If God's Flood was only a regional flood...

It goes to show you were wrong. H and O are the elements. Water the compound. And you still haven't figured out the lies and tricks Satan concocted at the Tower of Babel. How else does one explain the different languages? How else does it explain many people believing in lies and trickery? The Bible prophecized it all and it has come to fruition. You are an example.

It goes to show you were wrong. H and O are the elements. Water the compound.

" Water is of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. "

the two living elements H - O join together to create a new more complex life, water as but one less step to the ultimate creation of a physiological cell.

the elements are life's existence without an atmosphere throughout the universe.

The Bible prophecized it all and it has come to fruition ...

no, the 4th century christian bible did not prophecies the triumph of good as the reason for the Almighty's return - that is your fullest failure to date, why you are a sinner without remorse to your end.
It goes to show you were wrong. H and O are the elements. Water the compound. And you still haven't figured out the lies and tricks Satan concocted at the Tower of Babel. How else does one explain the different languages? How else does it explain many people believing in lies and trickery? The Bible prophecized it all and it has come to fruition. You are an example.

It goes to show you were wrong. H and O are the elements. Water the compound.

" Water is of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. "

the two living elements H - O join together to create a new more complex life, water as but one less step to the ultimate creation of a physiological cell.

the elements are life's existence without an atmosphere throughout the universe.

The Bible prophecized it all and it has come to fruition ...

no, the 4th century christian bible did not prophecies the triumph of good as the reason for the Almighty's return - that is your fullest failure to date, why you are a sinner without remorse to your end.

Now you're having to resort to non-sequitur to not admit you were wrong about water being a compound and not an element lol.

Would you believe a global flood on Mars? Your atheist scientists keep claiming it had water millions of years ago, so why not a global flood? You have oceans of water deep underground and add to it the water melting at the southern ice caps and you have global flood similar to what happened on earth with some differences.
Now you're having to resort to non-sequitur to not admit you were wrong about water being a compound and not an element lol.

the two living elements H - O join together to create a new more complex life, water as but one less step to the ultimate creation of a physiological cell.

I'm beginning to think you do have reading comprehension issues, but do not really believe that ... my quote above was simply a reiteration of what already was stated and stands as written, wherever your fallacy of non-sequitur may reside in your own mind is its only habitat.

you have not addressed the issues, the activity of the elements atomic structure giving them life and their affinity for themselves creating compounds and molecules of grater complexity that eventually lead to the physiological template, cell all beings have evolved from.

what argument do you have that the elements of the periodic table are not the life of the universe and creators with the metaphysical forces the living component of all beings.
Now you're having to resort to non-sequitur to not admit you were wrong about water being a compound and not an element lol.

the two living elements H - O join together to create a new more complex life, water as but one less step to the ultimate creation of a physiological cell.

I'm beginning to think you do have reading comprehension issues, but do not really believe that ... my quote above was simply a reiteration of what already was stated and stands as written, wherever your fallacy of non-sequitur may reside in your own mind is its only habitat.

you have not addressed the issues, the activity of the elements atomic structure giving them life and their affinity for themselves creating compounds and molecules of grater complexity that eventually lead to the physiological template, cell all beings have evolved from.

what argument do you have that the elements of the periodic table are not the life of the universe and creators with the metaphysical forces the living component of all beings.

>>BW: the two living elements H - O join together to create a new more complex life, water as but one less step to the ultimate creation of a physiological cell.<<

What I said should explain it to you, but it doesn't. You still believe in a lie. We have elements and we have a compound. We do not have more complex life nor a basis of the ultimate creation of a physiological cell.

Satan has pulled the wool over your eyes mighty fierce. No other non-believer believes in the things you do. You are trapped in the bubble of your own thoughts and interpretations. It's no wonder you continue spewing the same rhetoric and most of our conversations end up as positive experiences for me while you end up in a bubble. Your thoughts are of bubble.
Now you're having to resort to non-sequitur to not admit you were wrong about water being a compound and not an element lol.

the two living elements H - O join together to create a new more complex life, water as but one less step to the ultimate creation of a physiological cell.

I'm beginning to think you do have reading comprehension issues, but do not really believe that ... my quote above was simply a reiteration of what already was stated and stands as written, wherever your fallacy of non-sequitur may reside in your own mind is its only habitat.

you have not addressed the issues, the activity of the elements atomic structure giving them life and their affinity for themselves creating compounds and molecules of grater complexity that eventually lead to the physiological template, cell all beings have evolved from.

what argument do you have that the elements of the periodic table are not the life of the universe and creators with the metaphysical forces the living component of all beings.

>>BW: the two living elements H - O join together to create a new more complex life, water as but one less step to the ultimate creation of a physiological cell.<<

What I said should explain it to you, but it doesn't. You still believe in a lie. We have elements and we have a compound. We do not have more complex life nor a basis of the ultimate creation of a physiological cell.

Satan has pulled the wool over your eyes mighty fierce. No other non-believer believes in the things you do. You are trapped in the bubble of your own thoughts and interpretations. It's no wonder you continue spewing the same rhetoric and most of our conversations end up as positive experiences for me while you end up in a bubble. Your thoughts are of bubble.
We have elements and we have a compound. We do not have more complex life nor a basis of the ultimate creation of a physiological cell.

We do not have more complex life ...


by its movement, atomic affinity the water molecule is both more complex than the two elements individually and is alive by the represented and continuous motion / affinity of the two elements together ( 2-H 1-O ). that is a fact bond whether a positive experience for you or not.

Satan has pulled the wool over your eyes mighty fierce .... No other non-believer believes in the things you do.

that is your 4th century religion by some account for (frightened) fundamentalist as yourself - that has no place with the original and prevailing for some, Religion of Antiquity.

No other non-believer believes in the things you do ...

that really makes no sense - science includes both and in the pursuit of good a positive conclusion is the goal - though neither might believe in your satan.
Would you believe a global flood on Mars? Your atheist scientists keep claiming it had water millions of years ago, so why not a global flood? You have oceans of water deep underground and add to it the water melting at the southern ice caps and you have global flood similar to what happened on earth with some differences.

No. First, it is still not enough water.
Second, there is something like thermodynamics. It is teaching you, if you are able to comprehend, the energy required to melt the southern ice cap and greenland, say within the limited time noa had to nail a ship together.
Better a boat, considered the thechnical abilities of that time.

there were a few floods in ancient times in the mediterrnian sea.
One was Santorin. A whole island exploded. This washed away enough humans at the coastline of todays Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Kreta to explain certin stories.
another was not the Mediteranian, but the black sea.
Originally it was separated from the Mediterranian by the Dardanelles. The sea level was 150 meters lower. Then the dam broke.
The flood raged estimated for centuries. The coastlines of northern Turkey drowned by 150 meters. Looks like thats the basis of the fairytales, because Ararat is also in Turkey.
Genesis 1:3 Context

1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. 6. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

In other words, at the start GOD created space and matter. This matter was shapeless, and barren, and darkness covered the abyss. And GOD's Spirit flowed over the surface of the waters. And GOD spoke light into existence. And GOD observed the goodness of light. And GOD separated light from darkness. And GOD named the light DAY, and the darkness HE labeled NIGHT. And so that twilight and daybreak revealed day one. And GOD let there be atmosphere between the waters, and enabled it to separate the waters from the waters.
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In other words, at the start GOD created space and matter
hahaha... okay. And, as is always true of the Bible "wisdom", it suddenly fit right in and told us everything we know, only AFTER we gained this knowledge through rigorous scientific process. And not one second before.

What a feckin' crock....
In other words, at the start GOD created space and matter
hahaha... okay. And, as is always true of the Bible "wisdom", it suddenly fit right in and told us everything we know, only AFTER we gained this knowledge through rigorous scientific process. And not one second before.

What a feckin' crock....
Well, the Bible Creation story is not about a god carrying the sun around in his chariot and planet earth sitting on a turtle's back... Sophisticated cultures dreamt such nonsense up. Perhaps that throws a new light on the real "sophistication" of the Bible!
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People who dismiss the idea of a great flood need to rethink their view. There is plenty of scientific evidence that half (1/2) of the earth was covered in ice about 650 million years ago. Since then the ice has been melting to the point where we have only the Antarctic remaining.

Still, 50%+/- of the earth was covered in ice some 650 million years ago------

A study by NASA and university researchers, published in the June 14, 2013 issue of Science, found however that ocean waters melting the undersides of Antarctic ice shelves are responsible for most of the continent's ice shelf mass loss.[2]
Ice shelf - Wikipedia

The Snowball Earth hypothesis proposes that during one or more of Earth's icehouse climates, Earth's surface became entirely or nearly entirely frozen at least once, sometime earlier than 650 Mya(million years ago). Proponents of the hypothesis argue that it best explains sedimentary deposits generally regarded as of glacial origin at tropicalpalaeolatitudes and other enigmatic features in the geological record. Opponents of the hypothesis contest the implications of the geological evidence for global glaciation and the geophysical feasibility of an ice- or slush-covered ocean[3][4]
Snowball Earth - Wikipedia

"Snowball Earth" Confirmed: Ice Covered EquatorEarth's now steamy Equator was covered with ice 716 million years ago, according to a new study.

Strange fossil may be rare insect preserved in gemstone.

The finding appears to add solid evidence to the theory of an ancient "snowball Earth."

"Snowball Earth" Confirmed: Ice Covered Equator

In the beginning, planet Earth was a very inhospitable place with no oxygen and only single-celled bacteria as inhabitants. According to a new study, the oxygen content in the air began to increase about 2.4 billion years ago, at the same time as the global glaciation and when all continents were gathered in a single huge landmass, or supercontinent. How to explain the exact connection between these events, however, is a question that baffles the researchers.

Oxygen content increased when Earth was covered in ice

A Brief History of Ice Ages and Warming

Global warming started long before the "Industrial Revolution" and the invention of the internal combustion engine. Global warming began 18,000 years ago as the earth started warming its way out of the Pleistocene Ice Age-- a time when much of North America, Europe, and Asia lay buried beneath great sheets of glacial ice.
Global Warming:A Chilling Perspective

As the ice sheet melted the runoff looked like a flood, so they called it a “GREAT FLOOD”

There is ample proof of a great flood and now it is time to flip the argument. It is time for the doubters to prove there wasn’t a flood.

Deniers, it’s your turn; go for it !!!!
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People who dismiss the idea of a great flood need to rethink their view. There is plenty of scientific evidence that half (1/2) of the earth was covered in ice about 650 million years ago. Since then the ice has been melting to the point where we have only the Antarctic remaining.

Still, 50%+/- of the earth was covered in ice some 650 million years ago------

A study by NASA and university researchers, published in the June 14, 2013 issue of Science, found however that ocean waters melting the undersides of Antarctic ice shelves are responsible for most of the continent's ice shelf mass loss.[2]

Ice shelf - Wikipedia

The Snowball Earth hypothesis proposes that during one or more of Earth's icehouse climates, Earth's surface became entirely or nearly entirely frozen at least once, sometime earlier than 650 Mya(million years ago). Proponents of the hypothesis argue that it best explains sedimentary deposits generally regarded as of glacial origin at tropicalpalaeolatitudes and other enigmatic features in the geological record. Opponents of the hypothesis contest the implications of the geological evidence for global glaciation and the geophysical feasibility of an ice- or slush-covered ocean[3][4]

Snowball Earth - Wikipedia

"Snowball Earth" Confirmed: Ice Covered EquatorEarth's now steamy Equator was covered with ice 716 million years ago, according to a new study.

Strange fossil may be rare insect preserved in gemstone.

The finding appears to add solid evidence to the theory of an ancient "snowball Earth."

"Snowball Earth" Confirmed: Ice Covered Equator

In the beginning, planet Earth was a very inhospitable place with no oxygen and only single-celled bacteria as inhabitants. According to a new study, the oxygen content in the air began to increase about 2.4 billion years ago, at the same time as the global glaciation and when all continents were gathered in a single huge landmass, or supercontinent. How to explain the exact connection between these events, however, is a question that baffles the researchers.

Oxygen content increased when Earth was covered in ice

A Brief History of Ice Ages and Warming

Global warming started long before the "Industrial Revolution" and the invention of the internal combustion engine. Global warming began 18,000 years ago as the earth started warming its way out of the Pleistocene Ice Age-- a time when much of North America, Europe, and Asia lay buried beneath great sheets of glacial ice.

Global Warming:A Chilling Perspective

As the ice sheet melted the runoff looked like a flood, so they called it a “GREAT FLOOD”

There is ample proof of a great flood and now it is time to flip the argument. It is time for the doubters to prove there wasn’t a flood.

Deniers, it’s your turn; go for it !!!!
There has been more great floods than you can count on two hands but humans were not around for them.
There has been more great floods than you can count on two hands but humans were not around for them.

I know you don't know this; so you just believe this because you refuse to research it for yourself. You just want to argue the opposite side because that is what you do.

Which just makes me--
There has been more great floods than you can count on two hands but humans were not around for them.

I know you don't know this; so you just believe this because you refuse to research it for yourself. You just want to argue the opposite side because that is what you do.

Which just makes me--
View attachment 248213
Dude try learning about ice samples and climatology.

You should take your own advice.

An, add to it that a flood wouldn't have to cover the whole Earth to wipe out humans; most claim that humans originated in one place, and hadn't spread much by Noah's day, so only a small region need be flooded in order to have that effect.

I don't beleive in the rubbish of a 'common origin' of for all humans', personally, too much new evidence coming out against that fantasy, but it holds for the Biblical version, which assumes man was all in one place. The story is allegorical, of course, but the Dope Addled and Pedo-Friendly don't like that, they're committed to butt rape, fellating and marrying their favorite housepets and the like, and these Evul Xians are in the way.
There has been more great floods than you can count on two hands but humans were not around for them.

I know you don't know this; so you just believe this because you refuse to research it for yourself. You just want to argue the opposite side because that is what you do.

Which just makes me--
View attachment 248213
Dude try learning about ice samples and climatology.

You should take your own advice.

An, add to it that a flood wouldn't have to cover the whole Earth to wipe out humans; most claim that humans originated in one place, and hadn't spread much by Noah's day, so only a small region need be flooded in order to have that effect.

I don't beleive in the rubbish of a 'common origin' of for all humans', personally, too much new evidence coming out against that fantasy, but it holds for the Biblical version, which assumes man was all in one place. The story is allegorical, of course, but the Dope Addled and Pedo-Friendly don't like that, they're committed to butt rape, fellating and marrying their favorite housepets and the like, and these Evul Xians are in the way.
The Bible is not the only place with a story about a great flood no matter where they put their penis.
There has been more great floods than you can count on two hands but humans were not around for them.

I know you don't know this; so you just believe this because you refuse to research it for yourself. You just want to argue the opposite side because that is what you do.

Which just makes me--
View attachment 248213
Dude try learning about ice samples and climatology.

You should take your own advice.

An, add to it that a flood wouldn't have to cover the whole Earth to wipe out humans; most claim that humans originated in one place, and hadn't spread much by Noah's day, so only a small region need be flooded in order to have that effect.

I don't beleive in the rubbish of a 'common origin' of for all humans', personally, too much new evidence coming out against that fantasy, but it holds for the Biblical version, which assumes man was all in one place. The story is allegorical, of course, but the Dope Addled and Pedo-Friendly don't like that, they're committed to butt rape, fellating and marrying their favorite housepets and the like, and these Evul Xians are in the way.
The Bible is not the only place with a story about a great flood no matter where they put their penis.
It seems that every ancient civilization had an account of a great flood. That ought to raise your suspicion that an event did actually occur even if you can’t get past the allegorical account of the flood in the Bible.
There has been more great floods than you can count on two hands but humans were not around for them.

I know you don't know this; so you just believe this because you refuse to research it for yourself. You just want to argue the opposite side because that is what you do.

Which just makes me--
View attachment 248213
Dude try learning about ice samples and climatology.

You should take your own advice.

An, add to it that a flood wouldn't have to cover the whole Earth to wipe out humans; most claim that humans originated in one place, and hadn't spread much by Noah's day, so only a small region need be flooded in order to have that effect.

I don't beleive in the rubbish of a 'common origin' of for all humans', personally, too much new evidence coming out against that fantasy, but it holds for the Biblical version, which assumes man was all in one place. The story is allegorical, of course, but the Dope Addled and Pedo-Friendly don't like that, they're committed to butt rape, fellating and marrying their favorite housepets and the like, and these Evul Xians are in the way.
The Bible is not the only place with a story about a great flood no matter where they put their penis.
It seems that every ancient civilization had an account of a great flood. That ought to raise your suspicion that an event did actually occur even if you can’t get past the allegorical account of the flood in the Bible.
I don't need allegorical poetry with a religious meaning to know there was a great flood...It has occurred more than once in Earth's history.

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