If God did not exist

That last one really sums up theism in a nut shell - ignore reality because it's HARD. It's a lazy system of beliefs because one doesn't have to think for oneself, we can just let some magic omnipotent sky daddy do all the thinking for us. It's also a narcissistic system because it leads one to believe that its all about us, that the universe is here for us, when the fact is that there isn't any evidence whatsoever to support that ridiculous claim.

You're so wrong, and it's sad. You seriously believe you have a better grasp on reality than people who, down through the ages, have accepted Christ and done amazing, amazing things for his honor and glory. Great minds, great men, great women, who achieved greatness because of their faith, and because of a loving god. And you, with your backward, arrogant viewpoint, you honestly believe you're smarter...a more liberated thinker, a more advanced person...and you're not. You're short sighted, bigoted, arrogant, ignorant...and above all just foolish.

I'm going to share with you a parallel that you may or may not be able to understand....I have been a horse woman all my life, as was my mother and her mother before her, and a few female cousins as well. We have spent a lot of time in the saddle, and have amassed a huge knowledge of horses...that comes from working with them a lot.

Do you know how you tell the most inexperience greenhorn in the horse world? Its the person who thinks they have all the answers. The most dangerous (and the person who is most ridiculed) horse person is the person who thinks they know it all. It's the person who insists that they've got every horse figured out, and they revel in telling others how to do things. They are universally recognized as beginners, who lack knowledge, and understanding, and a well rounded education regarding animals. Because the one thing that experience teaches people who can be taught is that NOBODY has all the answers, and ANYTHING is possible. Just because you don't *get* it doesn't mean it's not possible. If you don't understand why brilliant, good people devote their lives to God, and you think it must be because they're stupid, that tells everybody around you that you have a limited understanding not only of the very essence of the Bible that you disdain...but you have a really limited understanding of mankind, and exactly zero understanding of history. A person who jeers at believers proves himself an ignoramus. Because the fact of the matter is ... most of the most spectacular examples of humanity that have ever existed have believed whole heartedly in God, and been devoted to Him. And trust me, you are not a smarter, better rounded, better educated person than the least of them. Do yourself a favor, and stop making fun of your betters. All you do is advertise your own stupidity and lack of class...and everybody will recognize that...and the result is you will continue to be dismissed out of hand.

And regarding you ridiculous statement that people choose Christianity because it's easy shows just how pitifully small is your understanding of Christianity. There's nothing, NOTHING, easy about it. But you wouldn't know that, because you obviously know absolutely nothing about Christians, or the history of Christianity, as has been evidenced spectacularly in this thread.
The greatness of every mighty organization embodying an idea in this world lies in the religious fanaticism and intolerance with which, fanatically convinced of its own right, it intolerantly imposes its will against all others
That last one really sums up theism in a nut shell - ignore reality because it's HARD. It's a lazy system of beliefs because one doesn't have to think for oneself, we can just let some magic omnipotent sky daddy do all the thinking for us. It's also a narcissistic system because it leads one to believe that its all about us, that the universe is here for us, when the fact is that there isn't any evidence whatsoever to support that ridiculous claim.

You're so wrong, and it's sad. You seriously believe you have a better grasp on reality than people who, down through the ages, have accepted Christ and done amazing, amazing things for his honor and glory. Great minds, great men, great women, who achieved greatness because of their faith, and because of a loving god. And you, with your backward, arrogant viewpoint, you honestly believe you're smarter...a more liberated thinker, a more advanced person...and you're not. You're short sighted, bigoted, arrogant, ignorant...and above all just foolish.

I'm going to share with you a parallel that you may or may not be able to understand....I have been a horse woman all my life, as was my mother and her mother before her, and a few female cousins as well. We have spent a lot of time in the saddle, and have amassed a huge knowledge of horses...that comes from working with them a lot.

Do you know how you tell the most inexperience greenhorn in the horse world? Its the person who thinks they have all the answers. The most dangerous (and the person who is most ridiculed) horse person is the person who thinks they know it all. It's the person who insists that they've got every horse figured out, and they revel in telling others how to do things. They are universally recognized as beginners, who lack knowledge, and understanding, and a well rounded education regarding animals. Because the one thing that experience teaches people who can be taught is that NOBODY has all the answers, and ANYTHING is possible. Just because you don't *get* it doesn't mean it's not possible. If you don't understand why brilliant, good people devote their lives to God, and you think it must be because they're stupid, that tells everybody around you that you have a limited understanding not only of the very essence of the Bible that you disdain...but you have a really limited understanding of mankind, and exactly zero understanding of history. A person who jeers at believers proves himself an ignoramus. Because the fact of the matter is ... most of the most spectacular examples of humanity that have ever existed have believed whole heartedly in God, and been devoted to Him. And trust me, you are not a smarter, better rounded, better educated person than the least of them. Do yourself a favor, and stop making fun of your betters. All you do is advertise your own stupidity and lack of class...and everybody will recognize that...and the result is you will continue to be dismissed out of hand.

And regarding you ridiculous statement that people choose Christianity because it's easy shows just how pitifully small is your understanding of Christianity. There's nothing, NOTHING, easy about it. But you wouldn't know that, because you obviously know absolutely nothing about Christians, or the history of Christianity, as has been evidenced spectacularly in this thread.

Of course you got it all wrong. (no doubt on purpose)

Anyway, the shepherds were given a revelation of God, not of the Cambrian explosion.

You understand? We know who God is because He has made Himself known. Once we know God then it is only the oddest of creatures who might suggest this complex, orderly and beautiful world all just happened by chance without HIS involvement.

God is real. The rest is easy.
You're so wrong, and it's sad. You seriously believe you have a better grasp on reality than people who, down through the ages, have accepted Christ and done amazing, amazing things for his honor and glory. Great minds, great men, great women, who achieved greatness because of their faith, and because of a loving god. And you, with your backward, arrogant viewpoint, you honestly believe you're smarter...a more liberated thinker, a more advanced person...and you're not. You're short sighted, bigoted, arrogant, ignorant...and above all just foolish.

I'm going to share with you a parallel that you may or may not be able to understand....I have been a horse woman all my life, as was my mother and her mother before her, and a few female cousins as well. We have spent a lot of time in the saddle, and have amassed a huge knowledge of horses...that comes from working with them a lot.

Do you know how you tell the most inexperience greenhorn in the horse world? Its the person who thinks they have all the answers. The most dangerous (and the person who is most ridiculed) horse person is the person who thinks they know it all. It's the person who insists that they've got every horse figured out, and they revel in telling others how to do things. They are universally recognized as beginners, who lack knowledge, and understanding, and a well rounded education regarding animals. Because the one thing that experience teaches people who can be taught is that NOBODY has all the answers, and ANYTHING is possible. Just because you don't *get* it doesn't mean it's not possible. If you don't understand why brilliant, good people devote their lives to God, and you think it must be because they're stupid, that tells everybody around you that you have a limited understanding not only of the very essence of the Bible that you disdain...but you have a really limited understanding of mankind, and exactly zero understanding of history. A person who jeers at believers proves himself an ignoramus. Because the fact of the matter is ... most of the most spectacular examples of humanity that have ever existed have believed whole heartedly in God, and been devoted to Him. And trust me, you are not a smarter, better rounded, better educated person than the least of them. Do yourself a favor, and stop making fun of your betters. All you do is advertise your own stupidity and lack of class...and everybody will recognize that...and the result is you will continue to be dismissed out of hand.

And regarding you ridiculous statement that people choose Christianity because it's easy shows just how pitifully small is your understanding of Christianity. There's nothing, NOTHING, easy about it. But you wouldn't know that, because you obviously know absolutely nothing about Christians, or the history of Christianity, as has been evidenced spectacularly in this thread.

Of course you got it all wrong. (no doubt on purpose)

Anyway, the shepherds were given a revelation of God, not of the Cambrian explosion.

You understand? We know who God is because He has made Himself known. Once we know God then it is only the oddest of creatures who might suggest this complex, orderly and beautiful world all just happened by chance without HIS involvement.

God is real. The rest is easy.
another fine example of the absolute bullshit people will believe..
your rambling non provable non sense is only proof of belief in the giant sky fairy, not evidence of his/hers/ it's actual existence..
no biblical prophecy or event has every been proven to have occurred..
the bible is not evidence ..it is a compendium of stories based on other stories and edited to convey an imaginary existence...
you haven't a clue who or what god is ,you just believe you do:
e·lieve [bih-leev] Show IPA verb, be·lieved, be·liev·ing.
verb (used without object)
to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.
The greatness of every mighty organization embodying an idea in this world lies in the religious fanaticism and intolerance with which, fanatically convinced of its own right, it intolerantly imposes its will against all others

How dramatic!! The problem is that no religion is trying to impose anything on you, actually seems more like the other way around. :eusa_whistle:
The greatness of every mighty organization embodying an idea in this world lies in the religious fanaticism and intolerance with which, fanatically convinced of its own right, it intolerantly imposes its will against all others

How dramatic!! The problem is that no religion is trying to impose anything on you, actually seems more like the other way around. :eusa_whistle:
another non truth by the religiously indoctrinated.
religion, christianity in particular has imposed it will on nations for better than 2000 years.
I'm not surprised you don't know that..or my post was sarcastic as the person being quoted was hitler..a christian..
wrong! there is no evidence for or against the existence of god.
btw the bible and all other religious writings are not quantifiable so they are not solid evidence.

there is evidence for the existence of God - the Fauna and Flora of Earth - proving otherwise leaves only dust.
that's the oldest and lamest christian dodge there is ..but thanks for playing.

there is nothing in Christian literature that encompasses the Flora and Fauna of Earth - your obsession is no different than theirs and similarly as arrogant.

another fine example of the absolute bullshit people will believe..
your rambling non provable non sense is only proof of belief in the giant sky fairy, not evidence of his/hers/ it's actual existence..
no biblical prophecy or event has every been proven to have occurred..
the bible is not evidence ..it is a compendium of stories based on other stories and edited to convey an imaginary existence...
you haven't a clue who or what god is ,you just believe you do:
e·lieve [bih-leev] Show IPA verb, be·lieved, be·liev·ing.
verb (used without object)
to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.

Let's just say you become a tad irksome is why I even chimed in. I am not prepared to make a lengthy defense, especially since you cast off everything thoughtlessly, as it appears to me.

But my evidence for God is not the Bible. Ok? I never said it was and so you need not present a strawman argument on my behalf. It is empirical events (miracles, if you will) that you and your ilk are so quick to dismiss, even though your counter explanations are laughable, such as mass hallucination or trickery by nuns with the weeping statues.

Secondly, let me help you with your cocky grandstanding that we Christians have nothing but faith and no evidence --- you claiming all we do is believe in something we have no good reason to think exists.

I, personally, DO NOT BELIEVE that God exists. I KNOW HE DOES. The evidence and the reason for it are overwhelming it does not require any faith on my part. I BELIEVE that my prayers are doing good for someone. I BELIEVE that the words in Scripture are truth. I BELIEVE God created all creatures and not via your corny evolution theory. I BELIEVE when I die I will go to heaven, but first to purgatory. But I am not wishing and hoping I am right about Jesus Christ as the Son of God. I KNOW. I have no need for belief.

Sorry to disappoint you.
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What is the basis of your knowledge?

I don't mean that to be antagonistic. I just don't understand how someone can claim to know something for a fact without something to back up that knowledge. I just don't understand blind faith without something behind it.
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What is the basis of your knowledge?

I don't mean that to be antagonistic. I just don't understand how someone can claim to know something for a fact without something to back up that knowledge. I just don't understand blind faith without something behind it.

I know that the Judeo-Christian G-d exists and is the One and Only G-d based on a preponderance of evidence.

Defintion: Superiority in weight of all evidence presented that is more convincing than the evidence presented by the other party. In civil cases, the jury is instructed to determine which party on the whole has preponderance of evidence, and to return a verdict in its favor.

I have on other boards presented said evidence (15 - 20 or more multiple items or reasons) on numerous occasions. I am in no position to take up the lengthy (yet ostensibly unsatisfying) task again at this time.
Why do you obsess over what compels people to believe and have faith? Why does their degree of certainty have to be compelled by the same things that compel your certainty?

That's the problem with teh anti-christian bigots who seem to think it's their calling to disavow Christians world wide...and who go about that by telling them "I can't believe it, therefore you're stupid for believing it".

I have found, without except, that these arrogant, pushy, bigoted pieces of shit universally have an extremely limited comprehension of what motivates Christians in the first place, and they have an extremely limited understanding of the bible and each Christian's individual walk...yet they insist on pretending they have all the answers.

It's laughable, and maddening. I don't go up to Quantum Physics professors and call them idiots because I skimmed their books, found them contradictory based on my own limited understanding, and then insist they have no right teaching or believing in Quantum Physics. No reasonable person would.

Which is what it comes down to...anti-Christians like to pretend they're reasonable...but they are the ones lacking logic, understanding, or the ability to apply reason.
You're so wrong, and it's sad. You seriously believe you have a better grasp on reality than people who, down through the ages, have accepted Christ and done amazing, amazing things for his honor and glory. Great minds, great men, great women, who achieved greatness because of their faith, and because of a loving god. And you, with your backward, arrogant viewpoint, you honestly believe you're smarter...a more liberated thinker, a more advanced person...and you're not. You're short sighted, bigoted, arrogant, ignorant...and above all just foolish.

I'm going to share with you a parallel that you may or may not be able to understand....I have been a horse woman all my life, as was my mother and her mother before her, and a few female cousins as well. We have spent a lot of time in the saddle, and have amassed a huge knowledge of horses...that comes from working with them a lot.

Do you know how you tell the most inexperience greenhorn in the horse world? Its the person who thinks they have all the answers. The most dangerous (and the person who is most ridiculed) horse person is the person who thinks they know it all. It's the person who insists that they've got every horse figured out, and they revel in telling others how to do things. They are universally recognized as beginners, who lack knowledge, and understanding, and a well rounded education regarding animals. Because the one thing that experience teaches people who can be taught is that NOBODY has all the answers, and ANYTHING is possible. Just because you don't *get* it doesn't mean it's not possible. If you don't understand why brilliant, good people devote their lives to God, and you think it must be because they're stupid, that tells everybody around you that you have a limited understanding not only of the very essence of the Bible that you disdain...but you have a really limited understanding of mankind, and exactly zero understanding of history. A person who jeers at believers proves himself an ignoramus. Because the fact of the matter is ... most of the most spectacular examples of humanity that have ever existed have believed whole heartedly in God, and been devoted to Him. And trust me, you are not a smarter, better rounded, better educated person than the least of them. Do yourself a favor, and stop making fun of your betters. All you do is advertise your own stupidity and lack of class...and everybody will recognize that...and the result is you will continue to be dismissed out of hand.

And regarding you ridiculous statement that people choose Christianity because it's easy shows just how pitifully small is your understanding of Christianity. There's nothing, NOTHING, easy about it. But you wouldn't know that, because you obviously know absolutely nothing about Christians, or the history of Christianity, as has been evidenced spectacularly in this thread.

Of course you got it all wrong. (no doubt on purpose)

Anyway, the shepherds were given a revelation of God, not of the Cambrian explosion.

You understand? We know who God is because He has made Himself known. Once we know God then it is only the oddest of creatures who might suggest this complex, orderly and beautiful world all just happened by chance without HIS involvement.

God is real. The rest is easy.

Sure he did. And I've got a bridge I can sell you for a song and a dance.
What is the basis of your knowledge?

I don't mean that to be antagonistic. I just don't understand how someone can claim to know something for a fact without something to back up that knowledge. I just don't understand blind faith without something behind it.

I know that the Judeo-Christian G-d exists and is the One and Only G-d based on a preponderance of evidence.

Defintion: Superiority in weight of all evidence presented that is more convincing than the evidence presented by the other party. In civil cases, the jury is instructed to determine which party on the whole has preponderance of evidence, and to return a verdict in its favor.

I have on other boards presented said evidence (15 - 20 or more multiple items or reasons) on numerous occasions. I am in no position to take up the lengthy (yet ostensibly unsatisfying) task again at this time.

What evidence, where? You made the claim to have evidence, so if it is too much of a bother for you to present it, pardon us while we question your credibility.
You really aren't capable of learning, or of adult conversation.

Most of you anti-Christian loons aren't. You're stuck somewhere around 11 years old...certain you have the answers, angry at the world, confident in your superiority and the justification of phycially overpowering anyone who doesn't agree with you...and with zero understanding of history, religion, the nature of God...or people.
What is the basis of your knowledge?

I don't mean that to be antagonistic. I just don't understand how someone can claim to know something for a fact without something to back up that knowledge. I just don't understand blind faith without something behind it.

I know that the Judeo-Christian G-d exists and is the One and Only G-d based on a preponderance of evidence.

Defintion: Superiority in weight of all evidence presented that is more convincing than the evidence presented by the other party. In civil cases, the jury is instructed to determine which party on the whole has preponderance of evidence, and to return a verdict in its favor.

I have on other boards presented said evidence (15 - 20 or more multiple items or reasons) on numerous occasions. I am in no position to take up the lengthy (yet ostensibly unsatisfying) task again at this time.

You are the first and only person I have ever encountered to claim to not only have evidence for the existence of your God but a surfeit of evidence to boot.

So please don't be shy about sharing it with the rest of us. I am always willing to consider new evidence with an open mind.
Why do you obsess over what compels people to believe and have faith? Why does their degree of certainty have to be compelled by the same things that compel your certainty?

If we smile and they don't, what does it signify? We're a reminder that we have eternal life and they don't.

2 Corinthians 2:16 To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?
another fine example of the absolute bullshit people will believe..
your rambling non provable non sense is only proof of belief in the giant sky fairy, not evidence of his/hers/ it's actual existence..
no biblical prophecy or event has every been proven to have occurred..
the bible is not evidence ..it is a compendium of stories based on other stories and edited to convey an imaginary existence...
you haven't a clue who or what god is ,you just believe you do:
e·lieve [bih-leev] Show IPA verb, be·lieved, be·liev·ing.
verb (used without object)
to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.

Let's just say you become a tad irksome is why I even chimed in. I am not prepared to make a lengthy defense, especially since you cast off everything thoughtlessly, as it appears to me.

But my evidence for God is not the Bible. Ok? I never said it was and so you need not present a strawman argument on my behalf. It is empirical events (miracles, if you will) that you and your ilk are so quick to dismiss, even though your counter explanations are laughable, such as mass hallucination or trickery by nuns with the weeping statues.

Secondly, let me help you with your cocky grandstanding that we Christians have nothing but faith and no evidence --- you claiming all we do is believe in something we have no good reason to think exists.

I, personally, DO NOT BELIEVE that God exists. I KNOW HE DOES. The evidence and the reason for it are overwhelming it does not require any faith on my part. I BELIEVE that my prayers are doing good for someone. I BELIEVE that the words in Scripture are truth. I BELIEVE God created all creatures and not via your corny evolution theory. I BELIEVE when I die I will go to heaven, but first to purgatory. But I am not wishing and hoping I am right about Jesus Christ as the Son of God. I KNOW. I have no need for belief.

Sorry to disappoint you.
and yet another statement of faith not evidence.
your claim of knowing is the pinnacle of hubris. there is no way you could know that god exists.
as your "knowledge" is subjective at best.
I do not claim "all you do is believe something we have no good reason to think exists."-paraphrased from TA
what I posted is an observation on believers behavior, you do exactly what I stated you did.
your "good reason" is irrelevant as it is rationalization and justification.
Also your knowing is based on a false assumption and the argument from authority fallacy.
What is the basis of your knowledge?

I don't mean that to be antagonistic. I just don't understand how someone can claim to know something for a fact without something to back up that knowledge. I just don't understand blind faith without something behind it.

I know that the Judeo-Christian G-d exists and is the One and Only G-d based on a preponderance of evidence.

Defintion: Superiority in weight of all evidence presented that is more convincing than the evidence presented by the other party. In civil cases, the jury is instructed to determine which party on the whole has preponderance of evidence, and to return a verdict in its favor.

I have on other boards presented said evidence (15 - 20 or more multiple items or reasons) on numerous occasions. I am in no position to take up the lengthy (yet ostensibly unsatisfying) task again at this time.
no actual evidence is not a preponderance of evidence.
The red bullshit buzzer is a part of nature?

Nature is reasonable as God controls it. What is not reasonable is pretending it works against, rather than for, God.

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