If God came into your livingroom tonight and proved he was real, how would you change your life?

A questions for Christians and non-Christians.

I am Catholic, I have faith in God, but I still do things I know God does not want me to do.

If God came into my livingroom and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.
think of it this way... let's say that you were a dad and you had a child... of the same sex as you are. let us say that your child was the same 'sex' as you are to you who would be 'dad' to that person who is the same sex as you and the same age. Now let's say you as dad would prefer your child to not do certain things just as you say you know that God does not want you to do certain things that you know He does not want you doing. Let us say that your child, who is the same sex and age as you are, were doing things that you personally did not want your child to be doing.. and let us say that your child wrote this, that he/she would probably not change anything even though, even if you proved to be 'real' to your own child. It's the same. your child would know you are disapproving, your child would know that you are real as dad, your child would be old enough to make personal decisions and now your child knows that he/she does certain things that he/she him/herself knows you do not prefer but still persists in doing those things which go contrary to your good intentions and hopes to him/herself (your child). What can you do besides hope your child comes to realization that your hopes and desires for him/her; for good and for a well being life/future is being neglected willfully and maybe even blindly because of the 'pleasures' (maybe) of those certain 'things' which he/she is unwilling to have changed because of although he/she knows without a shadow of a doubt that you, as a dad, don't really approve nor have 'lead' those things which both your child and you know is not in the top 10 or 15 percent of preferences of getting your child into that 'Golden Life' you, as dad, probably would want your child to have/possess/live, etc.. .while living this life.... What could you do, as dad, while watching your own child waste away that Golden Life you had planned/know for him/her in his/her life while alive in his/her 1 living on earth, life?

But hey.. blessed are you more than many that don't think/feel that they have need for any 'getting' better. Those whose ways have become so 'set' in complacency that their daily life, even with work, is more like 'woodwork' on a fence in a backyard more than a life living, breathing, experiencing, learning, growing, sharing..... these 'woodworks', these fence 'artworks' soon become sediment for the dirt on which the fence is grounded in.. Fences cannot remain upright on rock, can they? On solid rock, fences cannot remain 'standing'. On dirt, fences can have their posts within but when and if the rains come, that dirt cannot nor will hold up the fence when the fence posts become 'muddied'.
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If God came into my livingroom and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.
I believe it was a coach who once said, True character is what you do when no one is watching.

We might ask who we are when God isn't on our minds at all.
God wouldn't have to come to my living room to prove Himself real to me; He's already done that.

I guess I wouldn't change, then.
A questions for Christians and non-Christians.

I am Catholic, I have faith in God, but I still do things I know God does not want me to do.

If God came into my livingroom and proved he was real, I don't know what I would change.
Depends what she/he says.

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