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If God made Man, did he make Neanderthals too?

Not all sins are crimes and vice-versa. That last quote from your religion allows God permission to disown people who do not abide by your religion. Sounds like a very judgemental human religion to me. John really had an agenda going there.
Not all "sins" are even immoral or unethical. It's a stupid, childish, magical concept. It's time for our species to put away these childish toys. They are obsolete artifacts of our first and worst attempts at morality, ethics, and philosophy.
So....where do the Neanderthals and other "cave men" come into play vs Adam being the first man?

Adam never existed. It was a total myth And the same with eve. Its absurd for rational humansto believe it.

And according to some science reports I have seen, the dinosaurs were not millions of years ago. Only about 6 thousand years, give or take.

I'll bet you cannot show science reports where they say they are that young. That is a blatant lie. But before to arc up beware they have DNA and fossils to prove, yes, PROVE, you are wrong.
In fact dinosaurs roamed the planet 65 million years ago and that is well documented before being annihalated by an asteroid which hit in the Yukatan peninsula.

As Urul (sample name of neanderthal) was chasing mammoths...from whence did he come and from whom? And how is Urul so different from Adam then?

Neanderthals evolved as did we all and you unsupported urul was just another fairy tale.

We have all this archeology stuff going on finding Lucy in Africa and other "people" but they are not humanoid...quite yet. So they evolved. Evolved from what or whom?

Don't be so ignorant and dismissive of evolution because it conflicts with your religion. The origins of evolution are well documented but it might frighten you to research it.

Something just isn't right from what the bible says and what scientists say.

You're right about that. The only thing in the bible That's correct is the page numbers.
This debate about God has been raging for 2000 years and believers have never produced one sceric of evidence to support their outrageous claims.
Now you are questioning the comparisons, you should at least consider your 6000 year theory as being fiction
Oh noes, must be an IMPERFECTION! :eek:

Wait? What now? Here's some news, big fella:

eta: Here I'll show the math in case you still don't get it:
Usual MALE: XY pair = 900 + 55 = 955 genes
Usual FEMALE: XX pair = 900 + 900 = 1800 genes
i.e. Women possess far more in terms of basic information for backup, for example when one gene gets mutated. Men are therefore more apt to be screwups. By the way, yes, all mammals possess mammary glands. But females (XX) simply produce different hormones which cause tits to develop and produce milk.

Let's surf the web and parrot some useless formula and pretend to know what we are talking about.

Imagine that......more "feigned intelligence". The "specific" gene mentioned was the gene that determines gender within male sperm. With all this pretense you still can't accept the reality that MUTATION does not add information it takes away form the pre-existing strain of DNA regardless of the number of chromosomes contained. If this is not true simply present a parroted formula that objectively proves that FEMALE genes can determine the gender.

Proceed.......surf the web and make your case. Its true that all children begin the same with all the markers that might require FEMALE DEVELOPMENT (thus the larger number of Chromosomes for female development).......yet its the male DNA that determines sexual gender at conception. At creation......its ALL HUMAN DNA........but its still the information found only in male DNA (the sperm to be specific) that determines.....if this created child gets 955 active chromosomes and becomes a male or the child gets all the dormant 1800 chomosomes that constitute full female development........which requires all the dormant markers to become active.

If a male received the same number of markers (chromosomes)........there would be no difference, humanity would be ASEXUAL. There would be no X or Y Chromosome. The male sperm must contain all the markers, both of male and female.......as the sperm is what determines sexual gender at conception (because some portion of that DNA information remains dormant in male development does not mean the information is not there. It takes hormonal development to active the chromosome markers.

Its not until after the sperm determines SEXUAL GENDER that the number of active Chromosomes come into play.......955 for a male child, and almost double that for a female child. Its HORMONES that determine the number of Chromosomes........ALL HUMAN DNA contains the same information, that information is triggered by hormonal development that determines the number of ACTIVE MAKERS ....i.e, chromosomes.

Again......real slow, ALL CHILDREN begin the same, thus the useless mammary glands on male children. Its not until several weeks after conception (2 months/60 days) that reproductive organs begin to develop. If its a male......955 markers are activated.......if its female, double that number becomes active. All determined by hormones. If not.........every child would be created with the exact same number of chromosomes........... there would be no GENDER....no X, no Y.

Anger is often disguised by HUMOR. Psych 101 :popcorn:
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And..if He made them....when did He make them? And why, since there was Adam.
Adam came later. He made them for the same reason He made gorillas, chimps and lions and tigers.

He made Man because He is REPRODUCING HIMSELF. We were created to be sons and daughters of the Father and brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ
Let's surf the web and parrot some useless formula and pretend to know what we are talking about.

Imagine that......more "feigned intelligence". The "specific" gene mentioned was the gene that determines gender within male sperm. With all this pretense you still can't accept the reality that MUTATION does not add information it takes away form the pre-existing strain of DNA regardless of the number of chromosomes contained. If this is not true simply present a parroted formula that objectively proves that FEMALE genes can determine the gender.

Proceed.......surf the web and make your case. Its true that all children begin the same with all the markers that might require FEMALE DEVELOPMENT (thus the larger number of Chromosomes for female development).......yet its the male DNA that determines sexual gender at conception. At creation......its ALL HUMAN DNA........but its still the information found only in male DNA (the sperm to be specific) that determines.....if this created child gets 955 active chromosomes and becomes a male or the child gets all the dormant 1800 chomosomes that constitute full female development........which requires all the dormant markers to become active.

If a male received the same number of markers (chromosomes)........there would be no difference, humanity would be ASEXUAL. There would be no X or Y Chromosome. The male sperm must contain all the markers, both of male and female.......as the sperm is what determines sexual gender at conception (because some portion of that DNA information remains dormant in male development does not mean the information is not there. It takes hormonal development to active the chromosome markers.

Its not until after the sperm determines SEXUAL GENDER that the number of active Chromosomes come into play.......955 for a male child, and almost double that for a female child. Its HORMONES that determine the number of Chromosomes........ALL HUMAN DNA contains the same information, that information is triggered by hormonal development that determines the number of ACTIVE MAKERS ....i.e, chromosomes.

Again......real slow, ALL CHILDREN begin the same, thus the useless mammary glands on male children. Its not until several weeks after conception (2 months/60 days) that reproductive organs begin to develop. If its a male......955 markers are activated.......if its female, double that number becomes active. All determined by hormones. If not.........every child would be created with the exact same number of chromosomes........... there would be no GENDER....no X, no Y.

Anger is often disguised by HUMOR. Psych 101 :popcorn:
Wow. I sure miss that informative button but since this place took it away....that post of yours is extremely informative. Over my head, but still..... :omg:.

Thank you.
that post of yours is extremely informative. Over my head, but still..... :omg:.
I've seen worse projecting BSers, I'll hand him that much. Razzle dazzled you with that load, eh?

Here then, let's go over a bit:
Let's surf the web and parrot some useless formula and pretend to know what we are talking about.
Evidently Clyde thinks I was repeating "some useless formula" from some website, when I was really just illustrating the idiocy of his error -- ("Because the base DNA for male and female is the same, with the exception of the male DNA containing just a little more information").

I did link to a very good reference for him to go learn something from. I gather he didn't bother and just ran with my numbers, concocting another load of aimless BS.
Imagine that......more "feigned intelligence". The "specific" gene mentioned was the gene that determines gender within male sperm.
Here he apparently just quotes and argues with himself like an idiot. He never mentioned genes at all prior. From what I recall this fraud just kept calling them DNA. Certainly no mention of any bendy SRY gene on the Y chromosome.
With all this pretense you still can't accept the reality that MUTATION does not add information it takes away form the pre-existing strain of DNA regardless of the number of chromosomes contained. If this is not true simply present a parroted formula that objectively proves that FEMALE genes can determine the gender.
Like anyone could possibly give a crap about what some newb named Clyde posts on a political MB regarding -- "MUTATIONS" -- in all caps, no less. Again, he clearly imagines this world filled with people who share his obsessions with mammalian mammary gland developments and arguing that mutations "add information" to something. Too silly to bother with. I seriously addressed only his dumb assertion quoted in bold above.

That's all I can stand for now. Perhaps swoon over Clyde some more. He apparently needs your attention way more than me. Oooo.. he thinks a stupid newb can make me angry :auiqs.jpg:
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One of the earliest known humans is Homo habilis, or “handy man,” who lived about 2.4 million to 1.4 million years ago in Eastern and Southern Africa. Others include Homo rudolfensis, who lived in Eastern Africa about 1.9 million to 1.8 million years ago (its name comes from its discovery in East Rudolph, Kenya); and Homo erectus, the “upright man” who ranged from Southern Africa all the way to modern-day China and Indonesia from about 1.89 million to 110,000 years ago.

But today they just sit around waiting for democrat handouts.
put the bottle down, bing - no one is going to hurt you ...

they are pure without evil, all the gods including the chairman - thunder and lightning bolts let you know being otherwise is at your own peril. or just perish with your physical component. being a christian.
gods? nevermind.

So how can this pure good God allow suffering?
Apparently you have not yet learned your A, B, C's.

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things that worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo (made by human hands) for spiritual life every other sunday and high holiday has done for you.

"This, he told me, is the curse which goes out over all the land. For by the writing on one side every thief shall be swept away and by the writing on the other every perjurer shall be swept clean away. I have sent it out, says the Lord, and it shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the man who has perjured himself in my name. It shall stay inside that house and demolish it, timbers and stones and all."
That didn't even come close to answering the question. You bring up the divine law and then won't say where the divine law comes from. Interesting.

Do you believe God is good?
So....where do the Neanderthals and other "cave men" come into play vs Adam being the first man? And according to some science reports I have seen, the dinosaurs were not millions of years ago. Only about 6 thousand years, give or take.

As Urul (sample name of neanderthal) was chasing mammoths...from whence did he come and from whom? And how is Urul so different from Adam then?

We have all this archeology stuff going on finding Lucy in Africa and other "people" but they are not humanoid...quite yet. So they evolved. Evolved from what or whom?

Something just isn't right from what the bible says and what scientists say.
The one bad thing that came from the King James Version of the Bible is a lot of confusion about Genesis, specifically the first chapter. The Jewish verbiage makes it clear that the 6 days of creation were not literal days, but the King James translation butchered this little fact among so many other things. The usage of certain Jewish words and phrases are key to understanding a chapter encompassing so much activity. Imagine, the first 6 days written about in just one chapter, so to not go back in it's original verbiage is a mistake because the person translating did not have the expertise he needed, although he did his best.

Gerald Schroeder is part scientist and theologian, and he fumbled upon ancient Rabbinical writings about just the first chapter of Genesis. They made conclusions on the text both from personal expertise in the Hebrew language and handed down information. These pre-modern science theologians came to some pretty surprising conclusions, such as the world is much older than just thousands of years old, and there were humanoids before Adam and Eve. Again, how they got this from just the original Hebrew first chapter of Genesis, along with passed down information we are no privy to, is astounding.

The names of these theologians are Onkelos 150 CE, Rashi (Solomon ben Isaac) 1040-1105 CE, Maimonides (who needs not introduction), and Nahmanides 1194-1270.

Here is a video, one of 5 on Youtube if you want to watch them all, that gives you a taste

Nahmanides writes that God had already formed the material/animal part of Adam with other humanoids walking about. But it is when God breathed his "neshamah" into him, that is what made Adam human.

Fascinating stuff from ancient voices from our past.
Oh boy... God talks to you in voices in your head?

lol.... When anyone reads a book they see images and hear the written words in their head. Words that make no sound. It's called thinking.

Just like a baby taking his first dump, you are doing it right now.

Am I telling you something that you don't already know?
lol.... When anyone reads a book they see images and hear the written words in their head. Words that make no sound. It's called thinking.

Just like a baby taking his first dump, you are doing it right now.

Am I telling you something that you don't already know?
Hey, bro... haven't seen you for awhile? Fancy a raʊ?

That didn't even come close to answering the question. You bring up the divine law and then won't say where the divine law comes from. Interesting.

Do you believe God is good?

You profess to be a studied religious person. Catholic no less. And then you ask me where divine law comes from?


Everything that you profess to believe about God is false. An edible trinity that became a man so believers like yourself can be assholes for the rest of your life without bearing any responsibility or accountability because Jesus paid the price on the cross but only if you blubber on your knees in church every now and then about how sorry you are for your sins and how much you love Jesus as you 'celebrate' his torture, suffering, and death as a human sacrifice by munching on his flesh for spiritual life in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands, baked on human dung. WTF


So no, your god is not good, it doesn't even exist.

It's time for you to change your diapers.

Can't you smell that smell?
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You profess to be a studied religious person. Catholic no less. And then you ask me where divine law comes from?


Everything that you profess to believe about God is false. An edible trinity that became a man so believers like yourself can be assholes for the rest of your life without bearing any responsibility or accountability because Jesus paid the price as long as you blubber on your knees about how much you love Jesus as you eat his flesh and blood in the form of a lifeless matzo.

So no, your god is not good, it doesn't even exist.

It's time to change your diapers.
I am asking you because it is not clear where YOU believe it comes from, dummy.

The rest of what you wrote is just you lashing out at me because you aren't secure enough to allow for opposing beliefs. And because you want to avoid all discussion regarding your perception of God.

That's why you won't be accepting the bull ring challenge I threw down.
There's a reason hobelim won't argue that God is good and all powerful. He doesn't believe in God. He's a subversive. No way he will ever argue for anything God does as positive.
There's a reason @hobelim won't argue that God is good and all powerful. He doesn't believe in God. He's a subversive. No way he will ever argue for anything God does as positive.

I answered your question.

Everything that you profess to believe about God is false. An edible trinity that became a man so believers like yourself can be assholes for the rest of your life without bearing any responsibility or accountability because Jesus paid the price on the cross but only if you blubber on your knees in church every now and then about how sorry you are for your sins and how much you love Jesus as you 'celebrate' his torture, suffering, and death as a human sacrifice by munching on his flesh for spiritual life in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands, baked on human dung. WTF


So no, your god is not good, it doesn't even exist. Your beliefs are vile, your practices degrading.

If that wasn't clear enough, go fuck yourself.
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I answered your question.

Everything that you profess to believe about God is false. An edible trinity that became a man so believers like yourself can be assholes for the rest of your life without bearing any responsibility or accountability because Jesus paid the price on the cross but only if you blubber on your knees in church every now and then about how sorry you are for your sins and how much you love Jesus as you 'celebrate' his torture, suffering, and death as a human sacrifice by munching on his flesh for spiritual life in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands, baked on human dung. WTF


So no, your god is not good, it doesn't even exist. Your beliefs are vile, your practices degrading.

If that wasn't clear enough, go fuck yourself.
You didn't answer the question. You didn't tell me one thing about YOUR beliefs about God. You just bashed mine.

You can't answer questions about your beliefs because you don't believe in God. You are like GreatestIam in that regard. Do you seriously think people don't see through what you are doing?

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