“If God does not exist, then all things are permitted.”

no; we put out a relationship so all of the other ones won't ask us to put out as much :p

silly chics; by not factoring for sex how can you ever be sure it is about love?

Is it every really about love for men....? I think men grow to love their wives, but, initially............
is it ever really about True love for women?

Pygmalion was about a guy and True Love.

It was a make believe story!
the only time a guy falls in love and "only has eyes" for one girl is in a work of fiction.
Myths have some point to make; in this case, it is about True Love, not "watered down love".

True love.... you believe in that?
it is about the message.

i believe i need to be able to pray for True Love and perform True Love rituals, at a temple dedicated to a goddess of Love; before i can answer your question.
Is it every really about love for men....? I think men grow to love their wives, but, initially............
is it ever really about True love for women?

Pygmalion was about a guy and True Love.

It was a make believe story!
the only time a guy falls in love and "only has eyes" for one girl is in a work of fiction.
Myths have some point to make; in this case, it is about True Love, not "watered down love".

True love.... you believe in that?
it is about the message.

i believe i need to be able to pray for True Love and perform True Love rituals, at a temple dedicated to a goddess of Love; before i can answer your question.

well keep me informed. I'll be here waiting with bated breath...
Is it every really about love for men....? I think men grow to love their wives, but, initially............
is it ever really about True love for women?

Pygmalion was about a guy and True Love.

It was a make believe story!
the only time a guy falls in love and "only has eyes" for one girl is in a work of fiction.
Myths have some point to make; in this case, it is about True Love, not "watered down love".

True love.... you believe in that?
I have many true loves, so yes..

You should share... that's kinda selfish don't you think?
is it wrong to apply for a job at a barber shop that has to accept women clients; and specialize in leg shaving and public shaving?
is it wrong to apply for a job at a barber shop that has to accept women clients; and specialize in leg shaving and public shaving?

danielpalos - are you really 52? I'm going to Google that and see if you are fibbing!
is it wrong to apply for a job at a barber shop that has to accept women clients; and specialize in leg shaving and pubic shaving?

danielpalos - are you really 52? I'm going to Google that and see if you are fibbing!
since i discovered socialism, i believe in merely Using capitalism for all of its worth; and enjoying it as a hobby, at the same time.
is it wrong to apply for a job at a barber shop that has to accept women clients; and specialize in leg shaving and pubic shaving?

danielpalos - are you really 52? I'm going to Google that and see if you are fibbing!
since i discovered socialism, i believe in merely Using capitalism for all of its worth; and enjoying it as a hobby, at the same time.

And saying you are 52 helps that cause? You realize you answer had nothing to do with my question, right?
is it ever really about True love for women?

Pygmalion was about a guy and True Love.

It was a make believe story!
the only time a guy falls in love and "only has eyes" for one girl is in a work of fiction.
Myths have some point to make; in this case, it is about True Love, not "watered down love".

True love.... you believe in that?
it is about the message.

i believe i need to be able to pray for True Love and perform True Love rituals, at a temple dedicated to a goddess of Love; before i can answer your question.

well keep me informed. I'll be here waiting with bated breath...
I am sure mouthwash or brushing would get rid of that...
It was a make believe story!
the only time a guy falls in love and "only has eyes" for one girl is in a work of fiction.
Myths have some point to make; in this case, it is about True Love, not "watered down love".

True love.... you believe in that?
it is about the message.

i believe i need to be able to pray for True Love and perform True Love rituals, at a temple dedicated to a goddess of Love; before i can answer your question.

well keep me informed. I'll be here waiting with bated breath...
I am sure mouthwash or brushing would get rid of that...

bated.. not baited!!!!
is it wrong to apply for a job at a barber shop that has to accept women clients; and specialize in leg shaving and pubic shaving?

danielpalos - are you really 52? I'm going to Google that and see if you are fibbing!
since i discovered socialism, i believe in merely Using capitalism for all of its worth; and enjoying it as a hobby, at the same time.

And saying you are 52 helps that cause? You realize you answer had nothing to do with my question, right?
actually; your question has nothing to do with my answer. i have no need to lie; i don't have any capital stock holders to consider.
what if women should decide to use sex on us until we get tired of it and get married just to not have to put-out as much?

Okay let's take this apart. What if women decide to use sex on us (men) until we (men) get tired of it. Okay, well that is MEN getting tired of sex. So, you leave or dump HER (the women/chic) right?

Why would you get married if you were "tired of it"?

women get married to NOT have as much sex????? where did you hear that?
no; we put out a relationship so all of the other ones won't ask us to put out as much :p

silly chics; by not factoring for sex how can you ever be sure it is about love?

Is it every really about love for men....? I think men grow to love their wives, but, initially............

Sure absolutely. I have never know a man who said at his wedding "oh I will get used to her". Men have all the same emotions that women do. It's just that society has taught us to express them differently. Yes, men are touched at the end of Steel Magnolias....we just don't break down weeping into tissue. Furthermore, you don't want us to. If you were with a man who blubbered and wept at the end of a sad movie you would say "this guy is a pussy" and never talk to him again. :lol:

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... ok.
Hey, are you guys in the thread "Catholicism is the one true religion"? I want to see Catholics and Born Agains have it out. I haven't decide who I believe more. I'm leaning towards the born again schtick. Still waiting for a born again to tell me why their church is the one true religion. We know Catholics came first so what did born agains do differently? Is it just about being baptized as adults? It has to be more than that. What are the differences between born again and Catholics?
Okay let's take this apart. What if women decide to use sex on us (men) until we (men) get tired of it. Okay, well that is MEN getting tired of sex. So, you leave or dump HER (the women/chic) right?

Why would you get married if you were "tired of it"?

women get married to NOT have as much sex????? where did you hear that?
no; we put out a relationship so all of the other ones won't ask us to put out as much :p

silly chics; by not factoring for sex how can you ever be sure it is about love?

Is it every really about love for men....? I think men grow to love their wives, but, initially............

Sure absolutely. I have never know a man who said at his wedding "oh I will get used to her". Men have all the same emotions that women do. It's just that society has taught us to express them differently. Yes, men are touched at the end of Steel Magnolias....we just don't break down weeping into tissue. Furthermore, you don't want us to. If you were with a man who blubbered and wept at the end of a sad movie you would say "this guy is a pussy" and never talk to him again. :lol:

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... ok.
Hey, are you guys in the thread "Catholicism is the one true religion"? I want to see Catholics and Born Agains have it out. I haven't decide who I believe more. I'm leaning towards the born again schtick. Still waiting for a born again to tell me why their church is the one true religion. We know Catholics came first so what did born agains do differently? Is it just about being baptized as adults? It has to be more than that. What are the differences between born again and Catholics?

Early Christianity (the Apostles and their various Churches) were NOT Catholic.
A Born Again Christian is not a "religion" - it's just becoming a Christian.
The first Church was that established by the Apostles, it was called The Way.
Okay let's take this apart. What if women decide to use sex on us (men) until we (men) get tired of it. Okay, well that is MEN getting tired of sex. So, you leave or dump HER (the women/chic) right?

Why would you get married if you were "tired of it"?

women get married to NOT have as much sex????? where did you hear that?
no; we put out a relationship so all of the other ones won't ask us to put out as much :p

silly chics; by not factoring for sex how can you ever be sure it is about love?

Is it every really about love for men....? I think men grow to love their wives, but, initially............

Sure absolutely. I have never know a man who said at his wedding "oh I will get used to her". Men have all the same emotions that women do. It's just that society has taught us to express them differently. Yes, men are touched at the end of Steel Magnolias....we just don't break down weeping into tissue. Furthermore, you don't want us to. If you were with a man who blubbered and wept at the end of a sad movie you would say "this guy is a pussy" and never talk to him again. :lol:

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... ok.
Hey, are you guys in the thread "Catholicism is the one true religion"? I want to see Catholics and Born Agains have it out. I haven't decide who I believe more. I'm leaning towards the born again schtick. Still waiting for a born again to tell me why their church is the one true religion. We know Catholics came first so what did born agains do differently? Is it just about being baptized as adults? It has to be more than that. What are the differences between born again and Catholics?

Well the Catholics didn't come first to be quite honest. If you read the undisputed letters of Paul you can get a pretty good feel for what those early churches were like and Catholic is not how I would describe them. They had far more in common with modern charismatic Evangelical churches than what would eventually develop into Catholicism..
Hey, are you guys in the thread "Catholicism is the one true religion"? I want to see Catholics and Born Agains have it out.

I read the thread but don't see the need to respond to it for the following reasons:

a) There's nothing being said there that hasn't been said before 1,000 times. Same old "let's beat up the Catholics" routine.

b) So far no one has said anything that I find particularly intriguing enough to respond to.

c) ABikerSailor and Meriweather seem to be holding down the fort just fine. They don't need my involvement and there's not much I would say that they already haven't.

d) I get that you want to see Catholics and Born Agains go at it, but I am not terribly interested in responding to "lets you and him fight" requests. I prefer not to give you the satisfaction of watching Christians fight amongst ourselves. ;)

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