If God did not exist

That last one really sums up theism in a nut shell - ignore reality because it's HARD. It's a lazy system of beliefs because one doesn't have to think for oneself, we can just let some magic omnipotent sky daddy do all the thinking for us. It's also a narcissistic system because it leads one to believe that its all about us, that the universe is here for us, when the fact is that there isn't any evidence whatsoever to support that ridiculous claim.

That last one really sums up theism in a nut shell - ignore reality because it's HARD. It's a lazy system of beliefs because one doesn't have to think for oneself, we can just let some magic omnipotent sky daddy do all the thinking for us. It's also a narcissistic system because it leads one to believe that its all about us, that the universe is here for us, when the fact is that there isn't any evidence whatsoever to support that ridiculous claim.

Tiptoe through the tulips is even better.

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That last one really sums up theism in a nut shell - ignore reality because it's HARD. It's a lazy system of beliefs because one doesn't have to think for oneself, we can just let some magic omnipotent sky daddy do all the thinking for us. It's also a narcissistic system because it leads one to believe that its all about us, that the universe is here for us, when the fact is that there isn't any evidence whatsoever to support that ridiculous claim.

You're so wrong, and it's sad. You seriously believe you have a better grasp on reality than people who, down through the ages, have accepted Christ and done amazing, amazing things for his honor and glory. Great minds, great men, great women, who achieved greatness because of their faith, and because of a loving god. And you, with your backward, arrogant viewpoint, you honestly believe you're smarter...a more liberated thinker, a more advanced person...and you're not. You're short sighted, bigoted, arrogant, ignorant...and above all just foolish.

I'm going to share with you a parallel that you may or may not be able to understand....I have been a horse woman all my life, as was my mother and her mother before her, and a few female cousins as well. We have spent a lot of time in the saddle, and have amassed a huge knowledge of horses...that comes from working with them a lot.

Do you know how you tell the most inexperience greenhorn in the horse world? Its the person who thinks they have all the answers. The most dangerous (and the person who is most ridiculed) horse person is the person who thinks they know it all. It's the person who insists that they've got every horse figured out, and they revel in telling others how to do things. They are universally recognized as beginners, who lack knowledge, and understanding, and a well rounded education regarding animals. Because the one thing that experience teaches people who can be taught is that NOBODY has all the answers, and ANYTHING is possible. Just because you don't *get* it doesn't mean it's not possible. If you don't understand why brilliant, good people devote their lives to God, and you think it must be because they're stupid, that tells everybody around you that you have a limited understanding not only of the very essence of the Bible that you disdain...but you have a really limited understanding of mankind, and exactly zero understanding of history. A person who jeers at believers proves himself an ignoramus. Because the fact of the matter is ... most of the most spectacular examples of humanity that have ever existed have believed whole heartedly in God, and been devoted to Him. And trust me, you are not a smarter, better rounded, better educated person than the least of them. Do yourself a favor, and stop making fun of your betters. All you do is advertise your own stupidity and lack of class...and everybody will recognize that...and the result is you will continue to be dismissed out of hand.

And regarding you ridiculous statement that people choose Christianity because it's easy shows just how pitifully small is your understanding of Christianity. There's nothing, NOTHING, easy about it. But you wouldn't know that, because you obviously know absolutely nothing about Christians, or the history of Christianity, as has been evidenced spectacularly in this thread.
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Why discussions about "God" revert to the ridiculous middle east cults like "judaism," etc.? Get over it. That stuff is bullshit. Not even close to spirituality or anything spiritual. Purely political, racial and ideological.
And we have another.Do you really think your silly dismissal makes you look intelligent or superior?
Why discussions about "God" revert to the ridiculous middle east cults like "judaism," etc.? Get over it. That stuff is bullshit. Not even close to spirituality or anything spiritual. Purely political, racial and ideological.

What do you think spiritual is?
That last one really sums up theism in a nut shell - ignore reality because it's HARD. It's a lazy system of beliefs because one doesn't have to think for oneself, we can just let some magic omnipotent sky daddy do all the thinking for us. It's also a narcissistic system because it leads one to believe that its all about us, that the universe is here for us, when the fact is that there isn't any evidence whatsoever to support that ridiculous claim.

You're so wrong, and it's sad. You seriously believe you have a better grasp on reality than people who, down through the ages, have accepted Christ and done amazing, amazing things for his honor and glory. Great minds, great men, great women, who achieved greatness because of their faith, and because of a loving god. And you, with your backward, arrogant viewpoint, you honestly believe you're smarter...a more liberated thinker, a more advanced person...and you're not. You're short sighted, bigoted, arrogant, ignorant...and above all just foolish.

I'm going to share with you a parallel that you may or may not be able to understand....I have been a horse woman all my life, as was my mother and her mother before her, and a few female cousins as well. We have spent a lot of time in the saddle, and have amassed a huge knowledge of horses...that comes from working with them a lot.

Do you know how you tell the most inexperience greenhorn in the horse world? Its the person who thinks they have all the answers. The most dangerous (and the person who is most ridiculed) horse person is the person who thinks they know it all. It's the person who insists that they've got every horse figured out, and they revel in telling others how to do things. They are universally recognized as beginners, who lack knowledge, and understanding, and a well rounded education regarding animals. Because the one thing that experience teaches people who can be taught is that NOBODY has all the answers, and ANYTHING is possible. Just because you don't *get* it doesn't mean it's not possible. If you don't understand why brilliant, good people devote their lives to God, and you think it must be because they're stupid, that tells everybody around you that you have a limited understanding not only of the very essence of the Bible that you disdain...but you have a really limited understanding of mankind, and exactly zero understanding of history. A person who jeers at believers proves himself an ignoramus. Because the fact of the matter is ... most of the most spectacular examples of humanity that have ever existed have believed whole heartedly in God, and been devoted to Him. And trust me, you are not a smarter, better rounded, better educated person than the least of them. Do yourself a favor, and stop making fun of your betters. All you do is advertise your own stupidity and lack of class...and everybody will recognize that...and the result is you will continue to be dismissed out of hand.

And regarding you ridiculous statement that people choose Christianity because it's easy shows just how pitifully small is your understanding of Christianity. There's nothing, NOTHING, easy about it. But you wouldn't know that, because you obviously know absolutely nothing about Christians, or the history of Christianity, as has been evidenced spectacularly in this thread.

Very well said, KG, that's what I find so amusing, they really don't realize how their lack of knowledge shines through in the comments that they make. If you want to oppose something and you consider yourself 'intelligent', one would think that you would endeavor to learn all that you could about what it is that you're opposing so that you could at least speak intelligently on the topic. These fools spout what they learn through pop culture or what they read on the web or what some fool before them taught them without having any insight or knowledge about the subject whatsoever.

Let's use a post from earlier that had me thinking exactly what you just illustrated above.

More so, God is used as a way to defer responsibility. This has become abundantly clear. In on regard, God is prayed to and asked to do something, deferring the responsibility of actual personal accomplishment. In another regard, God is used in the sense of "we didn't do it, god did". As well, and what is most objectionable and dangerous, is the use of god as an absolute authority and therefor justification for inappropriate behavior. This is, of course, another deferment of responsibility. It is God's law, God's rule, what God wants, as if the person has some special connection to God and therefore knows what God wants.

I do think that God is necessary for some people who are otherwise sociopathic, unable to have a moral compass without it.

God is used as a way to defer responsibility.

No elaboration or example, just a simple, ignorant statement that this person obviously takes as fact, when in truth, just the opposite is true. Anyone who has studied the Bible or been in the Christian faith would laugh at such an absurd comment.

This has become abundantly clear.

Really? Yet nothing is added to back up his argument. If it's 'abundantly clear', I guess he doesn't feel the need to expound on that any further. ;)

In on regard, God is prayed to and asked to do something, deferring the responsibility of actual personal accomplishment.

What 'regard' is that? Do you really believe that Christians pray asking God to do something they themselves should be responsible for and expect it to fall into their laps? Seriously? Again, displays your complete lack of any knowledge or understanding of Christianity. I'd guess you've never stepped foot into a church with any kind of an open mind to learn anything. I'd guess you've never actually read the Bible at all. If you have and you still make comments such as that, then your eyes and your heart have been closed.

In another regard, God is used in the sense of "we didn't do it, god did".

Another ridiculous supposition, where do you get this stuff? What are you basing comments such as this on exactly? I'd love to know. Is the implication that Christians believe that whenever they do something 'bad', that it's God's fault? This notion is just so 'out there' and not even close to reality, that I don't know how you've come to any such conclusion. Again, displays an extreme lack of knowledge or understanding on the topic.

As well, and what is most objectionable and dangerous, is the use of god as an absolute authority and therefor justification for inappropriate behavior. This is, of course, another deferment of responsibility.

God as a justification for inappropriate behavior? Again, another comment without any basis in fact, or even any examples of what you are talking about. People can use God as an excuse for whatever behavior they want, doesn't make it true. It's quite a simple concept, yet that seems to escape you. If you had studied and understood anything about Christianity, you would realize how ignorant that statement is. It's not even close to what is taught through the life of Christ.

I do think that God is necessary for some people who are otherwise sociopathic, unable to have a moral compass without it

So anyone who believes in God is sociopathic and has no moral compass? :lol: This was the best one by far. Being a Christian has nothing to do with having or not having a 'moral compass'. Another ignorant statement that displays your lack of knowledge on the subject. You dumb everything down to its most simple and basic form (because that's all you understand on the subject), make observations based off of that, and then think you're somehow profound with the insults that spew forth from your mouth.

If you truly feel the need to debase and insult people of faith, you would think that you would at least learn and understand the topic before coming in and making a fool of yourself by simply opening your mouth. ;)
That last one really sums up theism in a nut shell - ignore reality because it's HARD. It's a lazy system of beliefs because one doesn't have to think for oneself, we can just let some magic omnipotent sky daddy do all the thinking for us. It's also a narcissistic system because it leads one to believe that its all about us, that the universe is here for us, when the fact is that there isn't any evidence whatsoever to support that ridiculous claim.

You're so wrong, and it's sad. You seriously believe you have a better grasp on reality than people who, down through the ages, have accepted Christ and done amazing, amazing things for his honor and glory. Great minds, great men, great women, who achieved greatness because of their faith, and because of a loving god. And you, with your backward, arrogant viewpoint, you honestly believe you're smarter...a more liberated thinker, a more advanced person...and you're not. You're short sighted, bigoted, arrogant, ignorant...and above all just foolish.

I have you on ignore, but someone else quoted you, and so I will respond, this one time, to your rant. Do I believe I have a better grasp on reality than people who believe in a magical sky daddy? Yes. Is it backward to hold more credence in 21st century science and technology than in 2,000 year old nonsense written by anonymous desert tribesmen? Not at all.

koshergrl said:
I'm going to share with you a parallel that you may or may not be able to understand....I have been a horse woman all my life, as was my mother and her mother before her, and a few female cousins as well. We have spent a lot of time in the saddle, and have amassed a huge knowledge of horses...that comes from working with them a lot.

Do you know how you tell the most inexperience greenhorn in the horse world? Its the person who thinks they have all the answers. The most dangerous (and the person who is most ridiculed) horse person is the person who thinks they know it all. It's the person who insists that they've got every horse figured out, and they revel in telling others how to do things. They are universally recognized as beginners, who lack knowledge, and understanding, and a well rounded education regarding animals. Because the one thing that experience teaches people who can be taught is that NOBODY has all the answers, and ANYTHING is possible. Just because you don't *get* it doesn't mean it's not possible. If you don't understand why brilliant, good people devote their lives to God, and you think it must be because they're stupid, that tells everybody around you that you have a limited understanding not only of the very essence of the Bible that you disdain...but you have a really limited understanding of mankind, and exactly zero understanding of history. A person who jeers at believers proves himself an ignoramus. Because the fact of the matter is ... most of the most spectacular examples of humanity that have ever existed have believed whole heartedly in God, and been devoted to Him. And trust me, you are not a smarter, better rounded, better educated person than the least of them. Do yourself a favor, and stop making fun of your betters. All you do is advertise your own stupidity and lack of class...and everybody will recognize that...and the result is you will continue to be dismissed out of hand.

That's good to know. I'll keep that in mind next time I go horseback riding. As for the rest of life, I'll stick with what I know.

koshergrl said:
And regarding you ridiculous statement that people choose Christianity because it's easy shows just how pitifully small is your understanding of Christianity. There's nothing, NOTHING, easy about it. But you wouldn't know that, because you obviously know absolutely nothing about Christians, or the history of Christianity, as has been evidenced spectacularly in this thread.

If you believe that religious belief is hard, try taking a graduate level course in the biochemistry of cancer. Even better, try writing a paper on it. Good luck with that.
That last one really sums up theism in a nut shell - ignore reality because it's HARD. It's a lazy system of beliefs because one doesn't have to think for oneself, we can just let some magic omnipotent sky daddy do all the thinking for us. It's also a narcissistic system because it leads one to believe that its all about us, that the universe is here for us, when the fact is that there isn't any evidence whatsoever to support that ridiculous claim.

You're so wrong, and it's sad. You seriously believe you have a better grasp on reality than people who, down through the ages, have accepted Christ and done amazing, amazing things for his honor and glory. Great minds, great men, great women, who achieved greatness because of their faith, and because of a loving god. And you, with your backward, arrogant viewpoint, you honestly believe you're smarter...a more liberated thinker, a more advanced person...and you're not. You're short sighted, bigoted, arrogant, ignorant...and above all just foolish.

I have you on ignore, but someone else quoted you, and so I will respond, this one time, to your rant. Do I believe I have a better grasp on reality than people who believe in a magical sky daddy? Yes. Is it backward to hold more credence in 21st century science and technology than in 2,000 year old nonsense written by anonymous desert tribesmen? Not at all.

koshergrl said:
I'm going to share with you a parallel that you may or may not be able to understand....I have been a horse woman all my life, as was my mother and her mother before her, and a few female cousins as well. We have spent a lot of time in the saddle, and have amassed a huge knowledge of horses...that comes from working with them a lot.

Do you know how you tell the most inexperience greenhorn in the horse world? Its the person who thinks they have all the answers. The most dangerous (and the person who is most ridiculed) horse person is the person who thinks they know it all. It's the person who insists that they've got every horse figured out, and they revel in telling others how to do things. They are universally recognized as beginners, who lack knowledge, and understanding, and a well rounded education regarding animals. Because the one thing that experience teaches people who can be taught is that NOBODY has all the answers, and ANYTHING is possible. Just because you don't *get* it doesn't mean it's not possible. If you don't understand why brilliant, good people devote their lives to God, and you think it must be because they're stupid, that tells everybody around you that you have a limited understanding not only of the very essence of the Bible that you disdain...but you have a really limited understanding of mankind, and exactly zero understanding of history. A person who jeers at believers proves himself an ignoramus. Because the fact of the matter is ... most of the most spectacular examples of humanity that have ever existed have believed whole heartedly in God, and been devoted to Him. And trust me, you are not a smarter, better rounded, better educated person than the least of them. Do yourself a favor, and stop making fun of your betters. All you do is advertise your own stupidity and lack of class...and everybody will recognize that...and the result is you will continue to be dismissed out of hand.

That's good to know. I'll keep that in mind next time I go horseback riding. As for the rest of life, I'll stick with what I know.

koshergrl said:
And regarding you ridiculous statement that people choose Christianity because it's easy shows just how pitifully small is your understanding of Christianity. There's nothing, NOTHING, easy about it. But you wouldn't know that, because you obviously know absolutely nothing about Christians, or the history of Christianity, as has been evidenced spectacularly in this thread.

If you believe that religious belief is hard, try taking a graduate level course in the biochemistry of cancer. Even better, try writing a paper on it. Good luck with that.

:lol: Another'educated' keyboard jockey that's going to bring about world peace with his brilliance... :cuckoo:
Why discussions about "God" revert to the ridiculous middle east cults like "judaism," etc.? Get over it. That stuff is bullshit. Not even close to spirituality or anything spiritual. Purely political, racial and ideological.

Judaism is not a cult. Judaism is a world religion.
Why discussions about "God" revert to the ridiculous middle east cults like "judaism," etc.? Get over it. That stuff is bullshit. Not even close to spirituality or anything spiritual. Purely political, racial and ideological.

Judaism is not a cult. Judaism is a world religion.

Technically all religions fit the definition of the term cult.

Cult - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Full Definition of CULT

: formal religious veneration : worship
: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents

: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad
b : the object of such devotion
c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion
It always makes me laugh to see internet geniuses dismiss the millions and millions of people, including many who are more intelligent, better educated, with superior genetics (i.e., ability) and talents that have changed the world for the better....as lacking their own understanding of what makes the world tick.

It's comparable to watching a person with traumatic brain injury and a speech impediment making fun of Shakespeare for talking funny...and calling him *dumb*.
You're so wrong, and it's sad. You seriously believe you have a better grasp on reality than people who, down through the ages, have accepted Christ and done amazing, amazing things for his honor and glory. Great minds, great men, great women, who achieved greatness because of their faith, and because of a loving god. And you, with your backward, arrogant viewpoint, you honestly believe you're smarter...a more liberated thinker, a more advanced person...and you're not. You're short sighted, bigoted, arrogant, ignorant...and above all just foolish.

I have you on ignore, but someone else quoted you, and so I will respond, this one time, to your rant. Do I believe I have a better grasp on reality than people who believe in a magical sky daddy? Yes. Is it backward to hold more credence in 21st century science and technology than in 2,000 year old nonsense written by anonymous desert tribesmen? Not at all.

That's good to know. I'll keep that in mind next time I go horseback riding. As for the rest of life, I'll stick with what I know.

koshergrl said:
And regarding you ridiculous statement that people choose Christianity because it's easy shows just how pitifully small is your understanding of Christianity. There's nothing, NOTHING, easy about it. But you wouldn't know that, because you obviously know absolutely nothing about Christians, or the history of Christianity, as has been evidenced spectacularly in this thread.

If you believe that religious belief is hard, try taking a graduate level course in the biochemistry of cancer. Even better, try writing a paper on it. Good luck with that.

:lol: Another'educated' keyboard jockey that's going to bring about world peace with his brilliance... :cuckoo:

No one here said anything about world peace, Gandhi.
That last one really sums up theism in a nut shell - ignore reality because it's HARD. It's a lazy system of beliefs because one doesn't have to think for oneself, we can just let some magic omnipotent sky daddy do all the thinking for us. It's also a narcissistic system because it leads one to believe that its all about us, that the universe is here for us, when the fact is that there isn't any evidence whatsoever to support that ridiculous claim.

You're so wrong, and it's sad. You seriously believe you have a better grasp on reality than people who, down through the ages, have accepted Christ and done amazing, amazing things for his honor and glory. Great minds, great men, great women, who achieved greatness because of their faith, and because of a loving god. And you, with your backward, arrogant viewpoint, you honestly believe you're smarter...a more liberated thinker, a more advanced person...and you're not. You're short sighted, bigoted, arrogant, ignorant...and above all just foolish.

I have you on ignore, but someone else quoted you, and so I will respond, this one time, to your rant. Do I believe I have a better grasp on reality than people who believe in a magical sky daddy? Yes. Is it backward to hold more credence in 21st century science and technology than in 2,000 year old nonsense written by anonymous desert tribesmen? Not at all.

koshergrl said:
I'm going to share with you a parallel that you may or may not be able to understand....I have been a horse woman all my life, as was my mother and her mother before her, and a few female cousins as well. We have spent a lot of time in the saddle, and have amassed a huge knowledge of horses...that comes from working with them a lot.

Do you know how you tell the most inexperience greenhorn in the horse world? Its the person who thinks they have all the answers. The most dangerous (and the person who is most ridiculed) horse person is the person who thinks they know it all. It's the person who insists that they've got every horse figured out, and they revel in telling others how to do things. They are universally recognized as beginners, who lack knowledge, and understanding, and a well rounded education regarding animals. Because the one thing that experience teaches people who can be taught is that NOBODY has all the answers, and ANYTHING is possible. Just because you don't *get* it doesn't mean it's not possible. If you don't understand why brilliant, good people devote their lives to God, and you think it must be because they're stupid, that tells everybody around you that you have a limited understanding not only of the very essence of the Bible that you disdain...but you have a really limited understanding of mankind, and exactly zero understanding of history. A person who jeers at believers proves himself an ignoramus. Because the fact of the matter is ... most of the most spectacular examples of humanity that have ever existed have believed whole heartedly in God, and been devoted to Him. And trust me, you are not a smarter, better rounded, better educated person than the least of them. Do yourself a favor, and stop making fun of your betters. All you do is advertise your own stupidity and lack of class...and everybody will recognize that...and the result is you will continue to be dismissed out of hand.

That's good to know. I'll keep that in mind next time I go horseback riding. As for the rest of life, I'll stick with what I know.

koshergrl said:
And regarding you ridiculous statement that people choose Christianity because it's easy shows just how pitifully small is your understanding of Christianity. There's nothing, NOTHING, easy about it. But you wouldn't know that, because you obviously know absolutely nothing about Christians, or the history of Christianity, as has been evidenced spectacularly in this thread.

If you believe that religious belief is hard, try taking a graduate level course in the biochemistry of cancer. Even better, try writing a paper on it. Good luck with that.

Yeah, as I figured, the example was too advanced for you to understand it, and I'm not surprised at all that you're ignoring me, since you look like a moron every single time you engage with me.

I'm not sure what your left field comment about the biochemistry of cancer is supposed to mean, since you failed to explain (so much for writing ability). Do you maintain that a college course about cancer proves definitively that you're smarter than every Christian who ever lived? Or does it definitively prove that there is no God? Or is that just a class you read about in the curriculum flyer that goes out to "Current Resident" from your local community college, and you've been dying to pretend that you belong to the set that takes those classes?
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It always makes me laugh to see internet geniuses dismiss the millions and millions of people, including many who are more intelligent, better educated, with superior genetics (i.e., ability) and talents that have changed the world for the better....as lacking their own understanding of what makes the world tick.

It's comparable to watching a person with traumatic brain injury and a speech impediment making fun of Shakespeare for talking funny...and calling him *dumb*.

Well then, I highly recommend that you stop staring at yourself in the mirror. :cool:
Brilliant! You continue to make a cake of yourself! Perhaps you should start ignoring me again, lol. It will save you embarassment.
God does exist, so the OP is meaningless.
wrong! there is no evidence for or against the existence of god.
btw the bible and all other religious writings are not quantifiable so they are not solid evidence.

there is evidence for the existence of God - the Fauna and Flora of Earth - proving otherwise leaves only dust.
that's the oldest and lamest christian dodge there is ..but thanks for playing.
God does exist, so the OP is meaningless.
wrong! there is no evidence for or against the existence of god.
btw the bible and all other religious writings are not quantifiable so they are not solid evidence.

I see irrefutable evidence in Creation. Stars, Universe cannot exist without God.
and you have objective scientific evidence to bolster that steaming pile of subjective bullshit?
just say that you don't ....it will be easier that way.
I'm not sure what your left field comment about the biochemistry of cancer is supposed to mean, since you failed to explain (so much for writing ability). Do you maintain that a college course about cancer proves definitively that you're smarter than every Christian who ever lived? Or does it definitively prove that there is no God? Or is that just a class you read about in the curriculum flyer that goes out to "Current Resident" from your local community college, and you've been dying to pretend that you belong to the set that takes those classes?

You're missing the point. All it takes for you to believe the Bible is to believe the Bible. Reading it isn't necessary, writing about it isn't necessary, doing any real research into primary source documents and translations isn't necessary. All it takes is for someone to say "yep, Bible's true. I can't explain it, but I just know it is."

Try that in a science class. At the very least you are going to have to read the material and go to lab. It require real work to understand what is going on.
Free will isn't the issue and there's no brew-ha over the real issue.

Free won't.

I will do it vs I won't do it.


Think about it. Black vs White. G-d vs Devil, + vs -. Strong nuclear force vs Weak nuclear force....

...Will vs Won't.

will vs won't is conditional.
under certain conditions a person may never do somethings, change those conditions even slightly and that will change.

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