"If God Created Women to Make Babies Why Does the Female Orgasm Have Nothing to do With Procreation?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If God Created Women to Make Babies Why Does the Female Orgasm Have Nothing to do With Procreation

"If you believe that God created women then you have to believe that sex is just for pleasure. If that’s not true then why does the anatomy of the female orgasm have nothing to do with procreation?

If God made women then He, She or It made women’s sexual equipment for pleasure first– and babies second. In other words the basic Christian doctrine of sex has to be that orgasms are intrinsically good and need no justification."

Much as I applaud the sentiment, any sexologist can tell you female orgasm DOES have something to do with 'making babies.'

As a woman orgasms from her clitoris, vaginal muscles contract drawing in the male's sperm further. Thus helping make sure conception occurs. Without the orgasm, the semen may not make it in far enough and basicly 'flow back out.'
I don't know but He gave them two set of lips so they could piss and moan at the same time.
I don't know but He gave them two set of lips so they could piss and moan at the same time.

Horrible corruption of a beautiful bit of dialogue.

"Did you know a woman has two pairs of lips to kiss, one above, and one below." - "Emmanuelle"
It's pretty obvious. I mean if the goal is to procreate why wouldnt you make it feel good?
I dont see where making it painful would help the situation.
Nature made sex pleasurable so people would be coerced into making babies. Perpetuation of the species.

I always thought that was obvious.
There are those who would try to manage the natural proclivities of sex through suppression. The self righteous place the label of hedonism on it and create monsters constructed of sexual repression; and, in some places, clitoral mutilation undermines God's design even further.

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