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If god does exist

I never said there was a reward, When we die, something will happen, nobody really knows what, and that's cool too, something unknown but part of the circle of life will happen, maybe one day we'll figure it out, but we haven't so far, and there's nothing wrong with that. Doesn't mean there's a god though.
I'm an agnostic, so maybe there even is a god like you all say, but nobody's ever shown a shred of proof that convinces me, that's why I call for a press conference on the White House lawn to sort things out. Until then, no god.

So ... if there is no reward what is the point of continuing?
"if you think it's all over when we die, then why do you bother living?"

Actually, it's not a question of heaven or nothingness, I personally believe that this is possibly all there is and that when you die, you are reincarnated into another person. Of course, I say "possibly" because I'm also open to something else (hopefully cool) happening, but nothing points to anything that the torah, bile or koran say is even remotely true.

Except of Course, God Himself.

Youd be surprised what you can learn if you start listening to what He says instead of rationalizing it all. If you were open to possibilities you wouldnt sit here mocking other beliefs. Youd be activity searching for the truth. And there is only one way to learn the things of God. That's directly from God.
So ... if there is no reward what is the point of continuing?

I always thought there were lots of rewards. The journey is a reward. The opportunity to learn and grow. The knowledge of the truth is a reward of itself.

Life isnt easy. it can be tough some times. We arent supposed to have a life thats all roses and sunshine. But without faith, hope, and charity then life has no meaning. its not worth living. There would always be a hole inside us that cannot be filled with material things. It cannot be filled with so called rational thought. (the problem with rational thought is its based of the premise that we have all the answers and having all the answers we can make the best decision).

This life is beautiful through all its ups and downs. Life is a reward. and a good life is its own reward.
I never said there was a reward, When we die, something will happen, nobody really knows what, and that's cool too, something unknown but part of the circle of life will happen, maybe one day we'll figure it out, but we haven't so far, and there's nothing wrong with that. Doesn't mean there's a god though.
I'm an agnostic, so maybe there even is a god like you all say, but nobody's ever shown a shred of proof that convinces me, that's why I call for a press conference on the White House lawn to sort things out. Until then, no god.

Fine. There's no way to convince you there's a God. Now shut the fuck up.
Where is the explanation for why we, humans, are so very different and special?
Your right, any sort of scientifically proven evolution is ridiculous. Instead, some god tapped his heals three times and snapped his fingers and we popped into existance.
Why should the designer of everything that is so incredible about us and this world need to have a press conference for the likes of you, you who are too ignorant to understand how incredible of a being that even you are. You are easily too ignorant to know GOD when you see him.
That is very Christian of you. Maybe there wouldn't be so many non-believers if those who did believe were to try and help them instead of considering them too stupid to understand (thanks god, for making me too stupid to believe in you, guess I'll be going to hell for eternity).

But seriously, there are so many non-believers because as we EVOLVE, we are getting smarter. It is still hard for a lot of people to pull away from religion. Just think about when you were growing up, being told by friends and family you would go to hell if you were bad, going to church every Sunday, do you think this had some sort of impact on what you believe? Just like it had an impact on the Jewish boy with Jewish parents, or the Muslim boy with Muslim parents (coincidence how it works that way).
Except of Course, God Himself.

Amazing how many religions make that claim,... in fact, they all do

So, every religion is right by your reasoning- now shutup because you're god's not special anymore

Amazing how your reasoning proves your religion wrong- more so the harder you try

I dont really care what religions claim. They can claim there are men on the moon for all I care.

You missed the point completely. God says differently. You can find out for yourself. How many religions tell people to go and ask God for themselves? Practically none. Why? Because if they went to the source, they would get answers.

Why is it the only people who dont seem to understand this concept are ones who wont actually experiment and find out for themselves? You try to equivocate all religions because you dont want to actually look for the answers. Its easier to just throw up your hands declare all religions incorrect then put the time it takes to actually learn about God. its rather sad really.
You missed the point completely. God says differently.

Which god? the jewish? the xitian- which one? the muslim? Thor, Krishna, Eostre (which christians also praise)... they all 'talk to their believers'

You can find out for yourself. How many religions tell people to go and ask God for themselves?

Most old European religions did invite followers to 'speak' w/ their deities. The Native American religions also allowed believers- and tourists- to speak to spirits and gods

-and you talk about equivocating all ('other') religions :eusa_whistle:
I wonder when all of the "scientist", that people like you worship as Gods, will figure out how or why humans have advanced so much more than any other living thing on this planet.

We didn't We simply adapted differently. Our brains are pour sole advantage. Humans are weak and can be slain by a common dog, let alone a pack of them or any other predator. Even seen a man go up against a deer, moose, or even pig without a weapon? Even seen an unarmed man try to escape or survive from a bear, lion, or wild dogs without technology? While other animals developed to be able to physically compete, we got weaker- far weaker and more frail even than another humanoid species with which we competed directly for quite some time in modern-day Europe- as selective pressures led us to develop high intellect and master the ability to craft tools and communicate with a degree of sophistication far in excess of any of our competitors. It is a common creationist myth (read: LIE) that evolution is a pyramid with man on top, working towards more complexity. There is no 'degree of evolution' beyond the ability to survive in one's natural environment

You contradict yourself in your attempts to be above all of us "believers", we humans have the ability to rule over any animal, size does not matter. Because we have the ability to reason, to design, opposable thumbs, we can create anything we need to cage or conquer any animal on earth........ for many, they are just food. The defensive and offensive abilities of animals are there to protect them from or to conquer other animals, they are no match for man's ability to design.

If there is no "degree of evolution", why do humans gather to listen to music, collect art, design aircraft that allow us to fly much better than a bird? Why do we read novels, watch movies, play around on message boards?

If a chimpanzee learns a few words in sign language, it makes the cover of every scientific journal around the world.

Go to a library and ask for anything they have regarding the Language Instinct in humans

Why would I do that? I do know that we instinctively want to communicate with each other, we even want to communicate with animals but none have evolved enough to be able to except in the most simplistic way....... I wonder why?

survived without destroying its environment (read:suicide) and mastered basic tools in the wild

Big fucking deal!

One word: Genmome

You are too ignorant top understand and perceive how wonderful a being you are, so you take all of mankind's achievements and traits for granted without understanding them in context. You cannot see your place in the world or universe because you are blinded by narcissism. You cannot see the futility of your religion because you cannot read the bible with open eyes or remember the details for half a page- else you would shut it after Genesis 2, when it begins to contradict itself. You do not understand science and do not have the desire or capacity to learn, so you flee from it like religion always has when it threatens your delusions and myths an seek the answer that makes you think the least: 'goddidit'

Sorry, I don't have a religion. I have never read the bible, it put me to sleep in the first paragraph. I have always questioned why a God who could create something as perfect as a Peregrine Falcon would allow a book, that can be translated by any shyster to make a buck, to represent him. Instead, I look to his creations to represent he and his work. A fox is a perfect hunting machine, an ant, a bumble bee(something science still can't understand how it can fly), the Duck Billed Platypus(for xsited 1), a dolphin, a giant Redwood, a stalk of corn, an azalea........... these are all just accidents eh? As someone who is a designer, I can't believe that.

No, religion itself is important because it gives us purpose, while science gives us answers.
Wrong. You give yourself purpose and your own life reason and meaning

Really, if you think it's all over when we die, then why do you bother living?

google 'ubermensch' for one answer

Wow, the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, now that's impressive. That explains everything.:lol::lol::lol:
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Um... because it isn't necessary?

Anyone that wants to know God has instant access available 24/7.

Prove it. Does he have a telephone number?

Prove what? Open yourself to God's love and it's there.

Go outside and look at nature, it's there.

Go get a cup of coffee and you can taste it.

Stop and talk to a stranger. Smile at them, see them smile back. There's God.

It's amazing to me that people can have God all around them all the time and not notice.

Even this conversation. it's here. Can't you feel it?

I feel God's touch almost continuously. I didn't used to so I shouldn't be surprised other people don't, but since I realized it was there I never feel lonely or alone.
Amanda, you're highly delusional. What's it like to live in a fantasy world with your invisble god?

And when I fart, is that god too?
Why doesn't he just hold a press conference on the White House lawn?

Its kind of like if there are UFOs, why don't they land in Times Square instead of stealing cows from farms in Kansas?

BTW, I'll take the view that because God is too big and busy to do so. However, this also invalidates the idea that God is deeply interested in what I do and has a plan for me. Its enormously narcissistic to believe that God is watching my every move. (And thank heavens He's not!)
God is love, and no one can prove that love exist.
Um... because it isn't necessary?

Anyone that wants to know God has instant access available 24/7.

Prove it. Does he have a telephone number?

Prove what? Open yourself to God's love and it's there.

Go outside and look at nature, it's there.

Go get a cup of coffee and you can taste it.

Stop and talk to a stranger. Smile at them, see them smile back. There's God.

It's amazing to me that people can have God all around them all the time and not notice.

Even this conversation. it's here. Can't you feel it?

I feel God's touch almost continuously. I didn't used to so I shouldn't be surprised other people don't, but since I realized it was there I never feel lonely or alone.

To ask someone to open himself to God’s love is like asking one to open himself up to a kiss from a unicorn. To use a legal phrase, it assumes facts not in evidence. Have you stopped stealing from your neighbors yet? I go out side and look at nature. Nature does not prove that God exists. Nature can be quite beautiful and quite ugly. Have you visited New Orleans a few months after Hurricane Katrina. I wonder what the people of Louisiana did to deserve that natural Godly disaster. I don’t drink coffee. I smiled at a stranger one day. He got suspicious and asked me what I wanted. I feel a little bit tired. I think that I’ll go to bed.

How do you know that you are not simply feeling natural biological sensations of touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste being interpreted by your brain?
Um... because it isn't necessary?

Anyone that wants to know God has instant access available 24/7.

Prove it. Does he have a telephone number?

Prove what? Open yourself to God's love and it's there.

Go outside and look at nature, it's there.

Go get a cup of coffee and you can taste it.

Stop and talk to a stranger. Smile at them, see them smile back. There's God.

It's amazing to me that people can have God all around them all the time and not notice.

Even this conversation. it's here. Can't you feel it?

I feel God's touch almost continuously. I didn't used to so I shouldn't be surprised other people don't, but since I realized it was there I never feel lonely or alone.

Why doesn't he just hold a press conference on the White House lawn?

I love IDIOTS that ask questions like this, JUST proves you have no knowledge of a religion you are trying to attack.

He's just making a point. I mean, it could be an announcement on Jay Leno, or the Airport Hilton, anything.

Really though, here's the thing. I would have no problem with religion whatsoever, if people had the opportunity to choose their beliefs. My 6 year old came home the other day asking my wife and I to sign a note that would let him go to a club after school and play games and have snacks. I read it, and it was for an after school Christian club. That is the kind of crap that shouldn't be happening. Entice kids to come and listen to all of the "facts" about life and the afterlife, when they have no idea what they are doing.

Religion would be fine, if you weren't pressured into believing any one way. Families are always the same religions because kids growing up in the family don't have the opportunity to learn about anything else. Most religious people look down on anyone who questions, or doesn't believe in, god, and this is sad.

I understand some people have to fill that void in there life of what their purpose is, and what happens when they die. There are plenty of "smart" religious people, but of course they would not want to think twice about the fact that when they die, that is it. Religion controls a lot of people's lives.

I am married, and my wife and I have a 6 year old son. We have both graduated from college, and live a very good life (only one speeding ticket in my life). I can completely accept the fact that when I die, that it is. Don't get me wrong. I would love for there to be an afterlife, but the thought of that is just plain silly. Therefore, I make the very best of my life. When I die, I will have lived a good life, contributed to the advancement of our society, and raised a great son that will further contribute to our society.

And on a final note, just to piss someone off, all churches should pay taxes just like any other business.
That touch wasn't god, amanda...


Its kind of like if there are UFOs, why don't they land in Times Square instead of stealing cows from farms in Kansas?

Would you want to try landing that thing ion New York? I mean, it's a giant hubcap- it'd be gone the moment you blinked!
Where is the explanation for why we, humans, are so very different and special?
Your right, any sort of scientifically proven evolution is ridiculous. Instead, some god tapped his heals three times and snapped his fingers and we popped into existance.
Why should the designer of everything that is so incredible about us and this world need to have a press conference for the likes of you, you who are too ignorant to understand how incredible of a being that even you are. You are easily too ignorant to know GOD when you see him.
That is very Christian of you. Maybe there wouldn't be so many non-believers if those who did believe were to try and help them instead of considering them too stupid to understand (thanks god, for making me too stupid to believe in you, guess I'll be going to hell for eternity).

But seriously, there are so many non-believers because as we EVOLVE, we are getting smarter. It is still hard for a lot of people to pull away from religion. Just think about when you were growing up, being told by friends and family you would go to hell if you were bad, going to church every Sunday, do you think this had some sort of impact on what you believe? Just like it had an impact on the Jewish boy with Jewish parents, or the Muslim boy with Muslim parents (coincidence how it works that way).

Ok provide actual evidence how life started on this planet, then provide actual evidence how microbes evolved into larger beings and actual evidence that man sprang from an ape like creature.

You are aware that man and mouse have about 90 percent the same DNA, so when did we spring from a mouse like creature? Pigs are damn close too, is their a pig like creature in our past? Or maybe some blob just evolved at the same time into man, ape, mouse and pig?

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