If GOP takes Senate, how long until 2nd Great Depression?

If GOP takes Senate, How Long Until Next Great Depression?

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Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.
Well, the important parts of Glass-Steagall were repealed in 1999, so -15 years.
With the far left Obama in charge we are already there.

Then again Obama may not care and pass everything the GOP Congress sends him, as long as he can still be your Messiah.

you think these folks are going to object to anything the prezbo does

If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.
I doubt much will change at least for the next two years, just more gridlock. Obama would start using his veto power because he has nothing to lose. Now if the Tea Party folks get control of government in two years, then a strong dose of fiscal constraint will send the market tumbling.
I think they need a GOP pres and congress for the THIRD Pub Great Depression. Booosh's was the second- took 5-6 trillion at least to avert the worst aspects. Parts of the world haven't- that's where their chaos comes from...
If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.
I doubt much will change at least for the next two years, just more gridlock. Obama would start using his veto power because he has nothing to lose. Now if the Tea Party folks get control of government in two years, then a strong dose of fiscal constraint will send the market tumbling.
Obama won't have to veto- we can filibuster with one guy just like you a-holes did for a year and a half.
If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.
I doubt much will change at least for the next two years, just more gridlock. Obama would start using his veto power because he has nothing to lose. Now if the Tea Party folks get control of government in two years, then a strong dose of fiscal constraint will send the market tumbling.
Obama won't have to veto- we can filibuster with one guy just like you a-holes did for a year and a half.
You're right. There's no way Republicans could capture 60 seats.
If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.

While six years and counting you blame Bush. I find it amusing that when the House and the Senate were controlled by the Dems for two years before Obama came into the picture, you still blame Bush but if the same thing happen in the last two years of the Obama administration, you will blame Republicans. Shows what a hypocrite you are and how you are nothing but a partisan shithead with a fucking partisan agenda. You like other extreme partisans need to go fuck off, because it is stupid and ignorant people like you on both sides of the aisle that are screwing the nation over.
If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.

We were almost there during the Bush Administration. But don't take my word for it;
With the far left Obama in charge we are already there.

Then again Obama may not care and pass everything the GOP Congress sends him, as long as he can still be your Messiah.

So.......you know nothing about depressions or the cause......you think we are in one now?..........BRAINY DUDE.
Sounds like Hazlnut is resolved to the Democrats losing in November.
I still wonder about Christie, Rand Paul and Huckabee though. All have flaws but all have potential. If Jeb Bush wins.....it will be just like;

Only +1
Sounds like Hazlnut is resolved to the Democrats losing in November.

The Democrats strongest pull is people like you :)

Right Wingers who make a mockery of the entire party and wing.

You probably don't even realize how many voters you turn away from the Right Wing due to your lack of education and resources.
If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.

While six years and counting you blame Bush. I find it amusing that when the House and the Senate were controlled by the Dems for two years before Obama came into the picture, you still blame Bush but if the same thing happen in the last two years of the Obama administration, you will blame Republicans. Shows what a hypocrite you are and how you are nothing but a partisan shithead with a fucking partisan agenda. You like other extreme partisans need to go fuck off, because it is stupid and ignorant people like you on both sides of the aisle that are screwing the nation over.
Democrats always blame Republicans and Republicans always blame Democrats. That's how the game is played.
If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.

While six years and counting you blame Bush. I find it amusing that when the House and the Senate were controlled by the Dems for two years before Obama came into the picture, you still blame Bush but if the same thing happen in the last two years of the Obama administration, you will blame Republicans. Shows what a hypocrite you are and how you are nothing but a partisan shithead with a fucking partisan agenda. You like other extreme partisans need to go fuck off, because it is stupid and ignorant people like you on both sides of the aisle that are screwing the nation over.
Democrats always blame Republicans and Republicans always blame Democrats. That's how the game is played.

That is what Government wants people to do so nothing changes and the Corporate powers that use politicians as puppets can do anything they want. They openly stated it years ago. Watching people in parties compromise their values because of the party they are in makes me sick. Watching the Christian Right Wing today stand against standards so our drinking water doesn't get poisoned and kill people because they vote "anti-abortion" is single topic voter American Ignorance.

I recently made a post about Michelle Obama stating we should drink 1 more glass of water a day, with no direction. The responses from the Right was; "Who does that dictator think she is! She's a tyrant! She stands against science!(even when she never said 1 more than what science recommends, she just said 1 more).

When you start fighting against water consumption, there may be a problem in your party bias.
If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.

While six years and counting you blame Bush. I find it amusing that when the House and the Senate were controlled by the Dems for two years before Obama came into the picture, you still blame Bush but if the same thing happen in the last two years of the Obama administration, you will blame Republicans. Shows what a hypocrite you are and how you are nothing but a partisan shithead with a fucking partisan agenda. You like other extreme partisans need to go fuck off, because it is stupid and ignorant people like you on both sides of the aisle that are screwing the nation over.
Except that's bs. Controlled my arse. Now tell us how Obama had total control for 2 years. Stop listening to lying Pubs.

BTW, when you leave behind a world depression and the longest, stupidist wars EVER. That happens...ay caramba
If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.

While six years and counting you blame Bush. I find it amusing that when the House and the Senate were controlled by the Dems for two years before Obama came into the picture, you still blame Bush but if the same thing happen in the last two years of the Obama administration, you will blame Republicans. Shows what a hypocrite you are and how you are nothing but a partisan shithead with a fucking partisan agenda. You like other extreme partisans need to go fuck off, because it is stupid and ignorant people like you on both sides of the aisle that are screwing the nation over.

Still waiting for the ONE bill the Dems passed under Dubya that changed his policies?

IF the GOP gets the Senate, nothing changes, the GOP has been dragging Obama down from day one, fighting EVERYTHING that might help US, all in the name of their failed ideology!

If you want to look at Congress - Liberals forget it was the Republicans under Gingrich, that was behind the 1995-1996 Government shutdown over tax cuts, trying to reduce the deficit, and reign in spending. Look at what happened to the economy then?

Now look who got control of Congress in 2006. Do we really need to say any more about which party commands the seats in Congress and the economy?
If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.

I suspect a Republican Senate, House and President would result in 3 things:

1) Massive tax cuts for the wealthy
2) Massive cut to services to the poor.
3) Massive uptick in claims we are a Christian nation.

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