If Hillary Can Send 4 Men On a Suicide Mission, How Many Can She Have Do It If In Office?

Well if Ronald Reagan were still alive after 240 U.S. Marines where killed in the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon, you could probably also ask him that question.
I was on the USS John Rodgers that was involved in the rescue and recovery of those Marines...and you are a douche for using that attack to make political points...asshole.
If the political accusation is valid for Hillary perhaps it is valid for Reagan.
Well if Ronald Reagan were still alive after 240 U.S. Marines where killed in the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon, you could probably also ask him that question.
I was on the USS John Rodgers that was involved in the rescue and recovery of those Marines...and you are a douche for using that attack to make political points...asshole.
If the political accusation is valid for Hillary perhaps it is valid for Reagan.
Did Reagan conspire and lie to the American people about what happened?
Well if Ronald Reagan were still alive after 240 U.S. Marines where killed in the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon, you could probably also ask him that question.
I was on the USS John Rodgers that was involved in the rescue and recovery of those Marines...and you are a douche for using that attack to make political points...asshole.
If the political accusation is valid for Hillary perhaps it is valid for Reagan.
Did Reagan conspire and lie to the American people about what happened?
He conspired in Iran Contra. But as for lies? He said he forgot 124 times.
Benghazi !!! Hey, how come no one ever cares about the thousands of other Americans who were killed in the Middle East?
That's the wrong question...we care about every life lost. The question is Hey, how come no one ever cares about the lives lost in Benghazi enough to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth....
did you hear the truth about how your last pos GWB sent 1000's to their deaths??
did you hear the truth about how your last pos GWB sent 1000's to their deaths??
Bush was and is an idiot...don't waste your time bringing his name up. Look what happened to Jeb in the campaign for president. Blaming or falling back on Bush just makes people shake their heads. Lets see; Hillary should be in a federal Penitentiary but because Bush lied you feel it's okay to vote for her? that my friend is unstable.
did you hear the truth about how your last pos GWB sent 1000's to their deaths??
Bush was and is an idiot...don't waste your time bringing his name up. Look what happened to Jeb in the campaign for president. Blaming or falling back on Bush just makes people shake their heads. Lets see; Hillary should be in a federal Penitentiary but because Bush lied you feel it's okay to vote for her? that my friend is unstable.

so the OP lies about Clinton "sending" 4 men to their deaths she should be in a Federal Pen ?

an investigation that took longer to finish than 911 says no.
did you hear the truth about how your last pos GWB sent 1000's to their deaths??
Bush was and is an idiot...don't waste your time bringing his name up. Look what happened to Jeb in the campaign for president. Blaming or falling back on Bush just makes people shake their heads. Lets see; Hillary should be in a federal Penitentiary but because Bush lied you feel it's okay to vote for her? that my friend is unstable.
No mr Rambo Thats not the reason to vote for hillary Have you listened to your 3 idiots on stage?? The leader being the biggest fool ever to run for our presidency Hill has more decency more knowledge than those 3 put together that's my reason for voting for her
did you hear the truth about how your last pos GWB sent 1000's to their deaths??
Bush was and is an idiot...don't waste your time bringing his name up. Look what happened to Jeb in the campaign for president. Blaming or falling back on Bush just makes people shake their heads. Lets see; Hillary should be in a federal Penitentiary but because Bush lied you feel it's okay to vote for her? that my friend is unstable.
and one more thing Mr Rambunctious
"The stakes in this election have never been higher and the rhetoric we're hearing on the other side has never been lower."

- Hillary Clinton
"The stakes in this election have never been higher and the rhetoric we're hearing on the other side has never been lower."

- Hillary Clinton

"ARF ARF ARF ARF..I've always tried to be honest...always"

Hillary Clinton
Trump is going to make her cry in a debate. :crybaby:
whats he going to tell her? how 4 times his companies went bankrupt and will he do the same for america or about all those illegal aliens working on buildings for him? face it the man is a lawyered up pos a rich pos
whats he going to tell her? how 4 times his companies went bankrupt and will he do the same for america or about all those illegal aliens working on buildings for him? face it the man is a lawyered up pos a rich pos

America is already bankrupt. Wake up we are 20 Trillion dollars in debt with no means to repay it. What we need is a business man or women to clean up the mess that the politicians on both sides created. Trump is that business man!
whats he going to tell her? how 4 times his companies went bankrupt and will he do the same for america or about all those illegal aliens working on buildings for him? face it the man is a lawyered up pos a rich pos

America is already bankrupt. Wake up we are 20 Trillion dollars in debt with no means to repay it. What we need is a business man or women to clean up the mess that the politicians on both sides created. Trump is that business man!
8 mins · Washington, United States
Ted Cruz: "There have been multiple media reports about (Donald Trump's) business dealings with the mob, with the mafia." True.http://bit.ly/1oYYqzA
whats he going to tell her? how 4 times his companies went bankrupt and will he do the same for america or about all those illegal aliens working on buildings for him? face it the man is a lawyered up pos a rich pos

America is already bankrupt. Wake up we are 20 Trillion dollars in debt with no means to repay it. What we need is a business man or women to clean up the mess that the politicians on both sides created. Trump is that business man!
Rambo you'll love it
John Oliver Finally Takes on "Serial Liar" Donald Trump and It's Brutally Fantastic
—By Inae Oh

| Mon Feb. 29, 2016 8:23 AM EST

"Donald Trump is America's back mole—it may have seemed harmless a year ago, but now that it has gotten frighteningly bigger, it is no longer wise to ignore it."

And with that, John Oliver finally took on the politics of Donald Trump on Sunday, after spending months largely ignoring the real estate magnate's meteoric rise in the polls since launching his presidential campaign last summer.

"But he has now won three states, has been endorsed by Chris Christie, and polls show him leading most Super Tuesday states, which is a big deal," Oliver said.

While he claimed to understand why Trump's campaign is resonating with voters, Oliver explained that upon closer inspection, Trump's appeal reveals to be quite horrifying, much like the attractiveness of a "buffet lunch at a strip club."

The Last Week Tonight host went on to suggest supporters start imagining the candidacy of a man named Donald Drumpf—the last name one biographer recently uncovered was the Republican front-runner's original family name—to help expose Trump and his empty, often racist promises to make America great again.

"Stop and take a moment to imagine how you would feel if you just met a guy named Donald Drumpf, a litigious serial liar with a string of broken business ventures and the support of a former KKK leader who he can't decide whether or not to condemn."

Yep, let's #MakeDonaldDrumpf again.

whats he going to tell her? how 4 times his companies went bankrupt and will he do the same for america or about all those illegal aliens working on buildings for him? face it the man is a lawyered up pos a rich pos

America is already bankrupt. Wake up we are 20 Trillion dollars in debt with no means to repay it. What we need is a business man or women to clean up the mess that the politicians on both sides created. Trump is that business man!
8 mins · Washington, United States
Ted Cruz: "There have been multiple media reports about (Donald Trump's) business dealings with the mob, with the mafia." True.http://bit.ly/1oYYqzA

You try and do business in NY without running across the mob. That's not his fault. Organized crime thrives in our democrat run big cities. Ever wonder why?
whats he going to tell her? how 4 times his companies went bankrupt and will he do the same for america or about all those illegal aliens working on buildings for him? face it the man is a lawyered up pos a rich pos

America is already bankrupt. Wake up we are 20 Trillion dollars in debt with no means to repay it. What we need is a business man or women to clean up the mess that the politicians on both sides created. Trump is that business man!
Rambo you'll love it
John Oliver Finally Takes on "Serial Liar" Donald Trump and It's Brutally Fantastic
—By Inae Oh

| Mon Feb. 29, 2016 8:23 AM EST

"Donald Trump is America's back mole—it may have seemed harmless a year ago, but now that it has gotten frighteningly bigger, it is no longer wise to ignore it."

And with that, John Oliver finally took on the politics of Donald Trump on Sunday, after spending months largely ignoring the real estate magnate's meteoric rise in the polls since launching his presidential campaign last summer.

"But he has now won three states, has been endorsed by Chris Christie, and polls show him leading most Super Tuesday states, which is a big deal," Oliver said.

While he claimed to understand why Trump's campaign is resonating with voters, Oliver explained that upon closer inspection, Trump's appeal reveals to be quite horrifying, much like the attractiveness of a "buffet lunch at a strip club."

The Last Week Tonight host went on to suggest supporters start imagining the candidacy of a man named Donald Drumpf—the last name one biographer recently uncovered was the Republican front-runner's original family name—to help expose Trump and his empty, often racist promises to make America great again.

"Stop and take a moment to imagine how you would feel if you just met a guy named Donald Drumpf, a litigious serial liar with a string of broken business ventures and the support of a former KKK leader who he can't decide whether or not to condemn."

Yep, let's #MakeDonaldDrumpf again.

Another silly little man with a British accent that has fled his socialist country for America. Now he wants to tell us whom we should vote for.


Republican GW Bush got 4500 Americans killed on a suicide mission.

You come up with the other 4496 dead Americans and then we can talk.

Otherwise, go kill yourself. You're taking up valuable space.
You'll have to try harder than that. They all died to save your pitiful life.

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