlike the Russians at that time, the artillery that is need to stop a larger thrust.

Cont. reading: Ukraine - Russian Army Activates Southern Front

If you are a German Litwin would be the Emperor of China

Baron. Do suicide. The whole world will thank you for this noble deed. If you are not able to do so because god forbids to do suicide as he also forbids to murder then start to do what god says to you, Satana ... ah sorry: "challenger".

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Baron. Do suicide. The whole world will thank you for this noble deed. If you are not able to do so because god forbids to do suicide as he also forboids to murder then start to do what god says to you, Satana.
Somebody call an ambulance .....this person is having a stroke

Who is Poland and what has Germany to do with this anti-European and anti-democratic country and her decisions? Nothing or absolutelly nothing - except that everything in Poland will break into dust if every stolen part and money from Germany would suddenly disappear there?

By the way: Do you know why Russian car thieves alway steal two cars in Germany? On their way home they have to drive through Poland.

It was by the way one of the very first ideas in the military conflict between Russia and the Ukraine from the criminal Polish government to send Polish Leopard 1 tanks to the Ukraine. But as far as I know the Leopard 1 has not a real chance against more modern Russian tanks and the Poles calculated to send to the Ukraine this tanks (and to let Ukrainians die without any chance to win in a battle between tanks) and to get back from Germany - on costs for Germany - much more effective Leopard 2 tanks.
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