If God is real, he must be composed of something


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Referencing it for the 'Why's God Wear Clothes?' thread,

"Although we usually speak of G-d in masculine terms, there are times when we refer to G-d using feminine terms. The Shechinah, the manifestation of G-d's presence that fills the universe, is conceived of in feminine terms, and the word Shechinah is a feminine word."
Judaism 101: The Nature of G-d

Only thing that literally fills the universe is dark energy. So if God is real, it must be composed of something. And dark energy is a 'particle' or 'real thing' like atoms but not actually an atom. So wouldn't that fit for God?

Everything real in the universe is made from something. Atoms make up most visible matter in the universe, yet dark energy makes up the vast majority of all matter but we can't see it, measure it, detect it, or even prove it exists. Sound like anyone you know? :)
Many of the things we think about God fit for dark energy too.

" We do know this: Since space is everywhere, this dark energy force is everywhere, [God is omnipresent] and its effects increase as space expands. In contrast, gravity's force is stronger when things are close together and weaker when they are far apart. [Emphasis on family in religion, stronger close togetehr than apart] Because gravity is weakening with the expansion of space, dark energy now makes up over 2/3 of all the energy in the universe.

It sounds rather strange that we have no firm idea about what makes up 74% of the universe. It's as though we had explored all the land on the planet Earth and never in all our travels encountered an ocean. But now that we've caught sight of the waves, we want to know what this huge, strange, powerful entity really is.

The strangeness of dark energy is thrilling.

It shows scientists that there is a gap in our knowledge that needs to be filled, [no science without philosophy, 'God is in the Gaps'] beckoning the way toward an unexplored realm of physics.[where natural and extranatural merge] We have before us the evidence that the cosmos may be configured vastly differently than we imagine. Dark energy both signals that we still have a great deal to learn, and shows us that we stand poised for another great leap in our understanding of the universe. "
HubbleSite - Dark Energy - What Is Dark Energy?
So if God is real, it must be composed of something. And dark energy is a 'particle' or 'real thing' like atoms but not actually an atom. So wouldn't that fit for God?
The only interaction of dark matter and energy is through gravitation. Gravity is locally a very very weak force. That force could never explain any interaction with our universe on a local scale. People pray for things at a local level, which the slight dark gravity would have little influence.

Suppose God actually were dark matter and a few dozens of years from now we find and classify the particle interactions of dark matter. That would turn God back into a materialistic entity governed by laws of dark matter physics. If you want to say that God is dark matter, then your religion would become a pantheism in a parallel universe. It would not be a single focused universal entity calling the shots in our world.

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