If GOP takes Senate, how long until 2nd Great Depression?

If GOP takes Senate, How Long Until Next Great Depression?

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If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.
We're still in the second Great Depression, GERTRUDE...I thought you noticed.
We're talking about CONGRESS, not GOP and Dem voters in general duh. I guess O-Care passed with 60 votes no hassle lol...blue dogs are always a pain in the ass. Meanwhile, Pubs had over 200 filibusters when they had exactly the number they needed 2009-10. Tell me when they broke ranks. They wouldn't dare get off the big money teat.

60 out of 60 Democrats voted for Obamacare. Sill can't name anything Democrats disagree on, huh? Keep working on it, F.
Yup- that was easy! Meanwhile, Pubs refused as a block to vote for a PUB PLAN. If Dems voted like Pubs, they could have passed a whole agenda in a day.Half of Dems disapprove of O-Care because they want single payer.Back in a minute, Dems split their votes in congress the HOUSE- all the time.
I see the lefties are getting ready for the backlash of the worst presidency our country has ever known. They know what's ahead, and they know who wrought the disaster. Time to start blaming Republicans!
We've been in a weak recovery since 10/2009, even with pure Pub obstruction and phony crises. Now the Pubs have cut the crappe, the rest of the world has weakened- see TODAY on Wall St.- A-HOLES and you chumps.
We're talking about CONGRESS, not GOP and Dem voters in general duh. I guess O-Care passed with 60 votes no hassle lol...blue dogs are always a pain in the ass. Meanwhile, Pubs had over 200 filibusters when they had exactly the number they needed 2009-10. Tell me when they broke ranks. They wouldn't dare get off the big money teat.

60 out of 60 Democrats voted for Obamacare. Sill can't name anything Democrats disagree on, huh? Keep working on it, F.
Yup- that was easy! Meanwhile, Pubs refused as a block to vote for a PUB PLAN. If Dems voted like Pubs, they could have passed a whole agenda in a day.Half of Dems disapprove of O-Care because they want single payer.Back in a minute, Dems split their votes in congress the HOUSE- all the time.

Some Democrats wouldn't vote for ObamaCare because they knew that Obama/Pelosi/Reid were lying through their teeth to the American public and at some point they would have to run for reelection on that vote.
We've been in a weak recovery since 10/2009, even with pure Pub obstruction and phony crises. Now the Pubs have cut the crappe, the rest of the world has weakened- see TODAY on Wall St.- A-HOLES and you chumps.

Ah, we've been in the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression, Franco and your guy Barry has been at the helm all through it!
We're talking about CONGRESS, not GOP and Dem voters in general duh. I guess O-Care passed with 60 votes no hassle lol...blue dogs are always a pain in the ass. Meanwhile, Pubs had over 200 filibusters when they had exactly the number they needed 2009-10. Tell me when they broke ranks. They wouldn't dare get off the big money teat.

60 out of 60 Democrats voted for Obamacare. Sill can't name anything Democrats disagree on, huh? Keep working on it, F.
Yup- that was easy! Meanwhile, Pubs refused as a block to vote for a PUB PLAN. If Dems voted like Pubs, they could have passed a whole agenda in a day.Half of Dems disapprove of O-Care because they want single payer.Back in a minute, Dems split their votes in congress the HOUSE- all the time.

You said Democrats don't vote as a block. That is what I challenged. You've deflected, evaded and hid, you can't answer the question. All you did is point to one vote where Republicans voted as a block. Anyone who's not a socialist would vote against Obamacare. Anyone who is would. 60 Senators said they are socialists.

So answer the question, pee wee, what do Democrats disagree on. You made the claim they aren't a block, yet you can't answer the question.
We're talking about CONGRESS, not GOP and Dem voters in general duh. I guess O-Care passed with 60 votes no hassle lol...blue dogs are always a pain in the ass. Meanwhile, Pubs had over 200 filibusters when they had exactly the number they needed 2009-10. Tell me when they broke ranks. They wouldn't dare get off the big money teat.

60 out of 60 Democrats voted for Obamacare. Sill can't name anything Democrats disagree on, huh? Keep working on it, F.
Yup- that was easy! Meanwhile, Pubs refused as a block to vote for a PUB PLAN. If Dems voted like Pubs, they could have passed a whole agenda in a day.Half of Dems disapprove of O-Care because they want single payer.Back in a minute, Dems split their votes in congress the HOUSE- all the time.

Some Democrats wouldn't vote for ObamaCare because they knew that Obama/Pelosi/Reid were lying through their teeth to the American public and at some point they would have to run for reelection on that vote.

In the Senate, the so called blue dogs voted 100% because every vote was required. Blue dogs were just Senators who ran in less liberal States and avoided the term liberal to win elections. So they find votes where the socialists have enough votes for passage and then trumpet those votes as if somehow it shows they aren't socialists.

Obamacare stripped away that lie. When they needed every vote, they got every vote. I don't believe we are disagreeing on anything.
And the Pub monolith won't allow even a single Senator to vote for ANY typical jobs bill, infrastructure bill that could change that.Won't allow even a vote in the House, because they would lose. Just debt crises/gov't shutdowns that cost the economy at least 1% growth every time. A-holes and chumps. Absolutely no compromise, just total mindless opposition in the middle of this mess for 6 years now. They decided on that before Obama was even inaugurated, in the middle of a meltdown. Party first tools who in the long run could make their never ending fear mongering come true. Thanks for the Depression, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever. You're a brainwashed disgrace.
And the Pub monolith won't allow even a single Senator to vote for ANY typical jobs bill, infrastructure bill that could change that.Won't allow even a vote in the House, because they would lose. Just debt crises/gov't shutdowns that cost the economy at least 1% growth every time. A-holes and chumps. Absolutely no compromise, just total mindless opposition in the middle of this mess for 6 years now. They decided on that before Obama was even inaugurated, in the middle of a meltdown. Party first tools who in the long run could make their never ending fear mongering come true. Thanks for the Depression, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever. You're a brainwashed disgrace.

All he wants to do is, all he wants to do is dance...

You said Democrats aren't the monolithic voting bloc Republicans are. I asked you what Democrats vote differently on, you have come up with absolutely zero.
If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.
If there is going to be another depression, the foundations for it have already been laid. It will have nothing to do with a 2014 GOP Senate, any more than the 2008 crash had anything to do with the 2006 Democratic Congress.
Universal health care, higher taxes on the bloated rich, a jobs act were or are so overdue only bought off swine could vote against them hater dupe. Blacks are dems and disagree with gay marriage, abortion, want much more on civil rights. I agree Dems want the justice and fairness and compassion, but it's not possible with all the brainwashed, selfish, hopeless, racist yokels and Pub dupes around, including many Dem voters...
We've been in a weak recovery since 10/2009, even with pure Pub obstruction and phony crises. Now the Pubs have cut the crappe, the rest of the world has weakened- see TODAY on Wall St.- A-HOLES and you chumps.

Can I call it, or can I call it?
If we should take a giant leap backwards and put the party of greed and excess back in charge cutting social programs while going hog wild on spending on corporate subsidies, tax breaks, defense contracts, and Federal Salaries and benefits -- the income gap will quickly grow to pre-Depression levels and when people have no money to spend in a Consumer Driven Economy -- the country will fall apart pretty fast.

And while the ship is sinking, the scumbags at Fox will blame Obama.

As long as I keep making money I dont give a shit about the poor.
Or this country for that matter. Right?

As long as obola keeps letting in the mexicans so I can exploit the cheap labor I'll continue to love my country. Oh..and as long as I can keep using those tax loop holes to deprive the poor of their fair share i'm good.
Universal health care, higher taxes on the bloated rich, a jobs act were or are so overdue only bought off swine could vote against them hater dupe. Blacks are dems and disagree with gay marriage, abortion, want much more on civil rights. I agree Dems want the justice and fairness and compassion, but it's not possible with all the brainwashed, selfish, hopeless, racist yokels and Pub dupes around, including many Dem voters...

If you worked harder you wouldnt feel this way....
We're still in the second Great Depression, GERTRUDE...I thought you noticed.
You obviously have a different definition of "Depression" than every economist on Earth. Except EconChick, of course.
And the Pub monolith won't allow even a single Senator to vote for ANY typical jobs bill, infrastructure bill that could change that.Won't allow even a vote in the House, because they would lose. Just debt crises/gov't shutdowns that cost the economy at least 1% growth every time. A-holes and chumps. Absolutely no compromise, just total mindless opposition in the middle of this mess for 6 years now. They decided on that before Obama was even inaugurated, in the middle of a meltdown. Party first tools who in the long run could make their never ending fear mongering come true. Thanks for the Depression, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever. You're a brainwashed disgrace.

All he wants to do is, all he wants to do is dance...

You said Democrats aren't the monolithic voting bloc Republicans are. I asked you what Democrats vote differently on, you have come up with absolutely zero.
So, those 60 Senators all voted for funded abortion, right? Dems disagree and COMPROMISE among themselves all the time. The y couldn't agree on a single gd thing right off the bat when they had 60 votes. For THIRTEEN DAYS IN SESSION, not 2 years, the lie most hater dupes believe.
Universal health care, higher taxes on the bloated rich, a jobs act were or are so overdue only bought off swine could vote against them hater dupe. Blacks are dems and disagree with gay marriage, abortion, want much more on civil rights. I agree Dems want the justice and fairness and compassion, but it's not possible with all the brainwashed, selfish, hopeless, racist yokels and Pub dupes around, including many Dem voters...

If you worked harder you wouldnt feel this way....
Jeebus you're an idiot. The nonrich and the country are going to hell under voodoo because they don't work hard enough? LOL. I'm a retired teacher, btw. You hater dupes have the thickest skulls ever lol.
And the Pub monolith won't allow even a single Senator to vote for ANY typical jobs bill, infrastructure bill that could change that.Won't allow even a vote in the House, because they would lose. Just debt crises/gov't shutdowns that cost the economy at least 1% growth every time. A-holes and chumps. Absolutely no compromise, just total mindless opposition in the middle of this mess for 6 years now. They decided on that before Obama was even inaugurated, in the middle of a meltdown. Party first tools who in the long run could make their never ending fear mongering come true. Thanks for the Depression, 9/11 and the stupidest wars ever. You're a brainwashed disgrace.

All he wants to do is, all he wants to do is dance...

You said Democrats aren't the monolithic voting bloc Republicans are. I asked you what Democrats vote differently on, you have come up with absolutely zero.
So, those 60 Senators all voted for funded abortion, right? Dems disagree and COMPROMISE among themselves all the time. The y couldn't agree on a single gd thing right off the bat when they had 60 votes. For THIRTEEN DAYS IN SESSION, not 2 years, the lie most hater dupes believe.

I see, so now you're not a monolithic voting bloc because you meet and discuss and compromise amongst yourselves ... then vote as a monolithic bloc ...

George Patton. If everyone is agreeing, then someone isn't thinking.

Doesn't it scare you that you belong to a party that doesn't allow disagreement? Look at Joe Lieberman who got drummed out of the party for disagreeing on one issue. Doesn't that scare you? At all?

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