If Hillary had won in 2016

Moot question.

The World Economic Forum, the Bidlerbergers, and all the other global organizations and global oligarchs, from the information we have and the scenarios they ran, and the state of the global economy going back to 2008, demonstrate, that, the "GLOBAL RESET," was always, ALWAYS, in the cards, and if they weren't going to do it with COVID, it would have been done with some other paltry disease during her tenure.

IOW, IF SHE has been POTUS? I'm pretty certain they would have just told us that the pandemic made it far too dangerous to hold an election, and they would have had a lock-down throughout all of 2020 and cancelled the whole damn election.

Thus, your question, is null on the face. She would have been president until the bio-security paradigm was completely installed.

. . . which leaves us with Kamala. I don't think she will be removed for a very, very, very long time.
Who would you righties have put against her this time around.

It's unknowable. Each problem requires a solution but we would have to live through the nightmare first before the inspiration developed.
Condoleezza Rice might be a good choice if she could be convinced to run.
Who would you righties have put against her this time around.
The 16 election was very fair as was the Obama wins
This election is out of the Soviet Union.
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All I can do is nothing !
I will “tend to my garden”
And watch the nation decompose like Biden

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