If God did not exist

No, it's being dishonest. I neither ramble, nor am I psychotic, nor am I any sort of zealot.

You loons just like to brand me as such because you think it makes you look sane in comparison.

The zealots, as always, are the anti-christian goons who rush to attack anyone who dares to reject their particularly bizarre religion...that is wrapped up in a compulsion to brand those who don't subscribe as "crazy" "dangerous" "criminal" and "stupid"...

Same old same old. Fascists everywhere approve of your methods.
The greatness of every mighty organization embodying an idea in this world lies in the religious fanaticism and intolerance with which, fanatically convinced of its own right, it intolerantly imposes its will against all others

How dramatic!! The problem is that no religion is trying to impose anything on you, actually seems more like the other way around. :eusa_whistle:

another non truth by the religiously indoctrinated.
religion, christianity in particular has imposed it will on nations for better than 2000 years.
I'm not surprised you don't know that..or my post was sarcastic as the person being quoted was hitler..a christian..

Chritianity HAS imposed it's will? :lol: Not IS imposing its will?? No, people, human beings, have used christianity, along with thousands of other scapegoats over the centuries to impose their will on those around them.

No one is forcing you to believe in anything, your quoted comment was bullshit, and it was bullshit when Hitler said it, not to mention the height of hypocrisy since he imposed his will to the point where millions died. The fact that you BELIEVE his claim of being a christian just illustrates your ignorance, once again, on what being a christian actually means. You're clueless.
How dramatic!! The problem is that no religion is trying to impose anything on you, actually seems more like the other way around. :eusa_whistle:

another non truth by the religiously indoctrinated.
religion, christianity in particular has imposed it will on nations for better than 2000 years.
I'm not surprised you don't know that..or my post was sarcastic as the person being quoted was hitler..a christian..

Chritianity HAS imposed it's will? :lol: Not IS imposing its will?? No, people, human beings, have used christianity, along with thousands of other scapegoats over the centuries to impose their will on those around them.

No one is forcing you to believe in anything, your quoted comment was bullshit, and it was bullshit when Hitler said it, not to mention the height of hypocrisy since he imposed his will to the point where millions died. The fact that you BELIEVE his claim of being a christian just illustrates your ignorance, once again, on what being a christian actually means. You're clueless.
again more bullshit...I, like most everybody who is not converted or born into another religious tradition was exposed to christian dogma.
when I was very small my dads sect dominated the household (southern baptists)it was Georgia after all.
when we move back to southern California my mother decided she and all of us should be mormons.
there was a time when I could rattle off scripture with ease (BOM & the bible).
you are only highlighting your your bigotry when you yammer that falsest of declarations that atheists are ignorant of what christianity requires.
the difference between believers and nonbelievers is gullibility..
another non truth by the religiously indoctrinated.
religion, christianity in particular has imposed it will on nations for better than 2000 years.
I'm not surprised you don't know that..or my post was sarcastic as the person being quoted was hitler..a christian..

Chritianity HAS imposed it's will? :lol: Not IS imposing its will?? No, people, human beings, have used christianity, along with thousands of other scapegoats over the centuries to impose their will on those around them.

No one is forcing you to believe in anything, your quoted comment was bullshit, and it was bullshit when Hitler said it, not to mention the height of hypocrisy since he imposed his will to the point where millions died. The fact that you BELIEVE his claim of being a christian just illustrates your ignorance, once again, on what being a christian actually means. You're clueless.
again more bullshit...I, like most everybody who is not converted or born into another religious tradition was exposed to christian dogma.
when I was very small my dads sect dominated the household (southern baptists)it was Georgia after all.
when we move back to southern California my mother decided she and all of us should be mormons.
there was a time when I could rattle off scripture with ease (BOM & the bible).
you are only highlighting your your bigotry when you yammer that falsest of declarations that atheists are ignorant of what christianity requires.
the difference between believers and nonbelievers is gullibility..

If that bizarre and rambling diatribe made sense I would dispute it.

Since it doesn't, I will just allow it to stand on its own.
Chritianity HAS imposed it's will? :lol: Not IS imposing its will?? No, people, human beings, have used christianity, along with thousands of other scapegoats over the centuries to impose their will on those around them.

No one is forcing you to believe in anything, your quoted comment was bullshit, and it was bullshit when Hitler said it, not to mention the height of hypocrisy since he imposed his will to the point where millions died. The fact that you BELIEVE his claim of being a christian just illustrates your ignorance, once again, on what being a christian actually means. You're clueless.
again more bullshit...I, like most everybody who is not converted or born into another religious tradition was exposed to christian dogma.
when I was very small my dads sect dominated the household (southern baptists)it was Georgia after all.
when we move back to southern California my mother decided she and all of us should be mormons.
there was a time when I could rattle off scripture with ease (BOM & the bible).
you are only highlighting your your bigotry when you yammer that falsest of declarations that atheists are ignorant of what christianity requires.
the difference between believers and nonbelievers is gullibility..

If that bizarre and rambling diatribe made sense I would dispute it.

Since it doesn't, I will just allow it to stand on its own.
ok I'll bite, what's bizarre and rambling about it...your critique should be good for a laugh.
again more bullshit...I, like most everybody who is not converted or born into another religious tradition was exposed to christian dogma.
when I was very small my dads sect dominated the household (southern baptists)it was Georgia after all.
when we move back to southern California my mother decided she and all of us should be mormons.
there was a time when I could rattle off scripture with ease (BOM & the bible).
you are only highlighting your your bigotry when you yammer that falsest of declarations that atheists are ignorant of what christianity requires.
the difference between believers and nonbelievers is gullibility..[/quote]

If that bizarre and rambling diatribe made sense I would dispute it.

Since it doesn't, I will just allow it to stand on its own.
ok I'll bite, what's bizarre and rambling about it...your critique should be good for a laugh.

There ya go. I highlighted all the ungrammatical, unsupported and irrelelvant garbage that in no way supports whatever point you thought you were making (which I haven't named because hey, you didn't name or make it yourself). Whethere or not you were exposed to dogma means absolutely nothing in this conversation, and certainly has no bearing on any of my comments. I never declared you had be *unexposed to dogma*. Whatever sect dominated your household, and your brief foray into Mormonism is relevant to exactly nothing that I've commented on. I don't care, and it means nothing in this particular convo. I'm tickled that at some point in the past you could rattle off scripture, that's really exciting, but again...proves zero and has zero to do with this discussion. When I was young I could do a walkover backbend. Interesting, but has no bearing on any discussion I'm participating in today, unless that discussion is specifically about my flexibility at the age of 10. And the last two sentences (given the errors in grammar and syntax) have no meaning at all. If you think you have in any way highlighted bigotry on my part with any of that ridiculous yammering you are sadly mistaken, and have provided us with yet another example of your deplorable lack of English/writing skill.
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ok I'll bite, what's bizarre and rambling about it...your critique should be good for a laugh.

There ya go. I highlighted all the ungrammatical, unsupported and irrelelvant garbage that in no way supports whatever point you thought you were making (which I haven't named because hey, you didn't name or make it yourself). Whethere or not you were exposed to dogma means absolutely nothing in this conversation, and certainly has no bearing on any of my comments. I never declared you had be *unexposed to dogma*. Whatever sect dominated your household, and your brief foray into Mormonism is relevant to exactly nothing that I've commented on. I don't care, and it means nothing in this particular convo. I'm tickled that at some point in the past you could rattle off scripture, that's really exciting, but again...proves zero and has zero to do with this discussion. When I was young I could do a walkover backbend. Interesting, but has no bearing on any discussion I'm participating in today, unless that discussion is specifically about my flexibility at the age of 10. And the last two sentences (given the errors in grammar and syntax) have no meaning at all. If you think you have in any way highlighted bigotry on my part with any of that ridiculous yammering you are sadly mistaken, and have provided us with yet another example of your deplorable lack of English/writing skill.
yep! more rationalizing and false assumption.
still no proof of god or that atheists lack the ability to know what it is to be christian...
all in all, typical KG diarrhea .
Learn to quote.

And who said they had proof of God's existence? Again, totally irrelevant claptrap meant to make you look *reel smart*!

Though every post you subject us to is evidence of your lack of understanding of the subject matter. Keep it up!
Learn to quote.

And who said they had proof of God's existence? Again, totally irrelevant claptrap meant to make you look *reel smart*!

Though every post you subject us to is evidence of your lack of understanding of the subject matter. Keep it up!
funny coming from you as using the quote function seems to be a unsolvable mystery to you .
as to the subject matter.. believers claim that god exists with no supporting quantifiable evidence.
"we" claim there is no evidence proving or disproving god.
notice I did not say you (KG) your entire contribution to this thread has been 1.a meaningless analogy about how horse breeding and christian dogma are related.
the rest, ass always have been false assumptions, paranoid ranting , attempts at character assassination and tattle tailing.
in essence you've added nothing of note.
You can't write for shit, you don't make sense, you appear incapable of sticking to the subject matter, and have no idea what constitutes a real conversation.

When you feel like focusing and actually talking about the subject, maybe I can point out what an idiot you are...again.
You can't write for shit, you don't make sense, you appear incapable of sticking to the subject matter, and have no idea what constitutes a real conversation.

When you feel like focusing and actually talking about the subject, maybe I can point out what an idiot you are...again.
the rest, ass always have been false assumptions, paranoid ranting , attempts at character assassination and tattle tailing.
in essence you've added nothing of note.
another non truth by the religiously indoctrinated.
religion, christianity in particular has imposed it will on nations for better than 2000 years.
I'm not surprised you don't know that..or my post was sarcastic as the person being quoted was hitler..a christian..

Chritianity HAS imposed it's will? :lol: Not IS imposing its will?? No, people, human beings, have used christianity, along with thousands of other scapegoats over the centuries to impose their will on those around them.

No one is forcing you to believe in anything, your quoted comment was bullshit, and it was bullshit when Hitler said it, not to mention the height of hypocrisy since he imposed his will to the point where millions died. The fact that you BELIEVE his claim of being a christian just illustrates your ignorance, once again, on what being a christian actually means. You're clueless.
again more bullshit...I, like most everybody who is not converted or born into another religious tradition was exposed to christian dogma.
when I was very small my dads sect dominated the household (southern baptists)it was Georgia after all.
when we move back to southern California my mother decided she and all of us should be mormons.
there was a time when I could rattle off scripture with ease (BOM & the bible).
you are only highlighting your your bigotry when you yammer that falsest of declarations that atheists are ignorant of what christianity requires.
the difference between believers and nonbelievers is gullibility..

If religion was 'forced' on you as a child, blame your parents, not religion. Nothing is forced on you, you just sound like a fool when you continue to claim that christianity is forced on people against their will. Anyone with common sense can understand that religion is used as a scapegoat by many, including you, to tack the blame on for everything that goes wrong in society. It's also used by those who do evil to gain power, control, and influence over people. To take examples of people who claimed to be christians that were responsible for evil deeds and hold that up as a representative is disingenuous and/or ignorant. All you have to do is look at the actions to see what is in the heart. Every person on this planet is responsbile for their own actions and chioces and what they do with their lives, quit blaming 'religion' or whatever other scapegoat you manage to come up with to try to simplify the ills of humanity.
What is the basis of your knowledge?

I don't mean that to be antagonistic. I just don't understand how someone can claim to know something for a fact without something to back up that knowledge. I just don't understand blind faith without something behind it.

I know that the Judeo-Christian G-d exists and is the One and Only G-d based on a preponderance of evidence.

Defintion: Superiority in weight of all evidence presented that is more convincing than the evidence presented by the other party. In civil cases, the jury is instructed to determine which party on the whole has preponderance of evidence, and to return a verdict in its favor.

I have on other boards presented said evidence (15 - 20 or more multiple items or reasons) on numerous occasions. I am in no position to take up the lengthy (yet ostensibly unsatisfying) task again at this time.
no actual evidence is not a preponderance of evidence.

Carl Sagan was only 62 years old when he died. So what exactly did his scientific knowledge of evolution and rejection of God gain him?
Carl Sagan was only 62 years old when he died. So what exactly did his scientific knowledge of evolution

A great understanding and appreciation for the actual mechanics of the universe.

and rejection of God gain him?

He found no evidence for the existence of God. Why would Sagan worship any God he did not believe existed?
I know that the Judeo-Christian G-d exists and is the One and Only G-d based on a preponderance of evidence.

Defintion: Superiority in weight of all evidence presented that is more convincing than the evidence presented by the other party. In civil cases, the jury is instructed to determine which party on the whole has preponderance of evidence, and to return a verdict in its favor.

I have on other boards presented said evidence (15 - 20 or more multiple items or reasons) on numerous occasions. I am in no position to take up the lengthy (yet ostensibly unsatisfying) task again at this time.
no actual evidence is not a preponderance of evidence.

Carl Sagan was only 62 years old when he died. So what exactly did his scientific knowledge of evolution and rejection of God gain him?

The universe, actually. His face and name is headed out of the solar system and into the midst of the stars on the Voyager Spacecraft. You know what they say about candles burning half as long burning twice as bright. Do you have anything comparable?
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